13 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Agricultural Policy in the Dairy Sector in Kosovo and Efficiency Analysis at the Farm Level

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    This thesis consists of two studies on the dairy sector in Kosovo. The first study evaluates the effect of the Subsidy per Head Scheme (SPHS) on increasing production, land use, gross income and number of dairy cows on dairy farms in Kosovo. Results from the Propensity Score Matching (PSM) approach using four alternative matching algorithms revealed that SPHS has not had any impact on increasing land use, gross income or the number of dairy cows per farm. Furthermore, SPHS had a negative impact on decreasing land use and number of cows for the participating dairy farmers in the program. In terms of milk production, SPHS has not had any meaningful effect on increasing milk productivity when compared to farms that did not participate in the program. Improvement in milk production per cow was found to be a statistically significant effect for two matching algorithms. However, two other algorithms revealed insignificant effect of SPHS on improving milk productivity. The second study provides estimates of the technical efficiency level for a random sample of 243 dairy farms in Kosovo over the 2014 farming season. Statistically significant determinants of technical efficiency are identified. A stochastic frontier production function was estimated using a two stage procedure. Results revealed that feeding rates (specifically of concentrates and silage), land use per cow, and the number of days that cows had been kept on pastures have statistically significant impacts on milk productivity per cow. The mean technical efficiency of dairy farms was estimated at 0.72. The major determinants that help to improve the efficiency are breed improvement, intensification of corn production on the farm, improving feeding rates, and using free range production systems. Given the results from the SPHS impact assessment and technical efficiency analysis, it is crucial for the Government of Kosovo to redesign their dairy policy, specifically their direct payment schemes and target technical assistance and investment support based on regional potentials


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    QĂ«llimi i kĂ«tij punimi Ă«shtĂ« tĂ« zgjerojmĂ« njohuritĂ« pĂ«r fibrozĂ«n cistike si sĂ«mundje dhe tĂ« marrim njohuritĂ« e duhura rreth mĂ«nyrave se si duhet tĂ« qasemi ne ndaj femijĂ«ve dhe pacientĂ«ve tĂ« prekur nga kjo sĂ«mundje, duke pasur parasysh diagnostikimin e hershĂ«m dhe tĂ« saktĂ«, fillimin e trajtimit, shkallĂ«n e prekjes pulmonare, si dhe edukimin e pacientit dhe tĂ« prindĂ«rve lidhur me kĂ«tĂ« sĂ«mundje dhe mĂ«nyrĂ«n e trajtimit. NjĂ« tjetĂ«r objektiv specifik i punimit Ă«shtĂ« roli i infermieres nĂ« trajtimin dhe menaxhimin e sĂ«mundjeve obstruktive respiratore. KĂ«to objektiva kanĂ« tĂ« bĂ«jnĂ« veçanarisht pĂ«r kujdesin dhe menaxhimin qĂ« duhet t’iu bĂ«het tĂ« sĂ«murĂ«ve mĂ« kĂ«to sĂ«mundje. Roli i infermierĂ«ve Ă«shtĂ« shumĂ« i rĂ«ndĂ«sishĂ«m nĂ« kĂ«tĂ« aspekt. Kjo do tĂ« thotĂ« se me ofrimin e kujdesit adekuat nga ana e infermierĂ«ve dhe stafit mjekĂ«sor do tĂ« rritet edhe mirĂ«qenia e pacientit. TĂ« dhĂ«nat kryesore pĂ«r kĂ«tĂ« punim janĂ« marĂ« nga libri i protokoleve nĂ« QKUK dhe nga rishqyrtimi i literatures e cila Ă«shtĂ« marrur nga autorĂ«t botĂ«ror. Subjekt i kĂ«tij puimi Ă«shtĂ« numri i rasteve tĂ« personave tĂ« prekur nga fibroza cistike pĂ«r tĂ«rĂ« regjionin e KosovĂ«s pĂ«r periudhĂ«n 1 Janar 2019 deri mĂ« 31 Dhjetor 2019. Numri i tĂ« prekurve me fibrozĂ« cistike Ă«shtĂ« 44 raste, mĂ« e prekur Ă«shtĂ« gjinia femrore me 23 raste,ndersa gjinia mashkullore me 21 raste. NdĂ«r regjionet mĂ« tĂ« prekura janĂ«: FushĂ« Kosova me 9 raste, Prishtina me 8 raste, Podujeva me 8 raste, Prizren 5 raste ndĂ«rsa vendet e tjera me nga 1 rast. MĂ« tĂ« prekur me kĂ«tĂ« sĂ«mundje me fibrozĂ«n cistike janĂ« fĂ«mijĂ«t

    Factors affecting the technical efficiency of dairy farms in Kosovo

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    A possible accession into the World Trade Organization (WTO) and an expected membership in the European Union raise significant opportunities and challenges for the agricultural sector in Kosovo. As a result of these changes, the sector will have to improve efficiency and competitiveness. This research is motivated by the need to understand better the forces that drive competitiveness in the Kosovo dairy sector. This study estimates the technical efficiency (TE) of 243 dairy farms in Kosovo and relates TE variation to farm size and other primary determinants of TE. A stochastic frontier production function is estimated using a two-stage procedure. Results reveal that concentrate feed intake, land use per cow, and the number of days cows had been kept on pasture have statistically significant impacts on milk productivity per cow. The mean technical efficiency of dairy farms was estimated at 0.72. The major determinants that increase efficiency are breed improvement, intensification of corn production on the farm, improving concentrate feed intake, and using free-range production systems. Given the results from the technical efficiency analysis, it is crucial for the Government of Kosovo to redesign their dairy policy—specifically their grant investment schemes—and target assistance on improving national herd genetics, promoting free range systems and expanding area planted in corn

    Do coupled subsidies increase milk productivity, land use, herd size and income? Evidence from Kosovo

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    This study assesses the effectiveness of the Subsidy per Head Scheme (SPHS) in increasing milk productivity, land use, herd size and income in dairy farms across the seven regions of Kosovo. SPHS represents one of the largest coupled subsidy programs in the agricultural sector of Kosovo in terms of farmer participation and budget allocation. We use a Propensity Score Matching approach to assess the impact of this program by comparing a group of participants with a group of non-participants during the 2013–2014 farming seasons. We test the robustness of the impact results using four different matching algorithms. Results reveal SPHS was not effective in increasing land use, gross income and farm size (number of cows), although SPHS had a limited impact on improving milk productivity. In addition, the study highlights the need to reformulate coupled subsidies and develop new, complementary strategies that address farmers’ needs more efficiently

    Economic Incentives Necessary for Adoption of Environmentally Friendly Cocoa Production in Ghana

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    Concerns about cocoa production in Africa at the expense of forests, biodiversity and its effects on sustainability necessitate the investigation of price premiums to incentivize cocoa producers to abandon the practices of plantation style cocoa for more sustainable practices shaded cocoa. Thus, this study first employs a multiple regression on a sample of 2,076 Ghanaian cocoa households over five cocoa growing seasons (2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, and 2010), to estimate the yield difference among three varieties of cocoa. These yield differentials in addition to published yield curves are then used to simulate variety specific yield curves under shaded and unshaded cocoa production. These yield curves in addition to cost curves, are then used to estimate the price premium that reflects the opportunity cost of cultivating shaded cocoa. Results indicates that the mean price premium of approximately 4.95% currently offered by third-party production certification schemes (e.g. UTZ Certified) for biodiversity friendly cocoa are well below this study’s price premium of 20.5%. Estimating the opportunity cost of shaded cocoa production is important to producers to determine whether growing cocoa under shade is sufficiently profitable. For manufacturers and consumers, these premiums indicate the cost needed to secure a supply of sustainably produced coco

    Wenn Migration unfreiwillig endet: Wie kann die Integration von RĂŒckkehrern im Kosovo gelingen?

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    Der Kosovo steht derzeit vor der Herausforderung, tausende aus Westeuropa zurĂŒckgekehrte Migranten zu integrieren. Viele von ihnen hatten das Land im Winter 2014/15 in Scharen verlassen. Diskutiert wurde dieser ‚Exodus‘ im IAMO Policy Brief 24. Steigende Asylbewerberzahlen in den ZiellĂ€ndern fĂŒhrten zu einer VerschĂ€rfung der Asylpolitik, in deren Folge in den Jahren 2015 und 2016 mehr als 20.000 Personen in den Kosovo zurĂŒckgekehrt sind. Im Rahmen einer empirischen Befragung, die sich mit den Chancen und Problemen einer erfolgreichen Reintegration befasste, wurden GesprĂ€che mit 179 dieser RĂŒckkehrer gefĂŒhrt. Neben einem eher geringem Bildungsstand und geringer Qualifikation der RĂŒckkehrer, wird die Wiedereingliederung vor allem durch die generell sehr schlechte Lage auf dem Arbeitsmarkt behindert. Erschwerend hinzu kommt eine zum Teil erhebliche psychische Belastung aufgrund der schwierigen, fĂŒr einige Migranten sogar traumatisierenden Erfahrung von Migration und unfreiwilliger RĂŒckkehr. Es ergibt sich die Gefahr eines Teufelskreises, bei dem auf die unfreiwillige RĂŒckkehr Probleme bei der Reintegration folgen, welche dann wiederum in einem erneuten Wunsch nach Abwanderung mĂŒnden. Die Ergebnisse der Studie weisen in der Tat auf eine geringe Bleibeintention unter den RĂŒckkehrern hin

    Migrimi i "Dështuar" dhe Kthimi Pavullnetshëm në Kosovë: Trajtimi i Sfidave për Riintegrim të Suksesshëm

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    Kosova aktualisht përballet me sfidën e riintegrimit të mijëra migrantëve të kthyer që u larguan nga vendi në 2014 / 2015. Kjo valë emigrimi u diskutua në IAMO Policy Brief 24 (Përmbledhje). Pas përballjes me politikat e kufizuara të azilit të vendeve të destinacionit në Evropën Perëndimore, më shumë se 20,000 njerëz u kthyen në Kosovë përgjatë viteve 2015 dhe 2016. Bazuar në rezultatet e një studimi empirik me rreth 180 migrantë të kthyer, kjo Përmbledhje diskuton një numër çështjesh të riintegrimit. Përveç niveleve të ulëta të arsimit dhe aftësive teknike, riintegrimi është penguar mbi të gjitha nga gjendja e vështirë e tregut të punës në Kosovë. Kjo gjendje përkeqësohet gjithashtu nga një barrë psikologjike që del nga përvojat (ndonjëherë) traumatike të migrimit dhe kthimit të pavullnetshëm. Migrimi i kosovarëve është në rrezik të bëhet një cikël vicioz; kthimi i pavullnetshëm dhe problemet e riintegrimit i shtyn njerëzit të përpiqen të migrojnë sërisht. Në të vërtetë, rezultatet e studimit tregojnë se shumë të kthyer nuk kanë ndërmend të qëndrojnë në Kosovë

    Supply scale and demand for agricultural advisory services in Kosovo

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    The aim of the poster is to present the main findings of the research study on the supply scale and the demand of advisory services in the sector of agriculture in Kosovo. The study area covers ten municipalities and 120 farms coming from different sectors of agriculture. The data analyses show the supply scale of advisory services from 2007-2013; advisory sources, the importance of advisory services for farmers, and also identifies the methods and fields where these services should be focused in the future. Research findings show that almost half of the interviewed farmers did not receive advisory services and an interesting finding is that ten of the farmers did not her at all about these services. Farmers were drawing agricultural advices and services from different sources, where the highest percentage of offering advices for farmers was from private sector, specifically from different international organizations. The advisory services received from agriculture experts from public sector were significantly lower compared to the other sources. The derived results show that the advisory services were needed on all processes that accompany a farmer in agricultural production. In this regard the supply of advisory services in the future needs to be oriented mainly at pre-production phase, production, protection, processing, and marketing. Whereas, most favorable methods stressed by the farmers in receiving advisory services were oral advices, respectively experimental plots

    Involuntary return migration to Kosovo: Tackling challenges for successful reintegration

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    Kosovo currently faces the challenge of reintegrating thousands of returned migrants who left the country in 2014 /2015. This migration wave was discussed in the IAMO Policy Brief 24. After facing restrictive asylum policies in the destination countries in Western Europe, more than 20,000 people returned to Kosovo in 2015 and 2016. Based on the results of an empirical survey of around 180 returnees, this policy brief discusses a number of reintegration issues. In addition to low levels of education and skills, reintegration is impeded above all by the precarious state of Kosovo’s labour market. This is compounded by a psychological burden that often arises from the sometimes traumatic experience of migration and involuntary return. The migration of Kosovars is at risk of becoming a vicious cycle composed of involuntary return and problems reintegrating, resulting in a further attempt at migration. Indeed, the results of the study show that many returnees do not intend to remain in Kosovo