1,362 research outputs found

    On the Mechanisms of Harmful Effects of Certain Medicinal Preparations on the Auditory Organ and Methods for Their Prevention

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    Various drugs are discussed and many references are mentioned. It was concluded that the development of methods of pharmacological prevention of the harmful effect of drugs on the auditory analyzor is a necessity

    Tértagolás kertépítészeti eszközökkel a budapesti lakótelepek szabadterein 1950 és 1990 között

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    A lakóterületi szabadtereken – a közterekhez képest – lényegesen nagyobb az igény a zárt, intim léptékű terek kialakítására akár családi házak, akár lakótelepek, vagy manapság lakóparkok kertjei esetében. Így nem meglepő, hogy a lakótelepi szabadtereken, elsősorban a tömbbelsőkben a tér tagolása, intim, tartózkodásra invitáló léptékű terek kialakítása az épített térfalakon belül fontos tervezői feladat volt a 20. század második felében. Ennek legkézenfekvőbb módja a fás növényzettel történő tértagolás, bár tereprendezéssel, terepplasztikák alakításával is tagolható a szabadtér. Telepszerű beépítés esetén: intim, emberi léptékű, jól használható tér kb. 300-400m2, mindkét irányban kb. azonos kiterjedéssel (Karády,1983). A lehatárolt terek közötti kapcsolat biztosítása, a terek egymásba fűzése, a zöldfelületi rendszer folyamatosságának biztosítása is fontos tervezői feladat. A különböző beépítési módokhoz, különböző méretű beépítésekhez igazodva a tértagolás módja és léptéke is jelentősen változott. A kutatás célja e változások nyomon követése és okainak megismerése

    8500g of Uterus Torsion

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     53 years old multiparous patient presented with acute serious abdominal pain and mental confusion. Upon examination a huge solid mass filling the entire abdomen was observed. Laparotomy was decided, during the operation uterus was observed as a giant torsioned solid mass. Abdominal hysterectomy was performed and after pathological examination was also in favor of torsion, patient was discharged without any complications

    Explaining the Accounting Disclosure Index of Stock Exchanges by Foreign Exchange Market Activity

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    In this article, researcher-created accounting disclosure index of 23 stock exchanges for the year 1992 and its relationship with variables including foreign exchange turnover, economic and financial indicators were investigated. The accounting disclosure index of global stock exchanges crafted by Adhikari and Tondkar (1992) was regressed on foreign market turnover which was utilized as a proxy for foreign exchange market activity. The OLS results supported that along with the activity of foreign exchange market; GNI per capita, market capitalization, energy and electric consumption, number of listed companies were significantly related with the accounting disclosure index. The foreign market turnover was found to be positively influencing the accounting disclosure index. The models explained about 73% of the variation in the index with an F-ratio of 26.56 indicating the overall significance of the model


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    Resource Allocation, Level of International Diversification and Firm Performance

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    This paper investigates the threads between international diversification and firm performance, resource allocation to R&D and capital expenditure. The context of this study is a resource-based view and transaction costs theory. Firms that are going international, benefit from the resources available to them outside their home country as well as from the utilization of their core competencies in other countries. Regression models without interactive terms indicate that resource allocation significantly impacts firm performance. Capital expenditure is positively associated with return on assets, while research and development expenditure undermines the firm’s performance. Analyses suggest that there is no thorough relation between international diversification and returns, regardless of using asset or sales diversification variables. The estimates of diversification variable are negative and insignificant in most models

    Machine Learning-Based Hand Gesture Recognition via EMG Data

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    Electromyography (EMG) data gives information about the electrical activity related to muscles. EMG data obtained from arm through sensors helps to understand hand gestures. For this work, hand gesture data were taken from UCI2019 EMG dataset obtained from MYO thalmic armband were classied with six dierent machine learning algorithms. Articial Neural Network (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN), Naive Bayes (NB), Decision Tree (DT) and Random Forest (RF) methods were preferred for comparison based on several performance metrics which are accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specicity, classication error, kappa, root mean squared error (RMSE) and correlation. The data belongs to seven hand gestures. 700 samples from 7 classes (100 samples per group) were used in the experiments. The splitting ratio in the classication was 0.8-0.2, i.e. 80% of the samples were used in training and 20% of data were used in testing phase of the classier. NB was found to be the best among other methods because of high accuracy (96.43%) and sensitivity (96.43%) and the lowest RMSE (0.189). Considering the results of the performance parameters, it can be said that this study recognizes and classies seven hand gestures successfully in comparison with the literature