1,130 research outputs found

    Survey of the sea fisheries of India

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    A preliminary account is given of the design and technique of the sampling method employed for estimating the landings of sea fish at some selected centres along the East and West coasts of India. Statistics of marine fishing villages, fishing populations, boats and nets are presented along with app roximate percentages of the occurrence of important fishes and also the estimated monthly landings of fish during 1949 at some representauve places

    Systematic account of the eels of Bombay

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    Eels form an important fishery in different parts of the world and they have attracted the attention of naturalists since the beginning of this century, when the Danish scientist Johannes Schmidt (1906) made the sensational discovery of the breeding migration of the European eel

    Observations on the biology of Harpodon nehereus (Hamilton)

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    The total catch of Bombay duck in Inaia during 1949 was estimated as about- 7250 tons ie about 2% of the total yield of marine fishes of India. The fishing season commences, some time in Septembeer just after the South West monsoon and continues for a period of about 4 to 5 months. It is also available during the other months of the year in smaller numbers but is somewhat rare during May to August

    A comparative study of early and delayed cord clamping in term deliveries

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    Background: Timing of clamping of the umbilical cord has always been a debatable issue. Early cord clamping (ECC) is defined as clamping of the cord within 30 seconds of delivery of the baby and delayed cord clamping (DCC) is defined as clamping of the cord between 30 to 120 seconds of delivery. Delayed cord clamping, despite some limitations, is said to be beneficial to the neonate.┬а A comparative study between ECC and DCC was carried out on a select group of term pregnant women without any high-risk factor and delivering at term. Aim of the study was to compare the effects of early versus delayed cord clamping on neonates and mothers. The focus was on the neonatal haemoglobin levels and adverse effects, if any on neonates and mothers in the two groups.Methods: 100 women satisfying the inclusion/exclusion criteria were recruited for the study. They were randomly divided into two groups of 50 each. Group A underwent early cord clamping and Group B delayed cord clamping. Mothers were observed for 1 hour post-delivery for any evidence of post-partum haemorrhage. Neonates were observed for any sign of tachypnea and blood sample was sent after 72 hours of delivery for analyzing Hb, hematocrit and bilirubin of the neonate.Results: The results revealed that neonates with DCC had a higher mean Hb level of 15.02 vis-├а-vis the ECC group Hb of 11.69G/dl and the difference was statistically significant. Similarly mean hematocrit of DCC group was 48.67 while the ECC group mean was 42.36, the difference again was statistically significant. There was no significant side effects or complications in both mother and newborn babies.Conclusions: It was concluded that delayed cord clamping should be practiced in otherwise non high-risk deliveries

    Occurance of Sillago chondropus, BLKR in the seas of India

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    Observations on the ossification centres of Trichopodus trichopterus (Pall.)

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    Shell disease in Crassostrea gryphoides (schlotheim)

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    Seasonal gonadal changes in adult freshwater mussel, Parreysia favidens Var. Marcens (Benson)

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    1. Seasonal gonadal changes in adult mussels were observed. 2. The spawning starts in the month of March and continues up to October indicating a prolonged breeding period. 3. After the start of the spawning, lipid globules appear in the lumen of the follicles. 4. In the male, spermatocytical morulae appear after the start of the spawning. 5. No indeterminate sex condition or hermaphroditism is noticed

    The development of the chondrocranium in Trichopodus trichopterus (Pall.)

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    Zonation of intertidal organisms on the rocky shores of Bombay

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    Zonation of intertidal organisms on the rocky shores of Cuffe Parade, Chowpathy, Breach Candy and Mahim around Bombay was studied. In all the four shores it was possible to recognise the following general pattern of zonation. (i) Upper littoral zone dominated by httorinids-four littorinid species were abundant in all the four localities. Major species showed definite vertical zonation. (ii) Mid littoral zone characterised by barnacles and oysters, was divisible into three or four belts-dominated by distinct set of animals. (iii) Lower littoral zone (wide zone), had a large number of species and maximum number of animals-trochids in general dominated this zone
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