753 research outputs found

    Genomic organization and classification of the bovine WC1 genes and expression by peripheral blood gamma delta T cells

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    Background: WC1 co-receptors are group B scavenger receptor cysteine-rich molecules that are found exclusively on γδT cells and are thought to be encoded by a multi-gene family. Previous studies have shown γδT cells that respond to a particular stimulus have unique WC1 molecules expressed. Prior to the onset of the studies described here only one full-length WC1 nucleotide sequence was publicly available, though three WC1 molecules had been distinguished based on monoclonal antibody reactivity. Furthermore, the number of WC1 genes found in the bovine genome and their sequences had not yet been resolved. Results: By annotating the bovine genome Btau_3.1 assembly, here we show the existence of 13 members in the WC1 gene family and their organization within two loci on chromosome 5 including three distinct exon-intron gene structures one of which coded for a potentially more primitive and smaller WC1 molecule that is similar to the swine WC1 gene. We also provide cDNA evidence as verification for many of the annotated sequences and show transcripts for isoforms derived by alternative splicing. Conclusion: It is possible that WC1 diversity contributes to functional differences that have been observed between γδT cell populations. The studies described here demonstrate that WC1 molecules are encoded by a large, multi-gene family whose transcripts undergo extensive alternative splicing. Similar to other non-rearranging immunoreceptors, it is likely that the WC1 gene repertoire underwent expansion in order to keep pace with rapidly changing ligands

    Annotation and classification of the bovine T cell receptor delta genes

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    Abstract Background: gδ T cells differ from ab T cells with regard to the types of antigen with which their T cell receptors interact; gδ T cell antigens are not necessarily peptides nor are they presented on MHC. Cattle are considered a “gδ T cell high” species indicating they have an increased proportion of gδ T cells in circulation relative to that in “gδ T cell low” species such as humans and mice. Prior to the onset of the studies described here, there was limited information regarding the genes that code for the T cell receptor delta chains of this gδ T cell high species. Results: By annotating the bovine (Bos taurus) genome Btau_3.1 assembly the presence of 56 distinct T cell receptor delta (TRD) variable (V) genes were found, 52 of which belong to the TRDV1 subgroup and were comingled with the T cell receptor alpha variable (TRAV) genes. In addition, two genes belonging to the TRDV2 subgroup and single TRDV3 and TRDV4 genes were found. We confirmed the presence of five diversity (D) genes, three junctional (J) genes and a single constant (C) gene and describe the organization of the TRD locus. The TRDV4 gene is found downstream of the C gene and in an inverted orientation of transcription, consistent with its orthologs in humans and mice. cDNA evidence was assessed to validate expression of the variable genes and showed that one to five D genes could be incorporated into a single transcript. Finally, we grouped the bovine and ovine TRDV1 genes into sets based on their relatedness. Conclusions: The bovine genome contains a large and diverse repertoire of TRD genes when compared to the genomes of “gδ T cell low” species. This suggests that in cattle gδ T cells play a more important role in immune function since they would be predicted to bind a greater variety of antigens

    Evolution of the CD163 family and its relationship to the bovine gamma delta T cell co-receptor WC1

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    Background: The scavenger receptor cysteine rich (SRCR) domain is an ancient and conserved protein domain. CD163 and WC1 molecules are classed together as group B SRCR superfamily members, along with Spι, CD5 and CD6, all of which are expressed by immune system cells. There are three known types of CD163 molecules in mammals, CD163A (M130, coded for by CD163), CD163b (M160, coded for by CD163L1) and CD163c-ι (CD163L1 or SCART), while their nearest relative, WC1, is encoded by a multigene family so far identified in the artiodactyl species of cattle, sheep, and pigs. Results: We annotated the bovine genome and identified genes coding for bovine CD163A and CD163c-ι but found no evidence for CD163b. Bovine CD163A is widely expressed in immune cells, whereas CD163c-ι transcripts are enriched in the WC1+ γδ T cell population. Phylogenetic analyses of the CD163 family genes and WC1 showed that CD163c-ι is most closely related to WC1 and that chicken and platypus have WC1 orthologous genes, previously classified as among their CD163 genes. Conclusion: Since it has been shown that WC1 plays an important role in the regulation of γδ T cell responses in cattle, which, like chickens, have a high percentage of γδ T cells in their peripheral blood, CD163c-ι may play a similar role, especially in species lacking WC1 genes. Our results suggest that gene duplications resulted in the expansion of CD163c-ι-like and WC1-like molecules. This expanded repertoire was retained by species known as γδ T cell high , but homologous SRCR molecules were maintained by all mammals

    Mutagenesis separates ATPase and thioesterase activities of the peroxisomal ABC transporter, Comatose

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    The peroxisomal ABC transporter, Comatose (CTS), a full length transporter from Arabidopsis has intrinsic acyl-CoA thioesterase (ACOT) activity, important for physiological function. We used molecular modelling, mutagenesis and biochemical analysis to identify amino acid residues important for ACOT activity. D863, Q864 and T867 lie within transmembrane helix 9. These residues are orientated such that they might plausibly contribute to a catalytic triad similar to type II Hotdog fold thioesterases. When expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mutation of these residues to alanine resulted in defective of β-oxidation. All CTS mutants were expressed and targeted to peroxisomes and retained substrate-stimulated ATPase activity. When expressed in insect cell membranes, Q864A and S810N had similar ATPase activity to wild type but greatly reduced ACOT activity, whereas the Walker A mutant K487A had greatly reduced ATPase and no ATP-dependent ACOT activity. In wild type CTS, ATPase but not ACOT was stimulated by non-cleavable C14 ether-CoA. ACOT activity was stimulated by ATP but not by non-hydrolysable AMPPNP. Thus, ACOT activity depends on functional ATPase activity but not vice versa, and these two activities can be separated by mutagenesis. Whether D863, Q864 and T867 have a catalytic role or play a more indirect role in NBD-TMD communication is discussed

    Post-translational insertion of boron in proteins to probe and modulate function

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    Boron is absent in proteins, yet is a micronutrient. It possesses unique bonding that could expand biological function including modes of Lewis acidity not available to typical elements of life. Here we show that post-translational Cβ–Bγ bond formation provides mild, direct, site-selective access to the minimally sized residue boronoalanine (Bal) in proteins. Precise anchoring of boron within complex biomolecular systems allows dative bond-mediated, site-dependent protein Lewis acid–base-pairing (LABP) by Bal. Dynamic protein-LABP creates tunable inter- and intramolecular ligand–host interactions, while reactive protein-LABP reveals reactively accessible sites through migratory boron-to-oxygen Cβ–Oγ covalent bond formation. These modes of dative bonding can also generate de novo function, such as control of thermo- and proteolytic stability in a target protein, or observation of transient structural features via chemical exchange. These results indicate that controlled insertion of boron facilitates stability modulation, structure determination, de novo binding activities and redox-responsive ‘mutation’

    Post-translational insertion of boron in proteins to probe and modulate function

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    Boron is absent in proteins, yet is a micronutrient. It possesses unique bonding that could expand biological function including modes of Lewis acidity not available to typical elements of life. Here we show that post-translational Cβ–Bγ bond formation provides mild, direct, site-selective access to the minimally sized residue boronoalanine (Bal) in proteins. Precise anchoring of boron within complex biomolecular systems allows dative bond-mediated, site-dependent protein Lewis acid–base-pairing (LABP) by Bal. Dynamic protein-LABP creates tunable inter- and intramolecular ligand–host interactions, while reactive protein-LABP reveals reactively accessible sites through migratory boron-to-oxygen Cβ–Oγ covalent bond formation. These modes of dative bonding can also generate de novo function, such as control of thermo- and proteolytic stability in a target protein, or observation of transient structural features via chemical exchange. These results indicate that controlled insertion of boron facilitates stability modulation, structure determination, de novo binding activities and redox-responsive ‘mutation’

    POPDC1 scaffolds a complex of adenylyl cyclase 9 and the potassium channel TREK-1 in heart

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    The establishment of macromolecular complexes by scaffolding proteins is key to the local production of cAMP by anchored adenylyl cyclase (AC) and the subsequent cAMP signaling necessary for cardiac functions. We identify a novel AC scaffold, the Popeye domain-containing (POPDC) protein. The POPDC family of proteins is important for cardiac pacemaking and conduction, due in part to their cAMP-dependent binding and regulation of TREK-1 potassium channels. We show that TREK-1 binds the AC9:POPDC1 complex and copurifies in a POPDC1-dependent manner with AC9 activity in heart. Although the AC9:POPDC1 interaction is cAMP-independent, TREK-1 association with AC9 and POPDC1 is reduced upon stimulation of the β-adrenergic receptor (βAR). AC9 activity is required for βAR reduction of TREK-1 complex formation with AC9:POPDC1 and in reversing POPDC1 enhancement of TREK-1 currents. Finally, deletion of the gene-encoding AC9 (Adcy9) gives rise to bradycardia at rest and stress-induced heart rate variability, a milder phenotype than the loss of Popdc1 but similar to the loss of Kcnk2 (TREK-1). Thus, POPDC1 represents a novel adaptor for AC9 interactions with TREK-1 to regulate heart rate control

    Genetic Deletion of a Single Immunodominant T-cell Response Confers Susceptibility to Virus-induced Demyelination

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    An important question in neuropathology involves determining the antigens that are targeted during demyelinating disease. Viral infection of the central nervous system (CNS) leads to T-cell responses that can be protective as well as pathogenic. In the Theiler’s murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) model of demyelination it is known that the immune response to the viral capsid protein 2 (VP2) is critical for disease pathogenesis. This study shows that expressing the whole viral capsid VP2 or the minimal CD8-specific peptide VP2(121-130) as “self” leads to a loss of VP2-specific immune responses. Loss of responsiveness is caused by T cell-specific tolerance, as VP2-specific antibodies are generated in response to infection. More importantly, these mice lose the CD8 T-cell response to the immunodominant peptide VP2(121-130), which is critical for the development of demyelinating disease. The transgenic mice fail to clear the infection and develop chronic demyelinating disease in the spinal cord white matter. These findings demonstrate that T-cell responses can be removed by transgenic expression and that lack of responsiveness alters viral clearance and CNS pathology. This model will be important for understanding the mechanisms involved in antigen-specific T-cell deletion and the contribution of this response to CNS pathology

    Use of molecular modelling to probe the mechanism of the nucleoside transporter NupG.

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    Nucleosides play key roles in biology as precursors for salvage pathways of nucleotide synthesis. Prokaryotes import nucleosides across the cytoplasmic membrane by proton- or sodium-driven transporters belonging to the Concentrative Nucleoside Transporter (CNT) family or the Nucleoside:H(+) Symporter (NHS) family of the Major Facilitator Superfamily. The high resolution structure of a CNT from Vibrio cholerae has recently been determined, but no similar structural information is available for the NHS family. To gain a better understanding of the molecular mechanism of nucleoside transport, in the present study the structures of two conformations of the archetypical NHS transporter NupG from Escherichia coli were modelled on the inward- and outward-facing conformations of the lactose transporter LacY from E. coli, a member of the Oligosaccharide:H(+) Symporter (OHS) family. Sequence alignment of these distantly related proteins (∟ 10% sequence identity), was facilitated by comparison of the patterns of residue conservation within the NHS and OHS families. Despite the low sequence similarity, the accessibilities of endogenous and introduced cysteine residues to thiol reagents were found to be consistent with the predictions of the models, supporting their validity. For example C358, located within the predicted nucleoside binding site, was shown to be responsible for the sensitivity of NupG to inhibition by p-chloromercuribenzene sulphonate. Functional analysis of mutants in residues predicted by the models to be involved in the translocation mechanism, including Q261, E264 and N228, supported the hypothesis that they play important roles, and suggested that the transport mechanisms of NupG and LacY, while different, share common features

    Multiple ITS Copies Reveal Extensive Hybridization within Rheum (Polygonaceae), a Genus That Has Undergone Rapid Radiation

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    During adaptive radiation events, characters can arise multiple times due to parallel evolution, but transfer of traits through hybridization provides an alternative explanation for the same character appearing in apparently non-sister lineages. The signature of hybridization can be detected in incongruence between phylogenies derived from different markers, or from the presence of two divergent versions of a nuclear marker such as ITS within one individual.In this study, we cloned and sequenced ITS regions for 30 species of the genus Rheum, and compared them with a cpDNA phylogeny. Seven species contained two divergent copies of ITS that resolved in different clades from one another in each case, indicating hybridization events too recent for concerted evolution to have homogenised the ITS sequences. Hybridization was also indicated in at least two further species via incongruence in their position between ITS and cpDNA phylogenies. None of the ITS sequences present in these nine species matched those detected in any other species, which provides tentative evidence against recent introgression as an explanation. Rheum globulosum, previously indicated by cpDNA to represent an independent origin of decumbent habit, is indicated by ITS to be part of clade of decumbent species, which acquired cpDNA of another clade via hybridization. However decumbent and glasshouse morphology are confirmed to have arisen three and two times, respectively.These findings suggested that hybridization among QTP species of Rheum has been extensive, and that a role of hybridization in diversification of Rheum requires investigation
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