4,337 research outputs found

    Using mosaic crystals for the generation of intense X-ray beams

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    The parametric X-ray (PXR) yield due to 500-MeV electrons in a 2-mm-thick diamond crystal with a mosaicity angle of ~0.2 mrad has been studied. It is shown that the mosaic crystal structure leads to a significant (about fourfold) increase in the PXR yield doe to the contribution of diffracted bremsstrahlung radiationye

    Relativistically invariant self-similarity approach for description of collective phenomena

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    The self-similarity approach is applied to description of nuclear interactions. The obtained self-similarity solution quantitatively describes particle production in relativistic nuclear collisions. It is an appropriate tool for planning and optimization of experiments aimed at the search of new collective phenomena in highly excited nuclear matter, especially in the intermediate energy range

    Standard e linee guida Q-RES per il miglioramento delle prestazioni etico-sociali dell'organizzazione

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    LIUC PAPERS. 145, Etica, diritto ed economia, 12, supplemento a marzo 2004. The Q-RES management model described in the Q-RES Guidelines takes into account the issue of its verifiability by external bodies and it proposes the definition of a Q-RES Standard on which the external verification and the certification of Corporate Social Responsibility of an organisation may be based. In order to develop Q-RES into a certifiable standard on management, we first referred to the most recent body of standard on management systems (ISO 9000. 2000 ed.) and took into consideration the ISO 9004 standard that includes, besides the typical contents of guidelines, the prescriptive test of the norm that can be certified (ISO 9001) thus adding the relationship with the stakeholders to the work. By adapting the ISO 900 standard with reference to the Q-RES model we tried to produce a "certifiable" standard that might be easily understood by experts. This was possible because it was structured like other standards ( that are very similar) and it can be integrated with other well-known management systems. The "Q-RES Standard: Norm and Guidelines for the improvement of ethical and social performances of the organisations" was developed as a standard consisting of two parts: Part A: "The Q-RES model and tools for the management of ethical and social responsibility of organisations" Part B: "The management system for ethical and social responsibility" Part A introduces and explains the Q-RES model and tools for the management of ethical and social responsibility of organisations; its relationship with other management systems and with ISO 9000; its purpose and field of application and the standards of reference and a glossary of terms and definitions. Part B of the Q-RES standard describes the management system of an organisation with respect to the ethical and social responsibility in which all the Q-RES tools can be found: the Corporate Ethical Vision and Code of Ethics are discussed under Responsibilities of Management; Ethical Training is discussed under Resource Management; Organisational systems and internal control are discussed under Product realisation; Social and Ethical Accountability is discusse

    Experimental observation of parametric X-ray radiation directed along the propagation velocity of relativistic electrons in a tungsten crystal

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    Parametric X-ray radiation (PXR) due to dynamic diffraction of relativistic electrons is experimentally observed at small angles to the propagation velocity of electrons in a tungsten crystal. The specific features of the experimental method are described, and forward PXR reflections from two crystallographic planes of tungsten are reliably measuredyesBelgorod State Universit

    Feeding behavior of \u3ci\u3eAphis glycines\u3c/i\u3e (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on soybeans exhibiting antibiosis, antixenosis, and tolerance resistance

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    Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is a serious pest of soybean in North America. Plant resistance is a valuable tool for the management of this pest, and a better understanding of the interactions between aphid and soybeans expressing varying levels and different categories of resistance can assist in the development of aphid resistant or tolerant genotypes. The electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique was used to evaluate the feeding behavior of A. glycines (biotype 1) on 4 soybean genotypes: (1) ‘Dowling’ (contains Rag1 gene and exhibits antibiosis); (2) PI 200538 (contains Rag2 gene and exhibits antixenosis); (3) KS4202 (exhibits tolerance); and (4) ‘SD76RR’ (susceptible to aphid). Aphids spent shorter periods in the sieve element phase on ‘Dowling’ and exhibited a greater number of pathway phases, non-probing events, and a longer time in nonprobing events in PI 200538 and ‘Dowling.’ For ‘SD76RR’ and KS4202, aphids demonstrated more sustained phloem ingestion, spent shorter time in non-probing events, and exhibited fewer pathway phases and potential drops. These results indicate that resistance factors are present in the phloem of ‘Dowling.’ For PI 200538, it is suggested that antixenotic factors are involved in resistance to A. glycines. Because KS4202 is tolerant to biotype 1 of A. glycines, the suitability of this genotype was expected already. This study provides important data that contribute to the understanding of how soybean aphids (biotype 1) feed on soybean genotypes with various aphid resistant genes and categories. In addition to assisting in the distinction between resistance categories, these results are useful in soybean breeding programs focusing on developing genotypes with greater resistance to insects. Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae) é uma das principais pragas da cultura da soja na América do Norte. Dentre as técnicas de manejo da praga, a resistência de plantas a insetos se destaca como uma ferramenta valiosa. Assim, uma melhor compreensão sobre as interações entre o afídeo e plantas de soja que expressam variáveis níveis e diferentes categorias de resistência, pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento de genótipos resistentes ao inseto. A técnica de EPG foi utilizada para avaliar o comportamento alimentar de A. glycines (biótipo 1) em 4 genótipos de soja: (1) ‘Dowling’ (contém gene Rag1 e expressa antibiose); (2) PI 200538 (contém gene Rag2 e expressa antixenose); (3) KS4202 (expressa tolerância); e (4) ‘SD76RR’ (suscetível ao afídeo). Os afídeos demonstraram curtos períodos de alimentação na fase de seiva em ‘Dowling’ e exibiram uma grande quantidade de fases de caminhamento estiletar, número de períodos de não-prova e longos período de não-prova em PI 200538 e ‘Dowling.’ Para ‘SD76RR’ e KS4202, os afídeos mostraram um maior período de alimentação em vasos do floema, apresentaram curtos períodos de não-prova e exibiram poucas fases de caminhamento estiletar, além de menor número de quedas de potencial. Os resultados indicam que fatores de resistência estão presentes nos vasos floemáticos de ‘Dowling.’ Para PI200538, sugere-se que fatores antixenóticos estão envolvidos na resistência a A. glycines. Uma vez que KS4202 expressa tolerância ao biótipo 1 de A. glycines, a adequabilidade deste genótipo como fonte de alimento para o inseto já era esperada. Este estudo fornece importantes dados que contribuem para um melhor entendimento de como o pulgão-da-soja (biótipo 1) se alimentam de plantas de soja portadoras de diferentes genes e categorias de resistência. Além de auxiliar na distinção entre as categorias de resistência, esses resultados podem ser úteis em programas de melhoramento de soja, com intuito de selecionar genótipos mais resistentes a insetos

    Feeding behavior of \u3ci\u3eAphis glycines\u3c/i\u3e (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on soybeans exhibiting antibiosis, antixenosis, and tolerance resistance

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    Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is a serious pest of soybean in North America. Plant resistance is a valuable tool for the management of this pest, and a better understanding of the interactions between aphid and soybeans expressing varying levels and different categories of resistance can assist in the development of aphid resistant or tolerant genotypes. The electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique was used to evaluate the feeding behavior of A. glycines (biotype 1) on 4 soybean genotypes: (1) ‘Dowling’ (contains Rag1 gene and exhibits antibiosis); (2) PI 200538 (contains Rag2 gene and exhibits antixenosis); (3) KS4202 (exhibits tolerance); and (4) ‘SD76RR’ (susceptible to aphid). Aphids spent shorter periods in the sieve element phase on ‘Dowling’ and exhibited a greater number of pathway phases, non-probing events, and a longer time in nonprobing events in PI 200538 and ‘Dowling.’ For ‘SD76RR’ and KS4202, aphids demonstrated more sustained phloem ingestion, spent shorter time in non-probing events, and exhibited fewer pathway phases and potential drops. These results indicate that resistance factors are present in the phloem of ‘Dowling.’ For PI 200538, it is suggested that antixenotic factors are involved in resistance to A. glycines. Because KS4202 is tolerant to biotype 1 of A. glycines, the suitability of this genotype was expected already. This study provides important data that contribute to the understanding of how soybean aphids (biotype 1) feed on soybean genotypes with various aphid resistant genes and categories. In addition to assisting in the distinction between resistance categories, these results are useful in soybean breeding programs focusing on developing genotypes with greater resistance to insects. Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae) é uma das principais pragas da cultura da soja na América do Norte. Dentre as técnicas de manejo da praga, a resistência de plantas a insetos se destaca como uma ferramenta valiosa. Assim, uma melhor compreensão sobre as interações entre o afídeo e plantas de soja que expressam variáveis níveis e diferentes categorias de resistência, pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento de genótipos resistentes ao inseto. A técnica de EPG foi utilizada para avaliar o comportamento alimentar de A. glycines (biótipo 1) em 4 genótipos de soja: (1) ‘Dowling’ (contém gene Rag1 e expressa antibiose); (2) PI 200538 (contém gene Rag2 e expressa antixenose); (3) KS4202 (expressa tolerância); e (4) ‘SD76RR’ (suscetível ao afídeo). Os afídeos demonstraram curtos períodos de alimentação na fase de seiva em ‘Dowling’ e exibiram uma grande quantidade de fases de caminhamento estiletar, número de períodos de não-prova e longos período de não-prova em PI 200538 e ‘Dowling.’ Para ‘SD76RR’ e KS4202, os afídeos mostraram um maior período de alimentação em vasos do floema, apresentaram curtos períodos de não-prova e exibiram poucas fases de caminhamento estiletar, além de menor número de quedas de potencial. Os resultados indicam que fatores de resistência estão presentes nos vasos floemáticos de ‘Dowling.’ Para PI200538, sugere-se que fatores antixenóticos estão envolvidos na resistência a A. glycines. Uma vez que KS4202 expressa tolerância ao biótipo 1 de A. glycines, a adequabilidade deste genótipo como fonte de alimento para o inseto já era esperada. Este estudo fornece importantes dados que contribuem para um melhor entendimento de como o pulgão-da-soja (biótipo 1) se alimentam de plantas de soja portadoras de diferentes genes e categorias de resistência. Além de auxiliar na distinção entre as categorias de resistência, esses resultados podem ser úteis em programas de melhoramento de soja, com intuito de selecionar genótipos mais resistentes a insetos