78 research outputs found
Проблеми екологічної освіти студентів технічних університетів
The issue of the need to improve the quality of modern environmental education and training of technical universities students regarding of issues of productions environmental safety was considered. Because of the environmental burden increasing, it is impossible to solve the problems facing humanity without changing of the attitude of all mankind towards them.Розглянуто питання про необхідність підвищення якості сучасної екологічної освіти та підготовки студентів технічних університетів стосовно питань екологічної безпеки виробництв. Через зростаюче навантаження на навколишнє середовище неможливо вирішити проблеми, що стоять перед людством, не змінюючи відношення всього людства до них
Development of the mathematical model of the biotreatment process of water-soluble gaseous emissions
У результаті лабораторних експериментів показана можливість біоочистки розчинних у воді газоподібних сірководню, діоксиду сірки та аміаку. На основі отриманих емпіричних залежностей та теоретичних уявлень щодо неста-ціонарності процесу розроблено математичну модель біодеструкції газоподібних водорозчинних забруднювачів. Алгоритм враховує стан динамічної рівноваги між безперервною абсорбцією забруднювачів та їх біоокисненням у воді шару біореактору, що омивається. Отримані залежності дозволяють адекватно описувати процес біо-очистки та розраховувати його параметри
Gender differences in the structure of the cerebrospinal fluid system of pre-school children
Relevance Investigation of the cerebrospinal fluid system of children of different ages, especially pre-school and school periods of childhood, becomes essential, since the further development of the brain and its proper functioning depends on the way it functions. Considering the MRI indications of the elements of the cerebrospinal fluid system of children is important for the development of neurology and neurosurgery, it is necessary to consider gender differences in the brain size and structure.Objective To study the sex differences in the structure of the cerebrospinal fluid system in seven-year-old children.Material and Methods For the study, archival data on the sizes of the lateral ventricles of the brain of 120 children aged 7 (60 boys and 60 girls) were involved, in particular: 1) the length of the anterior horn; 2) the width of the anterior horn; 3) the length of the central part; 4) the width of the central part; 5) the length of the posterior horn; 6) the width of the posterior horn; 7) the length of the lower horn; 8) the anteroposterior size; 9) the distance between the anterior horns; 10) the distance between the posterior horns; 11) the length of the third ventricle; 12) the height of the third ventricle; 13) the length of the aqueduct; 14) the length of the fourth ventricle; 15) the height of the fourth ventricle. The studies were carried out using the method of magnetic resonance imaging. Quantitative indicators were assessed for compliance with the normal distribution using the KolmogorovSmirnov test. The accumulation, correction, systematization of the initial information were carried out in Microsoft Excel 2016. Statistical analysis was carried out using the Statistica 10.0 software (StatSoft Inc., USA). The results were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05.Results The data obtained in the study of the cerebrospinal fluid system in children during their pre-school period of childhood are indicators of the norm and can be used for diagnostic studies in the departments of radiation diagnostics. The bilateral asymmetry of the lateral ventricles of the brain in pre-school children, discovered during the work, is of crucial clinical significance. The morphometric indicators of the elements of the cerebrospinal fluid system should be considered by specialists in the study of brain neuroplasticity.Conclusion Analysis of the obtained in vivo encephalometric data indicates the presence of sexual variability of the brain and parameters of the structures of the cerebrospinal fluid
Influence of Digital Transformation on Mergers and Acquisitions Processes
Mergers and acquisitions are a recognized and effective mechanism for the development of companies. Depending on the goals, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) can strengthen the organization’s market position, create new competitive advantages, enter new sales markets, acquire missing competencies, radically change key business parameters and improve the company’s structure. In Russia, the theoretical and methodological foundations of mergers and acquisitions are represented quite widely. Investigated the processes of mergers and acquisitions, examined the possible negative effects reflected in the decline in the value of the combined company. The development of business processes, primarily digital transformation, has a significant impact on the effectiveness of M&A. In 2016–2019 Among the 10 largest M&A transactions, both in the world and in Russia, information technology companies are regularly included. The paper considers one of the most relevant trends in the modern world - the digital transformation of the business, as well as the dependence on technologies and digital technologies, occurring not only in the IT company, but also in the non-technology sector company. The purpose of the research is to prove the direct relationship between digital transformation and M&A. In the course of the research, the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis, comparison, assessment and generalization of research results and reports of consulting companies. It is proved that digitalization is one of the most important reasons and drivers. The main recommendations for their implementation were formulated
Neurodidactic Techniques as a Means of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language
В статье дается обобщенная характеристика использования нейродидактических приемов.The article provides a generalized description of the use of neurodidactic techniques
Medico-social rationale for adaptation of regional drug supply systems to personalized pharmaceutical care for persons of different ages
In this study, we identified indicators of the state of personalized pharmaceutical care for target population groups at the regional level, in a model region, with the aim to develop a differentiated approach to such care. The rationale for the choice of Moscow Region as a model region is based on its specific socioeconomic indicators and a comparison of these with respective average Russian values. A need was shown to modernize patient-oriented pharmaceutical care, especially for certain population groups, such as children, women of working age (mothers), and the elderl
The level of Brain natriuretic Peptide as a Predictor of the Postoperative Period at Operations with Artificial Blood circulation
The level of natriuretic peptide is regarded as a prognostic predictor of postoperative heart failure in modern cardiac surgery, and moreover, this hormone is included in the standards of its early diagnosis around the world. This study was conducted at the Irkutsk Cardiac Surgery Center. The results of treatment of 78 patients were analyzed in order to determine the relationship between the dynamics of brain natriuretic peptides and the course of the early postoperative period in operations with artificial cardiopulmonary bypass. Patients were divided into three groups according to the level of natriuretic peptide elevation in the postoperative period. The study proved the dependence of the postoperative period on the multiplicity of the increase in the level of natriuretic peptide B-type.It was found that the higher the rate of increase in the hormone, the lower the numbers of the cardiac index in the postoperative period, longer duration of inotropic support (p > 0.05) and higher doses of adrenomimetics (p > 0.05). The duration of mechanical ventilation was also longer in the groups where a high level of natriuretic peptide was recorded (p > 0.05). Thus, the multiplicity of natriuretic peptide elevation can be a prognostic criterion for the postoperative period in cardiac patients. It is important to note that a single determination of the level of natriuretic peptide should not be used as a marker of postoperative heart failure and this study confirmed the necessity to monitor the dynamics of brain natriuretic peptide’s level in the perioperative period in patients operated with extracorporeal cardiopulmonary bypass
The market of vocational professional education in Russia in the new economic conditions
Since the end of 2014, the Russian economy has undergone major changes. The crisis continued until 2018, followed by stabilization and short-term growth in 2018-2019. The emerging positive trends were interrupted by the pandemic. All this has had a signifcant impact on the vocational professional eduation market, both in quantitative and structural terms. The modern world is changing too fast, it is necessary to form the creative potential of a person. The article states that specialists’ adaptation mechanisms to new conditions should change with the help of advanced training, obtaining new knowledge and skills in all forms of education, including the system of vocational professional education. This means that the market of educational services formed by state, departmental and corporate educational institutions must respond to the demands of the economy and consumers of these services. Such advanced technologies and methods as online studying should be used along with and in combination with ofine classes. The conducted research has shown that large corporations allocate signifcant funds for the training and retraining of specialists corresponding to the level of technological development, capable of making effective management decisions. The authors of the article note that in the system of vocational professional education consumers of educational services are most interested in training programs related to management, marketing, information and computer technologies, which is quite consistent with the digital economy and the knowledge econom
Change of approach to using intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation in combined cardiac surgery
Perioperative acute myocardial dysfunction is an actual problem of cardiac surgery. Rational use of inotropes and mechanical circulatory support in the postoperative period remains a subject of debate. The outcomes of the combined coronary artery bypass grafting and heart valve prosthesis were analyzed in Irkutsk Cardiac Surgery Center after 80 patients were operated on. As a result of the conducted research, authors proposed a method of differentiated approach to the treatment of acute heart failure in the early postoperative period. Failure to escalate therapy beta agonists in the absence of adequate response hemodynamics and the transition to a mechanical circulatory support improves performance of the cardiovascular system and clinical outcomes, reduces hospitalization duration in the department of intensive therapy. The study showed the superiority of an early beginning of an intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation before traditional inotropic therapy in the treatment of postcardiotomy heartfailure at combined cardiac surgery
Цитофлавин как дополнительный метод защиты миокарда при операциях с искусственным кровообращением
The paper presents the results of use of the combined antihypoxant Cytoflavin during operations under extracorporeal circulation. Twenty-nine patients operated on for rheumatic mitral valvular disease were examined. The examinations have shown that the use of Cytoflavin positively affects the restoration of cardiovascular performance and improved tissue oxygen transport in the postperfusion period.Представлены результаты применения комплексного антигипоксанта цитофлавина при операциях с искусственным кровообращением. Обследовано 29 пациентов, оперированных по поводу ревматического порока митрального клапана. Исследования показали, что применение цитофлавина положительно влияет на восстановление производительности сердечно-сосудистой системы и улучшает тканевой транспорт кислорода в постперфузионном периоде
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