482 research outputs found

    The origins of governments: from anarchy to hierarchy

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    We analyze development trajectories of early civilizations where population size and technology are endogenous, and derive conditions under which such societies optimally ‘switch’ from anarchy to hierarchy – when it is optimal to elect and support a ruler. The ruler provides an efficient level of law and order, but creams off part of society's surplus for his own consumption. Switching to hierarchy occurs if the state of technology exceeds a threshold value, but societies may also be ‘trapped’ at lower levels of technology, perpetuating conditions of anarchy. We present empirical evidence based on the Standard Cross Cultural Sample that support the model's main predictions

    Transmittance of a tunable filter at terahertz frequencies

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    A metallic photonic crystal filter has been demonstrated at terahertz frequencies, with the passband tunable over the range of 365–386 GHz. Tuning is achieved by a relative lateral shift of two metallic photonic crystal plates. Each plate is comprised of two orthogonal layers of gratings and integral mounting lugs. The plates are micromachined from silicon wafers then coated in gold to provide metallic electromagnetic behavior. An insertion loss of 3–7 dB and Q in the range of 20–30 was achieved. A shift of 140 µm gave a tuning range of 21 GHz, tuning sensitivity of 150 GHz/mm, and a fractional tuning range of 6%

    Direct comparison of contralateral bias and face/scene selectivity in human occipitotemporal cortex

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    Human visual cortex is organised broadly according to two major principles: retinotopy (the spatial mapping of the retina in cortex) and category-selectivity (preferential responses to specific categories of stimuli). Historically, these principles were considered anatomically separate, with retinotopy restricted to the occipital cortex and category-selectivity emerging in the lateral-occipital and ventral-temporal cortex. However, recent studies show that category-selective regions exhibit systematic retinotopic biases, for example exhibiting stronger activation for stimuli presented in the contra- compared to the ipsilateral visual field. It is unclear, however, whether responses within category-selective regions are more strongly driven by retinotopic location or by category preference, and if there are systematic differences between category-selective regions in the relative strengths of these preferences. Here, we directly compare contralateral and category preferences by measuring fMRI responses to scene and face stimuli presented in the left or right visual field and computing two bias indices: a contralateral bias (response to the contralateral minus ipsilateral visual field) and a face/scene bias (preferred response to scenes compared to faces, or vice versa). We compare these biases within and between scene- and face-selective regions and across the lateral and ventral surfaces of the visual cortex more broadly. We find an interaction between surface and bias: lateral surface regions show a stronger contralateral than face/scene bias, whilst ventral surface regions show the opposite. These effects are robust across and within subjects, and appear to reflect large-scale, smoothly varying gradients. Together, these findings support distinct functional roles for the lateral and ventral visual cortex in terms of the relative importance of the spatial location of stimuli during visual information processing. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00429-021-02411-8

    Optimization of photomixers and antennas for continuous-wave terahertz emission

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    We have studied terahertz emission from interdigitated finger photomixers coupled to planar antenna structures. Using both pulsed and continuous-wave excitation, polarization measurements reveal that the antenna design dominates the properties of the radiated output at frequencies below 0.6 THz, while the efficiency at higher frequencies is additionally dependent on the design of the photomixer fingers. We have produced terahertz maps of the device, characterizing the photomixer by measuring the generated power as a function of the excitation position. Together, these measurements have allowed us to understand better the distinct roles of the photomixer and antenna in emission at different fre

    Pnc1 piggy-back import into peroxisomes relies on Gpd1 homodimerisation.

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    Peroxisomes are eukaryotic organelles that posttranslationally import proteins via one of two conserved peroxisomal targeting signal (PTS1 or 2) mediated pathways. Oligomeric proteins can be imported via these pathways but evidence is accumulating that at least some PTS1-containing monomers enter peroxisomes before they assemble into oligomers. Some proteins lacking a PTS are imported by piggy-backing onto PTS-containing proteins. One of these proteins is the nicotinamidase Pnc1, that is co-imported with the PTS2-containing enzyme Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1, Gpd1. Here we show that Pnc1 co-import requires Gpd1 to form homodimers. A mutation that interferes with Gpd1 homodimerisation does not prevent Gpd1 import but prevents Pnc1 co-import. A suppressor mutation that restores Gpd1 homodimerisation also restores Pnc1 co-import. In line with this, Pnc1 interacts with Gpd1 in vivo only when Gpd1 can form dimers. Redirection of Gpd1 from the PTS2 import pathway to the PTS1 import pathway supports Gpd1 monomer import but not Gpd1 homodimer import and Pnc1 co-import. Our results support a model whereby Gpd1 may be imported as a monomer or a dimer but only the Gpd1 dimer facilitates co-transport of Pnc1 into peroxisomes

    Analysis of Complex Inflatable Structures Using a Multi-Body Dynamics Approach

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