35 research outputs found

    A Woman’s Loss of Imagination: Paola Masino’s Magical Realism in Nascita e morte della Massaia

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    Criticism on Paola Masino has flourished since the early 2000s. This increased attention has contributed towards reclaiming an author often overshadowed by the attention received by her partner, Massimo Bontempelli, the father of realismo magico. Masino experimented with a variety of styles—realismo magico was one of them—as she rejected strictly naturalistic forms of representation, preferring to co-opt myths and the supernatural. Nascita e morte della Massaia (1945) is Masino’s most renowned literary effort, both for its critique of Fascist Italy and for its sophisticated stylistic effects. Nascita, while indebted to Bontempelli’s theorizations, features all the chief characteristics listed in Faris’s analysis of magical realism as an international phenomenon, and illustrates how magical realism offers strategies for evading censorship to those writing against totalitarianism regimes. At the same time, it is an example of how magical realism can be used to denounce socially imposed gender roles. My analysis shows how this narrative mode emerges on multiple levels within Masino’s text

    \uabParlare di tutto\ubb. Un’idea della critica

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    Il volume presenta l’intera corrispondenza tra Luigi Baldacci e Franco Fortini attualmente conservata a Firenze, presso l’Archivio Contemporaneo Alessandro Bonsanti del Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P. Vieusseux, e a Siena, presso l’Archivio del Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Franco Fortini. Oltre a scambi pi\uf9 o meno approfonditi su autori o avvenimenti specifici (Noventa, Leopardi, Contini, Papini e l’avanguardia, Bontempelli, il caso Braibanti, ecc.), il confronto e, in certi casi, lo scontro tra i due interlocutori si appunta sul ruolo della critica letteraria in anni di profonda crisi e trasformazione degli assetti culturali in Italia. In entrambi \ue8 vivo il senso di un valore, nonostante tutto ancora alto, della figura dell’intellettuale in generale e del critico letterario in particolare, purch\ue9 il suo ruolo venga esercitato nella piena consapevolezza delle contraddizioni che lo attraversano

    Indagine per la valutazione dell\u27attivit? di Ricovero nei reparti di cardiologia e cardiochirurgia infantile

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    Evaluation of Health Care activities in Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiosurgery Departments - The evaluation of Health Care activities, particulalarly of those concerning hospitals, is one of the most important tools of the National Health Service to obtain a "Fair" resource allocation. In the recent past, a great bulk of research has been focused on methods for patient classificatione according to resource needs. Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) is one of the most important patient classification system related to resource allocation which has been developed in the U.S. Medicare Program (HCFA-DRGs) in the eighties and more recently adopted all over Europe. Italy included.The DRG system has proved to be valid but has also showed its limits, mostly concerning applicability outside U.S., identification of specific patient subgroups (like the pediatric patient population) and capability to distinguish between patients whit apparently similar resource needs, but different clinical severity conditions. In order to overcome such limits, DRGs Have been resource needs, but different clinical severity conditions. In order to overcome such limits, DRGS have been subjected to some important modifications. All patient DRG (AP-DRG)is a system payng more attention to some patient subgroups, such as pediatric one. Research is still looking for methods - easily extensible to the wohole hospital informative system- for distinguishing between patients whose conditions present diferent degrees of severity. In order to verifity the greater usfulness in a pediatric population of AP-DRG whith respect to HCFA-DRG and find further indexes for complexity and/or severity characterization of the Hospital case-mix, a work group was instituted ehith the coordination for the Organizational Unit the CREAS-CNR hospital in Pisa and the active participation of Pediatric Cardiosurgeons working in three National Pediatric Hospitals provided whith Cardiology and Cardiosurgery Departments: The ItalianSociety of Pediatric Cardiology as also represented in the Work Group.One of the most important activities promoted by the Work Group is a survey concerning the monitoring of impatients for one year starting from July 1st,1996. A first rough analysis is sheduled at six months of monitoring in order to early provide the Ministry of Health whith important parameters concerning typology of assistance and protocols. This pape describes the protocol of the survey.E\u27 recente l\u27introduzione anche in Italia di strumenti finalizzati alla valutazione dell\u27attivit ospedaliera e ptima tra tutte dell\u27attivit? di ricovero, tramite la classificazione dei dimessi dagli ospedali per acuti. Il sistema DRG (Diagosis Related Groups), attualmente utilizzato in Italia per la classificazione dei pazienti (HCFA_DRG versione 10.0), necessit? fi un numero contenuto di informazioni facilemtne trasferibili dalla cartella clinica af un focumento informativo quale la scheda di dimissione ospedaliera (SDO) costituente il basamento informativo ospedaliero per i ricoveri

    Valutazione dell\u27attivit? di ricovero in cardiochirugia pediatrica mediante il sistema di classificazione AP-DRG (All patient diagnosis related groups)

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    The evaluation of Health Care activities, particularly of those concerning hospitals, is one of the most important aims for the National Health Service for a "fair" resource allocation. In the recent past a great bulk of research has been directed to methods for patient classifications in relation to resource needs. Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) is one of the most important patient classification system related to resource allocation which has been developed in the U.S. medicare Program (HCFA-DRGs) during the eighties and more recently adopted all over Europe, Italy included.E\u27 recente l\u27introduzione anche in italia di strumenti finalizzati alla valutazione dell\u27attivit? ospedaliera e, prima tra tutte,dell\u27attivit? di ricovero, tramite la classificazione dei dimessi dagli ospedali per acuti (1,2). Obiettivo comune ai sitemi di classificazionedei pazienti ospedalizzati ? la creazione di classi omogenee per assi di valutazione definibili attraverso le informazioni contenute nella cartella clinica e/o nella scheda nosologica

    Prevalence of right-to-left shunt in patients with cluster headache

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    Recent investigations documented that the prevalence of right-to-left shunt (RLS) in patients with migraine with aura (MA) is significantly higher than in healthy controls and similar to prevalence of RLS in young patients with cryptogenic stroke (CS). Nevertheless, little data are available in the literature about RLS prevalence in the other forms of primary headache. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of RLS in patients with cluster headache (CH). We enrolled 30 consecutive patients with CH diagnosis according to the IHS criteria and 40 controls. RLS was assessed with bilateral transcranial Doppler contrast (TCDc) monitoring of middle cerebral arteries. Eleven patients (37%) resulted positive to TCDc monitoring for evaluation of RLS. These data show that the presence of RLS inthis group is more prevalent than in the general population and similar to that found in MA and in CS. © Springer-Verlag Italia 2005