18 research outputs found

    Isoform specific expression of ∆9 desaturases in two brain regions of common carp

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    An appropriate ratio of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids contributes to membrane fluidity. The ∆9 stearoyl-CoA desaturases are key enzymes involved in the regulation of the lipid composition of cellular membranes. The expressions of the ∆9 stearoyl-CoA desaturase genes are regulated by many environmental factors, such as temperature changes and metal exposure, mostly at the levels of transcription and mRNA stability. The present study analyzes the effects of cold shock and Cd2+ treatment on the regulation of two ∆9 desaturase genes in the olfactory lobe and the cerebellum of common carp. The effect of Cd2+ was also followed on the expressions of the ∆9 desaturase genes of cold-shocked animals. Sudden cold shock or Cd2+ exposure induced ∆9 desaturase expressions in a time-, brain region- and isoform-specific man-ner. In contrast, both ∆9 desaturase genes were repressed by Cd2+ in cold-shocked animals

    Asztmás gyermekek egészségmagatartásának vizsgálata a média- és internethasználat és az önértékelés dimenziói mentén = Studying the health behavior of asthmatic children regarding the dimensions of media and internet usage and self-esteem

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: Az asthma bronchiale a szakirodalom alapján a szomatikus és a pszichés tényezők összefonódásával jellemezhető. Lényeges, hogy ezen betegcsoport egészségmagatartására releváns hatással lehet a szociális deficiteket kompenzáló virtuális világ. Célkitűzés: Célunk, hogy azonosítsunk olyan faktorokat, amelyeknek köszönhetően a jövőbeli intervenciók hatékonyabbá tehetik a betegellátást. Vizsgálni kívánjuk a közösségimédia- és internethasználatot, az önértékelést és a kötődéssel összefüggő szociodemográfiai tényezőket. Módszer: A vizsgálathoz az általunk magyarra adaptált Facebook Használati Kérdőívet, a Problémás Internethasználat Kérdőívet, a Rosenberg Önbecsülés Skálát és egy szociodemográfiai kérdőívet alkalmaztunk. A kutatásba 10 és 18 év közötti, 175 fő, asthma bronchialéban szenvedő gyermeket vontunk be (92 fiú, 83 lány). Eredmények: A Facebook használata elterjedtebb a lányok, a bölcsődébe járt, illetve a nem szoptatott gyermekek, mint a fiúk, a bölcsődébe nem járt, illetve a szoptatott gyermekek körében (p<0,01). Az internethasználatra ezek a tényezők nem gyakoroltak szignifikáns befolyást. Már az 1–7 napig tartó szoptatás is kötődést megerősítő hatással bír, ami megmutatkozik a kisebb mértékű közösségimédia-használatban, összevetve a nem szoptatott gyermekek értékeivel (p<0,01). Közepes erősségű, negatív kapcsolatot találtunk a Facebook-használat és a gyermekek száma a családban (ρ = –0,400; p<0,01), illetve az önértékelés és a Facebook-használat között (ρ = –0,475; p<0,01). A lakóhely nagysága és a Facebook-használat közepes erősségű, pozitív korrelációval jellemezhető (ρ = 0,492; p<0,01). Következtetések: A kötődési hiányokkal jellemezhető asthmás fiatalok valószínűbben használják a szociális visszacsatolásokat (feedbackeket) fokozottan nyújtó közösségi médiát önértékelésük és szociometriai státuszuk kompenzálására, főképpen a lányok. Védőfaktorként az élő, személyes kapcsolatok meglétét, valamint a korai életévekbeli anya–gyermek kapcsolatot emelhetjük ki. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(47): 1971–1980. | Abstract: Introduction: According to the literature, somatic and psychological factors are connected with asthma bronchiale. The health behavior of these patients can be influenced by the virtual world. Aim: We wish to analyze social media and internet usage, self-esteem and sociodemographic data connected to attachment. Method: For our research, the Facebook Intensity Scale, the Problematic Internet Usage Questionnaire, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and a socio-demographic questionnaire were used. We interviewed 175 asthmatic children from the age of 10 to 18 (92 boys, 83 girls). Results: Asthmatic girls, children who went to daycare (under the age of 3) and who were not breastfed use Facebook more than boys, children who stayed at home instead of daycare and who were breastfed (p<0.01). There is no difference in their internet usage. Breastfeeding (even if it only lasted for 1–7 days) can strengthen attachment which is shown in our results regarding social media usage compared with children who were not breastfed (p<0.01). A negative relation with medium strength was found between the number of siblings (ρ = –0.400; p<0.01) and the self-esteem and Facebook usage (ρ = –0.475; p<0.01). There is a positive correlation between Facebook usage and the size of the place the children live in (ρ = 0.492; p<0.01). Conclusions: Asthmatic youth use social media more frequently which provides social feedback to compensate their self-esteem, especially by girls. As protection factors, we can emphasize the existence of human relationships and the importance of an early mother-child bond. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(47): 1971–1980

    Szlovákiai egyetemi hallgatónők szubjektív és objektív egészségi állapotának kapcsolata

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    Between 2013 and 2019, we examined the body composition and lifestyle of 18–24 years old female students (n: 273) by random sampling at the Konstantin Philosopher University in Nitra and at the János Selye University in Komarno. The physical condition, body composition, fitness index, degree of obesity, area of visceral obesity, abdominal obesity were estimated by InBody 720 body composition analyser. We collected data on students’ eating habits, alcohol, drug and smoking consuming habits, and daily fluid intake, self-reported health status and physical self-concept by using questionnaires. Based on the body mass index, 72% of the examined students had normal nutritional status, 4% were undernourished, 12% were overweight and 5% were obese. It is an interesting data that students’ subjective perceptions of their own nutritional status differed from the measured values, as 44% of them considered themselves overweight or obese. One-third of people having normal nutritional status considered themselves overweight or obese, 70% of those who were actually overweight considered themselves overweight, nearly 30% considered obese and half of those who were truly abnormally obese considered themselves only slightly overweight, and the other half estimated their nutritional status realistically. 22% of students admitted to dieting mainly (81%) to reduce their weight. 65% of dieters had normal nutritional status, 32% are overweight or obese and 3% were undernourished. In terms of body fat percentage, 42% of examined participants were in the normal category, 42% were overweight, 12% were obese and 5% were too lean. In terms of visceral fat 72% of students were in the normal category, 13% were in high and 14% were in critical category for health risk. The distribution of students’ fitness index indicated that their physical activity was insufficient, 46% of them did not reach the average (normal) fitness value. The research results revealed that one-third of students should move toward a healthier, more conscious, more active lifestyle

    The anti-inflammatory effect of dimethyl trisulfide in experimental acute pancreatitis

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    Various organosulfur compounds, such as dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS), display anti-inflammatory properties. We aimed to examine the effects of DMTS on acute pancreatitis (AP) and its mechanism of action in both in vivo and in vitro studies. AP was induced in FVB/n mice or Wistar rats by caerulein, ethanol-palmitoleic acid, or L-ornithine-HCl. DMTS treatments were administered subcutaneously. AP severity was assessed by pancreatic histological scoring, pancreatic water content, and myeloperoxidase activity measurements. The behaviour of animals was followed. Pancreatic heat shock protein 72 (HSP72) expression, sulfide, and protein persulfidation were measured. In vitro acinar viability, intracellular Ca 2+ concentration, and reactive oxygen species production were determined. DMTS dose-dependently decreased the severity of AP. It declined the pancreatic infiltration of leukocytes and cellular damage in mice. DMTS upregulated the HSP72 expression during AP and elevated serum sulfide and low molecular weight persulfide levels. DMTS exhibited cytoprotection against hydrogen peroxide and AP-inducing agents. It has antioxidant properties and modulates physiological but not pathophysiological Ca 2+ signalling. Generally, DMTS ameliorated AP severity and protected pancreatic acinar cells. Our findings indicate that DMTS is a sulfur donor with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, and organosulfur compounds require further investigation into this potentially lethal disease

    A pszichiátria és a pszichiátriai ellátás, ápolás története - Kezdetektől napjainkig

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    A leíró jellegű kutatás során, szakirodalmi feldolgozásra kerül a pszichiátria múltja, és jelene egészen napjainkig. Megvizsgáltam az egyes történelmi személyiségek által bizonyított filozófiai eszméket a betegségek okait illetően.Leírásra kerültek az évtizedek során alkalmazott pszichiátriai terápiák.BSc/BAápolás és betegellátás – ápolómagyarnappal

    Tapintható írásrendszerek, alternatív olvasási módszerek

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    Adaptált digitalizált tartalom. A Speciális Hallgatói Ügyeket Támogató Iroda a fogyatékossággal élő hallgatók megsegítése céljából tankönyveket adaptál. A tananyag akadálymentes, adaptált változata az arra jogosult (a fogyatékosügyi koordinátoroknál regisztrált) hallgatók számára érhető el

    Successful plasmapheresis treatment of severe hypertriglyceridemia during late pregnancy

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    During pregnancy, physiologic hormonal changes provoke a significant increase in triglyceride levels. Genetic abnormalities of triglyceride metabolism and secondary factors may multiply the risk of severe lipid abnormalities. Although severe gestational hypertriglyceridemia can be a life-threatening condition for both mother and fetus, its optimal treatment has not been fully clarified. A 33-year-old woman at 37 weeks of her second pregnancy was admitted to our clinic. Her triglyceride level was 57.8 mmol/L. Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or any other complaints were not reported. She kept a fat-restricted diet, however her triglyceride level remained 41 mmol/L. Therefore we decided to perform plasmapheresis with a replacement of human albumin as a colloidal solution. Complications did not occur during the treatment. Plasmapheresis reduced her triglyceride level by 54.1% (to 18.8 mmol/L), and the patient delivered a healthy female neonate at 40 weeks. In case of significantly increased values, plasmapheresis is a fast, effective and safe method for decreasing triglyceride level even in the third trimester