20 research outputs found

    Subjective self-assessment of physical activity is negatively affected by monitoring awareness in subjects with mild cognitive impairment : A crossover randomised controlled trial

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Verduci Editore s.r.l. All rights reserved.OBJECTIVE: Physical activity plays an important role in maintaining mental and physical health. This study assessed the effect of physical activity monitoring awareness on the physical activity level and subjective self-assessment of physical activity in middle-aged subjects with normal cognitive function (NCF) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirty-five subjects aged 50-65 years with NCF and MCI were randomised into two experimental groups, each taking part in two one-week intervention periods. Subjects in group A were not aware that their physical activity was monitored in the first week (phase I) and were aware of the monitoring in the second week (phase II), whereas it was the opposite order for group B. Physical activity was assessed using the ActiGraph GT9X accelerometer and International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). RESULTS: A total of 32 subjects (MCI: n = 12, NCF: n = 20) completed both intervention periods, with MCI subjects having significantly lower objectively assessed physical activity than NCF participants. Moreover, subjectively assessed physical activity in the MCI group was significantly higher when the participants were unaware of physical activity monitoring. A significant phase-group interaction was found in total (MET-min/d: P = 0.0072; min/d: P = 0.0194) and moderate (MET-min/d: P = 0.0015; min/d: P = 0.0020) physical activity as well as energy expenditure (p = 0.0366) assessed by the IPAQ and in the percentage of sedentary behaviour (p = 0.0330) and the average number of steps (p = 0.0342) assessed by ActiGraph. CONCLUSIONS: The awareness of physical activity assessment might decrease the ability to subjectively assess physical activity in subjects with MCI.Peer reviewe

    Frequency of energy drinks intake vs. physical activity and incidence of overweight and obesity among high school students

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    Celem pracy była ocena różnic w częstości spożywania wybranych asortymentów napojów, w tym tzw. napojów energetyzujących, wśród młodzieży licealnej w zależności od jej aktywności fizycznej oraz wielkości wskaźnika BMI. Badaną grupę stanowiło 620 uczniów (307 dziewcząt i 313 chłopców) w wieku od 16 do 20 lat z wybranych losowo 8 liceów ogólnokształcących miasta Poznania. Stwierdzono, że uczniowie przejawiający większą aktywność fizyczną w porównaniu z mniej aktywnymi dwukrotnie częściej spożywali napoje energetyzujące (p25 kg/m²) znamiennie rzadziej spożywali wodę mineralną (p25 kg/m²) consumed mineral water considerably less rarely (p<0,05) than students with proper body mass (BMI 18,5-24,9 kg/m²), but drunk threefold more frequently sweetened beverages - without stimulant additives (p<0,001). The most distinct difference concerned energy drinks, which were consumed 8,5-fold more frequently by youth with excessive body mass in comparison to the other peers (p<0,001). The results suggest that energy drinks are popular beverages among physically active students, but have the most important contribution in the diet of overweight and obese youth

    Diet antioxidant capacity in the group of patients with diagnosed cardiovascular diseases

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    Analizowano potencjał antyoksydacyjny ORAC dziennych racji pokarmowych (DRP) kobiet z chorobami układu krążenia (n=40) w wieku od 35 do 83 lat. Stan odżywienia kobiet określono wykorzystując wskaźniki BMI, WHR i Bornharda. Badania przeprowadzono wykorzystując półilościowy, zmodyfikowany kwestionariusz częstotliwości spożycia (FFQ) umożliwiający ocenę pobrania w diecie produktów stanowiących źródła naturalnych antyoksydantów. Zdolność racji pokarmowej do przeciwdziałania procesom wolnorodnikowym wyrażono w jednostkach ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity). Rezultaty wskazały na zbyt niską podaż naturalnych przeciwutleniaczy w racjach pokarmowych i duże zróżnicowanie w potencjale antyoksydacyjnym diet uwarunkowane sezonowością spożycia warzyw, owoców i ich przetworów. O ile w okresie letnim, na tle pozostałych miesięcy, potencjał antyoksydacyjny diety był najwyższy i uwarunkowany spożyciem sezonowych owoców i warzyw, to w okresie zimowym był istotne (p<0,001) obniżony i uwarunkowany spożyciem owoców cytrusowych (pomarańczy) i soków owocowo-warzywnych. Innym cennym źródłem przeciwutleniaczy bez względu na sezonowość spożycia okazały się przyprawy. Badania wskazują na konieczność modyfikacji racji pokarmowych w kierunku zwiększenia w nich podaży naturalnych antyoksydantów, szczególnie w okresach ich ograniczonej dostępności na rynku.Total antioxidant capacity of daily diets women (age 35-83y) suffered from cardiovascular dis- eases(n=40) was analyzed. Nutritional status was evaluated by BMI, WHR and Bornhard indicator. The antioxidant capacity of diets was evaluated by modified semi quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) with opportunity to analyze sources of antioxidants in daily diet. Possibility of daily diet to prevent free radical reactions in organism was expressed by ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) indicator. Results showed insufficient supply natural antioxidants in daily diet and variety in antioxidant capacity determined by seasonality of the consumption in diet fruits, vegetables and their products. As far as in summer season the highest ORAC was determined by consumption of seasonal fruits and vegetables, in winter studied group consumed more oranges, and fruit-vegetable juices. The other valuable sources antioxidants irrespective of seasonality of the consumption were spices. Studies showed necessity of diets modification to increase total antioxidant diet capacity especially in periods of their limited availability

    May rye bread enriched with green tea extract be useful in the prevention of obesity in rats?

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    We examined the hypothesis that rye bread enriched with green tea extract (GTE) (at two different doses) can prevent obesity as a component of a hypercaloric diet by decreasing the absorption of energy providing nutrients and regulating lipid metabolism-related hormones, in comparison with normal caloric diet used in the Wistar rats. Adult male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: group ND received a normal caloric diet, group HRB received a hypercaloric diet with control rye bread, groups HRB0.8% and HRB1.1% received a hypercaloric diet with rye bread enriched with 0.8% and 1.1% GTE, respectively. Higher food intake in the ND group compared with the other groups of rats was noted; however, there was no statistical difference in the energy intake among any of the groups. Consumption of the hypercaloric diet increased the body weight of the rats (in comparison with ND), but rats from HRB1.1% group showed a tendency towards smaller gains in body weight (∼4.0%) when compared to the HRB group. The addition of 1.1% GTE to rye bread resulted in an increase in the energy content of faeces, compared to both HRB and ND groups. No differences were observed in plasma leptin concentrations between the four groups. The insulin level in rats fed a hypercaloric diet was higher in comparison to rats from the ND group. The consumption of rye bread enriched with 1.1% GTE may increase faeces energy excretion, but without significantly suppressing body weight gain, visceral fat accumulation, or changing biochemical parameters related to lipid metabolism

    Westernization of dietary patterns among young Japanese and Polish females – a comparison study

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    Introduction and objective. Nowadays, the process of the westernization of eating habits is perceived to be one of the main causes of epidemics of civilization diseases, such as metabolic syndrome. The aim of the study was to assess the westernization of eating habits among 100 Japanese (aged 18-23 years) and 111 Polish female students (aged 19-25 years) of nutrition science related faculties. Materials and methods. Food-frequency questionnaires were used to assess a dietary pattern during the four seasons of a one-year investigation. Data obtained in each season was pooled. The frequency of consumption of different foods (servings/week) between the two countries was compared and characterization of the dietary patterns of both studied populations was analyzed by factor analysis. Results. When food consumption between the two countries was compared, apart from total meat and meat products and high-energy drink intake, significant differences were observed in all foods and food groups. Three dietary patterns were identified in both groups. Among Japanese participants, the first pattern was ‘traditional Japanese’, the second ‘sweets and beverages’, and the third ‘Western’, explaining 9.0%, 8.5% and 6.4% of the total variance, respectively. Among Polish participants, the first pattern was ‘prudent’, the second ‘Western’, and the third ‘sweets and alcoholic beverages’, explaining 8.2%, 7.7%, 6.4% of the total variance, respectively. Although the ‘Western’ dietary pattern was found in both groups, there were some differences in the remaining dietary patterns between the two countries. Conclusions. In the Japanese participants, significant cultural influences on habitual food intake could still be observed, and the extent of diet westernization seems to be smaller compared to the Polish participants

    Subjective self-assessment of physical activity is negatively affected by monitoring awareness in subjects with mild cognitive impairment:a crossover randomised controlled trial

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    Abstract Objective: Physical activity plays an important role in maintaining mental and physical health. This study assessed the effect of physical activity monitoring awareness on the physical activity level and subjective self-assessment of physical activity in middle-aged subjects with normal cognitive function (NCF) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Patients and methods: Thirty-five subjects aged 50–65 years with NCF and MCI were randomised into two experimental groups, each taking part in two one-week intervention periods. Subjects in group A were not aware that their physical activity was monitored in the first week (phase I) and were aware of the monitoring in the second week (phase II), whereas it was the opposite order for group B. Physical activity was assessed using the ActiGraph GT9X accelerometer and International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Results: A total of 32 subjects (MCI: n = 12, NCF: n = 20) completed both intervention periods, with MCI subjects having significantly lower objectively assessed physical activity than NCF participants. Moreover, subjectively assessed physical activity in the MCI group was significantly higher when the participants were unaware of physical activity monitoring. A significant phase-group interaction was found in total (MET-min/d: p = 0.0072; min/d: p = 0.0194) and moderate (MET-min/d: p = 0.0015; min/d: p = 0.0020) physical activity as well as energy expenditure (p = 0.0366) assessed by the IPAQ and in the percentage of sedentary behaviour (p = 0.0330) and the average number of steps (p = 0.0342) assessed by ActiGraph. Conclusions: The awareness of physical activity assessment might decrease the ability to subjectively assess physical activity in subjects with MCI

    Comparison of subjective and objective methods to measure the physical activity of non-depressed middle-aged healthy subjects with normal cognitive function and mild cognitive impairment — a cross-sectional study

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    Abstract This study compared subjective and objective methods of measuring different categories of physical activity in non-depressed middle-aged subjects with normal cognitive function (NCF) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). In total, 75 participants (NCF: n = 48, MCI: n = 27) were recruited and physical activity was assessed for seven days using the ActiGraph and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Anthropometric parameters, body compositions, resting metabolic rate, and energy expenditure were also assessed. ActiGraph data indicated that subjects with NCF were more active than MCI subjects. A comparison of the IPAQ and the ActiGraph data revealed a significant correlation between these methods for total (r = 0.3315, p &lt; 0.01) and moderate (r = 0.3896, p &lt; 0.01) physical activity in the total population and moderate activity (r = 0.2893, p &lt; 0.05) within the NCF group. No associations between these methods were found within the MCI group. Independent predictors of subjectively evaluated total physical activity were alcohol consumption (p = 0.0358) and socio-professional status (p = 0.0288), while weight (p = 0.0285) and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment results (p = 0.0309) were independent predictors of objectively measured physical activity. In conclusion, the long version of IPAQ is a more reliable tool to assess PA in subjects with NCF than those with MCI. More studies are needed to confirm this finding