30 research outputs found

    RiCORE: risk-based consenting of offshore renewable energy projects.

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    This presentation introduces the context and purpose of the RiCORE project

    Consenting process for ocean energy in Spain.

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    This presentation discusses the current consenting processes for offshore renewable energy projects in Spain. It was given as part of the second RiCORE project workshop, which explored the regulatory aspects associated with marine renewable energy projects in Member States of the EU

    Risk-based approaches for consenting according to technology profile recommendations.

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    This presentation outlines the findings of the third work package of the RiCORE project, focusing on the comparison of novel technologies and the development of risk profiling

    A review of potential impacts of submarine power cables on the marine environment:Knowledge gaps, recommendations and future directions

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    Submarine power cables (SPC) have been in use since the mid-19th century, but environmental concerns about them are much more recent. With the development of marine renewable energy technologies, it is vital to understand their potential impacts. The commissioning of SPC may temporarily or permanently impact the marine environment through habitat damage or loss, noise, chemical pollution, heat and electromagnetic field emissions, risk of entanglement, introduction of artificial substrates, and the creation of reserve effects. While growing numbers of scientific publications focus on impacts of the marine energy harnessing devices, data on impacts of associated power connections such as SPC are scarce and knowledge gaps persist. The present study (1) examines the different categories of potential ecological effects of SPC during installation, operation and decommissioning phases and hierarchizes these types of interactions according to their ecological relevance and existing scientific knowledge, (2) identifies the main knowledge gaps and needs for research, and (3) sets recommendations for better monitoring and mitigation of the most significant impacts. Overall, ecological impacts associated with SPC can be considered weak or moderate, although many uncertainties remain, particularly concerning electromagnetic effects

    Development of risk profiling.

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    This report contributes further to the Survey, Deploy and Monitor policy guidance, acting as a guide for users wishing to apply a risk-based approach at a Member State level. To this end, it undertakes a review and further development of the three main pillars on which such an approach is based: environmental sensitivity of the site, the risk profile of the technology and the scale of the proposed project. This comes as part of the RiCORE project, which aimed to promote the use of offshore renewable energy projects in the EU by streamlining consenting processes

    Pre-consent survey guidance.

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    This report provides advice for whether or not (and to what extent in terms of data volume) pre-consent surveys are required during the creation of offshore renewable energy projects. This comes as part of the RiCORE project, which aimed to promote the use of offshore renewable energy projects in the EU by streamlining consenting processes

    RiCORE project novel technology selection.

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    This report compiles and inventory of technology types (within the tidal, wave and offshore wind categories) that the RiCORE project considers when providing recommendations and guidelines in favour of implementing a risk-based consenting approach for offshore renewable energy projects

    Report on potential emerging innovative monitoring approaches, identifying potential reductions in monitoring costs and evaluation of existing long-term datasets.

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    This report highlights the potential for using emerging and innovative technologies for pre-consent surveys of key receptor groups at proposed marine renewable energy sites. The report also identifies potential reductions in cost through comparison of currently-used survey methods. This comes as part of the RiCORE project, which aimed to promote the use of offshore renewable energy projects in the EU by streamlining consenting processes

    Report on the analysis of commonalities and differences in approaches to pre-consent surveys.

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    This report identifies commonalities and transferability of pre-consent surveying among renewable energy technology types. This comes as part of the RiCORE project, which aimed to promote the use of offshore renewable energy projects in the EU by streamlining consenting processes

    A novel and multi-purpose ASV for the Basque Coast: design, experimental testing, and main challenges

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    Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) have become a powerful tool for marine research due to their capability to make observations over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. ASVs provide accurate, high-resolution, continuous data, benefiting environmental monitoring by decreasing the costs when compared to fully manned vessels. In the framework of Oarsoaldea Blue Hub project, a 6 m length electrical ASV equipped with acoustic sensors for measuring water currents and fish biomass has been designed and developed as a solution for more efficient oceanographic observations in the coastal area.Peer Reviewe