905 research outputs found

    Ameloblastoma plexiforme del maxilar: manejo quirúrgico y protético. A propósito de un caso

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    El ameloblastoma es un tumor odontógeno benigno de derivación epitelial, de elevada invasión local, crecimiento intermitente y con alta probabilidad de recidiva. Puede dividirse en los siguientes tipos histológicos: folicular, plexiforme, acantomatoso, a células basales y granulares. El ameloblastoma folicular es el subtipo histológico más común. Se manifiesta prevalentemente durante la tercera, cuarta y quinta década de vida, sin predilección para el sexo, aun así se puede encontrar en cualquier grupo de edad incluyendo niños. La mayoría de los ameloblastomas se encuentra sobretodo en mandíbula (al nivel del ángulo y rama). Las características clínicas, incluso si complementadas con radiografías y muestras histológicas, no son útiles a la hora de predeterminar el comportamiento biológico y por lo tanto el pronóstico de un ameloblastoma individual. Los autores presentan un caso localizado de ameloblastoma plexiforme localizado en la parte posterior del maxilar de un hombre de 30 años; el término "plexiforme" se refiere al aspecto de anastomosis de los islotes del epitelio odontógeno, en contraste con el tipo «folicular». En este artículo se discuten importantes aspectos de la patología, del tratamiento quirúrgico y protésico. En conclusión, es necesaria una cooperación estricta a largo plazo de un grupo de clínicos, patólogos, cirujanos y prostodoncistas, para ofrecer el mejor tratamiento individualizado en cada caso. The ameloblastoma is a clinically persistent benign tumor derived from odontogenic epithelium, locally invasive, intermittent in growth and with high a probability of recurrence. The following histologic patterns may be distinguished: follicular, plexiform, spindle cell, acanthomatous, basal cell type and granular cell. The follicular ameloblastoma is the most common histologic tipe. The majority of patients are in 3th, 4th and 5th decade, but can be found in any age group including children. The majority of ameloblastomas are observed in the mandible (mostly angle or ramus). Clinical features, even if combined with radiology or histology findings, are not useful when trying to determine the biological behaviour and therefore the prognosis of an individual ameloblastoma. The authors report a case of plexiform ameloblastoma in the posterior maxilla, in male 30 year old otherwise healthy; the term "plexiform" refers to the appearance of anastomosing islands of odontogenic epithelium in contrast to a follicular pattern. Important questions on pathology, surgical and prosthetic therapy are discussed in this paper. In conclusion, a close cooperation of clinicians, pathologists, surgeons and prosthesists is necessary and very important over a long period of time for the best management of each individual case

    Controle genético de alguns caracteres relacionados a cor da semente de feijão no cruzamento Rosinha x Esal 693.

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    A cor da semente do feijão, Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Leguminosae-Faboideae), é de grande importância para o consumo no Brasil, por isso, o conhecimento do seu controle genético, em um cruzamento particular, orienta no dimensionamento da população segregante para a seleção do fenótipo de interesse. Então, objetivou-se determinar o controle genético de alguns caracteres relacionados à cor da semente, a partir do cruzamento Rosinha x ESAL 693 (tipo carioca) e prever as chances de seleção dos fenótipos semelhantes aos das cultivares Carioca e Rosinha. Foram avaliadas as cores de fundo e a presença/ausência de listras e halos nas sementes produzidas em plantas F2 e em plantas das famílias F2:3. Constatou-se apenas um gene responsável pela ocorrência de listras na semente e outro pela cor bege clara ou escura de fundo da semente tipo carioca. Para os caracteres presença ou ausência de halo e tipo de semente igual ou diferente da cultivar Rosinha, foram identificados dois genes em cada caso. Excetuando-se a presença de listra, certamente estão também envolvidos genes modificadores no controle dos demais caracteres. Considerando todos os caracteres, esperam-se 11,26% das plantas F2 produzindo sementes do tipo carioca ideal e 12,82% das plantas com sementes do tipo rosinha

    Erythrocyte morphology automated analysis: proposal for a new prediction tool of essential hypertension diagnosis

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    Erythrocyte morphology has already been studied in essential hypertension (EH) and cell membrane alterations have been observed. Relationships among red cell rheological, biochemical, and morphological properties still appear complex and are not clearly understood

    Reasoning about Communicating Agents in the Semantic Web

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    Abstract. In this article we interpret the Semantic Web and Web Service issues in the framework of multi-agent interoperating systems. We will advocate the application of results achieved in the research area of reasoning about actions and change by showing scenarios and techniques that could be applied.

    Allele frequency and selection efficiency in cross populations of Andean x Mesoamerican common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. Fabales, Fabaceae).

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    Strategies were investigated for improving efficiency in the use of segregating common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) populations using crosses between the Andean cultivar BRS-Radiante and the Mesoamerican parent cultivar Carioca-MG by developing populations with 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 87.5% of the allele frequency of one of the parents. For each of the five populations we evaluated for two traits, the number of days to the beginning of flowering and grain yield (g plot -1), in the F2:3 (sown in February 2006) and F2:4 (sown in July 2006) generation progenies using 15 x 15 lattice design experiments, with 44 progenies (n = 220 plants) plus the two parents and three controls being evaluated for each generation. In terms of variability release, the populations with different parental allele frequencies presented no consistent tendency of alteration. In general, genetic variance was stated among progenies in all populations, indicating success with selection. For grain yield, the lowest mean was observed in the populations with 50% of the alleles of both parents. If, for instance, the objective is to develop earlier flowering lines, the best strategy is to perform two, or at least one, backcross with the earliest parent. The most suitable allele frequency is to be determined according to the desired grain type
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