1,492 research outputs found

    Connecting frontier research with industrial development : Lanthanide and Actinide Chemistry in the European f-Element Network (EUFEN)

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    The chemistry of f-elements, even though often not known to the general public, forms part of many industrial processes, manufacturing and medical applications, such as medical imaging (e.g. MRI scans), strong magnets, data storage media, superconducters, LEDs, catalysis, as well as energy, and metal extraction. It plays a crucial role in the scientific and industrial landscape of the European Union (EU) in fields of energy, security, training, sustainability, and society. The use of these elements widens the scope of synthetic possibilities in chemistry, and materials with outstanding electromagnetic properties have already been realised. The synthesis of lanthanide containing supramolecular materials with exceptional materials properties has already been reported, e.g. the ability to bind and release gases, high-temperature superconductivity, and all-white light emitting diodes. The EUFEN (European f-Element Network) COST action provides cooperative mobility mechanisms for nationally funded f-element chemists pursuing fundamental frontier research to initiate collaborations, training, networking, and dissemination among each other. Novel developments and results in terms of f-element crystal engineering carried out at the University of Malta are therefore part of EUFEN.peer-reviewe

    Evaluation of packaging materials under vacuum for potential use as internal cushioning for semiconductor industry vacuum machinery

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    This study explores a concept for applying basic packaging materials to an environment of high vacuum. This study identified three basic packaging materials and exposed them to a high vacuum environment to identify visual effects caused by the vacuum. In semiconductor and data storage industries, the machinery needed to ultimately create a computer chip often contains vacuum chambers. A common practice of the industry is to ship this machinery while under a state of high vacuum. There are parts inside these vacuum chambers that need protection from the effects of shock and vibration. By placing a sample of packaging material inside a chamber, pumping the chamber to a state of high vacuum, pumping the chamber back down to atmosphere and opening the chamber, a visual inspection of the material can identify that the material itself has failed to maintain its structure. The conclusion of this study identified one material that may warrant further, more precise research and testing for the possibility of use as a cushioning material under vacuum

    Synthesis, Structure, and Dynamics of Tris(η5-cyclopentadienyl)lanthanides and Bis(η5-cyclopentadienyl)[bis(trimethylsilyl)amido]cerium(III)

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    The crystal structures of tris(η5-cyclopentadienyl)lanthanides (Ln = Ce, Dy, Ho) have been determined using different X-ray diffraction methods. Cp3Ce and Cp3Ho (Cp = cyclopentadienyl) crystal data needed special solution and refinement methods, due to the occurrence of intrinsic twinning in these species. Our results do not agree with the previously published cell constants of Cp3Ho. The space group and unit cell parameters of Cp3Dy have been derived from powder diffraction experiments. High-resolution 13C solid-state NMR data of Cp3La are presented, giving evidence of the dynamics and bonding situation of the Cp ligands. Cp3Ce turned out to be a reactive reagent for the synthesis of bis(η5-cyclopentadienyl)[bis(trimethylsilyl)amido]cerium(III)

    An easy method for preparing Neurospora DNA

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    An easy method for preparing Neurospora DN


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    In the centrosymmetric title compound, [Er2(C5H5)4(C4H9O)2], each Er atom is in a distorted tetra­hedral coordination environment, coordinated by two cyclo­penta­dienyl rings and two tert-but­oxy groups, forming a dimeric complex bridged through the tert-but­oxy groups

    Schwierige Figuren im ›Wilhalm von Wenden‹ des Ulrich von Etzenbach

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    Der Beitrag untersucht in Bezug auf den ›Wilhalm von Wenden‹ des Ulrich von Etzenbach das Spannungsverhältnis von Figurenkonzeption und Erzähl- bzw. Strukturmustern eines durch Gattungsmischung gekennzeichneten Romanexperiments. Die Perspektive auf die Konzeption der Figuren Wilhalm und Bene ergibt, dass hier fassbar wird, was an widersprüchlichen sozialen Normen und Handlungsanweisungen quer steht zu den je unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen der widersprüchlich erscheinenden Figuren. Derart wird sichtbar, welche ästhetische Vermittlungsarbeit die Ulrichsche Figurenkonzeption im Romanganzen leistet

    Ökologische und konventionelle Milchviehhaltung im Vergleich: Haltungsbedingungen, Tierwohlindikatoren und Leistung von Fleckvieh und Holstein Kühen

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    Diese Studie untersuchte den Einfluss des Betriebstyps (ökologisch vs. konventionell) und der Rasse (Fleckvieh vs. Holstein) auf die Haltungsbedingungen und das Management und Leistungs- und Tierwohlindikatoren anhand von Interviews und Betriebsmessungen. Ferner wurde die Wahrnehmung von Tierwohlindikatoren durch die Landwirte evaluiert. Kühe auf Biobetrieben hatten mehr Weideauslauf und waren weniger häufig enthornt als Kühe auf konventionellen Betrieben. Das Haltungssystem und die Rasse hatten einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Milchleistung. Obwohl kein signifikanter Einfluss des Betriebstyps und der Rasse auf Mastitis- und Lahmheitsindikatoren festgestellt wurden, zeigten die Ergebnisse einen geringeren Einsatz und niedrigere Kosten einer Antibiotikabehandlung gegen Mastitis auf Biobetrieben. Die Landwirte beider Betriebstypen bewerteten das Platzangebot pro Tier als wichtigsten Tierwohlindikator während die Milchleistung und die Körperkondition der Tiere als die am wenigsten geeigneten Tierwohlindikatoren angesehen wurden

    Von reaktiven molekularen Vorläufern zu höhervernetzten Lanthanoid-Oxonitridocarbonaten und nanokristallinen Lanthanoid-Nitrid-Materialien

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    During the course of this research project the synthesis of highly reactive lanthanide and O2CN-containing molecular precursor complexes has been investigated. Important issues were the development of new reaction pathways to these species and the structural characterization of the N-containing precursors. The accurate thermal treatment of these complexes using various reaction gases yielded both lanthanide nitrides and highly condensed lanthanide oxo-nitrido carbonates using different types of gases. The observed degradation reactions to the products were characterized thoroughly. According to this procedure, novel and known compounds have been synthesized and investigated carefully regarding their structural and material properties. The application of CO2 as an important preorganized C/O-donor for addition reactions at the Ln/N precursor complex represented one of the major topics in this project. This “green reagent” can be considered as a promising species for future industrial applications. A new reaction pathway utilizing the decomposition reaction of N-containing organo¬lanthanides revealed the formation of highly aggregated nanocrystalline lanthanide nitrides at low temperatures. Novel Ln/O/C/N-solids were synthesized by thermal degradation of CO2-activated precursor complexes. The Ln/N and Ln/O/C/N species obtained can be considered as single-source molecular precursors and potential Ln/O/C/N-dopants for applications in the synthesis of O/C/N materials