318 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of endocrine disruption through nuclear receptors and related pathways

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    International audienceEndocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are a broad class of molecules present in our environment that are suspected to cause adverse effects in the endocrine system by interfering with the synthesis, transport, degradation, or action of endogenous hormones. Humans are generally exposed to low doses of pollutants, and current researches aim at deciphering the mechanisms accounting for the health impact of EDCs at environmental concentrations. Here, we review different mechanisms through which EDCs might alter hormonal functions by interfering with the nuclear receptors and related pathways, including extranuclear signaling by membrane-bound receptors mediating rapid non-genomic responses, and the aryl hydrocarbon receptor

    Manipulating Protein Acetylation in Breast Cancer: A Promising Approach in Combination with Hormonal Therapies?

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    Estrogens play an essential role in the normal physiology of the breast as well as in mammary tumorigenesis. Their effects are mediated by two nuclear estrogen receptors, ERα and β, which regulate transcription of specific genes by interacting with multiprotein complexes, including histone deacetylases (HDACs). During the past few years, HDACs have raised great interest as therapeutic targets in the field of cancer therapy. In breast cancer, several experimental arguments suggest that HDACs are involved at multiple levels in mammary tumorigenesis: their expression is deregulated in breast tumors; they interfere with ER signaling in intricate ways, restoring hormone sensitivity in models of estrogen resistance, and they clinically represent new potential targets for HDACs inhibitors (HDIs) in combination with hormonal therapies. In this paper, we will describe these different aspects and underline the clinical interest of HDIs in the context of breast cancer resistance to hormone therapies (HTs)

    New stably transfected bioluminescent cells expressing FLAG epitope-tagged estrogen receptors to study their chromatin recruitment

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Biological actions of estrogens are mediated by the two specific estrogen receptors ERalpha and ERbeta. However, due to the absence of adequate cellular models, their respective transcriptional activities are still poorly understood. For instance, the evaluation of such differing properties on the transcription of responsive genes using ChIP experiments was hindered by the deficiency of cells exhibiting the same genotypic background and properties but expressing only one of the ERs. We describe here the generation of such cells, using an estrogen receptor negative HELN cell line that was derived from HeLa cells stably transfected with an ERE-driven luciferase plasmid. These HELN-Falpha and HELN-Fbeta cell lines stably express either the alpha or beta (full length) estrogen receptor tagged with the FLAG epitope. The use of antibodies directed against the FLAG epitope allowed a direct comparative evaluation of the respective actions of both ERs using ChIP. RESULTS: HELN-Falpha and HELN-Fbeta cell lines were found to express comparable levels of their corresponding tagged receptors with a Kd for estradiol binding of 0.03 and 0.27 nM respectively. The presence of a stably transfected ERE-driven luciferase plasmid in these cells allowed the direct evaluation of the transcriptional activity of both tagged receptors, using natural or synthetic estrogens. FLAG-ERalpha and FLAG-ERbeta were found to exhibit similar transcriptional activity, as indicated by a kinetic evaluation of the transcriptional activation of the luciferase gene during 10 hrs of treatment with estradiol. The validity of these model cells was further confirmed by the predictable transcriptional regulations measured upon treatments with ERalpha or ERbeta specific ligands. The similar immunoprecipitation efficiency of both tagged receptors by an anti-FLAG antibody allowed the assessment of their kinetic recruitment on the synthetic luciferase promoter (containing an estrogen response element) by ChIP assays during 8 hours. A biphasic curve was obtained for both FLAG-ERalpha and FLAG-ERbeta, with a peak occurring either at 2 hr or at 1 hr, respectively, and a second one following 4 hr of E2 stimulation in both cases. In MCF-7 cells, the recruitment of ERalpha also exhibited a biphasic behaviour; with the second peak however not so important than in the HeLa cell lines. CONCLUSION: In HELN derived cell lines, no fundamental differences between kinetics were observed during 8 hours for FLAG-ERalpha and FLAG-ERbeta, as well as for polymerase II recruitment. However, the relative importance of recruitment between 1 hr and 4 hr was found to be different in HeLa cell line expressing exogenous tagged ERalpha and in MCF-7 cell line expressing endogenous ER

    Differential expression of the RTP/Drg1/Ndr1 gene product in proliferating and growth arrested cells

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    AbstractUsing a differential display method to identify differentiation-related genes in human myelomonocytic U937 cells, we cloned the cDNA of a gene identical to Drg1 and homologous to other recently discovered genes, respectively human RTP and Cap43 and mouse Ndr1 and TDD5 genes. Their open reading frames encode proteins highly conserved between mouse and man but which do not share homology with other know proteins. Conditions in which mRNAs are up-regulated suggest a role for the protein in cell growth arrest and terminal differentiation. We raised antibodies against a synthetic peptide reproducing a characteristic sequence of the putative polypeptide chain. These antibodies revealed a protein with the expected 43 kDa molecular mass, up-regulated by phorbol ester, retinoids and 1,25-(OH)2 vitamin D3 in U937 cells. It was increased in mammary carcinoma MCF-7 cells treated by retinoids and by the anti-estrogen ICI 182,780 but not by 4-hydroxytamoxifen. The mouse Drg1 homologous protein was up-regulated by retinoic acid in C2 myogenic cells. The diversity of situations in which expression of RTP/Drg1/Ndr1 has now been observed shows that it is widely distributed and up-regulated by various agents. Here we show that ligands of nuclear transcription factors involved in cell differentiation are among the inducers of this novel protein

    Bioanalytical characterisation of multiple endocrine- and dioxin-like activities in sediments from reference and impacted small rivers.

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    International audienceA comprehensive evaluation of organic contamination was performed in sediments sampled in two reference and three impacted small streams where endocrine disruptive (ED) effects in fish have been evidenced. The approach combined quantitative chemical analyses of more than 50 ED chemicals (EDCs) and a battery of in vitro bioassays allowing the quantification of receptor-mediated activities, namely estrogen (ER), androgen (AR), dioxin (AhR) and pregnane X (PXR) receptors. At the most impacted sites, chemical analyses showed the presence of natural estrogens, organochlorine pesticides, parabens, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (16 PAHs), bisphenol A and alkylphenols, while synthetic steroids, myco-estrogens and phyto-estrogens were not detected. Determination of toxic-equivalent amounts showed that 28-96% of estrogenic activities in bioassays (0.2-6.3 ng/g 17beta-estradiol equivalents) were explained by 17beta-estradiol and estrone. PAHs were major contributors (20-60%) to the total dioxin-like activities. Interestingly, high PXR and (anti)AR activities were detected; however, the targeted analysed compounds could not explain the measured biological activities. This study highlighted the presence of multiple organic EDCs in French river sediments subjected to mixed diffuse pollution, and argues for the need to further identify AR and PXR active compounds in the aquatic environment

    A Cell Model Suitable for a High-Throughput Screening of Inhibitors of the Wnt/β-Catenin Pathway

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    A constitutive activation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway is an initiating event in colon carcinogenesis. We developed colon cancer cells models that highlight the non-selectivity of previously described inhibitors of the Wnt pathway and we propose our model as a suitable screening system for inhibitors of the pathway

    A comparative study of human and zebrafish glucocorticoid receptor activities of natural and pharmaceutical steroids

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    IntroductionThe action of environmental steroids on the human glucocorticoid receptor (hGR) has been pointed out with the risk to impair physiological immune and metabolic processes regulated by this nuclear receptor. However, there is still a lack of mechanistic information regarding their ability to interact with GR in aquatic species.MethodsTo investigate ligand activation differences between hGR and zebrafish GR (zfGR), we tested several natural and synthetic steroids using reporter cell lines expressing hGR or zfGR.Results and discussionAlmost all the glucocorticoids tested (dexamethasone, cortisol, bimedrazol, medrol, cortivazol and fluticasone) are agonists of the two receptors with similar potencies. The dissociated glucocorticoids, RU24782 and RU24858 are agonists of both zfGR and hGR but with a better potency for the latter. On the other hand, the synthetic glucocorticoid forbimenol and the mineralocorticoid aldosterone are agonist on hGR but antagonist on zfGR. The other steroids tested, androgens and progestins, are all antagonists of both GRs with equal or lower potency on zfGR than on hGR. Surprisingly, the lower efficacy and potency on zfGR of aldosterone, forbimenol and the dissociated glucocorticoids is not related to their affinity for the receptors which would suggest that it could be related to less efficacious recruitment of coactivators by zfGR compared to hGR

    Selectivity of natural, synthetic and environmental estrogens for zebrafish estrogen receptors.

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    International audience: Zebrafish, Danio rerio, is increasingly used as an animal model to study the effects of pharmaceuticals and environmental estrogens. As most of these estrogens have only been tested on human estrogen receptors (ERs), it is necessary to measure their effects on zebrafish ERs. In humans there are two distinct nuclear ERs (hERα and hERβ), whereas the zebrafish genome encodes three ERs, zfERα and two zfERβs (zfERβ1 and zfERβ2). In this study, we established HeLa-based reporter cell lines stably expressing each of the three zfERs. We first reported that estrogens more efficiently activate the zfERs at 28°C as compared to 37°C, thus reflecting the physiological temperature of zebrafish in wildlife. We then showed significant differences in the ability of agonist and antagonist estrogens to modulate activation of the three zfER isotypes in comparison to hERs. Environmental compounds (bisphenol A, alkylphenols, mycoestrogens) which are hER panagonists and hERβ selective agonists displayed greater potency for zfERα as compared to zfERβs. Among hERα selective synthetic agonists, PPT did not activate zfERα while 16α-LE2 was the most zfERα selective compound. Altogether, these results confirm that all hER ligands control in a similar manner the transcriptional activity of zfERs although significant differences in selectivity were observed among subtypes. The zfER subtype selective ligands that we identified thus represent new valuable tools to dissect the physiological roles of the different zfERs. Finally, our work also points out that care has to be taken in transposing the results obtained using the zebrafish as a model for human physiopathology

    The Phytoestrogen Genistein Affects Zebrafish Development through Two Different Pathways

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    BackgroundEndocrine disrupting chemicals are widely distributed in the environment and derive from many different human activities or can also be natural products synthesized by plants or microorganisms. The phytoestrogen, genistein (4&prime;, 5, 7-trihydroxy-isoflavone), is a naturally occurring compound found in soy products. Genistein has been the subject of numerous studies because of its known estrogenic activity.Methodology/ Principal FindingsWe report that genistein exposure of zebrafish embryos induces apoptosis, mainly in the hindbrain and the anterior spinal cord. Timing experiments demonstrate that apoptosis is induced during a precise developmental window. Since adding ICI 182,780, an ER antagonist, does not rescue the genistein-induced apoptosis and since there is no synergistic effect between genistein and estradiol, we conclude that this apoptotic effect elicited by genistein is estrogen-receptors independent. However, we show in vitro, that genistein binds and activates the three zebrafish estrogen receptors ER&alpha;, ER&beta;-A and ER&beta;-B. Furthermore using transgenic ERE-Luciferase fish we show that genistein is able to activate the estrogen pathway in vivo during larval stages. Finally we show that genistein is able to induce ectopic expression of the aromatase-B gene in an ER-dependent manner in the anterior brain in pattern highly similar to the one resulting from estrogen treatment at low concentration.Conclusion/SignificanceTaken together these results indicate that genistein acts through at least two different pathways in zebrafish embryos: (i) it induces apoptosis in an ER-independent manner and (ii) it regulates aromatase-B expression in the brain in an ER-dependent manner. Our results thus highlight the multiplicity of possible actions of phytoestrogens, such as genistein. This suggests that the use of standardized endpoints to study the effect of a given compound, even when this compound has well known targets, may carry the risk of overlooking interesting effects of this compound.<br /