30 research outputs found

    The system of green surfaces in spas with special reference to the case studies: Vrnjačka, Kanjiža and Pribojska SPA

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    Taking into consideration the significance of the vegetation in urban areas the paper analyses current and attached regulations in Serbia relevant for planning and preserving of the system of green surfaces, with special reference to the spas. Referring to the results, it is pointed out the limitations of the current legal framework. Also, the existing planning documents for Vrnjačka, Pribojska and Kanjiža spa are analyzed. Referring to the obtained results, the recommendations are formulized with special reference to the system of green surfaces in spas. They stand for harmonization and improvement of the existing law regulations for the system of green surfaces and also for providing corresponding legal and other mechanisms, where financial support for the plan realization and efficient management is included

    Green infrastructure planning for climate smart and "green" cities

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    The aim of the paper is to present green infrastructure planning within the concept of climate-smart cities. In this context the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), as part of green infrastructure planning, is stressed in the establishment of climate-smart cities. In addition to presenting international examples of good practice, such as using GIS data, maps and tools for support in the USA, or designing a tool for water management and water infrastructure planning in Chicago, the paper provides an insight into the current status of green infrastructure planning in Serbia. The "Green regulation of Belgrade" project is presented as a representative example. The conclusions emphasise that the main preconditions for achieving climate-smart and green cities include legal and planning frameworks, as well as appropriate strategic and other programs that will further encourage the creation of GIS for green areas and create the conditions for climate-smart green infrastructure planning

    Approach to identification and development of mountain tourism regions and destinations in Serbia with special reference to the Stara Planina mountain

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    This paper deals with theoretical-methodological issues of tourism offer planning and regulation of settlements in mountain destinations. The basic determinants of the development of mountain tourist regions destinations in EU countries, in which respectable development results have been achieved, first of all in terms of income, together with appropriately adjusted development and environmental management system, have been emphasized. The ongoing transition and structural processes in Serbia will have an impact on application of these experiences. At the same time, a basis for competitiveness of mountain regions will not be determined only by spatial capacity and geological location, but also by creative-innovative developing environment. Taking into account the spatial-functional criteria and criteria for the development and protection, the possible spatial definition of mountain tourist regions/destinations in Serbia are presented. The justifiability and positioning of tourism development projects are analyzed aiming at uniform regional development, where two segments of demand are of particularly importance, i.e. demand for mountain tourism services and for real estates in mountain centers. Furthermore, holders of tourism offer will be analyzed through a contemporary approach which may be defined as the development and noncommercial and market and commercial one. International criteria which are evaluated while selecting city/mountain destination for Winter Olympic Games are particularly analyzed. Considering experience of countries with higher level of development of mountain regions, the main starting point for positioning projects for sustainable development of tourist destinations are defined by specifying them according to specific local and regional conditions. A rational model for spatial organization of tourism offer is shown on the example of the Stara Planina tourist region

    Vizuelizacija prostornih planova u GIS okruženju

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    This paper deals with some issues in the domain of visualization of the planning solutions, with reference to presentation needed contents on thematic and referral maps. A map is the text written by cartographical language, an unavoidable tool for presenting the plan and planning solutions. The starting point for making thematic maps are the basic postulates of traditional mapping, with use of capacities of modern technology/IT solutions. In that sense, the authors offer suggestions for improving the development of maps which accompany the plan, by using new techniques based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The issue is considered in the context of planning practice development, by formation and management of a unique spatial database as a prerequisite for the further implementation, updating and presentation of plans at the intra and Internet. The experiences of the Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Area of the National Park 'Đerdap' are used as a case study. Since the development of the National park opens a number of conflicting issues of sustainability and having that defined solutions can be realized on these principles and criteria, with the hard work of all actors in the area, the complexity of conflicts and planning requirements is reflected to the contents of cartographic solutions (referral maps). The paper points out the importance of the visual appearance of cartographic representation and comments the changes in the mapping from the analog to digital.U ovom radu razmatraju se neka pitanja iz domena vizuelizacije planskih rešenja, odnosno predstavljanja potrebnih sadržaja na tematskim i referalnim kartama. Karta je tekst napisan kartografskim jezikom, nezaobilazno sredstvo predstavljanja plana i planskih rešenja. Polazište za izradu tematskih karata jesu osnovni postulati tradicionalne kartografije uz korišćenje mogućnosti savremenih tehnoloških/informacionih rešenja. U tom smislu, autori daju predloge za unapređenje izrade pratećih karata plana, primenom novih tehnika zasnovanih na Geografskim informacionim sistemima (GIS). Problematika je posmatrana u kontekstu razvoja prakse planiranja formiranjem i upravljanjem jedinstvenom prostornom bazom podataka koja je preduslov za dalju implementaciju, ažuriranje i prezentaciju planova na intra i internetu. Kao primer iz prakse, korišćena su iskustva Prostornog plana područja posebne namene Nacionalnog parka 'Đerdap'. Budući da razvoj područja Nacionalnog parka otvara niz konfliktnih pitanja iz domena održivosti i da definisana rešenja mogu biti realizovana na ovim principima i kriterijumima uz veliki rad svih aktera u prostoru, složenost konflikata i planskih zahteva odražava se i na sadržaj kartografskih rešenja (referalanih karata). U radu se ukazuje na značaj izgleda kartografskog prikaza i komentarišu se promene u načinu izrade karata, od analogne ka digitalnoj

    Kriterijumi i pravila za izbor lokacija pratećih sadržaja autoputeva

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    Supplementary contents along motorways are rather important facilities for a safe and secure functioning of a substantial part of the road transport system. In the paper, it has been stressed that our practice has not dealt with this problem satisfactorily throughout the motorways design process and especially in the realization phase. Therefore, the solving of this major issue ought to be approached systematically and planning oriented so as to achieve an optimal effect of supplementary contents in the motorways’ exploitation. The role of these facilities is multifold. Some relate to a safer road functioning and some enable a more comfortable and secure traveling. To make them work as a system it is indispensable to set up location selection criteria and rules for the complementary facilities Respecting the adequate rhythm and function dominance is exceptionally important as well as establishing the traffic safety and applying high ecological standards.Prateći sadržaji autoputa su veoma značajni objekti za sigurno i bezbedno funkcionisanje ovog značajnog dela sistema kopnenog saobraćaja. U radu se ističe da se naša praksa nije dovoljno bavila ovim problemom kod projektovanja autoputeva, a naročito nedovoljno kod izvođenja. Zbog toga rešavanju ovog važnog pitanja izgradnje autoputeva treba prići sistemski i planerski, kako bi prateći sadržaji bili u funkciji eksploatacije autoputa Uloga ovih sadržaja je višestruka. Izdvajaju se sadržaji namenjeni za bezbedno funkcionisanje samog puta i sadržaji koji omogućavaju što komfornije i bezbednije putovanje. Da bi sve to delovalo kao sistem potrebno je postaviti kriterijume i pravila za izbor lokacija pojedinih pratećih sadržaja. Poseban značaj ima poštovanje ritma i dominantnosti funkcije obezbeđenje saobraćajne bezbednosti i primena visokih ekoloških standarda

    The concept of GIS as a support in managing sustainable spatial development in the Danube area

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    Razvoj GIS tehnologija i Internet servisa omogućuje niz novih pristupa i rešenja za efikasno upravljanje prostornim razvojem. Podunavlje u Srbiji specifično je usled velikog broja subjekata koji mogu imati značajnu ulogu u njegovom održivom prostornom razvoju. Efikasan i održiv prostorni razvoj u velikoj meri zavisi od stepena usaglašenosti aktivnosti brojnih subjekata. U radu se razmatra koncept GIS podrške u upravljanju održivim razvojem Podunavlja u Srbiji na osnovu iskustava stečenih pri izradi Prostornog plana područja posebne namene međunarodnog vodnog puta E80 – Dunav (u daljem tekstu Prostorni plan). Na osnovu formirane baze prostornih podataka za potrebe Prostornog plana dati su konceptualni okviri i predložene smernice za formiranje sistema integracije i razmene prostornih podataka i informacija.The development of GIS technology and Internet services enables a number of new approaches and solutions for efficient management of spatial development. Danube area in Serbia is specific due to a large number of subjects that may have a significant role in the sustainable spatial development. Efficient and sustainable spatial development depends on the degree of compliance activities of numerous subjects. The paper discusses the concept of GIS support in managing sustainable development of the Danube area in Serbia based on the experience gained during the development of the Spatial Plan for the special purpose Area of the international waterway corridor E80 - Danube (hereinafter referred to as the Spatial Plan). On the basis of the created spatial database for Spatial Plan are given conceptual frameworks and suggested guidelines for establishing system of integration and exchange of spatial data and information.Urednici: Marija Maksin, Nikola Krunić, Marina Nenković-Rizni

    The concept of GIS as a support in managing sustainable spatial development in the Danube area

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    Razvoj GIS tehnologija i Internet servisa omogućuje niz novih pristupa i rešenja za efikasno upravljanje prostornim razvojem. Podunavlje u Srbiji specifično je usled velikog broja subjekata koji mogu imati značajnu ulogu u njegovom održivom prostornom razvoju. Efikasan i održiv prostorni razvoj u velikoj meri zavisi od stepena usaglašenosti aktivnosti brojnih subjekata. U radu se razmatra koncept GIS podrške u upravljanju održivim razvojem Podunavlja u Srbiji na osnovu iskustava stečenih pri izradi Prostornog plana područja posebne namene međunarodnog vodnog puta E80 – Dunav (u daljem tekstu Prostorni plan). Na osnovu formirane baze prostornih podataka za potrebe Prostornog plana dati su konceptualni okviri i predložene smernice za formiranje sistema integracije i razmene prostornih podataka i informacija.The development of GIS technology and Internet services enables a number of new approaches and solutions for efficient management of spatial development. Danube area in Serbia is specific due to a large number of subjects that may have a significant role in the sustainable spatial development. Efficient and sustainable spatial development depends on the degree of compliance activities of numerous subjects. The paper discusses the concept of GIS support in managing sustainable development of the Danube area in Serbia based on the experience gained during the development of the Spatial Plan for the special purpose Area of the international waterway corridor E80 - Danube (hereinafter referred to as the Spatial Plan). On the basis of the created spatial database for Spatial Plan are given conceptual frameworks and suggested guidelines for establishing system of integration and exchange of spatial data and information.Urednici: Marija Maksin, Nikola Krunić, Marina Nenković-Rizni

    Planiranje i upravljanje predelima banjskih mesta u Srbiji sa posebnim osvrtom na izabrane studije slučaja

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    In the paper is presented the overview of the legal requirements in Serbia covering planning and as well landscape planning. It is stress that Serbia is in the process of the ratification of the European Landscape Convention (ELC) and adoption of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia (SPRS) where is included the obligation of the production of the study 'Characterization of the landscape in Serbia' and as well pilot projects 'Characterization of the landscape' where are separated priority areas and where are specially stressed as tourist destinations spas. Taking into consideration that important step towards development of the methodological framework for landscape planning and management in Serbia was made with the inclusion of this subject within the process of formulating of the SPRS, besides the overview of the main obligations set by this document covering landscape planning and management, as an example of the current practice, two case studies of Vrnjacka spa and Pribojska spa are presented where special attention within planning documents was given to the protection and enhancement of the landscape. Beside that, as a contribution, it is given the proposal of the preliminary typology of the landscape of Vrnjacke spa within the borders of the Master plan and Pribojska spa within the borders of the Plan of detailed regulation. Taking into consideration the scope of these plans, the landscape is defined as cultural and by more detailed analyses as urban and rural. Within these two types of landscape are separated urban area, the 'core' of the spa, peri-urban area, and within rural forest and agricultural area. One of the main conclusions of this paper is that the inclusion of the landscape within legal framework which is promoting spatial and urban planning, nature and environmental protection is very important prerequisite for adequate planning and management of the landscape in Serbia.U ovom radu dat je pregled zakonskog okvira planiranja i uređenja predela u Srbiji. Posebno je istaknuto da je u Srbiji u toku proces ratifikacije Evropske konvencije o predelu (EKP) kao i usvajanja Prostornog plana Republike Srbije (PPRS) koji je predvideo obavezu izrade studije 'Karakterizacija predela Srbije' kao i pilot projekata 'Karakterizacija predela' za izdvojena prioritetna područja gde su posebno istaknute banje, kao turističke destinacije. Uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da je značajan pomak u razvoju metodološkog okvira za planiranje i upravljanje predelom u Srbiji učinjen uključivanjem ove tematike u proces izrade Prostornog plana Republike Srbije, pored pregleda strateških obaveza koje proističu iz ovog dokumenta, a odnose se na planiranje i uređenje predela Srbije, kao primer postojeće prakse izdvojene su studije slučaja Vrnjačke Banje i Pribojske Banje u kojima je u procesu izrade planske dokumentacije posebna pažnja posvećena zaštiti i unapređenju predela. Pored toga, kao prilog dat je predlog preliminarne tipologije predela Vrnjačke Banje u okviru granica Generalnog urbanističkog plana kao i Pribojske Banje u okviru granica Plana detaljne regulacije. Uvažavajući obuhvat planova, predeli su definisani kao kulturni, a detaljnijom analizom kao urbani i ruralni predeli. U okviru ova dva tipa predela izdvojena su područja: urbano područje, jezgro banje i peri-urbano područje, a u okviru ruralnog šumsko i poljoprivredno područje. Jedan od osnovnih zaključaka ovog rada jeste da je neophodno uključivanje tematike predela u zakonske okvire koji promovišu prostorno i urbanističko planiranje, zaštitu prirode i životne sredine, što je značajan preduslov za adekvatno planiranje i upravljanje predelima Srbije

    Obnova Vrnjačke Banje i održivi razvoj turizma

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    The development of Vrnjačka Banja has always been dynamic, starting with its reputation of an elite spa, followed by being a spa for mass medical and other tourist purposes, all up to present days when Banja became the economic center of its municipality, qualified by a number of various functions and interests. With the latest Master Plan for Vrnjačka Banja, the attempt was made to have a better control over space and to meet most of the partial interests. The aim was to "activate" wider area of Banja from central parts to the periphery, and to comprehend Banja in its wider context. Sustainable development as a tall order cannot be attained if its application does not involve a number of other instruments of public action or if it is not in sync with reaching a consensus, which would require a permanent action. In such a context, Master Plan is not an obstacle but a solid basis with significant flexibility for a creative local government.Razvoj Vrnjačke Banje je bio dinamičan, od mondenske banje, preko banje masovnog lečilišnog i drugih vidova turizma do današnje banje - privrednog centra opštine sa vrlo raznorodnim funkcijama i interesima. Novim Generalnim planom napravljen je pokušaj da se kontroliše prostor i zadovolje mnogi raznorodni interesi. Namera je bila da se aktivira širi prostor Banje od centra do periferije i da se ona sagleda u širokom okruženju. Održivi razvoj kao sintagma je neostvariv ako se u njegovu primenu ne uključi i niz instrumenata društvene akcije, ali kroz dogovor koji traži permanentno delovanje. U ovom kontekstu Generalni plan nije kočnica već dobra osnova, sa dosta fleksibilnosti za kreativnu lokalnu upravu

    Population dynamics and land cover changes of urban areas

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    In order to enable efficient management of spatial development of cities, it is essential to analyse changes in land cover, in the 'consumption' of the land surrounding cities and the attained rationality with respect to the use of already urban land (reflected in the urban population density). This paper provides an overview of the land cover changes in the period between 1990 and 2006, and the potential correlation between the dynamics of the total population change on the one hand, and the land cover change on the other. The initial hypotheses of this paper are: (1) occupation and sealing of productive soil in peri-urban zones is not proportional to the population dynamics of cities and their metropolitan areas; and (2) expansion of soil sealing in peri-urban zones is not significantly affected by the differences with regard to the natural surroundings and historical development of cities, nor by these cities being developed cities or cities in transition, capitalistic or post-socialist cities, etc. These hypotheses are tested and confirmed in the cases of three capital cities in South and Southeast Europe. Regarding the changes in population density, it can be concluded that central/inner-city municipalities became less populated, with sometimes very significant decrease in population density, but without any land cover change, which indicates 'depopulation'. At the same time, outer-city and peripheral municipalities also suffered a decline in population density, while their urban zones extended