7,353 research outputs found

    An Investigation of the Utility of Microblogging in a Virtual Organisation

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    Virtualisation is one possible business strategy of an organisation. The nature of virtual organisations is that individuals or teams are distributed over different work sites. This leads to barriers in communication,coordination and collaboration between these entities due to dispersed expertise, time zones, languages, cultures, etc. To address these issues, virtual organisations have invested in ICT for supporting collaboration between cross-site colleagues. One very new collaborative technology is microblogging. Microblogging supports asynchronous communication between multiple persons. Microblogging is based upon transmission of short messages that can be sent from Web-based microblogging systems, instant messaging tools, email or mobile phones. Microblogging has some relevant features like simplicity, immediacy, accessibility and presence. This paper describes our investigation of the utility of microblogging, particularly the Twitter tool, for collaboration support in a virtual organisation. Since microblogging is very new and was introduced only recently, no work has been done on this exact topic. The investigation involved conducting an online survey to collect participants’ opinions about the utility of Twitter in the workplace after using Twitter over a three-week period. The study yielded quantitative and qualitative results regarding participants’ experience of Twitter. It was found that microblogging could be adapted to virtual organisations quickly due to ease of use in terms of taking less time and effort for creating microblogs. Twitter could be used in virtual organisations for collaboration support because it is believed that the use of Twitter could somewhat improve communication between cross-site co-workers. However, to be well accepted by virtual organisations, Twitter needs improvement and addition to its existing functionality

    Effect of broodstock holding environment on egg quality in farmed brown trout (Salmo trutta)

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    Brown trout (Salmo trutta) broodstock from a single population were separated prior to spawning and exposed to two different holding environments: a ‘raceway system’ and a ‘tank system’. Eggs were stripped from females and 13 measures of egg quality were collected, analysed individually, combined by principle components analysis into an integrated egg quality score which was validated against egg survival. The multivariate egg quality score (PC1) differed for fish held in the tank and raceway systems. Egg survival, chorion breaking strength and chorion Se concentrations were higher in eggs produced by broodstock held in the tank system compared to those in the raceway system. In contrast, chorion concentrations of P and K were higher in eggs from fish held in the raceway system. The results suggest that brown trout broodstock reared in tank systems produced higher quality eggs compared to trout reared in raceways. Finally, this study also indicates that multivariate statistical analysis can be used to determine egg quality from multiple egg parameters

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Berbasis Spencer dengan Metode Analitycal Hierarcy Process (Studi Kasus Baperjakat Universitas Trunojoyo Madura)

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    Dalam penentuan karyawan berprestasi pada bagian kepegawaian khususnya Universitas Trunojoyo (BAPERJAKAT) terdapat beberapa faktor yang menjadi penilaian. Penelitian ini melakukan penilaian kinerja karyawan dengan berbasis Competencies for Executive Leadership Development yakni pengetahuan tentang pekerjaan, kreativitas, perencanaan, pelaksanaan instruksi, pelaksanaan deskripsi tugas, kualitas kerja, kerja sama dan sikap terhadap karyawan lain, inisiatif, kehandalan, kehadiran, sikap pekerjaan, keuletan, dan kejujuran. Kompetensi tersebut dirangkum oleh spencer menjadi standart penilaian yang akan dibandingkan dengan penilaian DP3 untuk membangun sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan yang mempunyai kemampuan analisa pemilihan karyawan berprestasi. Metode yang digunakan untuk perhitungan pembobotan menggunakan metode Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), di mana masing-masing kriteria dihitung berdasarkan uji konsistensi untuk dijadikan pembobotan pada setiap karyawan. Sedangkan hasilnya berupa perangkingan untuk pengambil keputusan yang terkait dengan masalah pemilihan karyawan berprestasi, sehingga akan didapatkan karyawan yang paling layak diberi rekomendasi ke jenjang selanjutnya. Untuk mengambil suatu keputusan tergantung dari kuota yang ada dan urutan tertinggi dari perangkingan sebagai prioritas yang paling diutamakan. Pada perhitungan menggunakan kriteria kompetensi Spencer menghasilkan skor 3.1 dan AHP 2.94 . dan Metode Spencer merupakan metode penilaian yang terbaik karena mempunyai rentang pembobotan yang kecil karena kriteria lebih banyak

    Optimality of general lattice transformations with applications to the Bain strain in steel

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    This article provides a rigorous proof of a conjecture by E. C. Bain in 1924 on the optimality of the so-called Bain strain based on a criterion of least atomic movement. A general framework that explores several such optimality criteria is introduced and employed to show the existence of optimal transformations between any two Bravais lattices. A precise algorithm and a graphical user interface to determine this optimal transformation is provided. Apart from the Bain conjecture concerning the transformation from face-centred cubic to body- centred cubic, applications include the face-centred cubic to body-centred tetragonal transition as well as the transformation between two triclinic phases of terephthalic acid

    Prediction Intervals Based On Partial Observations For Some Discrete Distributions

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    Prediction limits of the following type are considered for the binomial, hypergeometric, and negative-binomial distributions. For the binomial distribution, suppose Xr successes have occurred in the first r trials, and based on this partial information it is desired to predict the total number of successes Xs (r \u3c s), which will have occurred by trial s. Similar results are considered for the Poisson and negative-binomial distributions. The results are expressed in terms of well-known distributions which have been tabulated, but it is quite tedious to carry out the procedures based on available tables. Normal (Gaussian) approximations are provided which makes these methods convenient to apply. © 1993 IEE

    Fruit of the Poisonous Tree: Recent Developments as Viewed Through Its Exceptions

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    This comment analyzes recent developments of the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine in relation to the fourth amendment exclusionary rule by focusing on relevant Supreme Court and leading lower court decisions. The authors examine the fruit doctrine chiefly through the lens of the exceptions which have developed around it. While generally it is the fruit of fourth amendment violations that is examined, some recent Supreme Court decisions based on the fifth amendment are also discussed, paricularly in relation to the impeachment exception. These later cases help indicate the future course of judicial interpretation of the fourth amendment

    Fruit of the Poisonous Tree: Recent Developments as Viewed Through Its Exceptions

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    This comment analyzes recent developments of the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine in relation to the fourth amendment exclusionary rule by focusing on relevant Supreme Court and leading lower court decisions. The authors examine the fruit doctrine chiefly through the lens of the exceptions which have developed around it. While generally it is the fruit of fourth amendment violations that is examined, some recent Supreme Court decisions based on the fifth amendment are also discussed, paricularly in relation to the impeachment exception. These later cases help indicate the future course of judicial interpretation of the fourth amendment
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