15 research outputs found

    Trust Model Based On Islamic Business Ethics and Social Network Analysis

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    Buyers and sellers in e-commerce market such as e-auction form a virtual community. They use the feedback system to rate each other following a completed transaction and these ratings are used to build their reputation in the virtual community.  Existing reputation systems can often be easily manipulated by forming cohesive group in giving fake user feedbacks to increase their respective reputation. This practice is a clear violation of Islamic business ethics. In addition, there is currently no real-time support for reputation system and this causes users to be misinformed on the reputation of a seller. To improve the reputation system this study developed a trust framework based on business Islamic ethics. In this paper, a trust model which evaluates conformance to nine Islamic business ethical codes is proposed to calculate users’ initial trust value based on their ethical behavior. The trust model proposed the Islamic business ethics algorithm which calculates the user compliance to Islamic business ethics (IBE) score based on trading partner’s feedbacks. Because of feedback frauds can still occur, this study introduces a cohesive group algorithm to track users who collaborate to give false feedbacks. The cohesive group algorithm applied k-core algorithms which is capable of determining the strength of the relationship of every user in the cohesive group. The cohesive group algorithm also proposed a cohesive score to determine the feedback reliability of every user’s transaction based on the user’s k-core and the highest k-core. In the group user reputation (trust score) is measured by considering the feedback reliability status for all transactions. A reputation prototype system for e-auction was developed as the test bed to validate the trust model through simulation of the set of initial experiments, showing the feasibility and benefit of the model

    Auto-marking System: A Support Tool for Learning of Programming

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    Computer programming requires skills in designing algorithms, understanding syntax, writing programs, as well as the ability to correct errors in order to produce good programs. These skills can be developed through a lot of practice on a continuous basis. The students’ proficiency in programming is measured by the number of exercises that can be solved correctly within a specified time frame. From past observations, it is discovered that most students were able to solve the problems given during laboratory sessions. However, their performances did not carry over to laboratory tests. This situation points to the possibility that the students might have not perform adequate self-practice in preparing for laboratory tests. In a student-centred learning environment, fulfilling the notional learning hours is essential to ensure that students are prepared to take their subsequent classes. Based on a constructivist learning framework, this article reports the development and evaluation of a prototype system to assist in self learning of programming. The online Auto-marking Programming Exercise System was developed based on the UVa Online Judge as benchmark. The system can provide real time feedback to students immediately after the students submit their programs. This instant feedback is an important characteristic of the constructivist approach to learning. This will help students learn programming in an effective way. The system is tested and evaluated for usability by selected users from among instructors and former students of computer programming course

    Serious games for effective learning

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    Genetic variation of four goat breeds in Malaysia using microsatellite polymorphism markers

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    The characterisation of animals using PCR-based microsatellite markers is informative, economical and useful to elucidate genetic diversity within and among breeds. The determination of genetic variability in four goat breeds found in Malaysia, namely the indigenous Katjang goat and the exotic Jamnapari, Boer and Savanna goats, was successfully analysed using 30 microsatellite markers. Low levels of allelic variations were found in the four goat breeds. The mean numbers of observed alleles per locus were relatively low with values of 5.43, 5.73, 5.90 and 5.70 in Katjang, Jamnapari, Boer and Savanna goats, respectively. The mean observed heterozygosity was lower than the mean expected heterozygosity for the all four goat breeds. Katjang goats showed the lowest observed heterozygosity with a value of 0.36. The results showed that the Katjang goat population had a high level of inbreeding compared to the other goat breeds

    A framework for cybersecurity strategy for developing countries: case study of Afghanistan

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    Given the importance of cyber space for country development, many countries have invested large amount of money for cyber space application. Since, based on official documents, Afghanistan is in the process of integrating ICT into its critical information infrastructure, to this end, the country may face various challenges including cyber security. Due to various potential threats and risks to Afghanistan cyber security, a comprehensive cyber security strategy is necessary. Accordingly, Afghanistan has introduced an ICT security law. However, nowadays day by day internet is involving great portion of government and non-government sections. The country must introduce a comprehensive and appropriate cyber security strategy to tackle all of the issues and risks related to this arena. The aim of this study is to propose cyber security strategy based on developed countries experiences in cyber security, specifically Malaysia, because Malaysia and Afghanistan are both Islamic countries with cultural and religious values. Furthermore, Malaysia is considered as a developed country in terms of cyber security. Therefore, in this study, based on literature review and official documents, the current status of ICT as well as cyber threats were identified in Afghanistan context. In addition, to evaluate the current status of cyber security strategy in Afghanistan and Malaysia, some experts were interviewed and accordingly based on their suggestions and Malaysian experience in cyber security, a strategy framework was proposed for Afghanistan to address the ever-growing cyber threats. Then, the proposed cyber security strategy framework was evaluated by interviewing three experts in the field

    Genetic characterisations of four goat breeds in Malaysia assessed using microsatellites

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    The genetic characterisation of goat breeds in Malaysia as a genetic resource is essential for genetic improvement as well as a conservation strategy. The goat breeds in Malaysia comprise small-framed animals made up of the original Katjang goat with the addition of larger framed exotic goats such as Jamnapari and Boer. The local indigenous Katjang goat has a reasonably high degree of tolerance to the local environment. On the other hand, the Boer, Jamnapari and Savanna which are introduced breeds are well adapted in Malaysia. However, little information is available on the goat breeds’ genetic characteristics or genetic variabilities. Basically, information about the genetic background of a breed and its populations is required for proper breeding. Data based on adequate genetic studies for goat characterisation and their similarities are still lacking. The goat populations have to be genetically characterised because genetic information is considered as the primary and essential starting point of any goat husbandry project. Knowledge of the genetic variability of a species is a core element for the conservation and exploitation of animal diversity for breeding purposes. Thus, this study was conducted to evaluate the genetic variabilities of the goat breeds in Malaysia, namely Katjang the indigenous goat and the exotic Jamnapari, Boer and Savanna breeds, by using microsatellite markers for proper breeding, selection and conservation purposes. Blood samples were randomly sampled from Katjang, n=37, Jamnapari, n=34, Boer,n=40 and Savanna, n=40. Thirty microsatellite primer pairs suggested by FAO/ISAG and seven microsatellite loci from other studies were used for the genetic diversity studies in the goats. The microsatellite markers were optimised using pooled DNA at different polymerase chain reaction (PCR) conditions followed by screening individuals for polymorphisms. The polymorphic microsatellite loci were used for the genetic diversity studies. Thirty out of the 37 microsatellite loci were polymorphic in all four goat breeds,while six loci were monomorphic and one locus failed to amplify for the Boer goat breed suggesting that it was monomorphic for the null allele. The mean number of observed alleles ranged from 5.43 to 5.90. Meanwhile the observed heterozygosity values (Ho) were lower than the expected heterozygosities for the goat breeds studied. The Jamnapari and Boer goat breeds had the highest Ho (0.43), followed by the Savanna (0.42) and the Katjang showed the lowest Ho (0.36). Genotypic linkage disequilibrium was observed between several loci but there was no consistency across the breeds. The overall mean inbreeding coefficient (FIS) of 0.43 indicated the occurrence of inbreeding in all the four breeds studied. The mean FIT and FST values of 0.46 and 0.06, respectively measured the degree of differentiation within and among breeds. The FST value indicated a lack of genetic differentiation among the goat breeds. The Nei’s genetic identities among the four goat breeds ranged from 80% - 87%. The highest genetic distance value was observed between the Katjang and the Savanna goat breeds (0.2171) while the Boer and the Savanna goat breeds were found to be the most similar with a genetic distance value of 0.1325. Based on this study it can be concluded that there are some genetic variations in the four goat breeds in Malaysia, although the Katjang has a slightly lower genetic diversity. However, further screening of the goat breeds, utilising more breeds and larger sample sizes are needed to ascertain more accurately the variability of the goat breeds in Malaysia. Microsatellite marker typing using the capillary technique and other more sensitive marker systems like SNP should also be considered. In addition, consideration should be given to genome mapping, using the latest high throughput genotyping platforms to obtain the best genomics solutions and applications

    MyJavaSchool: persepsi dan motivasi pelajar terhadap pengaturcaraan komputer

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    Subjek Sains Komputer telah diperkenalkan sebagai mata pelajaran yang baru dalam Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah (KSSM) untuk melatih pelajar dengan kemahiran penyelesaian masalah dan pemikiran komputasional. Subjek Sains Komputer ini terdiri daripada tiga modul iaitu modul Pengaturcaraan Komputer, modul Pangkalan Data, dan modul Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer. Sebagai subjek yang baru diperkenalkan, dua masalah yang dihadapi oleh guru adalah bahan dan pendekatan pengajaran. Justeru, Modul MyJavaSchool telah dibangunkan sebagai bahan pengajaran alternatif untuk modul Pengaturcaraan Komputer tingkatan empat. Modul ini merupakan modul pembelajaran pengaturcaraan Java menggunakan pendekatan Turtle Graphic dan juga pembelajaran berasas kompetensi. Kertas ini membincangkan hasil kajian yang dibuat bagi meninjau persepsi pelajar tentang modul MyJavaSchool dan juga persepsi dan tahap motivasi pelajar terhadap subjek Pengaturcaraan Komputer. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dimana instrumen soal selidik digunakan untuk mengumpul data. Responden kajian adalah seramai 126 orang pelajar tingkatan empat. Dalam kajian ini, modul dan panduan diberikan kepada guru yang mengajar untuk digunakan. Setelah beberapa minggu pembelajaran,kertas soal selidik pula diedarkan kepada responden. Dapatan analisis kajian menunjukkan persepsi pelajar terhadap penggunaan modul ini berada di tahap yang baik dengan nilai purata min 2.74. Ini menunjukkan bahawa pelajar masih ragu dengan penggunaan modul MyJavaSchool dalam pembelajaran pengaturcaraan komputer. Namun, mereka bermotivasi dengan pendekatan pembelajaran yang digunakan dan berhasrat untuk melanjutkan pelajaran dalam bidang Sains Komputer selepas tamat persekolahan. Sebagai kesimpulan dapat dinyatakan bahawa modul ini perlu ditambah baik. Contoh bagi setiap topik perlu ditambah kerana menerusi contoh, pelajar dapat memahami tentang konsep dan penggunaannya. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa pendekatan pembelajaran sangat penting dalam memotivasikan pelajar

    Final Year Supervision Management System as a Tool for Monitoring Computer Science Projects

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    AbstractIn Computer Science Program run by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, students are required to develop a software prototype and write a dissertation for their final year project. Preliminary observation has shown that for the last five years, an increasing number of students failed to complete prototype development within the allocated time. Current practice uses a log book to document meetings and discussions between supervisors and students. Although a detailed schedule has been proposed, there is no monitoring process to trigger specific actions to make sure all deadlines are met. To improve project monitoring and supervision, a prototype of a web-based supervision management system was designed and developed. The initial prototype consists of three modules, namely user profile, project monitoring (of software development and report writing) and appointment setting. Once the prototype is completed, we plan to conduct a user acceptance test