27 research outputs found

    Characteristics of a pulse-periodic corona discharge in atmospheric air

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    Pulse-periodic corona discharge in atmospheric air excited by applying a voltage pulse with a subnanosecond or microsecond rise time to a point electrode is studied experimentally. It is shown that, at a voltage rise rate of dU/dt ~1014 V/s, positive and negative ball-shaped streamers with a front velocity of ≥2 mm/ns form near the point electrode. As dU/dt is reduced to 1010−1011 V/s, the streamer shape changes and becomes close to cylindrical. The propagation velocity of cylindrical streamers is found to be ~0.1 mm/ns at dU/dt ~ 2 × 1010 V/s. It is shown that the propagation direction of a cylindrical streamer can be changed by tilting the point electrode, on the axis of which the electric field strength reaches its maximum value. It is established that, for the negative polarity of the point electrode and a microsecond rise time of the voltage pulse, a higher voltage is required to form a cylindrical streamer than for the positive polarity of the point electrode

    X-ray radiation and runaway electron beams generated during discharges in atmospheric-pressure air at rise times of voltage pulse of 500 and 50 ns

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    The parameters of X-ray radiation and runaway electron beams (RAEBs) generated at long-pulse discharges in atmospheric-pressure air were investigated. In the experiments, high-voltage pulses with the rise times of 500 and 50 ns were applied to an interelectrode gap. The gap geometry provided non-uniform distribution of the electric field strength. It was founded that at the voltage pulse rise time of 500 ns and the maximum breakdown voltage Um for 1 cm-length gap, a duration [full width at half maximum (FWHM)] of a RAEB current pulse shrinks to 0.1 ns. A decrease in the breakdown voltage under conditions of a diffuse dischargeleads to an increase in the FWHM duration of the electron beam current pulse up to several nanoseconds. It was shown that when the rise time of the voltage pulse is of 500 ns and thediffuse discharge occurs in the gap, the FWHM duration of the X-ray radiation pulse canreach≈100 ns. It was established that at a pulse-periodic diffuse discharge fed by high-voltage pulses with the rise time of 50 ns, an energy of X-ray quanta and their number increase with increasing breakdown voltage. Wherein the parameter Um/pd is saved

    Applied optical properties of diamond

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    In our paper we report about the optical properties of diamonds having applied sense. Radiation destruction manifests itself in the form of absorption bands and luminescence of vacancies and interstitials. The charge state of the NV centers depends on the impurity-defective composition of the sample. Accelerated particles lose their energy to Cherenkov radiation. The fine splitting of the free exciton state affects the absorption and luminescence spectra in the recombination bands of free excitons and their condensed stat

    Luminescence of crystals excited by a runaway electron beam and by excilamp radiation with a peak wavelength of 222 nm

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    This paper presents research data on cathodoluminescence, photoluminescence, and Cherenkov radiation at 200–800 nm excited in crystals with different refractive indices by a subnanosecond runaway electron beam and by KrCl excilamp radiation with a peak wavelength of 222 nm. The data include spectral and amplitude-time characteristics measured with a resolution of up to ∼100 ps for natural and synthetic diamonds of type IIa, sapphire, CsI, ZnS, CaF2, ZrO2, Ga2O3, CaCO3, CdS, and ZnSe. The research suggests that cathodoluminescence and photoluminescence should be accounted for in Cherenkov-type detectors of runaway electrons. The results can be useful for detecting high-energy electrons in tokamak

    Subnanosecond high-voltage breakdown initiated in high-pressure nitrogen by a runaway electron beam

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    This study reports on subnanosecond breakdowns initiated on high pressure nitrogen by a runaway electron beam in an inhomogeneous electric field. It is shown that a diffuse discharge with a duration of ≥1 ns is formed in the gas diode. Data are reported for the first time on collector measurements of a supershort avalanche electron beam downstream of an anode foil at a nitrogen pressure of 0.5–1.2 MPa. The beam pulsewidth at these pressures is ∼90 ps. At a nitrogen pressure of 1.2 MPa, the number of electrons with an energy >70 keV recorded by the collector is 4 × 10^6/cm^2

    Effect of air pressure on parameters of beam current and X-ray radiation generated in a gas diode

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    Parameters of a beam of runaway electrons and X-ray radiation generated in a gas diode at different atmospheric pressures are studied. It is shown that the maximum beam currents and intensities of X-ray radiation are generated at an air pressure of about 102 Pa. Distribution of beam electrons with respect to energy is determined by the method of attenuation of beam current using aluminum filters with different thicknesses. The maximum of such a distribution corresponds to an electron energy of about 100 keV. The maximum exposure dose of X-ray radiation behind a copper-foil anode with a thickness of 30 μm is about 107 mR. It is shown that the beam electrons absorbed by elements of an X-ray detector affect the shape and amplitude of the desired signal at beam currents of greater than 35 A/cm2

    Electrons accelerator for research Cherenkov radiation in different specimens

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    Cherenkov radiation is widely used to register charged particles with high energy. This paper describes the design and parameters of an electrons accelerator, as well as the results of studies of the spectra and amplitude-time characteristics of sapphire and quartz KU1 radiation under the excitation of electrons with an energy of up to 350 keV. It was shown that in the UV and visible spectral regions a wide band is recorded, the intensity of which increases with decreasing wavelength. It was established that the duration and shape of the radiation pulse of this band coincides with the pulse of the electron beam. All this allows us to attribute the registered emission to the Cherenkov radiation