406 research outputs found

    What lessons can we learn from the present economic crisis for the possible future strategies of enterprises - lesson from Hungary and Slovakia

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    The paper explores the characteristics of the present economic crisis at enterprise level and its comsequences for possible growth after the crisis. The study builds on international experiences concerning recovery from crisis during the previous economic downturns between 1980 and 2002. Survey results in Hungary and Slovakia are presented with special attention to how companies tried to react to the present economic recession. The study analyses the possible consequences of the strategies followed by the Slovakian and Hungarian firms during the crisis period from the point of view of capabilities for utilizing the options for growth when demand will start to increase

    Utjecaj usmjerenosti strukture na savojnu čvrstoću drva

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    Drvo je prirodni polimer, lako obradiv, dostupan i ekološki prihvatljiv materijal. Zbog anizotropne strukture, usmjerena su i mehanička svojstva. U ovom radu istražen je utjecaj usmjerenosti strukture na savojnu čvrstoću i savojni modul elastičnosti subfosilnog drva brijesta.Subfosilno drvo je konzervirano drvo koje je više stotina godina bilo u vodi tekućici, u vrlo specifičnim uvjetima. Brijest se vrlo rijetko nađe kao subfosilno drvo, a zbog holandske bolesti je gotovo nestao iz prirodnih šuma jugoistočne Europe. Uzorci za ispitivanje izrezani su iz približno 670 godina starog debla, izvađenog iz korita rijeke Save između Grebnica i Domaljevca u Bosanskoj posavini. Mikroskopskom analizom triju karakterističnih presjeka (poprečnog, radijalnog i tangencijalnog) utvrđeno je da se radi o drvu iz roda Ulmus(brijest). Savojna čvrstoća i savojni modul elastičnosti određeni su metodom savijanja u tri točke. Ispitane su tri serije uzoraka – LT, L45° i LR. Smjer savojne sile bio je okomit na vlakanca kod svih ispitanih uzoraka, a variran je smjer sile u odnosu na tijek godova: 0° (LT), 45° (L45°) i 90° (LT). Za oba ispitana svojstva najviše vrijednosti izmjerene su u seriji L45°. Vrijednosti u LT seriji su neznatno više od vrijednosti u LR seriji. Rezultati su statistički obrađeni Weibullovom razdiobom. Koeficijent determinacije Weibullove funkcije je vrlo visok (blizu 1), za sve tri serije, za oba svojstva. Utvrđeno je da vrijednosti savojne čvrstoće i savojnog modula elastičnosti subfosilnog drva brijesta u odnosu na recentni brijest nisu niže, unatoč 700-godišnjem boravku u vrlo specifičnim uvjetima


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    Mathematical relationships have been developed for approximating the draft force requirement of the subsoiler and the vertical soil reaction, in knowledge of physical-mechanical characteristics of the soil. In selecting the width of the foot the critical cutting depth, size and shape of foot and shank holding the tiller wings are to be taken into consideration

    Counting as citizens: Recognition of the Nubians in the 2009 Kenyan census

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    This article uses the case of the Nubians in Kenya as an ethnic minority, and the 2009 Kenyan census as a particular form of recognition, to engage in a particular aspect of the debates surrounding the politics of recognition: the perceived competitive nature of the relationship between national and subnational groups, in this case ethnic groups. Using data obtained during a 6-month qualitative study conducted over the census period, this paper evaluates the response of some members of the Nubian community to their participation in the census, focusing on its most controversial question, ‘What tribe are you?’ The article concludes that the dynamic between ethnic and national identities and allegiances, when the former are recognized, can be the site of agency, participatory citizenship, and therefore also democratic equality, action and interaction

    Indigeneity and Kenya’s Nubians: seeking equality in difference or sameness?

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    The Nubians of Kenya and the emancipatory potential of collective recognition

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    The Nubians in Kenya, a community who have in the past been considered stateless, have recently begun to emerge from their marginal status in the country. Over the past two years, as individuals Nubians have had improved access to ID cards and as a group they received a code in the 2009 census. However these political gains are only part of a greater struggle on the part of the community to be fully recognized as a tribe of Kenya. Identity politics and claims for recognition dominate social politics in many African countries, however the normative underpinnings of these complex and often challenging claims are yet to be fully explored in the African context. Drawing on seven months of qualitative fieldwork, this article explores the emancipatory potential of collective recognition. By articulating a positive vision of the moral and political value of ethnic community, the article makes a critical contribution to theory of the politics of recognition in the African context

    A double label: learning disabilities and emotional problems among gifted children

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    Many gifted children are "double labeled", namely in addition of being gifted they are also learning disabled and/or suffer from emotional, social or behavioral problems. This article will present the difficulties gifted children with a double label have to deal with, especially the difficulties in the educational system. Because of the double label the educational team faces a double challenge, in most cases without being equipped with the required knowledge or the support they need. This article will describe three case studies; techniques for intervention with such children and their families will be suggested
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