5 research outputs found

    Fuzzy optimization in the hydrodynamic analysis for the purposes of groundwater control system design

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    Sistemi za odbranu od podzemnih voda se koriste za zaštitu hidrotehničkih objekata, priobalja, meliorativnih područja, naselja, rudnika, predstavljajući značajne segmente bez kojih bi funkcionalnost ovih objekata bila dovedena u pitanje. Posebno složeni sistemi odbrane od podzemnih voda se karakterišu kod ležišta mineralnih sirovina, imajući u vidu njihovu dinamičnost, koja se ogleda u stalnom širenju ležišta, kao i činjenicu da ova ležišta prodiru duboko u stensku masu različitog strukturnog tipa poroznosti, a time i u podzemne vode, različite po hidrodinamičkim osobinama. Površinski kop „Buvač“, uzev u obzir njegove karakteristike, predstavlja složen sistem propraćen intenzivnim promenama koje se dešavaju tokom eksploatacije mineralnih sirovina, a značajnim i u pogledu problematike odbrane od podzemnih voda. Upravo ovakav sistem zahteva stalno prilagođavanje novonastalim uslovima, što uslovljava uspostavljanje i razvoj metodskih postupaka za uspešnu odbranu od podzemnih voda u uslovima kontinuiranih promena. Parcijalni pristup rešavanja ove problematike najčešće ne dovodi do efikasnog, odnosno, do optimalnog rešenja sistema odbrane od podzemnih voda. Integracijom različitih faktora koji podrazumevaju tehničke karakteristike sistema odbrane od podzemnih voda, uticaje na životnu sredinu, ekonomske kriterijume i njihove podkriterijume, moguće je sveobuhvatnije sagledati predmetnu problematiku. U cilju rešavanja ovog zadatka primenjeni su različiti postupci: metoda hidrodinamičkog modeliranja režima podzemnih voda, kombinacija teorije fazi logike i geostatistike i teorije fazi logike i višekriterijumske optimizacije. Za projektovanje i izbor karakteristika sistema odbrane od podzemnih voda primenjena je metoda hidrodinamičkog modeliranja režima podzemnih voda. Tako su definisani elementi sistema za odbranu od podzemnih voda, njihove karakteristike (npr. kapaciteti bunara), njihov raspored u planu i profilu, redosled izvođenja drenažnih objekata, a sve to je povezano sa šemom i dinamikom izvođenja pripremnih i eksploatacionih radova na površinskom kopu.Groundwater control systems are used to safeguard hydraulic structures, riparian lands, hydraulic reclamation zones, populated areas, mining operations, and the like. They constitute important functional segments, without which the safety of such structures or areas would be compromised. Especially complex protection systems against groundwater are found in mining operations, given the dynamics resulting from constant expansion and the fact that such operations reach deep into rock masses of varying structural porosity and, consequently, come into contact with groundwaters that feature different hydrodynamic properties. In view of its characteristics, the open-pit mine “Buvač” is an intricate system that undergoes major changes during the course of ore extraction, which are coupled with significant issues relating to groundwater. In such circumstances, a groundwater control system needs to continually adapt to new conditions and methodical procedures have to be developed for effective protection against groundwater in a constantly changing environment. A partial approach seldom leads to an effective or optimal protection solution. A comprehensive study of the problem is needed, which integrates various factors, including technical characteristics of the protection system, environmental impact, and economic criteria and sub-criteria. Different methods are applied to address the task: hydrodynamic modeling of the groundwater regime, a combination of the fuzzy logic theory and geostatistics, and the fuzzy logic theory and multicriteria optimization. Hydrodynamic modeling of the groundwater regime was the method used to design and select the characteristics of the protection system against groundwater. This included the definition of the protection system components, their characteristics (e.g. well capacity), distribution in plan view and elevation, and sequence of construction of drainage components, all closely linked with the configuration and timetable of preparatory and extraction activities in the open-pit mine

    Updated 'budapest method' for revitalizing radial collector wells and applicability to Belgrade's water supply source

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    Belgrade's water supply source is faced with the complex issue of halting a continuing decline in radial well capacity. It is possible to counteract the problem by replacing worn-out laterals. Past research has provided a basis for undertaking radial well revitalization activities. One of the questions that remained unanswered was how to overcome structural limitations - shallow emplacement of laterals. In Budapest, an innovative revitalization procedure, applying a modified Ranney method, has been used effectively for about 15 years. The laterals are installed below the bottom of the original well shaft and the screen pipes have bridge-like slots. The possibility of applying this method at Belgrade's water supply source is substantial

    Hydrodynamic analysis application of contaminated groundwater remediation to oil hydrocarbons

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    In this paper, the application of the hydrodynamic analysis in the selected ‘pumping and treatment’ remediation method of groundwater hydrocarbon pollution in the case of the Pancevo oil refinery is examined. The applied hydrodynamic analysis represents a regular and necessary approach in modern hydrogeology. Previous chemical analysis of soil and groundwater samples at observation objects revealed their pollution by oil products. New researches included the constraction of 12 piezometric boreholes of varying depths, geoelectric soil sounding, ‘in situ’ measurement of the present contaminant, detected as a hydrophobic phase of LNAPL, chemical analysis of soil and groundwater samples with emphasis on total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) content, total fats and mineral oils, mercury cations and other characteristic compounds, etc. These researches define the volume of contamination issued by the ‘light’ (LNAPL) contamination phase. The selected remediation method for this type of pollution is the ‘Pump and Treat’ method, which implies the pumping of contaminated groundwater from aquifer and their subsequent treatment. A hydrodynamic method was used to select the optimal hydrotechnical solution for LNAPL extraction. On the mathematical model, the prediction calculations for two variant solutions were carried out (‘hydraulic isolation’ and complex) for the application of groundwater contamination remediation characterized as front pollution substance (by extraction and injection wells or infiltration pool). By extraction wells performing, it would be possible to remove the LNAPL from the surface of the water with special pumps-skimmers. The importance of the hydrodynamic method application is, in addition to the hydrotechnical solution selection for the LNAPL drainage, the provision of quality basis for the dimensioning of these objects based on the results of the groundwater balance

    Hydrodynamic analysis of potential groundwater extraction capacity increase: case study of 'Nelt' groundwater source at Dobanovci

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    A comprehensive hydrodynamic analysis of the groundwater regime undertaken to assess the potential for expanding the 'Nelt' groundwater source at Dobanovci, or developing a new groundwater source for a future baby food factory, including the quantification of the impact on the production wells of the nearby 'Pepsi' groundwater source, is presented in the paper. The existing Nelt source is comprised of three active production wells that tap a subartesian aquifer formed in sands and gravelly sands; however, the analysis considers only the two nearest wells. A long-term group pumping test was con-ducted of production wells N-1 and N2 (Nelt source) and production wells B-1 and B-2 (Pepsi source), while the piezometric head in the vicinity of these wells was monitored at observation well P-1, which is located in the area considered for Nelt source expansion. Data were collected at maximum pumping capacity of all the production wells. A hydrodynamic model of groundwater flow in the extended area of the Nelt source was generated for the purposes of the comprehensive hydrodynamic analysis. Hydrodynamic prognostic calculations addressed two solution alternatives for the capacity increase over a period of ten years. Licensed Visual MODFLOW Pro software, deemed to be at the very top in this field, was used for the calculations

    Optimization of medium for antimycotic production by Streptomyces spp.

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    Numerous species of the genus Streptomyces, on the appropriate cultivation medium in the process of submerged biosynthesis, as a product of the secondary metabolism, and under aerobic conditions synthesize pharmacologically active compounds. The aim of presented study was optimization of different nitrogen sources in the cultivation medium for the production of antimycotics using a strain of Streptomyces spp. isolated from the environment. Experiments were carried out in accordance with Box-Behnken design with three factors at three levels (peptone: 3.0 g/l, 7.0 g/l and 11.0 g/l; yeast extract: 1.0 g/l, 3.0 g/l and 5.0 g/l; soybean meal: 5.0 g/l, 15.0 g/l and 25.0 g/l) and three repetitions in the central point. Cultivation mediums were analyzed for determination of residual sugar, residual nitrogen, pellet diameter and RNA. Also, antimycotic activity of the obtained culti­vation mediums was determined using diffusion disc method on the Aspergillus spp. as the test microorganism. For the optimization of selected parameters, a Response Surface Methodology was used and the obtained data were analyzed using the software package DESIGN EXPERT 8.1. Achieved model with a coefficient of determination (R) of 0.952 predicted that the maximum inhibition zone diameter (24.0 mm) against microorganism Aspergillus spp. and the minimum amount of residual sugar (0.551528 g/l) under applied experimental conditions was produced when the contents of varied nitrogen sources were: peptone 11.0 g/l, yeast extract 4.32 g/l and soybean meal 25.00 g/l