12,766 research outputs found

    Variability of Contact Process in Complex Networks

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    We study numerically how the structures of distinct networks influence the epidemic dynamics in contact process. We first find that the variability difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous networks is very narrow, although the heterogeneous structures can induce the lighter prevalence. Contrary to non-community networks, strong community structures can cause the secondary outbreak of prevalence and two peaks of variability appeared. Especially in the local community, the extraordinarily large variability in early stage of the outbreak makes the prediction of epidemic spreading hard. Importantly, the bridgeness plays a significant role in the predictability, meaning the further distance of the initial seed to the bridgeness, the less accurate the predictability is. Also, we investigate the effect of different disease reaction mechanisms on variability, and find that the different reaction mechanisms will result in the distinct variabilities at the end of epidemic spreading.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Discrete Feynman-Kac formulas for branching random walks

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    Branching random walks are key to the description of several physical and biological systems, such as neutron multiplication, genetics and population dynamics. For a broad class of such processes, in this Letter we derive the discrete Feynman-Kac equations for the probability and the moments of the number of visits nVn_V of the walker to a given region VV in the phase space. Feynman-Kac formulas for the residence times of Markovian processes are recovered in the diffusion limit.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Advanced high temperature static strain sensor development

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    An examination was made into various techniques to be used to measure static strain in gas turbine liners at temperatures up to 1150 K (1600 F). The methods evaluated included thin film and wire resistive devices, optical fibers, surface acoustic waves, the laser speckle technique with a heterodyne readout, optical surface image and reflective approaches and capacitive devices. A preliminary experimental program to develop a thin film capacitive device was dropped because calculations showed that it would be too sensitive to thermal gradients. In a final evaluation program, the laser speckle technique appeared to work well up to 1150 K when it was used through a relatively stagnant air path. The surface guided acoustic wave approach appeared to be interesting but to require too much development effort for the funds available. Efforts to develop a FeCrAl resistive strain gage system were only partially successful and this part of the effort was finally reduced to a characterization study of the properties of the 25 micron diameter FeCrAl (Kanthal A-1) wire. It was concluded that this particular alloy was not suitable for use as the resistive element in a strain gage above about 1000 K

    Computational study of structural and elastic properties of random AlGaInN alloys

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    In this work we present a detailed computational study of structural and elastic properties of cubic AlGaInN alloys in the framework of Keating valence force field model, for which we perform accurate parametrization based on state of the art DFT calculations. When analyzing structural properties, we focus on concentration dependence of lattice constant, as well as on the distribution of the nearest and the next nearest neighbour distances. Where possible, we compare our results with experiment and calculations performed within other computational schemes. We also present a detailed study of elastic constants for AlGaInN alloy over the whole concentration range. Moreover, we include there accurate quadratic parametrization for the dependence of the alloy elastic constants on the composition. Finally, we examine the sensitivity of obtained results to computational procedures commonly employed in the Keating model for studies of alloys

    High-pressure melting behavior of tin up to 105 GPa

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    The melting curve of Sn initially rises steeply as a function of pressure but exhibits a decrease in slope (dTm/dP) above 40 GPa to become nearly flat above 50 GPa. Previous studies have argued that a body-centered tetragonal (bct) to cubic (bcc) phase transition occurs in this range at room temperature. However, our investigations have shown that the phase behavior is more complex in this region with orthorhombic (bco) splitting of reflections occurring in the x-ray diffraction pattern above 32 GPa and coexisting diffraction signatures of bco and bcc structures are observed between 40 and 70 GPa. Here we have documented the simultaneous presence of bco and bcc reflections up to the melting point, negating the possibility that their coexistence might indicate a kinetically hindered first-order phase transformation. In this paper we have extended the observation of Sn melting relations into the megabar (P>100 GPa) range using the appearance of liquid diffuse scattering in x-ray diffraction patterns and discontinuities during thermal signal processing to diagnose the occurrence of melting. Both techniques yield consistent results that indicate the melting line maintains the same low slope up to the highest pressure examined and does not flatten. The results below approximately 40 GPa agree well with the melting relations produced recently using a multiphase equation of state fitted to available or assumed data. Above this pressure the experimental melting points lie increasingly below the predicted crystal-liquid phase boundary, but above the flat melting from past studies, indicating that the thermodynamic properties of the body-centered “γ”-Sn structure remain to be clarified

    Field theory of directed percolation with long-range spreading

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    It is well established that the phase transition between survival and extinction in spreading models with short-range interactions is generically associated with the directed percolation (DP) universality class. In many realistic spreading processes, however, interactions are long ranged and well described by L\'{e}vy-flights, i.e., by a probability distribution that decays in dd dimensions with distance rr as r−d−σr^{-d-\sigma}. We employ the powerful methods of renormalized field theory to study DP with such long range, L\'{e}vy-flight spreading in some depth. Our results unambiguously corroborate earlier findings that there are four renormalization group fixed points corresponding to, respectively, short-range Gaussian, L\'{e}vy Gaussian, short-range DP and L\'{e}vy DP, and that there are four lines in the (σ,d)(\sigma, d) plane which separate the stability regions of these fixed points. When the stability line between short-range DP and L\'{e}vy DP is crossed, all critical exponents change continuously. We calculate the exponents describing L\'{e}vy DP to second order in Ï”\epsilon-expansion, and we compare our analytical results to the results of existing numerical simulations. Furthermore, we calculate the leading logarithmic corrections for several dynamical observables.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    The Three Dimensional Structure of EUV Accretion Regions in AM Herculis Stars: Modeling of EUV Photometric and Spectroscopic Observations

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    We have developed a model of the high-energy accretion region for magnetic cataclysmic variables and applied it to {\it Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer} observations of 10 AM Herculis type systems. The major features of the EUV light curves are well described by the model. The light curves exhibit a large variety of features such as eclipses of the accretion region by the secondary star and the accretion stream, and dips caused by material very close to the accretion region. While all the observed features of the light curves are highly dependent on viewing geometry, none of the light curves are consistent with a flat, circular accretion spot whose lightcurve would vary solely from projection effects. The accretion region immediately above the WD surface is a source of EUV radiation caused by either a vertical extent to the accretion spot, or Compton scattering off electrons in the accretion column, or, very likely, both. Our model yields spot sizes averaging 0.06 RWD_{WD}, or f∌1×10−3f \sim 1 \times 10^{-3} the WD surface area, and average spot heights of 0.023 RWD_{WD}. Spectra extracted during broad dip phases are softer than spectra during the out-of-dip phases. This spectral ratio measurement leads to the conclusion that Compton scattering, some absorption by a warm absorber, geometric effects, an asymmetric temperature structure in the accretion region and an asymmetric density structure of the accretion columnare all important components needed to fully explain the data. Spectra extracted at phases where the accretion spot is hidden behind the limb of the WD, but with the accretion column immediately above the spot still visible, show no evidence of emission features characteristic of a hot plasma.Comment: 30 Pages, 11 Figure

    Volume-energy correlations in the slow degrees of freedom of computer-simulated phospholipid membranes

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    Constant-pressure molecular-dynamics simulations of phospholipid membranes in the fluid phase reveal strong correlations between equilibrium fluctuations of volume and energy on the nanosecond time-scale. The existence of strong volume-energy correlations was previously deduced indirectly by Heimburg from experiments focusing on the phase transition between the fluid and the ordered gel phases. The correlations, which are reported here for three different membranes (DMPC, DMPS-Na, and DMPSH), have volume-energy correlation coefficients ranging from 0.81 to 0.89. The DMPC membrane was studied at two temperatures showing that the correlation coefficient increases as the phase transition is approached
