159 research outputs found

    On the AA-spectrum for AA-bounded operator on von-Neumann algebra

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    Let M\mathfrak{M} be a von Neumann algebra and let AA be a nonzero positive element of M\mathfrak{M}. By σA(T)\sigma_A(T) and rA(T)r_A(T) we denote the AA-spectrum and the AA-spectral radius of TMAT\in\mathfrak{M}^A, respectively. In this paper, we show that σ(PTP,PMP)σA(T)\sigma(PTP, P\mathfrak{M} P)\subseteq \sigma_A(T). Sufficient conditions for the equality σA(T)=σ(PTP,PMP)\sigma_A(T)=\sigma(PTP, P\mathfrak{M} P) to be true are presented. Also, we show that σA(T)\sigma_A(T) is finite for any TMAT\in\mathfrak{M}^A if and only if AA is in the socle of M\mathfrak{M}. Next , we consider the relationship between elements SS and TMAT\in\mathfrak{M}^A that satisfy one of the following two conditions: (1) σA(SX)=σA(TX)\sigma_A(SX)=\sigma_A(TX) for all XMAX\in\mathfrak{M}^A, (2) rA(SX)=rA(TX)r_A(SX)= r_A(TX) for all XMAX\in\mathfrak{M}^A. Finally, a Gleason-Kahane-\.Zelazko's theorem for the AA-spectrum is derived.% Finally, we introduce and study the notion of the AA-approximate point spectrum for element of XMAX\in\mathfrak{M}^A

    Produtos de hidratação em argamassas geopoliméricas à base de argila da Tunísia para reparação de estruturas de concreto

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    A reparação de estruturas degradadas de concreto representa uma oportunidade para a indústria da construção mas também um desafio para a comunidade científica. O desenvolvimento de novas argamassas de reparação constitui por isso uma importante área de investigação. Os geopolímeros são ligantes inovadores alternativos ao cimento Portland pelo que as argamassas à base destes materiais, geopolíméricas, apresentam algumas potencialidades no campo da reparação das estruturas de concreto. O presente artigo apresenta resultados de uma investigação sobre o desenvolvimento de argamassas geopoliméricas à base de uma argila da Tunísia sujeita a tratamento térmico. É incluída uma análise da argila e também dos produtos de hidratação da argamassa os quais apresentam fases geopoliméricas típicas

    Financing micro-entrepreneurs for poverty alleviation: a performance analysis of microfinance services offered by BRAC, ASA, and Proshika from Bangladesh

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    Microfinance services have emerged as an effective tool for financing microentrepreneurs to alleviate poverty. Since the 1970s, development theorists have considered non-governmental microfinance institutions (MFIs) as the leading practitioners of sustainable development through financing micro-entrepreneurial activities. This study evaluates the impact of micro-finance services provided by MFIs on poverty alleviation. In this vein, we examine whether microfinance services contribute to poverty alleviation, and also identify bottlenecks in micro-finance programs and operations. The results indicate that the micro-loans have a statistically significant positive impact on the poverty alleviation index and consequently improve the living standard of borrowers by increasing their level of income

    Preparation of new polyimides by Diels-Alder reaction of various bis-pyrones and bismaleimide of methylenedianiline (BMI-MDA)

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    International audienceThe synthesis and characterization of novel polyimides obtained by Diels-Alder reaction of bis-pyrones and bismaleimides are studied. The present cycloadducts contain CO2 bridges, which can be eliminated by subsequent heat treatment, generating stable arom. systems. The CO2 released acts as blowing agent, leading to porous structures that are in high demand in the manuf. of heat-resistant foams. However, in this type of material, optimization means a good compromise between the temps. of polymn. and decarboxylation of early degrdn. All polymers are analyzed with 13C-, solid-state NMR and coupling ATG/IR. The studies of their thermal behavior, examd. by TGA and differential scanning calorimetric anal., show that these polyimides have a good thermal stability and are mainly amorphou

    Biogeochemical and biological impacts of diazotroph blooms in a low-nutrient, low-chlorophyll ecosystem: synthesis from the VAHINE mesocosm experiment (New Caledonia)

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    In marine ecosystems, biological N<sub>2</sub> fixation provides the predominant external source of nitrogen (N; 140 ± 50 Tg N yr<sup>−1</sup>), contributing more than atmospheric and riverine inputs to the N supply. Yet the fate and magnitude of the newly fixed N, or diazotroph-derived N (hereafter named DDN) in marine ecosystems is poorly understood. Moreover, whether the DDN is preferentially and directly exported out of the photic zone, recycled by the microbial loop and/or transferred into larger organisms remains unclear. These questions were investigated in the framework of the VAHINE (VAriability of vertical and tropHIc transfer of diazotroph derived N in the south wEst Pacific) project. Triplicate large volume ( ∼  50 m<sup>3</sup>) mesocosms were deployed in the tropical south-west Pacific coastal ocean (New Caledonia). The mesocosms were intentionally fertilized with  ∼  0.8 µM dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) at the start of the experiment to stimulate diazotrophy. A total of 47 stocks, fluxes, enzymatic activities and diversity parameters were measured daily inside and outside the mesocosms by the 40 scientists involved in the project. The experiment lasted for 23 days and was characterized by two distinct and successive diazotroph blooms: a dominance of diatom-diazotroph associations (DDAs) during the first half of the experiment (days 2–14) followed by a bloom of unicellular cyanobacterial lineage C (UCYN-C during the second half of the experiment (days 15–23). These conditions provided a unique opportunity to compare the DDN transfer and export efficiency associated with different diazotrophs. Here we summarize the major experimental and modelling results obtained during the project and described in the VAHINE special issue, in particular those regarding the evolution of the main standing stocks, fluxes and biological characteristics over the 23-day experiment, the contribution of N<sub>2</sub> fixation to export fluxes, the DDN released to dissolved pool and its transfer to the planktonic food web (bacteria, phytoplankton, zooplankton). We then apply our Eco3M modelling platform to further infer the fate of DDN in the ecosystem and the role of N<sub>2</sub> fixation on productivity, food web structure and carbon export. Recommendations for future work are finally provided in the conclusion section