435 research outputs found

    Impacts of El Niño Climate Anomaly on Irrigation Scheduling of Maize Crop Using Budget Models under Tropical Climate Conditions

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    The research aims to calculate the water requirement and irrigation interval of maize crop as well as to design water-efficient irrigation application system. The study was conducted on dry land of Palembang city of South Sumatra. The indicator crop used in this study was maize. Daily climate data were taken from Sultan Mahmud Badarudin and Kenten station. The research applied survey method, laboratory analysis, computer simulation and irrigation design. The calculation of water crop deficiency was done using empirical approach by multiplying the potential evapotranspiration value by crop coefficient. Soil water retention characteristic was recorded based on the calculation of the length of water available to plants. Daily rainfall in the field was recorded as water input other than water from irrigation. The combination of soil, climate and plant physiological properties (Agro-pedo-climatic) will result in a water irrigation system in a region. Water balance analysis was developed by the help of computer model (BUDGET model). The result of computer model analysis shows that maize crop in rainy season does not require irrigation. While for the transition period (March-May), irrigation is required for the flowering phase with a total water requirement of 76.5 mm. During dry season (May-July), irrigation is required with water requirement of 198 mm. Irrigation scheduling is set up 9 times with intervals every 7 days at the beginning of growth and 10 days at the middle and end. While the testing under dry climate conditions (El Niño) using rainfall data in 2015 indicates irrigation should be given since March and during planting period (May-August 2015) the irrigation should be applied 12 times with intervals every 5 days at the initial stage and 10 days during vegetative stage

    Reviews on the Properties of Aggregates made with or without Geopolymerisation Method

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    Aggregates are popular for use in concrete and lightweight concrete applications. Recent research shows that the by-product materials such as fly ash can be used as raw material in producing aggregates and lightweight aggregates. The usage of this material can improve the quality of the aggregates produced compared to conventional in term of structurally strong, physically stable, durable, and environmentally inert. This paper summarized the process and mechanical testing on the fly ash aggregates and lightweight aggregates to be used in concrete

    Karakterisasi Tanah Rawa Pasang Surut Delta Pulau Rimau Untuk Mendukung Land Aplikasi Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit

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    Bakri B, Warsito W, Karimudin Y. 2019. Characterization of raw land in Pulau Rimau to support liquid waste application land palm oil factory. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 2019, Palembang 4-5 September 2019. pp. 90-96. Palembang: Unsri Press.The study aimed to determine the physical and chemical properties of soil to support Land Application of palm oil mill effluent. The research method is carried out by survey method by taking soil samples at several depths. The results showed pH (2.98 - 2.93), C org (38.22 - 61.62 g / kg), N tot (0.84 - 0.95), P brey 1 (1.35 - 1 , 80 mg / kg), K-dd (0.19 - 0.32), Na (0.55 - 1.09 cmol / Kg), Ca (1.8 - 3.23 cmol / kg), Mg ( 0.55 - 1.81 cmol / kg), CEC (17.40 - 19.58 cmol / kg), KBL (14.94 - 32%), Sand (36.99 - 40.94%), Dust ( 40.63 - 55.57%), Clay (7.55 - 22.38%), BD (0.74 - 1.08 g / cm³), RPT (60 - 72%), Permeability (0.27 - 3.45 cm / hour). The results of the analysis show that nutrient-poor soils, but the physical condition of the soil is quite helpful for the media providing land applications for palm oil mill effluent.Keywords: palm oil mills, soil properties, wast

    Karakteristik Sifat Fisik Tanah dan Sistem Jaringan Tata Air di Desa Bandar Jaya Jalur 25 Air Sugihan

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    Bakri et al, 2019. Characteristics of Soil Physical Properties and Water Management Network Systems In Bandar Jaya Village, Primer 25 Air Sugihan. pp. 138-145.The development of the potential of tidal land for annual crops, especially rice plants, is very needed information on the physical properties of the soil and the systems of water management. There are two conditions in Bandar Jaya Village, namely the use of tidal water in the dry season and water discharge during the rainy season. The objective of this research was to determine characteristics of soil physical properties and water management network systems.  The condition is intended to not lack water in the dry season and there will be no flooding in the rainy season. Soil sampling activity was carried out intentionally on the fourth tertiary plot of Primer 25 Air Sugihan in Bandar Jaya Village. The physical condition of the soil at a depth of 0 - 30 cm BD is low (0.67 g / cm3), the Total Pore is high (77%), while in the depth of the soil 30 - 60 cm BD 0.74 g/cm3, and Total Pore 73 %. At soil depth> 60 cm BD 0.98 g / cm3 and Total Pore  64%. Dusty clay texture. This soil condition can support plant growth and production. Water management network is built with a pair comb system, tertiary canals have been equipped with sluice gates and modified goose neck sluice, so that water management can be carried out to support cropping indices

    Hubungan Pemberian Makanan Pendamping Ais (Mp-asi) Dini Dengan Kejadian Ispa Pada Bayi 0-6 Bulan Di Puskesmas Moti Kota Ternate

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    Absract : Earlier supplementary foods of breast milk (MP-ASI) is a food or beverage containing the nutrients given to baby or children aged 6-24 months in order meet nutritional needs in addition to breast milk. Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) is an infectious disease that attacks the respiratory tract that is caused by bacteria and viruses. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between earlier supplementary foods of breast milk (MP-ASI) in the incidence of acute respiratory infections (ARI) in baby 0-6 months. The study design was a descriptive analytic with cross sectional method, the sample selection using purposive sampling. The results obtained are 38 respondents. Taking Chi-square p = 0.014 < = 0.05. Conclusions of these studies show a link between the feeding of Earlier Supplementary Foods of Breast Milk (MP-ASI) in the incidence of acute respiratory infections (ARI) in baby 0-6 months working area of Public Health Moti, Ternate. Advice for health workers in order to further improve the plan, or the promotion of exclusive breast feeding until the age of 6 months and the provision of complementary feeding from 6 months regularly and directly. Keywords: Earlier Supplementary Foods of Breast Milk, Acute Respiratory Infections to Baby Age 0-6 Months 0-6 Months Absrak MP-ASI merupakan makanan atau minuman yang mengandung zat gizi, di berikan kepada bayi atau anak usia 6-24 bulan guna memenuhi kebutuhan gizi selain ASI. Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut (ISPA) merupakan suatu penyaki infeksi yang menyerang saluran pernapasan yang bersifat akut, meliputi saluran pernapasan bagian atas dan saluran pernapsan bagian bawah yang di sebabkan oleh bakteri dan virus

    Griffiths phase in diluted magnetic semiconductors

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    We study the effects of disorder in the vicinity of the ferromagnetic transition in a diluted magnetic semiconductor in the strongly localized regime. We derive an effective polaron Hamiltonian, which leads to the Griffiths phase above the ferromagnetic transition point. The Griffiths-McCoy effects yield non-perturbative contributions to the dynamic susceptibility. We explicitly derive the long-time susceptibility, which has a pseudo-scaling form, with the dynamic critical exponent being expressed through the percolation indices.Comment: 4 pages, final version as publishe

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Pair Share Padamateri Sistem Pencernaan Manusia Terhadap Hasil Belajar Biologi Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Kepenuhan Hulu Tahun Pembelajaran 2014/2015

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effect of cooperative learning type of Think Pair Share toward biological student's learning result on the human digestive system at grade VIII of SMP Negeri 1 Kepenuhan hulu for academic years on 2014/2015. The method was quasi experiment with Control Group Pretes-Posttest Design type. The sample was taken by using Purposive sampling. The sample was students as experiment class at grade VIIIA and students as a control class at grade VIII B. The instrument of the study was the test. The data analysis used t-test, and obtained ttest = 3,74 of significant 0,05 that ttable = 2,03 , so it can be concluded that by t-test&gt; t-table means that alternative hypothesis was accepte

    Impacts of El Niño Climate Anomaly on Irrigation Scheduling of Maize Crop Using Budget Models under Tropical Climate Conditions

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    The research aims to calculate the water requirement and irrigation interval of maize crop as well as to design water-efficient irrigation application system. The study was conducted on dry land of Palembang city of South Sumatra. The indicator crop used in this study was maize. Daily climate data were taken from Sultan Mahmud Badarudin and Kenten station. The research applied survey method, laboratory analysis, computer simulation and irrigation design. The calculation of water crop deficiency was done using empirical approach by multiplying the potential evapotranspiration value by crop coefficient. Soil water retention characteristic was recorded based on the calculation of the length of water available to plants. Daily rainfall in the field was recorded as water input other than water from irrigation. The combination of soil, climate and plant physiological properties (Agro-pedo-climatic) will result in a water irrigation system in a region. Water balance analysis was developed by the help of computer model (BUDGET model). The result of computer model analysis shows that maize crop in rainy season does not require irrigation. While for the transition period (March-May), irrigation is required for the flowering phase with a total water requirement of 76.5 mm. During dry season (May-July), irrigation is required with water requirement of 198 mm. Irrigation scheduling is set up 9 times with intervals every 7 days at the beginning of growth and 10 days at the middle and end. While the testing under dry climate conditions (El Niño) using rainfall data in 2015 indicates irrigation should be given since March and during planting period (May-August 2015) the irrigation should be applied 12 times with intervals every 5 days at the initial stage and 10 days during vegetative stage.</em
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