94 research outputs found

    Study of an induction-type liquid-metal MHD generator

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    Construction and performance tests of induction type liquid potassium magnetohydrodynamic generato

    Search for optimal design of sectional drills with replaceable many-sided plates at railway rails drilling

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    The power analysis technique of sectional drills with replaceable many-sided plates at railway rails drilling has been offered. It allowed increasing tool working capacity. The technique is based on summation of specific cutting force component by the length of working areas of plates cutting rims. The increase of working capacity is achieved due to decreasing cutting force radial components of each of the plat

    Development and validation of 'AutoRIF': Software for the automated analysis of radiation-induced foci

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    Copyright @ 2012 McVean et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Background: The quantification of radiation-induced foci (RIF) to investigate the induction and subsequent repair of DNA double strands breaks is now commonplace. Over the last decade systems specific for the automatic quantification of RIF have been developed for this purpose, however to ask more mechanistic questions on the spatio-temporal aspects of RIF, an automated RIF analysis platform that also quantifies RIF size/volume and relative three-dimensional (3D) distribution of RIF within individual nuclei, is required. Results: A java-based image analysis system has been developed (AutoRIF) that quantifies the number, size/volume and relative nuclear locations of RIF within 3D nuclear volumes. Our approach identifies nuclei using the dynamic Otsu threshold and RIF by enhanced Laplacian filtering and maximum entropy thresholding steps and, has an application ‘batch optimisation’ process to ensure reproducible quantification of RIF. AutoRIF was validated by comparing output against manual quantification of the same 2D and 3D image stacks with results showing excellent concordance over a whole range of sample time points (and therefore range of total RIF/nucleus) after low-LET radiation exposure. Conclusions: This high-throughput automated RIF analysis system generates data with greater depth of information and reproducibility than that which can be achieved manually and may contribute toward the standardisation of RIF analysis. In particular, AutoRIF is a powerful tool for studying spatio-temporal relationships of RIF using a range of DNA damage response markers and can be run independently of other software, enabling most personal computers to perform image analysis. Future considerations for AutoRIF will likely include more complex algorithms that enable multiplex analysis for increasing combinations of cellular markers.This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund

    State Budget of USSR in 1950s — 80s: Dynamics and Structure of Income

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    The dynamics and structure of the revenue side of the state budget of the USSR in the period from 1950 to 1989 are considered on the basis of official statistical collections published by the Ministry of Finance of the USSR. It is stated that the dynamics of the revenues of the state budget of the USSR during the entire studied period was positive. There was a constant increase in income, which had an average annual value of about 6,5 % in relation to the previous year, which made it possible to increase the budget by more than one third in almost every five-year period. It is indicated that in just the period under study, the revenue side of the state budget in-creased by 11,6 times. The author comes to the conclusion that the historical dynamics of the distribution of incomes between the budgets of different levels testifies to the growing tendency towards the decentralization of the Soviet economy. It was revealed that this trend looks less unambiguous if we trace the change in the share of revenues of the republican and local budgets in the structure of the USSR state budget. It is shown that the most important deterrent to the decentralization of the Soviet economy was budget regulation, which allowed the state, on the one hand, to withdraw to the budget most of the profits of the socialist economy, and on the other, to keep the budgetary resources of local authorities under control

    State budget of USSR in 1950s — 80s: dynamics and structure of expenditures

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    The structure of the state budget expenditure of the USSR in its historical dynamics during the 1950s — 1980s is considered. The sources were statistical collections published by the Ministry of Finance of the USSR in the period under review, on their basis the electronic database “State Budget of the USSR” was created, according to which all the calculations presented in the article were carried out. It is noted that the dynamics of the state budget expenditures of the USSR during the entire period of the 1950s — 80s was positive. It is indicated that there was a constant increase in expenditures, which had an average annual value of about 6.5 %; in total, during the period under study, the expenditure part of the state budget increased by 11.6 times, and in per capita terms only by 7.3 times. It is shown that the structure of expenditures of the state budget of the USSR in the 1950s — 1980s included expenditures on the national economy, social and cultural events, public administration and defense. The author concludes that the construction of a welfare state in the USSR in the 1950s — 1970s, along with the burden of military spending, became a heavy burden on the budget system, limiting the government’s room for maneuver in the context of the budget crisis that broke out in the second half of the 1980s

    Social Infrastructure of Soviet Enterprises in the 1950s-1980s: Sources and Mechanisms of Financing (Example of Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant)

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    The Sources and Mechanisms of Financing the Social Infrastructure of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant in the 1950s-1980s. This study examines the sources and mechanisms of financing the social infrastructure of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, a large Soviet industrial enterprise, during the period of 1950s-1980s. The research is based on archival documents from the plant and its trade union organization, which are stored in the United State Archive of the Chelyabinsk Region. It was found that the plant had a significant amount of assets, including housing and a network of social, cultural, and sports facilities. Financing the social infra-structure of Soviet enterprises was a complex system that involved multiple independent sources. The plant made direct payments from its economic stimulation funds, covered the maintenance costs of various facilities transferred to the trade union organization, and covered losses from the housing and communal services system. In addition, funding for these facilities also came from the state budget, social insurance budget, trade union organization budget, targeted subsidies from the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions, revenues from self-supporting cultural and sports institutions, and others. The Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant was required to allocate up to 10 % of its profits towards maintaining its social infra-structure, while other sources of funding con-tributed comparable amounts

    Forms and Practices of Interbudgetary Relations in USSR in 1950s — First Half of 1960s

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    The forms and practices of interbudgetary relations in the USSR in the 1950s and early 1960s are considered. It is noted that the term interbudgetary relations in its broad interpretation can be used to describe the processes that took place in the budgetary system of the USSR. But, with one amendment: interbudgetary relations in the period under review should be understood as relations between the levels of the unified budgetary system of the Soviet Union, and not relations between equal subjects, as is interpreted in modern scientific literature. Record keeping materials of organizations, institutions and departments involved at different levels in the regulation of interbudgetary relations were used as sources. It is shown that interbudgetary relations took place in several forms: 1) the formation of th regulatory part of the revenues of lower budgets from tax deductions and revenues received by higher budgets; 2) implementation of interbudgetary transfers in the form of grants, subsidies and subventions; 3) implementation of the mechanism for settling budget disagreements. The authors come to the conclusion that each of these forms contributed to the achievement of a balance between the incomes of individual levels of the budget system and the expenditure obligations assigned to them

    Moscow City Finances in the 1950s–1980s: Dynamics and Structure of the Local Budget

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    Поступила в редакцию: 19.09.2022. Принята к печати: 02.02.2023.Submitted: 19.09.2022. Accepted: 02.02.2023.Статья посвящена изучению изменений в структуре и динамике столичного бюджета в позднесоветский период (1950–1980-е гг.). Источниками для нее стали материалы Департамента финансов Правительства Москвы, отложившиеся в Центральном государственном архиве города Москва, а также опубликованные в 1950–1970-е гг. сборники документов Исполкома Московского городского Совета депутатов, посвященные проектам бюджетов Москвы. На их основе была создана электронная база данных «Бюджет Москвы в 1950–1980-е гг.», по которой и производились все необходимые для анализа вычисления. Авторы приходят к выводу, что бюджет столицы постоянно рос, был профицитным, по душевым расходам находился на 4–6 месте среди регионов РСФСР, был ориентирован на развитие городской инфраструктуры и в первую очередь — жилищного комплекса. Остатки средств распределялись на содержание органов местного управления. При формировании городского бюджета Москвы сохраняются общесоюзные тенденции. В абсолютном выражении бюджет Москвы в рассматриваемый период вырос в 11 раз. В пересчете на душу населения рост составил 5,6 раза. Важнейшими статьями расходов для столицы являлись: жилищно-коммунальное хозяйство, просвещение и здравоохранение, которые забирали имеющиеся средства из бюджета почти полностью ежегодно. При этом в структуре столичного бюджета закрепленные источники доходов (в том числе местные) постепенно вытесняются регулируемыми доходами, перечисляемыми из вышестоящих бюджетов, что делало город зависимым от них. Такое бюджетное регулирование средств делало возможным сдерживание развития города.This article studies the changes in the structure and dynamics of the capital’s budget in the late Soviet period (1950s–1980s). The authors refer to materials of the Department of Finance of the Moscow Government kept in the Central State Archives of Moscow, as well as published in the 1950s–1970s collections of documents of the Executive Committee of the Moscow City Council of Deputies, dedicated to the budget estimates of Moscow. On their basis, the authors created an electronic database Moscow Budget in the 1950s–1980s, which was used to make all the calculations necessary for the analysis. The authors conclude that the budget of the capital was constantly growing and was in surplus, and in terms of per capita expenditures it occupied the 4th–6th places among the regions of the RSFSR. It focused on the development of urban infrastructure and, first of all, residential development. In absolute terms, the budget of Moscow in the period under review increased 11 times. In per capita terms, it grew 5.6 times. The most important items of expenditure for the capital were housing and communal services, education, and health care. At the same time, in the structure of the capital’s budget, fixed sources of income (including local ones) were gradually being replaced by regulated incomes transferred from higher budgets, which made the city dependent on them.Исследование выполнено при поддержке РФФИ, проект № 20-09-00175 «Городские бюджеты, межбюджетные отношения и бюджетное неравенство в СССР в 1950–1980-е гг.»; при поддержке гранта Правительства РФ, проект № 075-15-2021-611 «Человек в меняющемся пространстве Урала и Сибири».The results were obtained in the framework of a grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project 20-09-00175 “City Budgets, Inter-budgetary Relations and Budget Inequality in the USSR in the 1950s–1980s”; of a grant of the Russian Federation Government, project 075-15-2021-611 “Human and the Changing Spaces of the Urals and Siberia”

    The System of Neutrophil Elastase and the Plasma Level of MMP-7 in Children with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and Chronic Cor Pulmonale

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    A significant increase in the activity of neutrophil elastase (NE) and anti-NE-protection in the plasma were detected in children having bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) complicated by pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and chronic cor pulmonale (CCP). The changes revealed were more pronounced in patients with CCP. The plasma concentration of the NE was slightly reduced, which was probably associated with the activation of anti-NE and an increase in the α1-antitrypsin level. A gradual increase was noted in the plasma level of the matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) in patients with an increase in the severity of the condition. In patients with cystic fibrosis (with and without CCP), the pronounced increase in the MMP-7 level was observed. In patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), even without the additional complication with PAH and CCP, the MMP-7 level was significantly higher than in those with congenital broncho-pulmonary malformations (CBPM). The difference was increased in those patients with PAH and reached a maximum in those with CCP

    Поражение щитовидной железы при болезни Ходжкина

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    A clinical description of thyroid gland affection at 13-year child with Hodgkin’s disease is presented. The diagnostics process of this disease has been shown, it has been recommended an oncologic alarm in children practice.Приводится клиническое описание поражений щитоводной железы у ребенка 13 лет с болезнью Ходжкина. Отражен процесс диагностики этого заболевания, рекомендуется необходимость онкологической настороженности в детской практике