163 research outputs found

    Hidden violence is a silent rape: prevention of sexual & gender-based violence against refugees & asylum seekers in Europe: a participatory approach report

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    From the arrival on European territory onwards, young female and male refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants are extremely vulnerable to several types of gender-based violence. This results from the "Hidden Violence is a Silent Rape" Study. This book describes extensively all phases and actions in the project undertaken. We introduce the project, its aims, methods and beneficiaries in Chapter 1 with an overview of the different actions. In Chapter 2 , the results of the Community Based Participatory Research are reported. Chapter 3 and 4 reflect the proceedings and recommendations fo the Hidden Violence is a Silent Rape Seminar

    Kinetic data for modeling the dynamics of the enzymes involved in animal fatty acid synthesis

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    The synthesis and modification of fatty acids (FAs) from carbohydrates are paramount for the production of lipids. Simultaneously, lipids are pivotal energy storage in human health. They are associated with various metabolic diseases and their production pathways are for instance candidate therapeutic targets for cancer treatments. The fatty acid de novo synthesis (FADNS) occurs in the cytoplasm, while the microsomal modification of fatty acids (MMFA) happens at the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The kinetics and regulation of these complex processes involve several enzymes. In mammals, the main ones are the acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), the fatty acid synthase (FAS), the very-long-chain fatty acid elongases (ELOVL 1-7), and the desaturases (delta family). Their mechanisms and expression in different organs have been studied for more than 50 years. However, modeling them in the context of complex metabolic pathways is still a challenge. Distinct modeling approaches can be implemented. Here, we focus on dynamic modeling using ordinary differential equations (ODEs) based on kinetic rate laws. This requires a combination of knowledge on the enzymatic mechanisms and their kinetics, as well as the interactions between the metabolites, and between enzymes and metabolites. In the present review, after recalling the modeling framework, we support the development of such a mathematical approach by reviewing the available kinetic information of the enzymes involved.</p

    Ancient paralogy in the cpDNA trnL-F region in Annonaceae : implications for plant molecular systematics

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    The plastid trnL-F region has proved useful in molecular phylogenetic studies addressing diverse evolutionary questions from biogeographic history to character evolution in a broad range of plant groups. An important assumption for phylogenetic reconstruction is that data used in combined analyses contain the same phylogenetic signal. The trnL-F region is often used in combined analyses of multiple chloroplast markers. These markers are assumed to contain congruent phylogenetic signal due to lack of recombination. Here we show that trnL-F sequences display a phylogenetic signal conflicting with that of other chloroplast markers in Annonaceae, and we demonstrate that this conflict results from ancient paralogy. TrnL-F copy 2 diverged from trnL-F copy I (as used in family-wide phylogenetic analyses) in a direct ancestor of the Annonaceae. Although this divergence dates back 88 million years or more, the exons of both copies appear to be intact. In this case, assuming that (putative) chloroplast markers contain the same phylogenetic signal results in an incorrect topology and an incorrect estimate of ages. Our study demonstrates that researchers should be cautious when interpreting gene phylogenies, irrespective of the genome from which they are presumed to have been sampled

    Belang van ondersteunende netwerken voor ouderen

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    __Abstract__ ‘Even Buurten’ is een Rotterdams initiatief. Hierin proberen professionals uit zorg en welzijn via een integrale wijkaanpak de sociale netwerken rondom thuiswonende ouderen te verstevigen. Doel van dit sociale netwerk is (vroeg) signalering en het bieden van concrete hulp en ondersteuning aan kwetsbare ouderen. Uit onderzoek naar het ‘Even Buurten’-initiatief komt het belang van een sterk sociaal buurtnetwerk duidelijk naar voren. Het succes van een integrale wijkaanpak hangt in sterke mate af van een integraal formeel e´n informeel ondersteunend netwerk in de buurt. Formele en informele netwerken werken echter nog niet goed samen. En ook binnen het formele netwerk (bijv. tussen zorg en welzijn) wordt nog onvoldoende samengewerkt om kwetsbare ouderen optimale ondersteuning te bieden. Deze klinische les beschrijft hoe integrale, wijkgerichte ondersteuning beter tegemoetkomt aan de behoeften en wensen van kwetsbare ouderen

    Sonication of Vascular Grafts and Endografts to Diagnose Vascular Graft Infection:a Head-To-Head Comparison with Conventional Culture and Its Clinical Impact

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    Vascular graft and endograft infection (VGEI) is a severe complication associated with high mortality and is often challenging to diagnose. For the definitive microbiological diagnosis, sonication of vascular grafts may increase the microbiological yield of these biofilm-associated infections. The objective of this study was to determine whether sonication of explanted vascular grafts and endografts results in a higher diagnostic accuracy than conventional culture methods and aids in clinical decision-making. A prospective diagnostic study was performed comparing conventional culture with sonication culture of explanted vascular grafts in patients treated for VGEI. Explanted (endo)grafts were cut in halves and were either subjected to sonication or conventional culture. Criteria based on the Management of Aortic Graft Infection Collaboration (MAGIC) case definition of VGEI were used for definitive diagnosis. The relevance of sonication cultures was assessed by expert opinion to determine the clinical impact on decision-making. Fifty-seven vascular (endo)graft samples from 36 patients (four reoperations; 40 episodes) treated for VGEI were included; 32 episodes were diagnosed with VGEI. Both methods showed a positive culture in 81% of the cases. However, sonication culture detected clinically relevant microorganisms that went unnoticed by conventional culturing in 9 out of 57 samples (16%, 8 episodes) and provided additional relevant information regarding growth densities in another 11 samples (19%, 10 episodes). Sonication of explanted vascular grafts and endografts improves the microbiological yield and aids in the clinical decision-making for patients with a suspected VGEI compared to conventional culture alone.</p

    The changing microRNA landscape by color and cloudiness:a cautionary tale for nipple aspirate fluid biomarker analysis

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    Purpose: Investigation of nipple aspirate fluid (NAF)-based microRNAs (miRNAs) as a potential screening tool for women at increased risk of developing breast cancer is the scope of our research. While aiming to identify discriminating NAF-miRNAs between women with different mammographic densities, we were confronted with an unexpected confounder: NAF sample appearance. Here we report and alert for the impact of NAF color and cloudiness on miRNA assessment. Methods: Seven classes of NAF colors coupled with cloudiness appearance were established. Using 173 NAF samples from 154 healthy women (19 samples were bilaterally collected), the expression of 14 target and 2 candidate endogenous control (EC) miRNAs was investigated using Taqman Advanced miRNA assays to identify significant differential expression patterns between color-cloudiness classes. Inter- and intra-individual variation of miRNA expression was analyzed using the coefficient of variation (CV). Results: We found that between the seven NAF classes, fold change miRNA expression differences ranged between 2.4 and 19.6 depending on the interrogated miRNA. Clear NAF samples exhibited higher miRNA expression levels compared to cloudy NAF samples with fold change differences ranging between 1.1 and 6.2. Inter-individual and intra-individual miRNA expression was fairly stable (CV &lt; 15 %), but nevertheless impacted by NAF sample appearance. Within NAF classes, inter-individual variation was largest for green samples (CV 6-15 %) and smallest for bloody samples (CV 2-6 %). Conclusions: Our data indicate that NAF color and cloudiness influence miRNA expression and should, therefore, be systematically registered using an objective color classification system. Given that sample appearance is an inherent feature of NAF, these variables should be statistically controlled for in multivariate data analyses. This cautionary note and recommendations could be of value beyond the field of NAF-miRNAs, given that variability in sample color and cloudiness is likewise observed in liquid biopsies such as urine, cerebrospinal fluid and sputum, and could thereby influence the levels of miRNAs and other biomarkers.</p

    Community standards for open cell migration data

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    Cell migration research has become a high-content field. However, the quantitative information encapsulated in these complex and high-dimensional datasets is not fully exploited owing to the diversity of experimental protocols and non-standardized output formats. In addition, typically the datasets are not open for reuse. Making the data open and Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) will enable meta-analysis, data integration, and data mining. Standardized data formats and controlled vocabularies are essential for building a suitable infrastructure for that purpose but are not available in the cell migration domain. We here present standardization efforts by the Cell Migration Standardisation Organisation (CMSO), an open community-driven organization to facilitate the development of standards for cell migration data. This work will foster the development of improved algorithms and tools and enable secondary analysis of public datasets, ultimately unlocking new knowledge of the complex biological process of cell migration
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