160 research outputs found

    Mini Dislex: una bateria para la detección temprana del riesgo de dislexia. Estudio de validez predictiva

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    Introducción: La dislexia es definida como una dificultad del aprendizaje de origen neurobiológico. Las dificultades resultan de un déficit en el procesamiento fonológico del lenguaje que a menudo es inesperado en relación a otras habilidades cognitivas y la provisión de una instrucción adecuada. Objetivo: Obtener evidencias de validez predictiva de las puntuaciones de la Batería Mini Dislex. Muestra: La muestra estuvo conformada por 72 niños, se excluyó un total de 3 casos según el protocolo de admisión utilizado lo que resultó en una muestra final de 69 niños de ambos sexos (48% varones y el 52 % mujeres) que cursaban el primer grado de la escuela primaria en escuelas públicas y privadas de la provincia de Córdoba. Instrumentos: Se utilizó la Batería Mini Dislex (compuesta por el TVD y la Batería Mini Fono) y la subprueba de Comprensión Lectora del Test LEE. Procedimiento: En el primer momento correspondiente a los meses de abril, mayo y junio se administró la Batería Mini Dislex. En el segundo momento, correspondiente a los meses de agosto, septiembre y octubre, se administró la subprueba de comprensión lectora del Test LEE. Resultados: Las puntuaciones de la Batería Mini Fono correlacionan fuertemente con las puntuaciones y el tiempo de lectura de las tareas de comprensión. Por su parte, el tiempo del TVD correlaciona de forma débil con el tiempo de lectura y de forma moderada con la comprensión lectora. Conclusiones: la Batería Mini Dislex constituye una herramienta válida y eficiente para discernir entre alumnos que, al ingresar a la escuela primaria, puedan presentar a largo plazo dificultades en la lectura.Fil: Bailone, Julieta. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades; Argentin

    Architecture of a mobile-agent of a distributed knowledge management system

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    This work describes a multi agent system designed to support the management of tacit knowledge that belongs to people of an organization. This is a distributed knowledge management system based on the use of mobile agents, which receive the user's queries and visit the organization domains where this information can be generated. The system has been developed using an approach based on the organizational concept of business processes to identify roles and protocols as part of the analysis stage of a methodology for agent-oriented analysis and design. The mobility of the agent is defined using an approach based on both the quality attributes specified for the multi-agent architecture and the execution environments of the multi-agent system. Particularly, this work is focused on describing the designed mobile agents’ architecture and some implementation details of it.Eje: Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (ASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Parâmetros hematológicos e imunológicos de tilápia do Nilo imunizada com vacina polivalente e desafiada com Aeromonas hydrophila

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Aquicultura, Florianópolis, 2010Este estudo avaliou o efeito de vacina polivalente sobre as respostas hematológica e imunológica da tilápia do Nilo desafiada com Aeromonas hydrophila. Duas doses de vacina (1x104 e 1x108 Unidades Formadoras de Colônia (UFC) x mL-1), contendo proporções iguais de Aeromonas hydrophila, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Enterococcus durans inativadas em formalina, foram testadas por injeção intraperitoneal (i.p.). Os peixes foram desafiados seis dias após a vacinação i.p. com a dose de desafio de 1x107 UFC de A. hydrophila x mL-1 diluída em 1 mL de solução salina estéril. Seis dias após a imunização e 48h após o desafio, foi realizada a análise hematológica, atividades antimicrobiana e aglutinante do soro. Antes do desafio, o número de eritrócitos foi superior nos peixes vacinados com 1x108 UFC x mL-1. Após o desafio, o número total de trombócitos também foi maior nos peixes vacinados com a maior dose. Antes e após o desafio, o número total de leucócitos e o número de linfócitos apresentaram os maiores valores nos peixes vacinados. O número de monócitos nos peixes vacinados e nos injetados com salina foi maior antes do desafio. Após a imunização e o desafio, o soro de peixes vacinados com a maior dose apresentaram maior título de aglutinação contra A. hydrophila, P. aeruginosa e E. durans. Antes do desafio a atividade antimicrobiana do soro foi maior nos peixes não vacinados e nos vacinados com a maior dose, sendo que após o desafio os peixes não vacinados e os injetados com salina apresentaram maior atividade antimicrobiana. Este estudo mostrou que após seis dias, a vacina polivalente na concentração de 1 x108 UFC x mL-1 estimulou a produção de eritrócitos, leucócitos, trombócitos e linfócitos circulantes e reduziu os níveis de glicose

    Main technical differences in the processing of broilers: a comparison between slaughterhouses in Brazil and UK

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    Rapid technological advances in chicken processing in plants around the world have meant that different techniques are being employed regarding the slaughter’s flow process. This paper aimed to compare and contrast systems and practices in two large slaughterhouses—one in UK and the other in Brazil. Annotated observations were made during inspection visits to chicken slaughterhouses in the two countries between 2014 and 2016. Whilst there were similarities in the two systems, there are also clear differences. The Brazilian case is evidently adapted for a more tropical condition, rather than the temperate one in UK. The handling practices of birds used during transportation, waiting, stunning as well as pre-cooling differ in techniques employed and consequently likely their efficiencies. In UK, the practices are more geared towards water and energy saving. The difference in market conditions and the length of the respective supply chains also determine the type of primary packaging used in final products. Both countries adhere to similar rulings applied to slaughterhouses. However, in the Brazilian case, it tended to comply with mainly external market demands. In conclusion, managers in the Brazilian poultry system could consider looking into adopting some of the practices used in UK, such as cage/crate dimension which reduce bird’s lesions and bruises; the use of stunning by modified atmosphere and pre-cooling for resource efficiency reasons and improvement in animal welfare. Finally, when distances between sites of production and consumption are great such as in Brazil, the use of modified atmosphere technology could be also further explored to ensure better quality of the final product

    Quality of refrigerated raw milk from buffalo cows (Bubalus bubalis bubalis) in different farms and seasons in Brazil

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    The present research aimed to examine the chemical and microbiological characteristics of refrigerated raw milk collected from buffalo-only dairy herds from different farms and seasons. Samples were collected from twelve farms producing buffalo milk, located in the Mideast region of São Paulo state, in Brazil, once a month throughout the dairy calendar year from 2011 to 2014. The analysis of fat, protein, lactose, dry extract, and total solids contents were carried out using Infrared Absorption. Residues for antimicrobial analysis were carried out using Delvo Test Kit technique, and both somatic cell count and standard plate count analysis were carried out using Flow Cytometry. The analysis of the chemical components as well as for the microbiological analysis of SPC proved to be statistically significant throughout the period. No antibiotic residues were found in the totality of the sample, hence indicating that the farmers complied with the current sanitary legislation in that country, as well as SCC; however, higher values were found for the SPC. Significant results for all parameters analyzed were found among the farms, indicating that price incentives paid for the quality of raw milk could be an alternative to dairy processing companies, favoring yield and quality of the final product

    Architecture of a mobile-agent of a distributed knowledge management system

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    This work describes a multi agent system designed to support the management of tacit knowledge that belongs to people of an organization. This is a distributed knowledge management system based on the use of mobile agents, which receive the user's queries and visit the organization domains where this information can be generated. The system has been developed using an approach based on the organizational concept of business processes to identify roles and protocols as part of the analysis stage of a methodology for agent-oriented analysis and design. The mobility of the agent is defined using an approach based on both the quality attributes specified for the multi-agent architecture and the execution environments of the multi-agent system. Particularly, this work is focused on describing the designed mobile agents’ architecture and some implementation details of it.Eje: Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (ASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Dogmática penal e criminologia cautelar: uma introdução à criminologia cautelar com especial ênfase na criminologia midiática

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    - Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 343.9 Z17

    Calcium chloride toxicology for food safety assessment using zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos

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    The salt calcium chloride (CaCl2) is widely used in industry as a food additive; levels for human consumption are regulated by international or governmental agencies. Generally, the food industry relies on toxicity studies conducted in mammals such as mice, rats, and rabbits for determining food safety. However, testing in mammals is time-consuming and expensive. Zebrafish have been used in a range of toxicological analyses and offer advantages with regard to sensitivity, time, and cost. However, information in not available with regard to whether the sensitivity of zebrafish to CaCl2 is comparable to the concentrations of CaCl2 used as food additives. The aim of this study was to compare the CaCl2 tolerance of zebrafish embryos and larvae with concentrations currently approved as food additives. Acute toxicity, embryotoxicity, cardiotoxicity, and neurotoxicity assays were used to determine the threshold toxic concentration of CaCl2 in zebrafish embryos and larvae. The data showed that doses above 0.4% had toxic effects on development and on the activity of the cardiac and neuronal systems. Furthermore, all embryos exposed to 0.8 and 1.6% of CaCl2 died after 24 hpf. These findings are consistent with the limits of CaCl2 concentrations approved by Codex Alimentarius. Therefore, zebrafish embryos could be suitable for screening food additives

    Zebrafish as an alternative animal model in human and animal vaccination research

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    Much of medical research relies on animal models to deepen knowledge of the causes of animal and human diseases, as well as to enable the development of innovative therapies. Despite rodents being the most widely used research model worldwide, in recent decades, the use of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) model has exponentially been adopted among the scientific community. This is because such a small tropical freshwater teleost fish has crucial genetic, anatomical and physiological homology with mammals. Therefore, zebrafish constitutes an excellent experimental model for behavioral, genetic and toxicological studies which unravels the mechanism of various human diseases. Furthermore, it serves well to test new therapeutic agents, such as the safety of new vaccines. The aim of this review was to provide a systematic literature review on the most recent studies carried out on the topic. It presents numerous advantages of this type of animal model in tests of efficacy and safety of both animal and human vaccines, thus highlighting gains in time and cost reduction of research and analyzes

    Exceso de peso, conducta sedente, horas de sueño e ingesta energética en adolescentes escolarizados, Córdoba, 2017

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    Introducción: La adolescencia constituye una etapa crítica de crecimiento y desarrollo, como así también representa un período crucial para el establecimiento de hábitos y estilos de vida que podrían constituirse en factores de riesgo para el desarrollo enfermedades crónicas a temprana edad. Los hábitos alimentarios poco saludables, los comportamientos sedentarios y una disminución en las horas destinadas al sueño nocturno son factores de gran interés en el estudio de condicionantes del exceso de peso a edades tempranas. Objetivos: establecer la relación entre la prevalencia de exceso de peso y las horas de sueño, la ingesta energética diaria de alimentos y la conducta sedente en adolescentes escolarizados de 3 establecimientos educativos de índole Nacional y Provincial de la provincia de Córdoba durante el año 2017. Metodología: Estudio correlacional de corte transversal. Se valoró el exceso de peso (IMC/edad), y se indagó acerca de las horas de sueño, la conducta sedente (2 o más hs/día sentado o acostado) y la ingesta energética diaria en 282 adolescentes a través de una encuesta autoadministrada. Para valorar diferencias entre grupos Se aplicaron Tests de diferencia de proporciones y Test de Chi2 y análisis de regresión múltiple multinomial para evaluar asociaciones entre variables de interés. Resultados: El 38% de los adolescentes valorados se encontraban en exceso de peso, de los cuales un 17% tenía obesidad se observó que más de la mitad de los sujetos tenía conducta sedente, el 67% duerme una cantidad de horas insuficiente y el 56% tuvo una ingesta energética excedida. Una cantidad de horas de sueño suficiente disminuye la chance de padecer obesidad (RRR 0,5, IC90% 0,251 - 0, 988). La edad y el sexo masculino también presentaron asociación con esta patología. No se halló asociación con la ingesta energética y la conducta sedente. Conclusión: Una duración suficiente del sueño nocturno sería un factor protector para el desarrollo de obesidad. Es preciso considerar este factor pocas veces tenido en cuenta en recomendaciones y acciones destinadas a la prevención del sobrepeso.Fil: Bailone, Ayelén. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Soria Urizar, María Belén. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Torres, María Inés. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; Argentin