61 research outputs found

    The Association of Fatigue With Decreasing Regularity of Locomotion During an Incremental Test in Trained and Untrained Healthy Adults

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    Fatigue is a key factor that affects human motion and modulates physiology, biochemistry, and performance. Prolonged cyclic human movements (locomotion primarily) are characterized by a regular pattern, and this extended activity can induce fatigue. However, the relationship between fatigue and regularity has not yet been extensively studied. Wearable sensor methodologies can be used to monitor regularity during standardized treadmill tests (e.g., the widely used Bruce test) and to verify the effects of fatigue on locomotion regularity. Our study on 50 healthy adults [27 males and 23 females; <40 years; five dropouts; and 22 trained (T) and 23 untrained (U) subjects] showed how locomotion regularity follows a parabolic profile during the incremental test, without exception. At the beginning of the trial, increased walking speed in the absence of fatigue is associated with increased regularity (regularity index, RI, a. u., null/unity value for aperiodic/periodic patterns) up until a peak value (RI = 0.909 after 13.8 min for T and RI = 0.915 after 13.4 min for U subjects; median values, n. s.) and which is then generally followed (after 2.8 and 2.5 min, respectively, for T/U, n. s.) by the walk-to-run transition (at 12.1 min for both T and U, n. s.). Regularity then decreases with increased speed/slope/fatigue. The effect of being trained was associated with significantly higher initial regularity [0.845 (T) vs 0.810 (U), p < 0.05 corrected], longer test endurance [23.0 min (T) vs 18.6 min (U)], and prolonged decay of locomotor regularity [8.6 min (T) vs 6.5 min (U)]. In conclusion, the monitoring of locomotion regularity can be applied to the Bruce test, resulting in a consistent time profile. There is evidence of a progressive decrease in regularity following the walk-to-run transition, and these features unveil significant differences among healthy trained and untrained adult subjects

    Barriers, facilitators, and other factors associated with health behaviors in childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors: A systematic review

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    \ua9 2024 The Author(s). Cancer Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Background: Healthy behaviors are paramount in preventing long-term adverse health outcomes in childhood, adolescent, and young adult (CAYA) cancer survivors. We systematically reviewed and synthesized existing literature on barriers, facilitators, and other factors associated with health behaviors in this population. Methods: MEDLINE and PsycInfo were searched for qualitative and quantitative studies including survivors aged 16–50 years at study, a cancer diagnosis ≤25 years and ≥2 years post diagnosis. Health behaviors included physical activity, smoking, diet, alcohol consumption, sun exposure, and a combination of these behaviors (defined as health behaviors in general). Results: Barriers, facilitators, and other factors reported in ≥2 two studies were considered relevant. Out of 4529 studies, 27 were included (n = 31,905 participants). Physical activity was the most frequently examined behavior (n = 12 studies), followed by smoking (n = 7), diet (n = 7), alcohol (n = 4), sun exposure (n = 4), and health behavior in general (n = 4). Relevant barriers to physical activity were fatigue, lack of motivation, time constraints, and current smoking. Relevant facilitators were perceived health benefits and motivation. Influence of the social environment and poor mental health were associated with more smoking, while increased energy was associated with less smoking. No relevant barriers and facilitators were identified for diet, alcohol consumption, and sun exposure. Barriers to healthy behavior in general were unmet information needs and time constraints whereas lifestyle advice, information, and discussions with a healthcare professional facilitated healthy behavior in general. Concerning other factors, women were more likely to be physically inactive, but less likely to drink alcohol and more likely to comply with sun protection recommendations than men. Higher education was associated with more physical activity, and lower education with more smoking. Conclusion: This knowledge can be used as a starting point to develop health behavior interventions, inform lifestyle coaches, and increase awareness among healthcare providers regarding which survivors are most at risk of unhealthy behaviors

    Influence of supportive enzymes on chemical composition and viscosity of triticale mashes

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    W pracy oceniano wpływ dodatku preparatów enzymów wspomagających (ksylanazy, pullulanazy, celulazy i celobiazy) do zacierów z pszenżyta, przygotowanych metodą bezciśnieniowego uwalniania skrobi (BUS) na ich skład fizyko-chemiczny, lepkość oraz wskaźniki fermentacji. Fermentację prowadzono systemem trzydobowym w temperaturze 28-30°C, z udziałem suszonych drożdży gorzelniczych Saccharomyces cerevisiae, rasy As4. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników stwierdzono wpływ dodatku enzymów wspomagających na własności reologiczne i skład fizyko-chemiczny, zarówno zacierów słodkich (ekstrakt, cukry redukujące, dekstryny, lepkość), jak i odfermentowanych (ekstrakt pozorny, ekstrakt rzeczywisty, alkohol, cukry redukujące, dekstryny) oraz przebieg fermentacji. W próbach fermentacyjnych, zawierających ksylanazę, pullulanazę oraz celulazę i celobiazę zaobserwowano poprawę dynamiki procesu fermentacji – szybsze zafermentowanie i krótszy czas trwania procesu w porównaniu z próbą kontrolną (bez dodatku enzymów wspomagających). W zależności od rodzaju zastosowanych enzymów pomocniczych, wydajność fermentacji mieściła się w granicach od 88,10% (zacier z ksylanazą) do 94,92% wydajności teoretycznej (zacier z celulazą i celobiazą) i była znacząco wyższa niż w próbie kontrolnej (65,60%).In the paper the effect of addition of supportive enzymes preparations (xylanase, pullulanase, cellulase and cellobiase) to triticale mashes, prepared by pressureless liberation of starch (PLS), on their physicochemical composition, rheological properties, and indicators of fermentation was evaluated. Fermentation was conducted at 28-30°C, by using dried distillery yeast strain As4 (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). The obtained results showed a diversified impact of supportive enzymatic preparations on rheological properties and physicochemical composition, both of sweet mashes (extract, reducing sugars, dextrins, viscosity) and of mashes after fermentation (apparent extract, real extract, alcohol, reducing sugars, dextrins) and on the course of process. In fermentation samples containing xylanase, pullulanase or cellulase and cellobiase an improve-ment in the dynamics of the fermentation - faster pre-fermentation and shorter time of process com-pared with the control sample (without addition of supportive enzymes) were observed. Depending on the kind of supportive enzymes used, fermentation efficiency ranged from 88.10% (mash with xylanase preparation) to 94.92% of theoretical yield (mash with cellulase and cellobiase prepara-tions) and was significantly higher in comparison with the control sample (65.60%)

    Malts as source of amylolytic enzymes in enzymatic hydrolysis process of starch

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    Zawartosc karbaminianu etylu w destylatach owocowych

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    Celem badań było określenie wpływu rodzaju owoców oraz warunków fermentacji (pH, temperatury) zacierów owocowych na zawartość karbaminianu etylu w uzyskanych destylatach. Przeprowadzono również badania modelowe dotyczące wpływu warunków przechowywania spirytusów oraz stężenia etanolu i cyjanowodoru na zmiany zawartości karbaminianu etylu. Największe stężenia cyjanowodoru (4,42 mg/l spirytusu 40% obj.) oraz karbaminianu etylu (2,41 mg/l spirytusu 40% obj.) oznaczono w surowym spirytusie wiśniowym, zaś najniższe w destylacie jabłkowym (1,07 mg HCN i 0,20 mg EC/ l spirytusu 40% obj.). Podwyższenie temperatury fermentacji zacierów śliwkowych od 18 do 36°C wpłynęło na 2-krotny wzrost zawartości cyjanowodoru od 2,65 do 5,77 mg/l spirytusu 40% obj. i 3-krotny wzrost stężenia karbaminianu etylu od 0,42 do 1,37 mg/l spirytusu 40% obj. Regulacja pH miazgi owocowej od wartości 3,5 do 5,0 nie wpłynęła w istotny sposób na zawartość karbaminianu w destylatach; jego stężenie wynosiło od 0,54 do 0,65 mg/l spirytusu 40% obj. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że światło, temperatura, podwyższone stężenie etanolu i cyjanowodoru mogą sprzyjać syntezie karbaminianu etylu.The aim of this paper was to determine the effect of fruit types and fermentation conditions (pH, temperature) of fruit mashes on the ethyl carbamate content in received distillates. The influence of storage conditions of spirits and concentration of ethanol and prussic acid on the content changes of ethyl carbamate was also tested. The highest levels of prussic acid (4,42 mg/l spirit 40% v/v) and ethyl carbamate (2,41 mg/l spirit 40% v/v) were found in raw cherry spirit, the lowest concentrations of this compounds were assayed in the apple distillate (1,07 mg HCN and 0,20 mg EC/l spirit 40% v/v). The increase of fermentation temperatures of plum mashes from 18 to 36°C, influenced on the levels of prussic acid and uretane in received distillates. Prussic acid content at 18OC was 2,65 mg and at 36°C - 5,77 mg/l spirit 40% v/v (2-fold increase). Ethyl carbamate content at 18°C was 0,42 mg and at 36°C 1,37 mg/l spirit 40% v/v (3-fold increase). The increase of the pH value from 3,5 to 5,0 of plum mashes, has no effect on ethyl carbamate levels in raw spirits; its concentration was from 0,54 to 0,65 mg/l spirit 40% v/v. From carried out tests it can be observed that light, temperature, higher ethanol and prussic acid concentration may be conductive to ethyl carbamate synthesis

    Extensible Implementation of Reliable Pixel Art Interpolation

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    Pixel art is aesthetics that emulates the graphical style of old computer systems. Graphics created with this style needs to be scaled up for presentation on modern displays. The authors proposed two new modifications of image scaling for this purpose: a proximity-based coefficient correction and a transition area restriction. Moreover a new interpolation kernel has been introduced. The presented approaches are aimed at reliable and flexible bitmap scaling while overcoming limitations of existing methods. The new techniques were introduced in an extensible. NET application that serves as both an executable program and a library. The project is designed for prototyping and testing interpolation operations and can be easily expanded with new functionality by adding it to the code or by using the provided interface

    Alcoholic fermentation of high-gravity corn mashes

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    W pracy oceniano wpływ ekstraktu zacierów kukurydzianych (około 20, 23 i 25% w/w), przygotowanych metodą bezciśnieniowego uwalniania skrobi (BUS), na ich skład fizyko-chemiczny, własności reologiczne oraz wskaźniki fermentacji. Fermentację prowadzono systemem trzydobowym w temperaturze 28-30°C, z udziałem suszonych drożdży gorzelniczych Saccharomyces cerevisiae, rasy As4. Okresowo pobierano próby zacierów w celu monitorowania zmian ich parametrów. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników stwierdzono istotny wpływ ekstraktu gęstości na własności reologiczne i skład fizyko-chemiczny, zarówno zacierów słodkich (ekstrakt, cukry redukujące, dekstryny, lepkość), jak i odfermentowanych (ekstrakt pozorny, ekstrakt rzeczywisty, alkohol, cukry redukujące, dekstryny, lepkość). Prowadzenie fermentacji zacierów kukurydzianych o ekstrakcie początkowym ok. 20% w/w pozwoliło na ich pełne odfermentowanie w systemie 3-dobowym (ekstrakt pozorny wynosił 0% w/w). Podwyższenie ekstraktu zacierów do około 23 i 25% w/w wpłynęło na wzrost ich lepkości oraz stężenia substratów cukrowych. Zaobserwowano również niepełne odfermentowanie tych zacierów (ekstrakt pozorny wynosił odpowiednio 2,4±0,1% w/w oraz 4,4±0,1% w/w), obniżenie wydajności procesu (odpowiednio o 16% oraz 21,4%) oraz niższy stopień wykorzystania cukrów (o 6,9% oraz 9,3%) w porównaniu z próbą o ekstrakcie 20% w/w.The paper presents the physicochemical composition, rheological properties and results of fermentation of high-gravity corn mashes (extract content of about 20, 23 and 25% w/w) prepared by pressureless liberation of starch (PLS). Fermentation was conducted for 3 days at 28-30oC, by using dried distillery yeast strain As4 (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Periodically, samples of mashes were collected in order to monitor fermentation parameters (measurement of apparent and true extract, ethanol concentration, loss of sugars). The obtained results showed a significant effect of corn mashes extract on their rheological properties and physicochemical composition, both of sweet mashes (extract, reducing sugars, dextrins, viscosity) and mashes after fermentation (apparent extract, true extract, ethanol content, reducing sugars, dextrins, viscosity). Fermentation of corn mash with the initial extract of about 20% w/w in the 3-daily system resulted in its apparent extract on the level of 0% w/w. Increasing the mashes density to 23 and 25% w/w resulted in an increase of their viscosity and concentration of sugar substrates. Their apparent extract after completion of the process amounted to 2.4 ± 0.1% w/w and 4.4 ± 0.1% w/w, respectively. Moreover, lower yields of fermentation process (by 16% and 21.4%) and lower degree of sugar assimilation (by 6.9% and 9.3%) compared to the sample with the extract of 20% w/w were observed