176 research outputs found

    The proportion of alternative-powered vehicles and the state of energy self-sufficiency in the Hungarian settlement stock

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    Purpose - Beside the examination of electric power from renewables, this study has sought the answer as to what a ratio of vehicles fueled by environmentally sparing technologies represent in the vehicle fleets of Hungarian settlements. It has been to shed light on the self-sufficiency of Hungarian settlements with respect to these two segments of energy consumption. Design/Methodology/Approach - When looking into self-sufficiency, the focus has been on the ratio of locally available renewable energy sources. Which settlements have the largest numbers of alternative-powered vehicles, and within the vehicle fleets of the settlements where these vehicles represent the most significant shares. The focal point of the studies has fallen on the spatial distribution of electric and hybrid vehicles, as well as vehicles powered with various biofuels. The composition of the vehicle fleet has been examined in the light of the quantities of renewable energies generated in the individual settlements in order to see whether there are settlements in Hungary that are capable of covering the energy needs of their vehicle stocks from local sources. Findings - Among the Hungarian settlements, there are 30 settlements that are able to generate more green electricity than their annual electric power demands. One of the potential ways to utilize the electricity from overproduction is to charge the electric and hybrid vehicles belonging to the settlement, which can be used to supply energy to local transport, as well. Research limitation/implications - The settlements that are up to self-sufficiency still have not had an electric vehicle fleet that would consume the excess energy locally. On the other hand, the settlements that are in possession of significant quantities of electric, hybrid and biofuel-powered vehicles seem to be unable to satisfy the energy demanded for the operation of these vehicles with renewable energy produced in their own areas. Besides, these vehicle fleets account for only a fraction of all the vehicles registered in the settlements concerned. Practical implications - One of the potential ways to utilize the electricity from overproduction is to charge the electric and hybrid vehicles belonging to the settlement, which can be used to supply energy to local transport, as well. Social implications - The results serve as useful feedback in relation to the outcomes of the governmental or municipal measures, allowances and subsidies taken and provided for spreading environmentally friendly technologies until the end of 2017, in the energy transition process of Hungary's system of transportation. Originality/value - Determining municipal energy self-sufficiency by examining the settlement stock of an entire country (in the electricity and transport sectors)

    Establishing Forecasts Pointing Towards the Hungarian Energy Change Based on the Results of Local Municipal Renewable Energy Production and Energy Export

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    Professional energy organizations perform analyses mainly on the global and national levels about the expected development of the share of renewables in electric power generation, heating and cooling, as well as the transport sectors. There are just a few publications, research institutions, non-profit organizations and national initiatives with a focus on studies in the individual towns, settlements. Issues concerning the self-supply of energy on the settlement level have not become too wide-spread. The goal of our energy geographic studies is to determine the share of local renewable energy sources in the settlement-based electricity supply across Hungary. The Hungarian energy supply system defines four categories based on the installed capacities of electric power generating units. From these categories, the theoretical annual electricity production of small-sized household power plants (SSHPP) featuring installed capacities under 50 kW and small power plants with under 0.5 MW capacities have been taken into consideration. In the above-mentioned power plant categories, the Hungarian Electricity Act has allowed the establishment of power plants primarily for the utilization of renewable energy sources since 2008. Though with certain restrictions, these small power plants utilizing renewable energies have the closest links to individual settlements, and can be regarded as the achievements of the host settlements in the shift of energy use. Based on 2017 data, we have ranked settlements to reflect the level of self-sufficiency in electricity production from renewable energy sources. The results show that the supply of all the energy demanded by settlements from local renewables is within reach now in small settlements, e.g. in the form of the small power plant categories discussed in the study, and is not at all impossible even in small towns and cities. In Hungary, 30 settlements produce more renewable electricity than their own annual electricity consumption. If these overproductive settlements export their excess electricity towards neighboring settlements, then full electricity supply can be realized on further 29 settlements from renewable sources by local small power plants. These results provide opportunity for governmental planning of the realization of energy shift (legislative background, support system, environmental education), as well as framing developmental forecasts and scenarios

    Determination of settlement electricity self-sufficiency with the use of average utilization rate and PVGIS methods

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    The goal of the study is to develop an estimation method with software calculations and based on the mean utilization rate data in order to establish in what proportions small-scale household power plants (SSHPP) that belong to the category of small-scale power plants in the most decentralized locations and among local power plants, as well as small power plants with nominal capacities under 0.5 MW that are not subject to permits contribute to the satisfaction of the electricity demands of settlements when all the settlements in Hungary are concerned. In what ways are these proportions present in the settlements of various sizes? What results have been accomplished in the process of the energy transition during the past ten years since the regulatory conditions for the establishment of power plants were put in place when changes in the economic environment and subsidization background are also taken into consideration? Are there settlements in Hungary that are capable of satisfying 100% of their electric power demands from local renewable sources, i.e. if the energy transition is feasible? With this method, energy policies can be planned better for the future, the subsidization system can be adjusted, the energy mix can be modified, and the process of energy transition can be accelerated. We have conducted our studies from the perspective of energy geography and settlement geography


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    The automation of the operation of aircraft equipment lightens and diminishes the manipulation of the pilot during the flight. This article gives some introduction about the fundamental aspects of the LQG/LTR control theory, and it shows an application option through an example. The movement of an aircraft can be modeled with a linear time invariant dynamic system, which must be controlled by a flight controller. This article contains the synthesis and analysis of the stability and other qualitative control parameters of the flight control

    Robust Control and Fault Detection Filter Design for Aircraft Pitch Axis

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    This paper presents a robust control and fault detection filter design for linearized longitudinal dynamics of F-16 aircraft. The control design is based on mu; synthesis method which guarantees the robust performance requirements and takes the structured uncertainty into consideration. In case of F-16 aircraft, it is assumed that an elevator failure and a sensor failure occur during the system operation. To ensure the safety of aircraft control system a fault detection and isolation (FDI) filter is designed. The fault detection filter design based on geometric approach relies on the use of (C,A) invariant subspaces which makes possible the decoupling of different types of failure. Typically, the FDI filter design approach is elaborated for open loop model and it is applied in the closed loop. In this paper the FDI filter designed for aircraft control system will be analyzed for a closed loop system

    Network-level optimal control for public bus operation

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    The paper presents modeling, control and analysis of an urban public transport network. First, a centralized system description is given, built up from the dynamics of individual buses and bus stops. Aiming to minimize three conflicting goals (equidistant headways, timetable adherence, and minimizing passenger waiting times), a reference tracking model predictive controller formulated based on the piecewise-affine system model. The closed-loop system is analyzed with three methods. Numerical simulations on a simple experimental network showed that the temporal evolution of headways and passenger numbers could maintain their periodicity with the help of velocity control. With the help of randomized simulation scenarios, sensitivity of the system is analyzed. Finally, infeasible regions for the bus network control was sought using by formulating an explicit model predictive controller

    Háztartási méretű kiserőművek villamosenergia-ellátásban betöltött szerepe a magyarországi településállományban - The role of small-scale household power plants in the electricity supply by the Hungarian settlements

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    A megújuló energiaforrások viharos gyorsaságú és világméretű terjedése során egyre több település tűzi ki célul, energiaigényének kielégítését megújuló forrásokból. Magyarország energiamérlegében ma még jelentős részt tesznek ki a fosszilis energiahordozók, amelyek többsége importtal biztosított. Az energiafüggőség csökkentése, az energiabiztonság növelése, a környezeti szempontok figyelembe vétele és a települések energiaköltségének csökkentése érdekében elkerülhetetlen a megújuló energiaforrásokból származó energia részarányának növelése. Magyarország érdeke is az, hogy a megújuló energiaforrások részarányát növelje az energiaellátásban. Ennek érdekében, a 2007-es Villamos energia törvény (VET) (2007. évi LXXXVI. törvény, a villamos energiáról) létrehozta az 50 kVA teljesítménynél kisebb összes teljesítményű háztartási méretű kiserőmű (HMKE) kategóriát. Ebben a kategóriában megújuló és fosszilis forrásból is előállítható villamos energia. A 2015 végéig installált kapacitás 99,6%-a megújuló forrásból származik, 99%-a pedig napenergiából. A HMKE kategória bevezetése óta eltelt hét évben, annak beépített országos összes kapacitása ugrásszerűen növekedett. Az összes teljesítőképesség 2008. év végén még 0,51 MW volt, míg 2015. év végére már megközelítette a 129 MW-ot. Az összes teljesítőképesség 2008-tól 2015-ig minden évben az előző évi többszörösére emelkedett és további dinamikus kapacitásbővülés várható. A kapacitások és az általuk termelt villamos energia települési szintű adatként is megjeleníthető. A vizsgálatok célja, annak megállapítása, hogy pusztán e legkisebb erőmű kategóriában kiépült kapacitás milyen arányban képes részt venni az egyes magyarországi települések villamosenergia-ellátásában. Azaz, az így termelt villamos energia mekkora százalékát elégíti ki a helyi villamosenergia-igényeknek. Ez alapján felállítható egy települési rangsor, amely megmutatja az önellátás mértékét a megújuló energiaforrásból származó villamosenergia-előállítás terén, továbbá lehetőséget ad az energiaváltás megvalósításának tervezésére. Végezetül a célértékek elérése tekintetében milyen mértékben lehet alapozni e legkisebb erőmű kategóriára. The utilization of renewable energy sources spread with stormy speed on the world therefore more and more municipalities propose that they satisfy their energy demand from renewable sources. The fossil fuels represent a significant proportion in Hungarian energy balance and the majority of these is import energy. The proportion of renewable energy sources must be increased to decrease the energy dependence and the energy cost of municipalities, to increase the energy security and to consider the aspects of environment. The interest of Hungary is to increase the proportion of renewable energy sources in energy supply. In order to this, the government created the small-scale household power plant (SSHPP) category in the Electricity law. This power plants should be not greater than 50 kW's performance. In this category, electricity can be produced from renewable and fossil sources. Since the government introduced the small, household size power plant category the installed capacity was grown quickly in the last seven years. The general capacity was 0.51 MW altogether at the end of year 2008 but it has already approached 129 MW’s at the end of year 2015. The general capacity was increased by the multiple of the previous year every year between 2008 and 2015 and there will be more a dynamic capacity expansion. Data about the capacity and the produced electricity can be displayed on municipality level, too. The purpose of the investigations is to determine: how can the built capacity of the small, household size power plant category participates in the electricity supply of the Hungarian settlements? So how many percentages of electricity demand can be gratified by this electricity power on the settlements? Based on this a ranking can be made among municipalities which shows the level of sufficiency in production of renewable energy and give a possibility for the power shift. Finally, to what extent can be built upon this power plant category in order to that Hungary can comply its objective value

    Kötelezö átvételi rendszerben benyújtott naperőmű létesítési igények, megválósúlásának hatása a magyarországi településá llomány villamosenergia ellátására = The impact of realization of solar power plant installation requests in Mandatory Purchase (KÁT) system on the electricity supply of Hungarian settlements

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    Magyarországon 2017-től átalakult a megújulóenergia-termelés támogatási rendszere. A megújuló energiaforrásból és hulladékból előállított villamosenergia-termelésének ösztönzésére a törvényalkotó, korábban a Kötelező Átvételi Rendszert (KÁT) hozta létre. A Kötelező Átvételi Rendszert, 2017. január 1-től a Megújuló támogatási rendszer (Metár) váltotta fel. A Metár hatályba lépése előtt már ismert volt, hogy a KÁT rendszerben működött 25 éves támogatott átvételi időszak, a Metárban már csak 13 év lesz, így 2016-ban valóságos roham indult meg a KÁT engedélyekért, hogy még a kedvezőbb feltételek mellett köthessenek szerződést a beruházók. A MEKH ekkor rekord mennyiségű, nagyjából 2000 engedélyt adott ki 500 kW és az alatti naperőművek építéséhez. Ez több mint 1000 MW összteljesítmény. Jelen tanulmány arra keresi a választ, hogy a KÁT engedélyekkel rendelkező naperőművek, megvalósulásuk esetén hogyan befolyásolnák a magyar településállomány önellátottsági szintjét a villamosenergia-ellátásban. A továbbiakban ezen erőmű kategóriába tartozó, már meglévő és az engedélyek alapján a jövőben megépülő, erőművek hatását vizsgáljuk a települési villamosenergia-önellátásban. The support system of renewable energy production was changed in Hungary in 2017. The legislator created the Mandatory Purchase (KÁT) system earlier to encourage the electricity production from renewable energy sources and waste. The Renewable Energy Subsidy System (Metár) changed the Mandatory Purchase (KÁT) system from the 1st of January in 2017. It had been known before Metár came into force that the supported period in the Matár would be only 13 years while it was 25 years in the KÁT. Therefore, a real rush started for the KÁT support licenses in 2016 in order to make more beneficial contracts by the investors. At the time, the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH) released a record amount of licenses (more than 2000 pieces) to build solar power plants under 500 kW performance. This is more than 1000 MW total power. This paper searches the answer how this solar power plants will influence the level of self-sufficiency of the Hungarian settlements in the electricity supply if those are realized. Hereinafter, we will analyze the possible impact of these solar power plants in the settlement electricity self-sufficiency