202 research outputs found

    Magnetic susceptibility of QCD at zero and at finite temperature from the lattice

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    The response of the QCD vacuum to a constant external (electro)magnetic field is studied through the tensor polarization of the chiral condensate and the magnetic susceptibility at zero and at finite temperature. We determine these quantities using lattice configurations generated with the tree-level Symanzik improved gauge action and N-f 1 + 1 + 1 flavors of stout smeared staggered quarks with physical masses. We carry out the renormalization of the observables under study and perform the continuum limit both at T > 0 and at T = 0, using different lattice spacings. Finite size effects are studied by using various spatial lattice volumes. The magnetic susceptibilities chi(f) reveal a spin-diamagnetic behavior; we obtain at zero temperature chi(u) = -(2.08 +/- 0.08) GeV-2, chi(d) = -(2.02 +/- 0.09) GeV-2 and chi(s) = -(3.4 +/- 1.4) GeV-2 for the up, down and strange quarks, respectively, in the (MS) over bar scheme at a renormalization scale of 2 GeV. We also find the polarization to change smoothly with the temperature in the confinement phase and then to drastically reduce around the transition region

    Flux tube delocalization at the deconfinement point

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    We study the behaviour of the flux tube thickness in the vicinity of the deconfinement transition. We show, using effective string methods, that in this regime the square width increases linearly and not logarithmically with the interquark distance. The amplitude of this linear growth is an increasing function of the temperature and diverges as the deconfinement transition is approached from below. These predictions are in good agreement with a set of simulations performed in the 3d gauge Ising model.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure. Revised version, with an improved discussion of the dimensional reduction approach. Accepted for publication in JHE

    Electroproduction of nucleon resonances

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    The unitary isobar model MAID has been extended and used for a partial wave analysis of pion photo- and electroproduction in the resonance region W < 2 GeV. Older data from the world data base and more recent experimental results from Mainz, Bates, Bonn and JLab for Q^2 up to 4.0 (GeV/c)^2 have been analyzed and the Q^2 dependence of the helicity amplitudes have been extracted for a series of four star resonances. We compare single-Q^2 analyses with a superglobal fit in a new parametrization of Maid2003 together with predictions of the hypercentral constituent quark model. As a result we find that the helicity amplitudes and transition form factors of constituent quark models should be compared with the analysis of bare resonances, where the pion cloud contributions have been subtracted.Comment: 6 pages Latex including 5 figures, Invited talk at ICTP 4th International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics, Trieste, Italy, 12-16 May 200

    Hadroquarkonium from lattice QCD

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    he hadroquarkonium picture [S. Dubynskiy and M. B. Voloshin, Phys. Lett. B 666, 344 (2008)] provides one possible interpretation for the pentaquark candidates with hidden charm, recently reported by the LHCb Collaboration, as well as for some of the charmoniumlike “X, Y, Z” states. In this picture, a heavy quarkonium core resides within a light hadron giving rise to four- or five-quark/antiquark bound states. We test this scenario in the heavy quark limit by investigating the modification of the potential between a static quark-antiquark pair induced by the presence of a hadron. Our lattice QCD simulations are performed on a Coordinated Lattice Simulations (CLS) ensemble with Nf_{f}=2+1 flavors of nonperturbatively improved Wilson quarks at a pion mass of about 223 MeV and a lattice spacing of about a=0.0854  fm. We study the static potential in the presence of a variety of light mesons as well as of octet and decuplet baryons. In all these cases, the resulting configurations are favored energetically. The associated binding energies between the quarkonium in the heavy quark limit and the light hadron are found to be smaller than a few MeV, similar in strength to deuterium binding. It needs to be seen if the small attraction survives in the infinite volume limit and supports bound states or resonances

    Constraints on dark matter particles charged under a hidden gauge group from primordial black holes

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    In order to accommodate increasingly tighter observational constraints on dark matter, several models have been proposed recently in which dark matter particles are charged under some hidden gauge group. Hidden gauge charges are invisible for the standard model particles, hence such scenarios are very difficult to constrain directly. However black holes are sensitive to all gauge charges, whether they belong to the standard model or not. Here, we examine the constraints on the possible values of the dark matter particle mass and hidden gauge charge from the evolution of primordial black holes. We find that the existence of the primordial black holes with reasonable mass is incompatible with dark matter particles whose charge to mass ratio is of the order of one. For dark matter particles whose charge to mass ratio is much less than one, we are able to exclude only heavy dark matter in the mass range of 10^(11) GeV - 10^(16) GeV. Finally, for dark matter particles whose charge to mass ratio is much greater than one, there are no useful limits coming from primordial black holes.Comment: accepted for publication in JCA

    Status of center dominance in various center gauges

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    We review arguments for center dominance in center gauges where vortex locations are correctly identified. We introduce an appealing interpretation of the maximal center gauge, discuss problems with Gribov copies, and a cure to the problems through the direct Laplacian center gauge. We study correlations between direct and indirect Laplacian center gauges.Comment: Presented by S. Olejnik at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Confinement, Topology, and other Non-Perturbative Aspects of QCD", Jan. 21-27, 2002, Stara Lesna, Slovakia. 10 pages, 3 figures (8 EPS files), uses crckapb.st

    Towards the glueball spectrum from unquenched lattice QCD

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    We use a variational technique to study heavy glueballs on gauge configurations generated with 2+1 flavours of ASQTAD improved staggered fermions. The variational technique includes glueball scattering states. The measurements were made using 2150 configurations at 0.092 fm with a pion mass of 360 MeV. We report masses for 10 glueball states. We discuss the prospects for unquenched lattice QCD calculations of the oddballs.Comment: 19 pages, 4 tables and 8 figures. One figure added. Now matches the published versio

    Revisiting Scalar and Pseudoscalar Couplings with Nucleons

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    Certain dark matter interactions with nuclei are mediated possibly by a scalar or pseudoscalar Higgs boson. The estimation of the corresponding cross sections requires a correct evaluation of the couplings between the scalar or pseudoscalar Higgs boson and the nucleons. Progress has been made in two aspects relevant to this study in the past few years. First, recent lattice calculations show that the strange-quark sigma term σs\sigma_s and the strange-quark content in the nucleon are much smaller than what are expected previously. Second, lattice and model analyses imply sizable SU(3) breaking effects in the determination on the axial-vector coupling constant gA8g_A^8 that in turn affect the extraction of the isosinglet coupling gA0g_A^0 and the strange quark spin component Δs\Delta s from polarized deep inelastic scattering experiments. Based on these new developments, we re-evaluate the relevant nucleon matrix elements and compute the scalar and pseudoscalar couplings of the proton and neutron. We also find that the strange quark contribution in both types of couplings is smaller than previously thought.Comment: 17 pages, Sec. II is revised and the pion-nucleon sigma term extracted from the scattering data is discussed. Version to appear in JHE

    Mach-Zehnder-Fano interferometer

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    We introduce a concept of the Mach-Zehnder-Fano interferometer by inserting a cavity exhibiting Fano resonance into a conventional interferometer. By employing the scattering-matrix approach, we demonstrate that the transmission is sensitive to a position of the cavity such that an asymmetric structure exhibits a series of narrow resonances with almost perfect reflection. We discuss how to implement this novel geometry in two-dimensional photonic crystals and use direct numerical simulations to demonstrate novel regimes of the resonant transmission and reflection.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Effective Field Theories for Heavy Quarkonium

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    We briefly review how nonrelativistic effective field theories give us a definition of the QCD potentials and a coherent field theory derived quantum mechanical scheme to calculate the properties of bound states made by two or more heavy quarks. In this framework heavy quarkonium properties depend only on the QCD parameters (quark masses and \als) and nonpotential corrections are systematically accounted for. The relation between the form of the nonperturbative potentials and the low energy QCD dynamics is also discussed.Comment: Invited Plenary talk at The 20th European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics. September 10-14 2007. Pisa, Italy. To be published on Few-Body System