Determination of settlement electricity self-sufficiency with the use of average utilization rate and PVGIS methods


The goal of the study is to develop an estimation method with software calculations and based on the mean utilization rate data in order to establish in what proportions small-scale household power plants (SSHPP) that belong to the category of small-scale power plants in the most decentralized locations and among local power plants, as well as small power plants with nominal capacities under 0.5 MW that are not subject to permits contribute to the satisfaction of the electricity demands of settlements when all the settlements in Hungary are concerned. In what ways are these proportions present in the settlements of various sizes? What results have been accomplished in the process of the energy transition during the past ten years since the regulatory conditions for the establishment of power plants were put in place when changes in the economic environment and subsidization background are also taken into consideration? Are there settlements in Hungary that are capable of satisfying 100% of their electric power demands from local renewable sources, i.e. if the energy transition is feasible? With this method, energy policies can be planned better for the future, the subsidization system can be adjusted, the energy mix can be modified, and the process of energy transition can be accelerated. We have conducted our studies from the perspective of energy geography and settlement geography

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