18 research outputs found
Próby reform politycznych w Arabii Saudyjskiej a opozycja ze strony Islamistów
"Arabia Saudyjska uważana jest za jedno z najbardziej konserwatywnych państw
muzułmańskich, wyrosła bowiem z XVIII-wiecznej reformy religijnej zwanej wahhabizmem.
Zawarty w 1744 r. sojusz między reformatorem, Muhammadem Ibn
Abd al-Wahhabem, a władcą oazy w środkowej części Półwyspu Arabskiego, Muhammadem
Ibn Saudem z rodu Al Saud (Saudowie), funkcjonuje w Arabii Saudyjskiej
do dzisiaj. Wahhabizm związany jest ściśle z monarchią saudyjską. Potomkowie
Muhammada Ibn Abd al-Wahhaba, noszący miano Al Szajch, odgrywają
znaczącą rolę w saudyjskim społeczeństwie jako krzewiciele myśli reformatora.
Tworzą oni drugą po Saudach najważniejszą rodzinę w państwie."(...
Chromatografia w badaniu książki zabytkowej
Paper is a basic writing material that has not been so far supplanted by the consecutive
technical and technological inventions. During the centuries of paper-making,
systematic changes took place, the aims of which were: improvement of paper’s
quality, lowering the price and increase in the production. The present-day process of
paper-making hardly resembles a few hundred years old historical production process
of handmade paper. Unfortunately, as it turns out, the quality of contemporary paper
has also been compromised in comparison to durable work of the old paper-making
All chemical reactions involving cellulose, the main active constituent of paper,
are occurring with the participation of this polysaccharide’s glucose radicals. Cellulose
depolymerisation, as well as its further chemical decomposition, is most of all a result
of hydrolysis, oxidation, or enzymatic action of microorganisms. The course of the
hydrolysis is complex and occurs gradually: from cellulose to the end product which
is glucose. However, the oxidation process causes the transformation of hydroxyl
groups in cellulose into aldehyde groups, ketone groups and carboxylate groups.
In case of metal ions, for example those coming from printing or handwriting ink,
both the above-mentioned processes may occur simultaneously. Hydrogen ions catalyze
the hydrolysis and metal ions catalyze the self-oxidation. Those processes allowed
to form a thesis concerning the irreversible destruction of paper cellulose, which is
catalyzed in the acidic environment. They cause the loss of paper’s mechanical durability,
and thereby the irretrievable decay of handwritten and printed documents.
Still, the unexamined issue remains the influence of ingredients contained in the
auxiliary substances of paper on the mechanism and reaction kinetics of the paper ageing
process. That is the source of interest in adhesives used in manufacturing process
of the historic printing paper. Up until now, the decay of adhesives that accompanies
the paper ageing process has not been taken into account. By the same token, the
synergistic interaction of both the processes is not a widely-known fact.
The conservation of historic books requires the basic knowledge of physicochemical
and mechanical condition characterizing the material they are built of. The
development of instrumental — in particular chromatographic — analytical techniques
creates a possibility to carry out research the results of which can be applied in book conservation practice. The examination of antique books must not lead to damaging
thereof. After examination, a restored material should be again included in a library
collection. It seems that chromatographic techniques comply with the above-mentioned
requirements. They can be successfully utilized in so-called conservation materials
science. The presented work is an attempt to include chromatography into the conservation
practice of antique library material.
Gas chromatography has rapidly become a dominant method in qualitative
and quantitative research. However, it requires transforming fatty acids into volatile
aliphatic esters which, in turn, have numerous advantages. They are non-polar and
produce sharp, well-shaped peaks. By using mass spectrometer, it becomes possible
to measure their molecular mass as well as the degree to which the acyl radicals are
The primary aim of this work was to device selected chromatographic techniques
for marking natural components of adhesives contained in antique library material
as well as in the products of their transformation that constitute another element of
their natural ageing process. The data thus obtained should allow to elaborate the
bases of the mechanism of this process and its influence on structural and mechanical
parameters of antique library material. Such a knowledge will facilitate deciding on
the scope of the conservator’s interference and the selection of the right materials or
their contemporary natural substitutes.
The division of methyl esters was performed using the capillary columns of a gas
chromatograph with the flame ionization detector (FID) and with the mass spectrometer
(MS). The mass spectrometer was equipped with the EI ion source that has the
maximal ionization energy of 70 eV. It worked in the full-scan mode, monitoring the
mass from 50 to 480 amu.
Another so far unexamined problem is the mechanism of the natural paper ageing
process in the area of auxiliary substances which include animal glue applied
by historical paper makers. Also in this case we deal with oxidation of elements of
adhesives, especially the unsaturated ones. Here, there have to be included all the
lipid structures created by unsaturated fatty acids. In animal glues, however, the unsaturated
lipid substances are dominant, and that is why free radical oxidation reaction
is not dominant. This fact is indirectly confirmed by the identity analysis of products
contained in hexane extractions from antique papers. Oxygen-containing derivatives
of fatty acids were identified incidentally, depending on the applied animal glue and
the contents of the oleic acid.
The considerable contents of the products of transformation of the lower aliphatic
acids’ and dicarboxylic acids’ auxiliary substances suggests that oxidation of unsaturated
acids and the hydrolysis of epoxy connections are not the only sources of their
origin. The similar result can be achieved with the oxygen during pyrolysis occurring
as the effect of light and temperature. A specific parameter of all the chemical reactions
taking place in the material under examination is also the reaction time, identical
with centuries-old exposure of paper.
Another open research problem is the possibility of co-oxidation of the unsaturated
fatty acids with the oxidized cellulosic hydrolysates, particularly with the
structure of aldehyde, which in this case can be a supplier of oxygen for creating
peroxide connections. The disintegration of peroxides is not very selective and it yields diversified mixtures of products. In this way, the extractions of antique papers
display their qualitatively diversified character.
It is hard to estimate to what extent this process is stimulated by the lipid
substances from glue that are evenly distributed on the entire surface of paper. Explaining
its mechanism, one should take into account the presence of metallic oxide
called siccative (which is a drying agent for the printing ink) in the linseed oil. In
this diversified kinetic environment the siccative can serve as supplier of metal ions
mainly catalyzing self-oxidation. Unsurprisingly, the phenomenon of colourings of the
entire surfaces most often occurs on the books’ initial and final pages, since those
places are easily accessed by light, water vapor and oxygen from air. The application
of gas chromatography allowed to exclude microbiological causes for the occurrence
of this defect
Projektowanie i budowa nowych bibliotek
Since several years, a Polish building industry has been decreasing as a result of the new game rules on the emerging capital market and economical adaptation to the requirements of the free market. We must realize that the Western countries, even the richest ones, manage their costs and economize their savings. Therefore each newly-built public or scientific library is the result of extensive research, evidenced by a detailed analysis and available documentation. It is diffi cult to predict the development of library buildings’ construction over
the next decade. Nevertheless, it is important for the library science graduates to know the recent tendencies, and on the other hand to have an ability to enhance his or her knowledge.
The expert level and professional knowledge of the librarian is required while taking a stand or justify his position in front of the designer or the project executor
Wybrane techniki chromatograficzne w badaniu książki zabytkowej
In this article, the author took up the analysis of the influence of the animal
glues on the ageing of the paper in the antique books. A chromatographic examination
was carried out with the use of gas chromatograph type 5890 and Hewlett-Packard
ChemStation G 1034C programming. She indicated the content of fatty acids in
hexane extracts of southern paper (Venice, 1490) and northern paper (Strasburg,
1483) after cleaning with the SPE technique. The results of the investigation show the
usefulness of the chromatography as the basic instrument in conservation works
Morfologia książki
In the times of development of different media of communication and the debates concerning the new forms of book, its traditional form still fascinates and finds new supporters. The article is a brief and intelligible discussion of the basic elements of the construction of the book (in its common form) used in the publishing process
Destrukcja mikrobiologiczna w procesie naturalnego starzenia się papieru z księgozbioru ojców paulinów z klasztoru jasnogórskiego w Częstochowie
The work constitutes the analysis of the reasons and the course of damaging a collection in Jasna Góra Library. The author thoroughly examines the process of a microbiological destruction of books collected there. The main factor causing book destruction is damp resulting from the temperaturę abrupt changes observed in the space of the library. As it turned out, book edge, spine and covers suffer from damp most sensitively, which, in turn, leads to the development of microscopic fungus, i.e. mildew. The article presents different types of fungi influencing the condition of the collection and results of the studies that were to control the level of collection infection by spores. A quantitative assessment of microbiological threats was completed with a qualitative identification of pathogenic factors. It was restricted to the most popular fungus types: Alternaria, Botritis, Fusarium, Mucor,
Penicilium and Venturia
Normalizacja w zakresie warunków przechowywania zbiorów w archiwach i bibliotekach : komunikat
It is the duty of the institution collecting and storing library and archival collections to
store them in suitable and controlled environmental conditions to properly take care of a good
state of preservation. The article discusses the standards in this fi eld
IBN Saud w relacjach Polaków w latach 30. XX wieku
"Kontakty Polski z Arabią Saudyjską sięgają czasów, w których Królestwo nie istniało
jeszcze na mapach świata. Początkowo celem podróży Polaków na Bliski
Wschód była przede wszystkim Ziemia Święta (często zwiedzali przy okazji również
Syrię czy Egipt). Nieliczni polscy pielgrzymi dotarli także do granic Arabii
(np. w XVI w. poeta i dyplomata Jan Dantyszek). Na Półwysep Arabski udawali
się polscy muzułmanie (Tatarzy), by dopełnić jednego z pięciu obowiązków islamu
– pielgrzymki do Mekki (hadżdż). Niektórzy Polacy w różnych okolicznościach
(dobrowolnie, w jasyrze czy z przyczyn politycznych) przyjmowali islam,
otwierający im drogę do Mekki i Medyny. Do tych niedostępnych dla niemuzułmanów
miast udało się dotrzeć ponadto kilku Polakom-niemuzułmanom. Na Bliski
Wschód udawali się również zwykli podróżnicy, spośród których najsłynniejszym
był hrabia Wacław Seweryn Rzewuski (ok. 1785–1831). Wyjechał na Wschód pod
pretekstem sprowadzenia do Europy koni czystej krwi arabskiej. Zakup arabów
stał się potem kolejną przyczyną podróży Polaków na Półwysep Arabski."(...
Polacy na Półwyspie Arabskim w XIX wieku
"W średniowiecznej Polsce źródłem wiadomości o Arabach była przede wszystkim
Biblia. To także chrześcijaństwo skłaniało Polaków do podróży na Wschód, głównie
do Ziemi Świętej (w celu odbycia pielgrzymki). Niektórzy polscy pielgrzymi
docierali również do granic Arabii. Od XVIII wieku Polacy udawali się na
Wschód po konie. Ponad sto arabów zakupił od koczujących na pustyni beduinów
najsłynniejszy polski podróżnik po Wschodzie, hrabia Wacław Seweryn Rzewuski (ok.
1785-1831). W ślad za nim podążali kolejni rodacy, by wymienić tu choćby hrabiego
Juliusza Dzieduszyckiego. Osobną grupę Polaków udających się na Bliski
Wschód stanowili Tatarzy. Celem ich podróży była przede wszystkim Mekka -
miejsce dorocznej pielgrzymki muzułmanów."(...