48 research outputs found

    The radial variation of the solar wind turbulence spectra near the kinetic break scale from Parker Solar Probe measurements

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    In this study we examine the radial dependence of the inertial and dissipation range indices, as well as the spectral break separating the inertial and dissipation range in power density spectra of interplanetary magnetic field fluctuations using Parker Solar Probe data from the fifth solar encounter between ∼0.1 and ∼0.7 au. The derived break wavenumber compares reasonably well with previous estimates at larger radial distances and is consistent with gyro-resonant damping of Alfvénic fluctuations by thermal protons. We find that the inertial scale power-law index varies between approximately −1.65 and −1.45. This is consistent with either the Kolmogorov (−5/3) or Iroshnikov–Kraichnan (−3/2) values, and has a very weak radial dependence with a possible hint that the spectrum becomes steeper closer to the Sun. The dissipation range power-law index, however, has a clear dependence on radial distance (and turbulence age), decreasing from −3 near 0.7 au (4 days) to −4 [±0.3] at 0.1 au (0.75 days) closer to the Sun

    A Novel Multi-objective Optimisation Algorithm for Routability and Timing Driven Circuit Clustering on FPGAs

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    Circuit clustering algorithms fit synthesised circuits into FPGA configurable logic blocks (CLBs) efficiently. This fundamental process in FPGA CAD flow directly impacts both effort required and performance achievable in subsequent place-and-route processes. Circuit clustering is limited by hardware constraints of specific target architectures. Hence, better circuit clustering approaches are essential for improving device utilisation whilst at the same time optimising circuit performance parameters such as, e.g., power and delay. In this paper, we present a method based on multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) to facilitate circuit clustering. We address a number of challenges including CLB input bandwidth constraints, improvement of CLB utilisation, minimisation of interconnects between CLBs. Our new approach has been validated using the "Golden 20" MCNC benchmark circuits that are regularly used in FPGA-related literature. The results show that the method proposed in this paper achieves improvements of up to 50% in clustering, routability and timing when compared to state-of-the-art approaches including VPack, T-VPack, RPack, DPack, HDPack, MOPack and iRAC. Key contribution of this work is a flexible EDA flow that can incorporate numerous objectives required to successfully tackle real-world circuit design on FPGA, providing device utilisation at increased design performance

    Psychopathy, Intelligence and Emotional Responding in a Non-Forensic Sample: An Experimental Investigation

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    This study examined the relationships between psychopathy (primary and secondary), intelligence, and emotional responding in a sample of 50 university students, using a task measuring autonomic responses to 40 pictorial stimuli (20 neutral and 20 emotionally provoking). Results indicated no significant direct relationship between primary or secondary psychopathy and emotional response, or primary or secondary psychopathy and intelligence. However, a significant moderating effect of intelligence on the association between both psychopathy factors and emotional response was observed, indicating those scoring higher on psychopathy but with lower intelligence portray the expected emotional responses to the affective stimuli (primary: β = -.56, p < .05; secondary: β = .80, p < .001). These findings indicate abnormal reactivity to emotional stimuli in lower intelligence, higher psychopathic individuals, and suggest differing roles for the two facets of psychopathy in affective responsiveness deviations

    Sotos Syndrome

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