1,944 research outputs found

    Bosonic Description of Spinning Strings in 2+12+1 Dimensions

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    We write down a general action principle for spinning strings in 2+1 dimensional space-time without introducing Grassmann variables. The action is written solely in terms of coordinates taking values in the 2+1 Poincare group, and it has the usual string symmetries, i.e. it is invariant under a) diffeomorphisms of the world sheet and b) Poincare transformations. The system can be generalized to an arbitrary number of space-time dimensions, and also to spinning membranes and p-branes.Comment: Latex, 12 page

    Quantum Spacetimes in the Year 1

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    We review certain emergent notions on the nature of spacetime from noncommutative geometry and their radical implications. These ideas of spacetime are suggested from developments in fuzzy physics, string theory, and deformation quantisation. The review focuses on the ideas coming from fuzzy physics. We find models of quantum spacetime like fuzzy S4S^4 on which states cannot be localised, but which fluctuate into other manifolds like CP3 CP^3 . New uncertainty principles concerning such lack of localisability on quantum spacetimes are formulated.Such investigations show the possibility of formulating and answering questions like the probabilty of finding a point of a quantum manifold in a state localised on another one. Additional striking possibilities indicated by these developments is the (generic) failure of CPTCPT theorem and the conventional spin-statistics connection. They even suggest that Planck's `` constant '' may not be a constant, but an operator which does not commute with all observables. All these novel possibilities arise within the rules of conventional quantum physics,and with no serious input from gravity physics.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX; talks given at Utica and Kolkata .Minor corrections made and references adde

    Non-Linear Sigma Model on the Fuzzy Supersphere

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    In this note we develop fuzzy versions of the supersymmetric non-linear sigma model on the supersphere S^(2,2). In hep-th/0212133 Bott projectors have been used to obtain the fuzzy CP^1 model. Our approach utilizes the use of supersymmetric extensions of these projectors. Here we obtain these (super) -projectors and quantize them in a fashion similar to the one given in hep-th/0212133. We discuss the interpretation of the resulting model as a finite dimensional matrix model.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, corrected typo

    Twisted Gauge and Gravity Theories on the Groenewold-Moyal Plane

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    Recent work [hep-th/0504183,hep-th/0508002] indicates an approach to the formulation of diffeomorphism invariant quantum field theories (qft's) on the Groenewold-Moyal (GM) plane. In this approach to the qft's, statistics gets twisted and the S-matrix in the non-gauge qft's becomes independent of the noncommutativity parameter theta^{\mu\nu}. Here we show that the noncommutative algebra has a commutative spacetime algebra as a substructure: the Poincare, diffeomorphism and gauge groups are based on this algebra in the twisted approach as is known already from the earlier work of [hep-th/0510059]. It is natural to base covariant derivatives for gauge and gravity fields as well on this algebra. Such an approach will in particular introduce no additional gauge fields as compared to the commutative case and also enable us to treat any gauge group (and not just U(N)). Then classical gravity and gauge sectors are the same as those for \theta^{\mu \nu}=0, but their interactions with matter fields are sensitive to theta^{\mu \nu}. We construct quantum noncommutative gauge theories (for arbitrary gauge groups) by requiring consistency of twisted statistics and gauge invariance. In a subsequent paper (whose results are summarized here), the locality and Lorentz invariance properties of the S-matrices of these theories will be analyzed, and new non-trivial effects coming from noncommutativity will be elaborated. This paper contains further developments of [hep-th/0608138] and a new formulation based on its approach.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, 1 figur

    Twisted Poincar\'e Invariant Quantum Field Theories

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    It is by now well known that the Poincar\'e group acts on the Moyal plane with a twisted coproduct. Poincar\'e invariant classical field theories can be formulated for this twisted coproduct. In this paper we systematically study such a twisted Poincar\'e action in quantum theories on the Moyal plane. We develop quantum field theories invariant under the twisted action from the representations of the Poincar\'e group, ensuring also the invariance of the S-matrix under the twisted action of the group . A significant new contribution here is the construction of the Poincar\'e generators using quantum fields.Comment: 17 pages, JHEP styl

    Non-Pauli Effects from Noncommutative Spacetimes

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    Noncommutative spacetimes lead to nonlocal quantum field theories (qft's) where spin-statistics theorems cannot be proved. For this reason, and also backed by detailed arguments, it has been suggested that they get corrected on such spacetimes leading to small violations of the Pauli principle. In a recent paper \cite{Pauli}, Pauli-forbidden transitions from spacetime noncommutativity were calculated and confronted with experiments. Here we give details of the computation missing from this paper. The latter was based on a spacetime Bχn\mathcal{B}_{\chi\vec{n}} different from the Moyal plane. We argue that it quantizes time in units of χ\chi. Energy is then conserved only mod 2πχ\frac{2\pi}{\chi}. Issues related to superselection rules raised by non-Pauli effects are also discussed in a preliminary manner.Comment: 15 Pages, 1 Table, Full details and further developments of arXiv:1003.2250. This version is close to the one accepted by JHE