8 research outputs found

    Postpartum depression prevalence and related risk factors in AydIn province

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    AMAÇ: Bu çalışmanın amacı,Aydın İl Merkezinde doğum sonrası depresyon görülme durumunu ve ilişkili risk etmenlerini incelemektir. GEREÇ ve YÖNTEM: Aydın il merkezinde 6-8 haftalık bebeği olan annelerde yapılmış kesitsel tipte bir çalışmadır. Çalışma grubunun seçiminde çok aşamalı örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. 248 kadına yüz yüze anket uygulanmıştır. Doğum sonrası depresyon görülme durumunun belirlenmesinde Edinburg Doğum Sonrası Depresyon Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca sosyal destek ihtiyacı ve genel sağlık durumlarını belirlemek amacıyla aile ve arkadas sosyal destek ölçeği ve genel sağlık anketi uygulanmıştır. BULGULAR: Kadınların son gebeliklerinde doğum sonrası depresyon görülme sıklığı %12,5 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Tek değişkenli analizlerde kadının yaşam şeklinin, aile içinde stres, evliliğinde sorun yaşamasının, eşinden şiddet görmesinin, gebeliğin istenmemesinin, gebelik öncesi ruhsal sorunlar yaşamasının, eşinin veya kendi ailesi ile kötü ilişkilerinin olmasının, aile veya arkadaş ilişkilerinin kötü olmasının doğum sonrası depresyon görülme durumunu etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. İleri analizlerde doğum sonrası dönemde depresyon görülme durumunu evde anne-baba veya kardeşlerle yaşamanın 3,533 kat (%95 GA'da 1,269-9,838), aile içinde stres yaratan olaylar olmasının 2,674 kat (%95 GA'da 1,037-6,896), gebelik öncesi dönemde ruhsal problemlerinin olmasının 9,867 kat (%95 GA'da 2,043-47,644), kendi ailesi ile iliskilerinin kötü veya orta düzeyde olmasının 4,650 kat (%95GA'da 1,473-14,679) etkiledigi tespit edilmiştir SONUÇ: Gelişmekte olan ülkelerde diger sağlık sorunlarına daha fazla önem verildiğinden doğum sonrası depresyon ihmal edilmektedir. Bunun için birinci basamak sağlık hizmetleri çerçevesinde gerçekleştirilen gebe takibi ve doğum sonrası izlemlerin ebeler tarafından evlerde verildiği Türkiye gibi gelişmekte olan ülkelerde Edinburg Dogum Sonrası Depresyon Ölçeği gibi basit tarama araçlarını kullanarak, doğum sonrası depresyon riski altında olan kadınların tanımlanması son derece önemlidir.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalance and risk factors of postpartum depression in Aydin Province. MATERIALS and METHODS: Across-sectional design was used to study a group of women with six to eight weeks old babies, in Aydin city center. Multistage sampling method was used in the selection of the study group. Questionnaire forms were administered to 248 women by face to face interview technique. Edinburg Postpartum Depression Scale was used for the assessment of postpartum depression. Also family and friend social support scale were used. General health questionnaire was used in order to assess general health status and social support need of women. RESULTS: Postpartum depression prevalance of last pregnancy period of women was 12,5 %. In univariate analysis, living arrangements, stresfull life events within family environment, marrital problems, violence from husband, unintended pregnancy, psychologic problems before pregnancy, bad relationships with her or husband's family, bad relationships with her family or friends were significant risk factors for postpartum depression (p<0,05). In the final model of multivariate analyses, factors those effect postpartum depression were: living with mothers-fathers-sisters or brothers 3.533 (95% CI 1.269-9.838), stressfull events in family 2.674 (95% CI 1.037- 6.896), psychologic problems before pregnancy 9.867 (95% CI 2.043-47.644) and bad relationships with her own family 4.650 (95% CI 1.473-14.679). CONCLUSION: Postpartum depression is mostly neglected in developing countries in which other health problems are considered to be more important. Therefore, it is essential to identify women under the risk of postpartum depression using simple screening tools like Edinbug Postpartum Depression Scale where antenatal and postpartum follow-up visits are made by midwives

    A macroanatomical study on the Arteria Celiaca and Branches of the Konya Merino

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    Çalışma, Konya merinosunun a. celiaca’sı ve dallarının makroanatomik olarak incelenmesi amacıyla yapıldı. Araştırmada10 adet Konya merinosu kullanıldı. Materyallere latex enjeksiyon metodu uygulandı. A. celiaca’nın, aorta abdominalis’inventral yüzünden ilk ana damar olarak orijin aldıktan sonra a. lienalis ve a. hepatica ile a. gastrica sinistra’nın ortak kökü olmaküzere iki dala ayrıldığı gözlendi. A. lienalis, ilk olarak pancreas’a giden rami pancreatici’yi verdi. Daha sonra damar’ın ramusepiploicus, a. ruminalis sinistra ve a. ruminalis dextra’yı verdiği tespit edildi. A. hepatica, a. gastrica sinistra ile ortak bir kökhalinde a. celiaca’dan ayrıldı. A. hepatica’nın porta hepatis hizasında a. gastrica dextra ve a. cystica’yı verdikten sonra a.gastroduodenalis olarak seyrine devam ettiği saptandı. A. gastrica sinistra’nın a. celiaca’nın verdiği dalların en kalını olduğuve seyri esnasında a. reticularis, a. gastroepiploica sinistra, a. reticularis accessoria’yı verdikten sonra abomasum’un curvaturaminor bölgesinde a. gastrica dextra ile anastomozlaştığı belirlendi. Sonuç olarak, a. celiaca’nın mide, dalak, pankreas,karaciğer, safra kesesi ve duedoneum’un başlangıç kısımlarının arteriel vaskülarizasyonunu sağladığı tespit edildi.This study was carried out in Konya Merino for the purpose of macroanatomical examination of a. celiaca and its branches. In the study, 10 Konya merinos were used. Latex injection method was applied to the materials. After the origin of the a. celiaca, the ventral origin of the abdominal aorta as the first main vessel, which a. lienalis and a. hepatica and a. gastrica sinistra were divided into two branches as common root. A. lienalis first gave rami pancreatici to pancreas. Thereafter, the vessel was found to give ramus epiploicus, a. ruminalis sinistra and a. ruminalis dextra. As a common root which A. hepatica and a. gastrica sinistra left from a.celiaca. In the porta hepatis line, a. hepatica was give off a. gastrica dextra and a. cystica, then it was continued as a. gastroduodenalis. Arteria gastrica sinistra was found to be the thickest branches of the a. celiaca and anastomosed with a. gastrica dextra in the curvatura minor region of abomasum after giving arteria reticularis, a. gastroepiploica sinistra, and a. reticularis accessoria during course. As a result, It was determined that a. celiaca was found to provide arterial vascularization of the stomach, spleen, pancreas, liver, gall bladder and initial part of duodenum

    Macroanatomic investigation of Arteria Celiaca and İts Branches in Hasmer Sheep

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    Özüdoğru, Zekeriya ( Aksaray, Yazar )Bu çalışmada, hasmer koyun ırkının arteria celiaca ve dallarının makro-anatomik olarak incelenmesi amaçlandı. Araştırmada altı adet hasmer koyunu kullanıldı. Karın boşluğu açılan materyallere, aorta abdominalis’ten renklendirilmiş latex ve monopolymethymethacrylate (takilon) verildi. Aorta abdominalis’in cavum abdominis’te verdiği ilk dalın arteria celiaca olduğu belirlendi. Arteria celiaca’dan önce arteria lienalis’in daha sonra arteria hepatica ile arteria gastrica sinistra’nın ortak bir kök halinde ayrıldığı tespit edildi. Arteria lienalis’in; rami pancreatici, ramus epiploicus, arteria ruminalis sinistra ve arteria ruminalis dextra isimli dallara sahip olduğu gözlendi. Arteria hepatica’nın, porta hepatis seviyesinde arteria cystica, arteria gastrica dextra ve rami pancreatici’yi verdiği ve damarın devamının arteria gastroduodenalis olduğu belirlendi. Arteria celiaca’nın devamı durumunda olan arteria gastrica sinistra’nın, en kalın dal olduğu, seyri esnasında arteria reticularis’i, arteria gastroepiploica sinistra ile arteria reticularis accessoria’yı verdiği ve daha sonra arteria gastrica dextra ile anastomoz yaparak sonlandığı tespit edildi. Arteria reticularis, ramus ruminalis ve ramus reticularis isimli dallara ayrılmaktaydı. Arteria reticularis accessoria’nın ise reticulum’un visceral yüzü ile omasum’un parietal yüzüne birkaç dal vererek sonlandığı belirlendi. Sonuç olarak; hasmer koyun ırkında arteria celiaca’nın aorta abdominalis’teki başlangıcından, organları vaskülarize eden dallarına kadar birtakım farklılıklara sahip olduğu belirlendi. Tespit edilen farklılıkların ırk özelliğinden kaynaklanabileceği kanısına varıldı.In this study, it was aimed to investigate the arteria celiaca and its branches macro-anatomically. Six hasmer sheep were used in the study. Latex and monopolymethymethacrylate (tachilon) colored to abdominal aorta were given to the abdominal cavity. It was determined that the first branch of aorta abdominalis in the cavum abdominis was arteria celiaca. Arteria lienalis before arterial celiaca and then arteria hepatica and arteria gastrica sinistra were separated into a common root. Arteria lienalis branched rami pancreatici, ramus epiploicus, arteria ruminalis sinistra and arteria ruminalis dextra. Arteria hepatica gave arteria cystica, arteria gastrica dextra and rami pancreatici at the porta hepatis level and the continuation of the vessel was arteria gastroduodenalis. The arteria gastrica sinistra, which is the continuation of the arterial celiaca, was found to be the thickest branch, during which it gave arteria reticularis, arteria gastroepiploica sinistra and arteria reticularis accessoria, and then ended up with anastomosis with arteria gastrica dextra. Arteria reticularis, ramus ruminalis and ramus reticularis were divided into branches. Arteria reticularis accessoria was terminated by giving a few branches to the visceral face of the reticulum and the parietal face of the omasum. As a result; in the hasmer sheep breed, the origin of the artery celiaca in the aorta abdominalis and vascularizing branches of the organs were determined to have several differences. It was concluded that the differences could be due to race characteristics

    Distribution and localization of endocrine cells in the digestive system of chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar)

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    There are different types of endocrine cells that are located in the gastrointestinal system of birds and mammals. In birds, the digestive system anatomically completes the formation in the embryonic period, and in the period after hatching. Morphological and physiological differences with nutrition are formed and functionalized. The present study aimed to evaluate immunohistochemical distribution and localization of endocrine cells in the digestive tract of chukar partridges (Alectoris chukar) using antisera against serotonin, somatostatin, gastrin, and glucagon. In this study, after 20 chukar partridges were slaughtered, organs of the digestive system were obtained and stained for immunohistochemical analysis. In our results, various densities of glucagon, gastrin serotonin, and somatostatin positive cells in the proventriculus and small intestine were found, but only serotonin positive cells were detected in the ventriculus of chukar partridges. In conclusion, the results showed the relative frequency and distribution of some endocrine cells in the gastrointestinal tract of chukar partridge. A comparison of endocrine cell distribution in other bird species is an important topic to understand the digestive physiology for future investigation

    Arterial vascularization of kidneys in the hasmer sheep

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    The study was conducted to investigate the variations of renal arteries in Hasmer sheep. Six animals were used in the study. Renal artery and its segments were prepared using standard corrosion cast techniques and examined. An electronic calibrator was used to measure the length and diameter of the renal arteries. Renal arteries were originating from the abdominal artery, right and left. The left renal artery was longer than the right. Renal arteries were also divided into dorsal and ventral branches. Dorsal and ventral branches respectively; interlobar, arcuate and interlobuler arteries were separated. An interlobar artery originating from the ventral branch of both kidneys fed both the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the kidney. None of the materials had anastomosis. As a result; Such studies May shed light on research such as renal transplantations, surgical operations of the kidneys and urinary diseases. © 2018 Ataturk Universitesi.All Rights Reserved

    Morphological and immunohistochemical study on the distribution of endocrine cells in the gastrointestinal tract of partridge, alectoris chukar

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    This study investigates the distribution and relative frequencies of the endocrine cells in the gastrointestinal tract of the partridge (Alectoris chukar). These cells which secrete coloestokinin (CCK), motilin, ghrelin, gastrointestinal polypetide (GIP) and vasointestinal polypeptide (VIP) in gastrointestinal tract were examined by using immunohistochemistry. CCK-IR, motilin-IR, ghrelin-IR, GIP-IR and VIP-IR cells were found to be more densely populated than other immunostained endocrine cells in the proventriculus and ventriculus sections. The distribution of CCK-IR, ghrelin-IR, and VIP-IR endocrine cells in the gastrointestinal tract of the red legged partridge was of an uncommon pattern. Our findings show that CCK-IR, motilin-IR, ghrelin-IR, GIP-IR and VIP-IR cells might be produced by all the proventriculus, ventriculus, duodenum, jejenum and ileum regions. These distribution patterns also provide further evidence of species-specific differences

    A morphological, morphometrical and histological investigation of the interdigital gland in Hasmer and Hasak sheep

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    *Özüdoǧru, Zekeriya ( Aksaray, Yazar )Background: The interdigital glands of sheep perform various functions including those pertaining to sexual behaviours. Morphological and histological structure of the gland demonstrates differences among species. The aim of this study is to examine the morphological and histological structure of Hasak and Hasmer sheep's interdigital glands and to determine the differences with other sheep breeds. Materials and methods: For this research, we selected 7 Hasak and 7 Hasmer female sheep. After scarification, the feet were obtained and used for anatomical and histological examinations. For the histological examination, the interdigital gland tissues were stained with Crossman modified triple, periodic acid Schiff (PAS) and Alcian blue (AB) staining. Results: The morphometric analysis results, mean values of weight, body length, body diameter, flexura, ductus length, ductus diameter, were observed as 0.80 mm, 14.61 mm, 5.98 mm, 5.62 mm, 26.58 mm, and 3.25 mm, respectively in Hasak and 0.8 mm, 15.46 mm, 6.37 mm, 5.70 mm, 24.52 mm, and 3.52 mm in Hasmer sheep. The histochemical staining revealed that the apocrine secretion of this gland was PAS positive and AB negative. Conclusions: The weight, body length, body diameter, flexura, ductus length and ductus diameter in the forefoot's interdigital glands of both Hasak and Hasmer sheep were higher in a statistically significant manner than those of the hindfeet's glands

    Atmaca (Accipiter nisus) pankreas dokusu endokrin hücrelerin dağılımı ve lokalizasyonu

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    Bu çalışmada, atmaca pankreasının dorsal, ventral ve splenik loblarında bulunan endokrin hücrelerin dağılımı immun- histokimysal metotlarla belirlenmiştir. Pankreas dokusu anti-glukagon, anti-insulin, anti-gastrin ve anti-somatostatin primer antikorları kullanılarak streptavidin-biotin peroxidase metodu ile boyandı. Çalışmada, glukagon (alfa hücresi), insülin (beta hücresi) ve somatostatin (delta hücresi) salgılayan hücrelerin splenik lobda sayısının en fazla olduğu saptandı. Atmalarda pankreasın endokrin bölümlerinin alfa, beta ve miks adacıklar halinde gruplaştıkları saptandı. Beta adacıklarının çok sayıda beta hücresi, az sayıda deltaalfa hücrelerini içerdiği belirlendi. Alfa adacıkları, genellikle alfa ve delta hücrelerinden nadiren de beta hücrelerinden oluşuyordu. Ayrıca, gastrin pozitif hücreler, sadece ekzokrin pankreasta 1 ya da 2-3 adet hücre grubu halinde bulunurken, seratonin pozitif hücrelere ise ekzokrin ve endokrin pankreasın herhangi bir bölümünde rastlanmadı. Sonuç olarak, atmaca pankreasının lop sayısı, endokrin adacık tipleri ve endokrin hücre lokalizasyonu açısından etçil kuşlarla benzerliği, evcil kuş türleriyle de farklılıkları belirlenmiştir.The distribution and location of endocrine cells were determined in the dorsal, ventral, and splenic lobes of sparrowhawk pancreas using immunohistochemical methods. In this study, pancreatic tissues were stained with anti-insulin, anti-glucagon, anti-somatostatin, nti-gastrin, and anti-serotonin primary antibodies using the streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase method. The results showed thatnumbers of glucagon- (alpha cell), insulin- (beta cell), and somatostatin- (delta cell) releasing cells were high and located in the splenic obe of the pancreas. These endocrine cells were grouped into alpha, beta, and mixed islets. Alpha islets were mainly composed of alpha nd delta cells and also occasionally beta cells. Beta islets contained numerous beta cells and a few delta and alpha cells. Furthermore, n the exocrine tissue were showed as only one cell or 2-3 gastrin immunopositive cell groups, whereas serotonin immunopositive cells were not found anywhere in the exocrine and endocrine pancreas. In conclusion, the endocrine islet types, endocrine cell localizations nd lobe numbers of pancreas in sparrowhawks are similar to predator bird species, but are determined different to domestic fowls