2,873 research outputs found


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    This analysis determines profit maximizing N fertilization levels of hard red spring wheat (HRSW) for various wheat prices, N prices, and protein-based HRSW price premium/discount (P/D) structures for south eastern Washington data. Fertilizer response data consisting of rates of N fertilization (lb/ac), grain yield (bu/ac), and grain protein (%) were used to statistically estimate regression relationships that predicted yield and protein in response to N. All predicted net return maximizing N, protein, and yield levels were within the data range. Increasing P/D incentives for protein increased optimal N, the expected economic result. At the high P/D structures, the P/D structure dominated N and wheat prices in determining optimal N application levels. Overall, net return-maximizing yields varied only modestly with changes in both N and wheat price in this data set. However, in all scenarios, as P/D incentives increased, net return maximizing N levels were beyond the level that resulted in maximum yield. At the two lowest P/D structures, which provided the lowest reward for protein, it was most profitable to fertilize for slightly less than 14% expected protein. These results indicate that it is not always profitable to use 14% protein as an N fertilization goal. Abbreviations: CT, conventional tillage; HRSW, hard red spring wheat; HRWW, hard red winter wheat; N, nitrogen; NO3, nitrate; NT, No Tillage; P/D, premium/discount; SWSW, soft white spring wheat; SWW, soft white wheat.Crop Production/Industries,

    Wellness: A Model for Corporate Programming

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    Wellness is defined as an Active Process of Individual Choice. The article presents a conceptual model of general programming ideas (elements of individual control) and motivational techniques (elements of influence). Employee wellness programs will vary from company to company but the basic concept is to change employee attitudes toward their own health and well-being. Sometimes the most requested programs, such as weight control and smoking cessation, may not be the best place to begin. This may be due to immediate negative feedback of such activities. On the other hand, programs such as exercise and relaxation have immediate positive feedback and may ultimately relate to the success of weight control and smoking cessation programs

    Empirically Assessing Students\u27 Perceptions of the Importance of Student Characteristic

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    After at least four years of college, do students seeking entry-Ievel IS employment realize that employers consider many variables when making the hiring decision? Many employers look at GPA, but other variables, such as the business skills, ability to work with others, energy, drive, and enthusiasm, and analytical skills, are also important. This study empirically assesses students\u27 perceptions of the importance of seven student characteristics in the hiring process. Subjects included 51 undergraduate and 28 graduate students. The methodology employs analysis that facilitates the examination of all seven characteristics simultaneously. Results show that the two most important variables were communication skills and the ability to work with others. While all seven variables were important, students perceived GPA to be the least important of the seven. Demographic variables such as gender and major had no effect on the results

    Ab Initio Modeling of the Herpesvirus VP26 Core Domain Assessed by CryoEM Density

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    Efforts in structural biology have targeted the systematic determination of all protein structures through experimental determination or modeling. In recent years, 3-D electron cryomicroscopy (cryoEM) has assumed an increasingly important role in determining the structures of these large macromolecular assemblies to intermediate resolutions (6–10 Å). While these structures provide a snapshot of the assembly and its components in well-defined functional states, the resolution limits the ability to build accurate structural models. In contrast, sequence-based modeling techniques are capable of producing relatively robust structural models for isolated proteins or domains. In this work, we developed and applied a hybrid modeling approach, utilizing cryoEM density and ab initio modeling to produce a structural model for the core domain of a herpesvirus structural protein, VP26. Specifically, this method, first tested on simulated data, utilizes the cryoEM density map as a geometrical constraint in identifying the most native-like models from a gallery of models generated by ab initio modeling. The resulting model for the core domain of VP26, based on the 8.5-Å resolution herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) capsid cryoEM structure and mutational data, exhibited a novel fold. Additionally, the core domain of VP26 appeared to have a complementary interface to the known upper-domain structure of VP5, its cognate binding partner. While this new model provides for a better understanding of the assembly and interactions of VP26 in HSV-1, the approach itself may have broader applications in modeling the components of large macromolecular assemblies

    Elasticity Theory and Shape Transitions of Viral Shells

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    Recently, continuum elasticity theory has been applied to explain the shape transition of icosahedral viral capsids - single-protein-thick crystalline shells - from spherical to buckled/faceted as their radius increases through a critical value determined by the competition between stretching and bending energies of a closed 2D elastic network. In the present work we generalize this approach to capsids with non-icosahedral symmetries, e.g., spherocylindrical and conical shells. One key new physical ingredient is the role played by nonzero spontaneous curvature. Another is associated with the special way in which the energy of the twelve topologically-required five-fold sites depends on the background local curvature of the shell in which they are embedded. Systematic evaluation of these contributions leads to a shape phase diagram in which transitions are observed from icosahedral to spherocylindrical capsids as a function of the ratio of stretching to bending energies and of the spontaneous curvature of the 2D protein network. We find that the transition from icosahedral to spherocylindrical symmetry is continuous or weakly first-order near the onset of buckling, leading to extensive shape degeneracy. These results are discussed in the context of experimentally observed variations in the shapes of a variety of viral capsids.Comment: 53 pages, 17 figure

    Growth of Compound Semiconductors in a Low Gravity Environment: Microgravity Growth of PbSnTe

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    The growth of the alloy compound semiconductor lead tin telluride (PbSnTe) was chosen for a microgravity flight experiment in the Advanced Automated Directional Solidification Furnace (AADSF), on the United States Microgravity Payload-3 (USMP-3) and on USMP-4 Space Shuttle flights in February, 1996, and November, 1997. The objective of these experiments was to determine the effect of the reduction in convection, during the growth process, brought about by the microgravity environment. The properties of devices made from PbSnTe are dependent on the ratio of the elemental components in the starting crystal. Compositional uniformity in the crystal is only obtained if there is no significant mixing in the liquid during growth. Lead tin telluride is an alloy of PbTe and SnTe. The technological importance of PbSnTe lies in its band gap versus composition diagram which has a zero energy crossing at approximately 40% SnTe. This facilitates the construction of long wavelength (>6 micron) infrared detectors and lasers. Observations and experimental methods of crystal growth of PbSnTe on both Space Shuttle Flights are presented

    An electron channeling study of polycrystalline YBa2Cu3Ox

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    An electron channeling study has been done on large grained YBa2Cu3Ox samples. Selected area channeling patterns (SACP) were used to examine several dozen grains on electropolished surfaces and it was demonstrated that (a) the twin planes observed in polarized optical light microscopy lie parallel to {110} crystal planes, and (b) the long flat sides of high aspect ratio grains are formed by basal planes, and the shorter sides are formed by either (010), (100), or {110} planes. A majority of the large grains examined were found to contain subgrains, misaligned by 0.5°–1° and ranging in size from less than 3 to 20 μm. The origin of the subgrains is not understood

    An electrostatic mechanism for Ca(2+)-mediated regulation of gap junction channels.

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    Gap junction channels mediate intercellular signalling that is crucial in tissue development, homeostasis and pathologic states such as cardiac arrhythmias, cancer and trauma. To explore the mechanism by which Ca(2+) blocks intercellular communication during tissue injury, we determined the X-ray crystal structures of the human Cx26 gap junction channel with and without bound Ca(2+). The two structures were nearly identical, ruling out both a large-scale structural change and a local steric constriction of the pore. Ca(2+) coordination sites reside at the interfaces between adjacent subunits, near the entrance to the extracellular gap, where local, side chain conformational rearrangements enable Ca(2+)chelation. Computational analysis revealed that Ca(2+)-binding generates a positive electrostatic barrier that substantially inhibits permeation of cations such as K(+) into the pore. Our results provide structural evidence for a unique mechanism of channel regulation: ionic conduction block via an electrostatic barrier rather than steric occlusion of the channel pore