18 research outputs found

    Factors determining microbial colonization of liquid nitrogen storage tanks used for archiving biological samples

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    The availability of bioresources is a precondition for life science research, medical applications, and diagnostics, but requires a dedicated quality management to guarantee reliable and safe storage. Anecdotal reports of bacterial isolates and sample contamination indicate that organisms may persist in liquid nitrogen (LN) storage tanks. To evaluate the safety status of cryocollections, we systematically screened organisms in the LN phase and in ice layers covering inner surfaces of storage tanks maintained in different biobanking facilities. We applied a culture-independent approach combining cell detection by epifluorescence microscopy with the amplification of group-specific marker genes and high-throughput sequencing of bacterial ribosomal genes. In the LN phase, neither cells nor bacterial 16S rRNA gene copy numbers were detectable (detection limit, 102 cells per ml, 103 gene copies per ml). In several cases, small numbers of bacteria of up to 104 cells per ml and up to 106 gene copies per ml, as well as Mycoplasma, or fungi were detected in the ice phase formed underneath the lids or accumulated at the bottom. The bacteria most likely originated from the stored materials themselves (Elizabethingia, Janthibacterium), the technical environment (Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Methylobacterium), or the human microbiome (Bacteroides, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus). In single cases, bacteria, Mycoplasma, fungi, and human cells were detected in the debris at the bottom of the storage tanks. In conclusion, the limited microbial load of the ice phase and in the debris of storage tanks can be effectively avoided by minimizing ice formation and by employing hermetically sealed sample containers

    Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) as a Metric of Microbial Biomass in Aquatic Systems: New Simplified Protocols, Laboratory Validation, and a Reflection on Data From the Literature

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    The use of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as a universal biomass indicator is built on the premise that ATP concentration tracks biomass rather than the physiological condition of cells. However, reportedly high variability in ATP in response to environmental conditions is the main reason the method has not found widespread application. To test possible sources of this variability, we used the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii as a model and manipulated its growth rate through nutrient limitation and through exposure to three different temperatures (15°C, 20°C, and 25°C). We simplified the ATP protocol with hot‐water or chemical extraction methods, modified a commercially available luciferin‐luciferase assay, and employed single‐photon counting in a scintillation counter, all of which increased sensitivity and throughput. Per‐cell ATP levels remained relatively constant despite changes in growth rates by approximately 10‐fold in the batch culture (i.e., nutrient limitation) experiments, and approximately 2‐fold in response to temperature. The re‐examination of related literature values revealed that average cellular ATP levels differed little among taxonomic groups of aquatic microbes, even at the domain level, and correlated well with bulk properties such as elemental carbon or nitrogen. Fulfilling multiple cellular functions in addition to being the universal energy currency requires ATP to be maintained in a millimolar concentration range. Consequently, ATP relates directly to live cytoplasm volume, while elemental carbon and nitrogen are constrained by an indeterminate pool of detrital material and intracellular storage compounds. The ATP‐biomass indicator is sensitive, economical, and can be readily standardized among laboratories and across environments

    The use of Brazilian vegetable oils in nanoemulsions: an update on preparation and biological applications

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    ABSTRACT Vegetable oils present important pharmacological properties, which gained ground in the pharmaceutical field. Its encapsulation in nanoemulsions is considered a promising strategy to facilitate the applicability of these natural compounds and to potentiate the actions. These formulations offer several advantages for topical and systemic delivery of cosmetic and pharmaceutical agents including controlled droplet size, protection of the vegetable oil to photo, thermal and volatilization instability and ability to dissolve and stabilize lipophilic drugs. For these reasons, the aim of this review is to report on some characteristics, preparation methods, applications and especially analyze recent research available in the literature concerning the use of vegetable oils with therapeutic characteristics as lipid core in nanoemulsions, specially from Brazilian flora, such as babassu (Orbignya oleifera), aroeira (Schinus molle L.), andiroba (Carapa guaianiensis), casca-de-anta (Drimys brasiliensis Miers), sucupira (Pterodon emarginatus Vogel) and carqueja doce (Stenachaenium megapotamicum) oils

    Genomics-Metabolomics Profiling Disclosed Marine Vibrio spartinae 3.6 as a Producer of a New Branched Side Chain Prodigiosin

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    A wide range of prescreening tests for antimicrobial activity of 59 bacterial isolates from sediments of Ria Formosa Lagoon (Algarve, Portugal) disclosed Vibrio spartinae 3.6 as the most active antibacterial producing strain. This bacterial strain, which has not previously been submitted for chemical profiling, was subjected to de novo whole genome sequencing, which aided in the discovery and elucidation of a prodigiosin biosynthetic gene cluster that was predicted by the bioinformatic tool KEGG BlastKoala. Comparative genomics led to the identification of a new membrane di-iron oxygenase-like enzyme, annotated as Vspart_02107, which is likely to be involved in the biosynthesis of cycloprodigiosin and analogues. The combined genomics-metabolomics profiling of the strain led to the isolation and identification of one new branched-chain prodigiosin (5) and to the detection of two new cyclic forms. Furthermore, the evaluation of the minimum inhibitory concentrations disclosed the major prodigiosin as very effective against multi-drug-resistant pathogens including Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, a clinical isolate of Listeria monocytogenes, as well as some human pathogens reported by the World Health Organization as prioritized targets

    Spatial Scientometrics and Scholarly Impact: A Review of Recent Studies, Tools, and Methods

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    Previously, we proposed a research program to analyze spatial aspects of the science system which we called “spatial scientometrics” (Frenken, Hardeman, & Hoekman, 2009). The aim of this chapter is to systematically review recent (post-2008) contributions to spatial scientometrics on the basis of a standardized literature search. We focus our review on contributions addressing spatial aspects of scholarly impact, particularly, the spatial distribution of publication and citation impact, and the effect of spatial biases in collaboration and mobility on citation impact. We also discuss recent dedicated tools and methods for analysis and visualization of spatial scientometric data. We end with reflections about future research avenues