23 research outputs found

    Identitas Pendidikan Jasmani: Kaitannya Dengan Ilmu Keolahragaan

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    Identitas Pendidikan Jasmani berkembang seiring dengan evolusimasyarakat dan ilmu penunjangnya, termasuk ilmu keolahragaan. Evolusi inimemberikan identitas pendidikan jasmani sebagai displin akademik danpendidikan jasmani sebagai profesi.Artikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikanevolusi identitas pendidikan jasmani dalam kaitannya dengan ilmukeolahragaan

    Establishing of Identification System in Pencak Silat: Coaches Perspective on Physical Performance Contribution

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan tentang pentingnya kemampuan fisik yang ideal bagi atlet pencak silat. Data diperoleh melalui survei dengan menggunakan instrumen tes persepsi pelatih (I Need) yang terdiri dari 10 pertanyaan tentang kontribusi masing-masing item terhadap kemampuan atlet pencak silat profesional. Responden penelitian ini adalah 174 pelatih pencak silat berkualitas baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional yang tersebar di 25 provinsi di Indonesia. Analisis data dengan menggunakan pendekatan statistik persentase.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, (1) 86,78% responden menjawab daya tahan sangat diperlukan, (2) 81,61% responden menjawab perlu kekuatan, (3) 86,78% responden menjawab fleksibilitas sangat diperlukan, (4) 77,01% lari kecepatan diperlukan, (5) 88,51% responden menjawab bahwa kelincahan sangat diperlukan, (6) 84,48% responden menjawab perlu ketepatan inti, (7) 85,63% responden menjawab bahwa keseimbangan sangat diperlukan, (8) 55, 17% responden menjawab cukup perlu, (9) responden menjawab 74,12% tidak perlu mendaki, (10) 67,24% responden menjawab tidak perlu gantung. Berdasarkan indikator yang dijawab oleh responden, kemampuan fisik pertama yang dibutuhkan adalah kelincahan, daya tahan, kelenturan, dan keseimbangan. Sedangkan yang tidak diperlukan adalah panjat tebing dan gantung.(9) responden menjawab 74,12% tidak perlu mendaki, (10) 67,24% responden menjawab tidak perlu gantung. Berdasarkan indikator yang dijawab oleh responden, kemampuan fisik pertama yang dibutuhkan adalah kelincahan, daya tahan, kelenturan, dan keseimbangan. Sedangkan yang tidak diperlukan adalah panjat tebing dan gantung. (9) responden menjawab 74,12% tidak perlu mendaki, (10) 67,24% responden menjawab tidak perlu gantung. Berdasarkan indikator yang dijawab oleh responden, kemampuan fisik pertama yang dibutuhkan adalah kelincahan, daya tahan, kelenturan, dan keseimbangan. Sedangkan yang tidak diperlukan adalah panjat tebing dan gantung


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    The purpose of this study was to describe kicking limb joint co-ordination between sepaktakraw serve techniques and to establish the effects of a perturbation on joint co-ordination when executing serve skills of different complexity to determine if the intended perturbations are required during training. A total of 25 kuda and 25 sila serve trials, performed by a trained male sepaktakraw player, were captured using a high-speed optical camera system. Kicking limb joint co-ordination differs between technique possibly due to differences in kicking kinematics. When subjected to perturbations (not receiving an ideal ball position in mid-air because the ball is tossed by another player), it took a longer time to return to normal kuda kicking patterns. Even with perturbations, players made adaptations to the kicking limb co-ordination and this strategy is key for repeated successful serves to unknown ball tossed positions in mid-air for optimal performance outcome measures. It is therefore recommended that perturbations be included during training so that, when perturbations occur, servers will be more aware of how to re-adjust their kicking patterns most quickly at the next serve


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    The purpose of this study was to establish a method to estimate impact force in tennis forehand stroke to determine if differences in string tension would affect impact force. This is a preliminary study using only one participant. Estimates were determined using kinematic data and data obtained from strain gauges. Preliminary data on peak resultant impact force estimates were within the range of those reported in the literature. Peak resultant force estimates were larger for higher string tension rackets and lower string tension in the racquets possibly due to differences in coefficient of restitution. Data estimated from this study, regardless of string tension, may give a better representative of peak resultant impact force as the data were not filtered. Increasing the number of participants or the number of trials will be needed to confirm this preliminary finding

    Study of Sports Talent (Characteristics of Elite and Non-Elite Junior Tennis Athletes in Jambi City Based on Gender)

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    The biomotor skills held by junior tennis players in Jambi City were unknown at the time this research was done. Based on specific factors, this sort of research compares (compares) the results of 48 participants in a total sample. The anthropometry (height and weight), motion coordination (balance beam, jumping sideways, moving sideways, endurance shuttle run, and eye-hand coordination) and physical talents of junior tennis players were measured in order to determine their biomotor skills (shoulder rotation, sit and reach, standing broad jump, curl-ups, knee push-ups, 10x5m shuttle run and endurance shuttle run). Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to assess the data with a 2x2 factorial design. The study that was carried out by the researchers produced the following findings: (1) In Jambi City, there were variations in the biomotor skills of elite and non-elite junior tennis players with a Sig value of 0.044 0.05. (2) There were biomotor differences between junior tennis players that were male and female with values Sig 0.000 0.05. (3) The athlete group and gender have an interaction on biomotor skills with a Sig value of 0.020 0.05


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    Abstract: Learning Strategies, School Locations, and Fundamental Motor Skills of Elementary School Students. This study is aimed at measuring the effects of learning strategies and school locations on students’ fundamental motor skills. It is an experimental study which employs the 2x2 factorial design. The subjects of the experiment were students from elementary schools in Padang who were selected through multi stage random sampling. Data were collected using the TMGD-2 test and analyzed using the two-way ANOVA. The findings of the study show that the fundamental motor skills of the students who are taught with the Game Series Learning Strategy (GSLL) are better than those taught with the Conven­tional Learning Strategy (CLS). With regard to school locations, the fundamental motor skills of students in the urban areas are better than those in the suburbs. The findings also reveal an interaction of the ef­fects of learning strategies and school locations on the students’ fundamental motor skills. The students in the urban areas who learn through the GSLL have better fundamental motor skills than those who learn through the CLS. On the other hand, the students in the rural areas who learn through the GSLL demonstrate lower fundamental motor skills than those who learn through the CLS.    Keywords: learning strategy, physical education, fundamental motor skills Abstrak: Strategi Pembelajaran, Lokasi Sekolah, dan Kemampuan Gerak Dasar Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur perbedaan strategi pembelajaran dan lokasi sekolah siswa berikut interaksinya terhadap kemampuan gerak dasar. Subjek eksperimen adalah seluruh siswa SD kota Padang yang dipilih dengan multi stage random sampling dan menggunakan rancangan fak­torial 2x2. Data dikumpulkan dengan tes TGMD-2 dan dianalisis dengan ANAVA dua jalur. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kemampuan gerak dasar siswa yang diberi perlakuan Strategi Pembelajaran Rangkaian Permainan (SPRP) lebih baik daripada siswa yang diajar dengan Strategi Pembelajaran Konvensional (SPK). Kemampuan gerak dasar siswa sekolah di kota lebih baik daripada di pinggiran kota. Terdapat interaksi pengaruh strategi pembelajaran dan lokasi sekolah terhadap kemampuan gerak dasar siswa. Kemampuan gerak dasar siswa di kota dan diberi SPRP lebih tinggi daripada siswa dengan SPK. Kemampuan gerak dasar siswa pinggiran kota dan diberi SPRP lebih rendah daripada siswa dengan SPK. Kata kunci: strategi pembelajaran, pendidikan jasmani, kemampuan gerak dasar

    The Profile of Students' Locomotor Skills Level in Elementary School

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    Based on the observations, the problem of the study is the low level of fundamental  motor skills development of children, especially locomotor abilities. The population of this study were all students in Kota Pariaman, the random sampling technique was 67 children. The instrument used to obtain data regarding the level of locomotor development of students was the TGMD-2 instrument subtest, namely: run, hop, jump, gallop and skip. Based on the results, it can be seen that: (1) the students 'ability to run on average is at level 3, (2) the students' hop ability is on average at level 3, (3) the jump ability of the students is on average at level 2, (4) the students 'Gallop Ability on average is at level 2, (5) The students' Skip Ability is on average at level 2

    Inisiasi Produksi Massal Körperkoordinationstest Für Kinder Jumping Sideway Digital Counter

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    "KTK Jumping Sideway Digital Counter" is a modified digital-based test instrument that has been tested for validity and reliability, which aims to measure motor coordination and agility. Making “KTK Jumping Sideway Digital Counter” using low-cost technology components for mass-produced to reduce production costs. In order to achieve this target, it requires Physical Education teachers at the elementary school level to be able pioneering for the mass-production of this instrument test. It is important to start produced and implemented at the elementary school level as well as to assess the effectiveness and efficiency mass-produced of this KTK Jumping Sideway digital counter.   &nbsp