489 research outputs found
Peran Aparatur Negara Dalam Penanganan Kegiatan Perikanan Yang Tidak Sah Di Perairan Raja Ampat
In addition to potential sea Raja Ampat which attract many fishermen to indent the practice of illegal fishing, the widespread practice of this crime was also fueled by weak law enforcement aspect by the government. With qualitative methods, it can be concluded that the law enforcement officers who may be authorized by law, the Department of Marine and Fisheries of Raja Ampat, Navy, and Unit Police waters of Raja Ampat to combat illegal fishing impressed walk on their own without no coordination. Moreover, in the process of eradicating the practice of illegal fishing in the waters of Raja Ampat still has two major drawbacks. (1) deficiencies in the supervision system to eradicate illegal fishing; (2) weak prosecution and law enforcement against any violations
Media Center sebagai Pusat Pelayanan Informasi Publik dalam Penyebarluasan Aktivitas Pemerintahan Kepada Masyarakat di Kabupaten Pinrang
This study aims to find out and analysis the role and functions of Media Center as .public service in the dissemination on government activities at Pinrang, and also the benefits of Media Center as public center in the dissemination information on Pinrang. This research was conducted in the Media Center of Pinrang using a qualitative approach. Subjects were selected by using purposive sampling technique, 5 from manager of the Media Center, 5 from NGO boad and 7 from public who visit the Media Center of Pinrang. Data analysis was performed using data analysis techniques Miles and Huberman. The results indicate the Media Center of Pinrang acts as a medium of coordination between agencies and also as a medium of exchange information between local and central, and vice versa.Media Center of Pinrang provide and disseminate information include government activities, regulation, public facilities, anf information about tourist destinations. Media Center is a form of convergence of elelctronic media and print media and provide a lot of convenience for the public and journalists to released news. Media Center of Pinrang have characteristic digitalization and interactive, which can be accesed anywhere and anytime, and provide space for the public to give feed back. Media Center of Pinrang has carried out the role and function for dissemination of government activity, however, need to providing internet outlets at districts and village levels, and increase in internet networks, public relations training regularly, and presenting information that is really useful straight
معجزة القرآن الكريم خصائصها وأثرها على ثقافة الشعوب
يتحدث هذا البحث عن معجزة القرآن الكريم وما حباها الله تعالى به من خصائص فريدة، جعلت لها التميز عن كل المعجزات، ولذلك كان لها الأثر الفعَّال في تغيير حياة كل الشعوب، وتعديل أنماط حياتهم إلى ما هو أفضل في الأخلاق والقِيم والسلوك الفردي والجماعي، ولم يقتصر دورها على شعب دون شعب أو أمة دون أمة، بل كان أثرها عاما كما هي معجزة لكل العالمِين.This study explores the miracles of the Qur\u27an as well as its superiorities given by Allah that distinguish it from the other miracles. One of the miracles is its power to influence and change the life of a nation into a better living, both individually and socially. The notable miracle of the Qur\u27an is not limited to a particular nation or community, but its effect is general as the miracle for the whole univers
Alih Fungsi Trotoar Menjadi Tempat Pedagang Kaki Lima Jalan Z.a. Pagar Alam
The research is aimed to describe conversion the function of sidewalk along the road Z.A. Pagar Alam Kota Bandar Lampung in 2013. The research uses survey method. The research object is the conversion of the function of sidewalk become street vendors. The research subject is street vendors who use the sidewalks that totaled 56 traders. The data collecting technique uses the observations, interview, questionnaire, and documentation. Analysis data used technique percentage. The research results showed that (1) street vendors who uses the sidewalks of 57.1% including category not capable of being rent shop-house, (2) the land area of a sidewalk transformed into places of commerce functions only of 251,9 m2 or 1.6% of the total land area of the sidewalk, (3) Street vendors along the sidewalk was dominated by traders meals of 83.9%, (4) As much as 57,1% traders, the perception that trade on the sidewalk location is very strategic.Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan alih fungsi trotoar di sepanjang jalan Z.A. Pagar Alam Kota Bandar Lampung pada tahun 2013. Penelitian menggunakan metode survei. Objek penelitian adalah alih fungsi trotoar menjadi tempat pedagang kaki lima. Subjek penelitian adalah pedagang kaki lima yang menggunakan trotoar yaitu berjumlah 56 pedagang. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, kuesioner, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1) pedagang kaki lima yang menggunakan trotoar sebesar 57,1% termasuk kategori tidak mampu menyewa ruko, (2) luas lahan trotoar berubah fungsi menjadi tempat dagang hanya sebesar 251,9 m2 atau 1,6% luas total trotoar, (3) pedagang kaki lima didominasi oleh pedagang panganan sebesar 83,9%, (4) sebanyak 57,1% pedagang berpersepsi bahwa lokasi dagang di trotoar adalah sangat strategi
Peranan Ekosistem Hutan Mangrove pada Imunitas terhadap Malaria: Studi di Kecamatan Labuhan Maringgai Kabupaten Lampung Timur
One of the ecological function of mangrove forests is a habitat for mosquitoes that cause malaria (Anopheles sp.). Epidemic of malaria could increased as a result of mangrove degradation. The damage of mangrove forests stimulate Anopheles sp. migrate to other habitats such as settlements, that become malaria vector. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of mangrove forest ecosystems both intrinsic and extrinsic factors in immunity to malaria. This research was conducted on June 2014 in the Muara Gading Mas Village, Bandar Negeri, Sriminosari, and Margasari, Sub-district Labuhan Maringgai, District East Lampung. The data were collected through interviews and survey/observations method. The impact of each variable used binary logistic regression models. Parameter optimization used software Minitab 16. The result of research have been demonstrated that there is influence both intrinsic and extrinsic factors in immunity to malaria in mangrove forest. Factors that increase resistance to malaria: (a) gender, male37.42 fold of female, (b) age, getting older every 1 year doubled to 1.17 times of originally, (c) education, the higher it isreduced to 0.001 times the originally, (d) livelihood, besides fisher 0,001 fold of fisherman, (e) the distance settlements to the health facility, each reduced to 1 meter doubled to 0.09 times the originally, (f) the distance home to mangroves, each increase of 1 meter doubled to 1,001 times the originally, (g) the dustbin, there are bins 239.71 better than none, (h) the malaria program, multiply 3,71E+05 originally than none, (i) extensive mangrove, increasing 1 m2 become 1,001 fold of originally, and (j) mangrove density, increasing 1 population/ha multiply 1.18 fold originally
Hubungan Pemberian Makanan Pendamping Ais (Mp-asi) Dini Dengan Kejadian Ispa Pada Bayi 0-6 Bulan Di Puskesmas Moti Kota Ternate
Absract : Earlier supplementary foods of breast milk (MP-ASI) is a food or beverage containing the nutrients given to baby or children aged 6-24 months in order meet nutritional needs in addition to breast milk. Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) is an infectious disease that attacks the respiratory tract that is caused by bacteria and viruses. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between earlier supplementary foods of breast milk (MP-ASI) in the incidence of acute respiratory infections (ARI) in baby 0-6 months. The study design was a descriptive analytic with cross sectional method, the sample selection using purposive sampling. The results obtained are 38 respondents. Taking Chi-square p = 0.014 < = 0.05. Conclusions of these studies show a link between the feeding of Earlier Supplementary Foods of Breast Milk (MP-ASI) in the incidence of acute respiratory infections (ARI) in baby 0-6 months working area of Public Health Moti, Ternate. Advice for health workers in order to further improve the plan, or the promotion of exclusive breast feeding until the age of 6 months and the provision of complementary feeding from 6 months regularly and directly. Keywords: Earlier Supplementary Foods of Breast Milk, Acute Respiratory Infections to Baby Age 0-6 Months 0-6 Months Absrak MP-ASI merupakan makanan atau minuman yang mengandung zat gizi, di berikan kepada bayi atau anak usia 6-24 bulan guna memenuhi kebutuhan gizi selain ASI. Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut (ISPA) merupakan suatu penyaki infeksi yang menyerang saluran pernapasan yang bersifat akut, meliputi saluran pernapasan bagian atas dan saluran pernapsan bagian bawah yang di sebabkan oleh bakteri dan virus
Tax as an Alternative Legal Protection for Business Enterprises in E-Commerce
legal protection is usually only one-sided on the consumer. but this time businesses in the trade of electronic transaction or commonly referred to as e-commerce should also get the same legal protection in accordance rights. This is an alternative legal protection by the tax assessment in commercial transaction of e-commerce. Tax provides legal certainty in e-commerce trading because the taxes business are protected from foreign competition product pric
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