78 research outputs found

    Intrahepatic Transposition of Bile Ducts

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    Objective. To describe the intrahepatic bile duct transposition (anatomical variation occurring in intrahepatic ducts) and to determine the frequency of this variation. Material and Methods. The researches were performed randomly on 100 livers of adults, both sexes. Main research methods were anatomical macrodissection. As a criterion for determination of variations in some parts of bile tree, we used the classification of Segmentatio hepatis according to Couinaud (1957) according to Terminologia Anatomica, Thieme Stuugart: Federative Committee on Anatomical Terminology, 1988. Results. Intrahepatic transposition of bile ducts was found in two cases (2%), out of total examined cases (100): right-left transposition (right segmental bile duct, originating from the segment VIII, joins the left liver duct-ductus hepaticus sinister) and left-right intrahepatic transposition (left segmental bile duct originating from the segment IV ends in right liver duct-ductus hepaticus dexter). Conclusion. Safety and success in liver transplantation to great extent depends on knowledge of anatomy and some common embryological anomalies in bile tree. Variations in bile tree were found in 24–43% of cases, out of which 1–22% are the variations of intrahepatic bile ducts. Therefore, good knowledge on ductal anatomy enables good planning, safe performance of therapeutic and operative procedures, and decreases the risk of intraoperative and postoperative complications

    Evaluation of peroxidative stress of cancer cells in vitro by real time quantification of volatile aldehydes in culture headspace

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    Rationale Peroxidation of lipids in cellular membranes results in the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including saturated aldehydes. The real‐time quantification of trace VOCs produced by cancer cells during peroxidative stress presents a new challenge to non‐invasive clinical diagnostics, which as described here, we have met with some success. Methods A combination of selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT‐MS), a technique that allows rapid, reliable quantification of VOCs in humid air and liquid headspace, and electrochemistry to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) in vitro has been used. Thus, VOCs present in the headspace of CALU‐1 cancer cell line cultures exposed to ROS have been monitored and quantified in real time using SIFT‐MS. Results The CALU‐1 lung cancer cells were cultured in 3D collagen to mimic in vivo tissue. Real‐time SIFT‐MS analyses focused on the volatile aldehydes: propanal, butanal, pentanal, hexanal, heptanal and malondialdehyde (propanedial), that are expected to be products of cellular membrane peroxidation. All six aldehydes were identified in the culture headspace, each reaching peak concentrations during the time of exposure to ROS and eventually reducing as the reactants were depleted in the culture. Pentanal and hexanal were the most abundant, reaching concentrations of a few hundred parts‐per‐billion by volume, ppbv, in the culture headspace. Conclusions The results of these experiments demonstrate that peroxidation of cancer cells in vitro can be monitored and evaluated by direct real‐time analysis of the volatile aldehydes produced. The combination of adopted methodology potentially has value for the study of other types of VOCs that may be produced by cellular damage

    Expiratory flow rate, breath hold and anatomic dead space influence electronic nose ability to detect lung cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Electronic noses are composites of nanosensor arrays. Numerous studies showed their potential to detect lung cancer from breath samples by analysing exhaled volatile compound pattern ("breathprint"). Expiratory flow rate, breath hold and inclusion of anatomic dead space may influence the exhaled levels of some volatile compounds; however it has not been fully addressed how these factors affect electronic nose data. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate these effects. METHODS: 37 healthy subjects (44 +/- 14 years) and 27 patients with lung cancer (60 +/- 10 years) participated in the study. After deep inhalation through a volatile organic compound filter, subjects exhaled at two different flow rates (50 ml/sec and 75 ml/sec) into Teflon-coated bags. The effect of breath hold was analysed after 10 seconds of deep inhalation. We also studied the effect of anatomic dead space by excluding this fraction and comparing alveolar air to mixed (alveolar + anatomic dead space) air samples. Exhaled air samples were processed with Cyranose 320 electronic nose. RESULTS: Expiratory flow rate, breath hold and the inclusion of anatomic dead space significantly altered "breathprints" in healthy individuals (p 0.05). These factors also influenced the discrimination ability of the electronic nose to detect lung cancer significantly. CONCLUSIONS: We have shown that expiratory flow, breath hold and dead space influence exhaled volatile compound pattern assessed with electronic nose. These findings suggest critical methodological recommendations to standardise sample collections for electronic nose measurements

    Standardised exhaled breath collection for the measurement of exhaled volatile organic compounds by proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry

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    BACKGROUND: Exhaled breath volatile organic compound (VOC) analysis for airway disease monitoring is promising. However, contrary to nitric oxide the method for exhaled breath collection has not yet been standardized and the effects of expiratory flow and breath-hold have not been sufficiently studied. These manoeuvres may also reveal the origin of exhaled compounds. METHODS: 15 healthy volunteers (34 +/- 7 years) participated in the study. Subjects inhaled through their nose and exhaled immediately at two different flows (5 L/min and 10 L/min) into methylated polyethylene bags. In addition, the effect of a 20 s breath-hold following inhalation to total lung capacity was studied. The samples were analyzed for ethanol and acetone levels immediately using proton-transfer-reaction mass-spectrometer (PTR-MS, Logan Research, UK). RESULTS: Ethanol levels were negatively affected by expiratory flow rate (232.70 +/- 33.50 ppb vs. 202.30 +/- 27.28 ppb at 5 L/min and 10 L/min, respectively, p < 0.05), but remained unchanged following the breath hold (242.50 +/- 34.53 vs. 237.90 +/- 35.86 ppb, without and with breath hold, respectively, p = 0.11). On the contrary, acetone levels were increased following breath hold (1.50 +/- 0.18 ppm) compared to the baseline levels (1.38 +/- 0.15 ppm), but were not affected by expiratory flow (1.40 +/- 0.14 ppm vs. 1.49 +/- 0.14 ppm, 5 L/min vs. 10 L/min, respectively, p = 0.14). The diet had no significant effects on the gasses levels which showed good inter and intra session reproducibility. CONCLUSIONS: Exhalation parameters such as expiratory flow and breath-hold may affect VOC levels significantly; therefore standardisation of exhaled VOC measurements is mandatory. Our preliminary results suggest a different origin in the respiratory tract for these two gasses

    Credit assessment and valuation of commercial real estate

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    En investering i en kommersiell fastighet krÀver finansiering av nÄgot slag. I dagslÀget Àr det vanligt förekommande att fastighetsinvesterare tar banklÄn för att erhÄlla likvida medel för fastighetsköpet. För en beviljad kredit krÀvs det Àven att en vÀrdering av fastigheten har genomförts. DÀrför Àr kreditbedömning och vÀrdering av kommersiella fastigheter tvÄ betydelsefulla processer i bankens dagliga arbete. Relationen mellan fastighetsinvesterare och banken Àr ocksÄ av avgörande betydelse dÄ fastighetsinvesteraren Àr i behov av likvida medel för sitt fastighetsköp. Dessa processer för dock med sig ett flertal problem. En vÀrdering Àr alltid osÀker och baseras till stor del pÄ schabloner vilket kan leda till att vissa fastigheter antingen över- eller undervÀrderas. För bankens del medför en utlÄning alltid en kreditrisk, vilken mÄste minimeras för att banken ska undvika kreditförluster.Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att beskriva och förklara hur kreditbedömnings- och vÀrderingsprocessen för utlÄning till kommersiella fastigheter ser ut för tre olika bankkontor i BorÄs. Vidare har studien byggt pÄ att beskriva vilka likheter och skillnader som förekommer emellan dessa banker. Syftet har Àven varit att studera hur lokala fastighetsinvesterare i kommersiella fastigheter upplever dessa processer.Studien Àr frÀmst av kvalitativ karaktÀr dÄ den största delen av det empiriska materialet Àr baserat pÄ kvalitativa intervjuer genomförda med representanter frÄn SEB, Swedbank SjuhÀrad samt Handelsbanken Stora Torget. Vi har dock Àven tillÀmpat en kvantitativ metod eftersom vi har utfört en enkÀtundersökning med ett tiotal fastighetsinvesterare. Med hjÀlp av vÄr teoretiska referensram har vi analyserat det empiriska materialet, utifrÄn vilken vi senare har kunnat dra slutsatser och föra en diskussion kring.Resultatet visade att bankernas kreditbedömningsprocesser skiljer sig Ät frÀmst nÀr det gÀller olika beslutsinstanser och interna regelverk. En slutsats vi dragit Àr att det Àr bankens interna regelverk som spelar den avgörande rollen för kreditbedömningen. BetrÀffande vÀrderingen applicerar samtliga banker liknande metoder dÀremot frÄnskiljer det sig nÀr det gÀller vem som genomför sjÀlva vÀrderingen. UtifrÄn enkÀtundersökningen med fastighetsinvesterare har vi konstaterat att relationen mellan fastighetsinvesterarna och bankerna i vÄr studie fungerar vÀl. BÄda parter Àr villiga att anpassa sig efter varandra och samarbeta för att fÄ igenom en framgÄngsrik affÀr.Program: Civilekonomprogramme
