8 research outputs found

    Az integráció dimenziói a magyar kis- és középvállalkozások működtetésében

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    A kis- és középvállalkozási szektor minden nemzetgazdaság számára az egyik leginkább jelentősnek tekinthető. A nemzetgazdaságok foglalkoztatási szerkezetében jellemzően messze a legnagyobb szerepet tölti be, és a vállalkozások száma is jelentősen nagyobb ebben a szektorban, mint a nagyvállalkozások és a multinacionális vállalkozások szektoraiban. Ennél fogva egy erős, és teljesítőképessége minél nagyobb szintjén teljesítő nemzetgazdaság számára kiemelten fontos a kis- és középvállalkozások szektorának támogatása, valamint azon lehetőségek felkutatása, melyek a szektor teljesítményét minél jobban növelik a lehetőségek keretein belül.Cikkünk a kis- és középvállalkozások három jelentős folyamatával – név szerint a marketinggel, a kommunikációval, és az innovációval – foglalkozik, és az integráció köré építi a probléma feloldását. Alapvetésünk, hogy a kommunikáció, a marketing, és az innováció egyes elemeit minél magasabb szinten integrálja a vállalkozás a folyamatmenedzsmentjébe, annál hatékonyabban működtethetők mind a folyamatok, mind maguk az integrálni kívánt vezetési területek.Kutatásunk 81 vállalkozás segítségével valósult meg, a teljes szektorra nézve nem reprezentatív. Megállapításra került, hogy a kis- és középvállalkozások a marketing és a kommunikáció folyamatainak fokozódó integrációjával korlátolt mértékben érhetnek el sikereket, míg az innováció integrációja a menedzsment folyamataiba csupán kis mértékben javítja a vállalkozás folyamatmenedzsmentjének hatásfokát

    Changes in the performance of the agricultural sector in Hungary due to the 2008 economic crisis and COVID-19 pandemic / Zmiany w sektorze rolnym na Węgrzech w związku z kryzysem gospodarczym w 2008 roku i pandemią COVID-19

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    Subject and purpose of work: The paper examines two of the most important sectors of agriculture, crop and livestock production, in a time series analysis. The authors analyzed the number of enterprises, the number of employees, labor costs, turnover, and balance sheet total, and also assessed the evolution of liquidity and profitability in the two sectors, broken down by size. Materials and methods: The results of livestock and crop production were examined separately for the period 2008-2020. The analysis was based on aggregated data from the National Tax and Customs Administration in Hungary. Enterprises with the NACE REV 0140 for animal husbandry and 0110 for crop production were studied. In the research time series analysis and, where possible, trend analysis were performed. Results: In the research, the following indicators were examined using time series analysis in both crop and livestock production: the number of companies, the number of employees, the net sales revenue, the composition of net sales, the development of the balance sheet total, cost structure, labor costs, the quick ratio of liquidity, and the ROA indicator. Conclusions: Agricultural enterprises are most affected by the downward trend during the period under review, with the exception that the animal husbandry sector started to decline earlier than the crop production sector.Przedmiot i cel pracy: W artykule dokonano analizy dwóch najważniejszych sektorów rolnictwa – produkcji roślinnej i produkcji zwierzęcej – metodą analizy szeregów czasowych. Autorzy przeanalizowali liczbę przedsiębiorstw, liczbę pracowników, koszty pracy, obroty i sumę bilansową, a także ocenili ewolucję płynności i rentowności w obu sektorach, w podziale według klas wielkości. Materiały i metody: Wyniki sektorów produkcji z wierzęcej i produkcji roślinnej w latach 2008-2020 przeanalizowano odrębnie. W analizie wykorzystano zagregowane dane Krajowej Administracji Podatkowo-Celnej na Węgrzech. Badano przedsiębiorstwa z kodem NACE REV 0140 (hodowla zwierząt) i 0110 (produkcja roślinna). W badaniu wykonano analizę szeregów czasowych oraz w miarę możliwości analizę trendów. Wyniki: W badaniach metodą analizy szeregów czasowych w produkcji roślinnej i produkcji zwierzęcej sprawdzono następujące wskaźniki: liczbę przedsiębiorstw, liczbę pracowników, przychody netto ze sprzedaży, składowe sprzedaży netto, kształtowanie się sumy bilansowej, strukturę kosztów, koszty pracy, wskaźnik płynności szybkiej, wskaźnik ROA. Wnioski: W analizowanym okresie wśród przedsiębiorstw rolniczych odnotowano wyraźną tendencję spadkową, przy czym spadki zaobserwowano wcześniej w sektorze produkcji zwierzęcej w porównaniu do sektora produkcji roślinnej

    Changes in the performance of the agricultural sector in Hungary due to the 2008 economic crisis and COVID-19 pandemic

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    The paper examines two of the most important sectors of agriculture, crop and livestock production, in a time series analysis. The authors analyzed the number of enterprises, the number of employees, labor costs, turnover, and balance sheet total, and also assessed the evolution of liquidity and profitability in the two sectors, broken down by size


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    Subject and purpose of work: The paper examines two of the most important sectors of agriculture, crop and livestock production, in a time series analysis. The authors analyzed the number of enterprises, the number of employees, labor costs, turnover, and balance sheet total, and also assessed the evolution of liquidity and profitability in the two sectors, broken down by size. Materials and methods: The results of livestock and crop production were examined separately for the period 2008-2020. The analysis was based on aggregated data from the National Tax and Customs Administration in Hungary. Enterprises with the NACE REV 0140 for animal husbandry and 0110 for crop production were studied. In the research time series analysis and, where possible, trend analysis were performed. Results: In the research, the following indicators were examined using time series analysis in both crop and livestock production: the number of companies, the number of employees, the net sales revenue, the composition of net sales, the development of the balance sheet total, cost structure, labor costs, the quick ratio of liquidity, and the ROA indicator. Conclusions: Agricultural enterprises are most affected by the downward trend during the period under review, with the exception that the animal husbandry sector started to decline earlier than the crop production sector

    Changes in the Innovation- and Marketing-Habits of Family SMEs in the Foodstuffs Industry, Caused by the Coronavirus Pandemic in Hungary

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    The economic specialties caused by the global coronavirus pandemic completely changed everyday life regarding certain sectors. For the small and medium enterprises, processing during the pandemic held several significant challenges, such as: cost-efficient operations, hardship of keeping employees, efficient management of innovation and various corporate activities, keeping the customers, etc. Many enterprises saw severe damages indirectly from the coronavirus pandemic, as society itself had its habits significantly changed, thereby necessitating changes in strategy for small and medium enterprises, most notably for local service providers and producers that have no delivery service. In order to solve the issue at hand, several governments tried applying a variety of solutions—mostly by financing the enterprises in question. The goal of the authors is to understand the current operation of innovation initiatives that small and medium enterprises have post-COVID-19, and to obtain a clear view on changes in marketing habits. Furthermore, the analysis concentrates on the following: the state of family SMEs dealing in foodstuffs, and how to create a future view for such members of the sector by identifying best practices. Using data collected during 2020 and 2021, and employing descriptive statistics and a conjoint analysis, the authors wished to see how the coronavirus pandemic affected SMEs, detect the changes in their marketing and innovation policy due to the pandemic, and help them create core business strategy via consumer feedback. Authors found that SMEs had to innovate by 2021 beyond their 2019 expectations, and that customers had partially validated their endeavors through their answers

    Changes in the Innovation- and Marketing-Habits of Family SMEs in the Foodstuffs Industry, Caused by the Coronavirus Pandemic in Hungary

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    The economic specialties caused by the global coronavirus pandemic completely changed everyday life regarding certain sectors. For the small and medium enterprises, processing during the pandemic held several significant challenges, such as: cost-efficient operations, hardship of keeping employees, efficient management of innovation and various corporate activities, keeping the customers, etc. Many enterprises saw severe damages indirectly from the coronavirus pandemic, as society itself had its habits significantly changed, thereby necessitating changes in strategy for small and medium enterprises, most notably for local service providers and producers that have no delivery service. In order to solve the issue at hand, several governments tried applying a variety of solutions—mostly by financing the enterprises in question. The goal of the authors is to understand the current operation of innovation initiatives that small and medium enterprises have post-COVID-19, and to obtain a clear view on changes in marketing habits. Furthermore, the analysis concentrates on the following: the state of family SMEs dealing in foodstuffs, and how to create a future view for such members of the sector by identifying best practices. Using data collected during 2020 and 2021, and employing descriptive statistics and a conjoint analysis, the authors wished to see how the coronavirus pandemic affected SMEs, detect the changes in their marketing and innovation policy due to the pandemic, and help them create core business strategy via consumer feedback. Authors found that SMEs had to innovate by 2021 beyond their 2019 expectations, and that customers had partially validated their endeavors through their answers