2,741 research outputs found

    Starfruit classification based on linear hue computation

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    In this paper, a classification process to group starfruit into six maturity indices is proposed based on 1- dimensional color feature called hue, which is extracted from the starfruit image. As the original hue is quantified from the nonlinear transformation of the 3-dimensional Red, Green and Blue color, this paper proposes a linear hue transformation computation based on the 2 colors of Red and Green. The proposed hue computation leads to a reduced computational burden, less computational complexity and better class discriminant capability. The hue is then applied as the input for the maturity classification process. The classification process is based on the hypothesis that for each of the maturity index, certain area of the starfruit surface is supposed to have distinctive value of the hue. In this work, the said starfruit surface area is set as 70% of the total area and based on 600 samples, the proposed technique results in 93% classification accuracy

    Organizational team building culture among teachers in Gombak Selangor

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    This study examined the organizational team building culture among teachers in Gombak, Selangor. Aspects that were being studied were the teachers’ perception on the elements of team building, the relation between team building factors and motivational factors and differences between gender and the eight factors of team building which were goals, priorities, roles and responsibilities, self-awareness, leadership, group dynamics, communications and environment. The study employed a survey method for collecting data from 100 purposively selected teachers from 10 government aided secondary schools

    Analysis and classification of myocardial infarction tissue from echocardiography images based on texture analysis

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    Texture analysis is an important characteristic for automatic visual inspection for surface and object identification from medical images and other type of images. This paper presents an application of wavelet extension and Gray level cooccurrence matrix (GLCM) for diagnosis of myocardial infarction tissue from echocardiography images. Many of applications approach have provided good result in different fields of application, but could not implemented at all when texture samples are small dimensions caused by low quality of images. Wavelet extension procedure is used to determine the frequency bands carrying the most information about the texture by decomposition images into multiple frequency bands and to form an image approximation with higher resolution. Thus, wavelet extension procedure offers the ability to robust feature extraction in images. The gray level co-occurrence matrices are computed for each sub-band. The feature vector of testing image and other feature vector as normal image classified by Mahalanobis distance to decide whether the test image is infarction or not

    Disorientasi Politik dan Peran Intermediary Kelas Menengah To Pulo: Politik Lokal di Kepulauan Selayar Pasca Orde Baru

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    This paper discusses the emergence of social movements To Pulo with the issue of a new government and thedevelopment of the New Order. Today, the issue is increasingly disappearing in local political discourse inKepulauan Selayar. This paper will explore how these things to happen to focus on the political disorientationand why the role of intermediary actors To Pulo weakened middle class. To explain this case, the use of socialmovement theory perspective of social identity theory and case study research method. The purpose of thispaper to describe a social movement To Pulo by answering questions; how To Pulo social movements?; Whydid political disorientation inside could be happened?; Why did middle-class intermediary role fi zzle?. The conclusion is the disorientation caused by the absence of a strong commitment. And the weak role of the intermediary is caused by internal confl icts To Pulo

    Preferensi Wali Santri Dalam Memilih Pendidikan Tingkat Dasar Studi Kasus Di Pondok Tahfidz Al-qur'an Almuqaddasah Nglumpang Mlarak Ponorogo

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    Ketika menghadapi tahun ajaran baru, para wali disibukkan memilih sekolah sebagai jaminan masa depan anaknya. Mereka mencari sekolah yang bermutu, dan akhirnya lembaga pendidikan juga berlomba untuk membuat branding agar menjadi pilihan dengan menawarkan kompetensi, skill, pekerjaan, dan lain-lain. Bertolak belakang dengan fakta, Pondok alMuqaddasah yang memfokuskan pada pendidikan al-Qur'an, ternyata juga diminati oleh para wali. Berbalik antara data dan fakta, peneliti mengkaji faktor yang mempengaruhi preferensi wali dalam memilih pendidikan tingkat dasar melalui pertanyaan: (1) bagaimana persepsi wali santri terhadap pondok dan (2) faktor apa yang mempengaruhi dalam menentukan pilihan di pondok? Dengan pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian ini menyimpulkan sebagai berikut. Persepsi wali santri terhadap sistem maupun nilai pondok bahwa sistem pondok dipandang sebagai sesuatu yang strategis, berjalan di atas nilai yang hidup pada jiwa kiyai, guru, dan santri yang digerakkan oleh nilai keikhlasan dan semangat pengabdian. Adapun faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi wali santri dalam memilih Pondok al-Muqaddasah adalah pendidikan al-Qur'an. Motif ini didasarkan pada pergeseran kesadaran masyarakat terhadap pendidikan, yaitu peralihan orientasi kerja dari yang berorientasi kapital menuju kepada nilai spiritual. Pilihan sikap ini bagian dari aktualisasi diri para waliyang memiliki kematangan jiwa yang telah bergeser dari materi menuju meta-motivation

    Konsep Pengampunan Dosa dalam Kristen Katolik

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    Di sini dapat dipahami bahwa konsep dosa waris adalah rancangan, ide tentang penebusan dosa yang ada dalan ajaran Katolik serta bagaimana sesungguhnya pemahaman yang di tangkap oleh jemaat kristen tentang pengampunan dosa tersebut. Penebusan dosa merupakan salah pokok keimanan dalam Kristen Katolik, yang diawali dengan penyaliban Yesus di kayu salib oleh orang-orang yang membenci Yesus dan merupakan salah satu hukuman akibat dari kesalahan besar yang dilakukan pada masanya. Sehingga Gubnur Rumawi Pontius Pilatus menghukumnya dengan menyalibnya di Kayu Sali

    Sinergi Pesantren Dan Perguruan Tinggi ( Studi Pengembangan Kurikulum Ma'had Sunan Ampel Al-Ali Malang)

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    Pesantren education model developed with the name and style varied, in the development of pesantren faced with two problems: on the one hand schools should organize themselves in accordance with the demands of the times without having to leave the pesantren tradition itself, on theother hand how to form the product of competent scholars in the Islamic religion in order to preserve the identity of the Islamic boarding school in contributing in planting akhlaqul karimah.In the present study found some of the fidings including the following: fist, planning a curriculum that begins with the formulation of curriculum objectives, the foundation in curriculum planning and the formulation of curriculum content; both, in the implementation of the curriculum, thediscovery of the policies in developed curriculum, the ability of teachers in implementing curriculum and the constraints encountered in developing the curriculum, and the third, evaluation, the evaluation found the use of summative evaluation with a closed approach

    Theologi Fundamentalisme

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    Fundamentalism does not just show up, because fundamentalism is a phenomenon that always appears in every religion and belief which represents a rebellion against moderniry. Indeed only a small partial fundamentalists who peiform acts of terrorism, but its impact is global For groups. for groups who do not like the violence come to enjoy as a result of a handful of Islamic groups called fanatics or radicals. Islamic fundamentalism is one of the new phenomenon in world politics. Western world has experienced a failure in managing world politics, so they try to replace the new world order based on the political interpretation of Islam by thinke