1,445 research outputs found

    The impact of deep-sea fisheries and implementation of the UNGA Resolutions 61/105 and 64/72. Report of an international scientific workshop

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    The scientific workshop to review fisheries management, held in Lisbon in May 2011, brought together 22 scientists and fisheries experts from around the world to consider the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolutions on high seas bottom fisheries: what progress has been made and what the outstanding issues are. This report summarises the workshop conclusions, identifying examples of good practice and making recommendations in areas where it was agreed that the current management measures fall short of their target

    Synthesis of simulant ‘lava-like’ fuel containing materials (LFCM) from the Chernobyl reactor Unit 4 meltdown

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    A preliminary investigation of the synthesis and characterization of simulant ‘lava-like’ fuel containing materials (LFCM), as low activity analogues of LFCM produced by the melt down of Chernobyl Unit 4. Simulant materials were synthesized by melting batched reagents in a tube furnace at 1500 °C, under reducing atmosphere with controlled cooling to room temperature, to simulate conditions of lava formation. Characterization using XRD and SEM-EDX identified several crystalline phases including ZrO2, UOx and solid solutions with spherical metal particles encapsulated by a glassy matrix. The UOX and ZrO2 phase morphology was very diverse comprising of fused crystals to dendritic crystallites from the crystallization of uranium initially dissolved in the glass phase. This project aims to develop simulant LFCM to assess the durability of Chernobyl lavas and to determine the rate of dissolution, behavior and evolution of these materials under shelter conditions

    Methylthiolate-induced reconstruction of Ag(1 1 1): A medium energy ion scattering study

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    Medium energy ion scattering (MEIS), using 100 keV H+ incident ions, has been used to investigate the structure of the Ag(1 1 1)(√7 × √7)R19° –CH3S surface phase. The results provide the first direct evidence that this structure does involve substantial reconstruction of the Ag surface layer. The measured absolute scattered ion yields and blocking curves are in generally good agreement with a specific structural model of the surface based on a reconstructed layer containing 3/7 ML Ag atoms, previously suggested on the basis of scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and normal incidence X-ray standing wave (NIXSW) studies. However, the MEIS data indicate that any rumpling of the thiolate layer, is small, and probably 0.2 Å. This value is smaller than the amplitude suggested in the STM and NIXSW studies, but could be entirely consistent with the earlier experimental data

    Racializing The Discourse of Adult Education

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    This symposium began in 2002 as a dialogue between Stephen Brookfield, Scipio Colin III and me. The circumstances that brought about the dialogue are indicative of the need for a symposium on race talk among educators and even more specifically among adult educators. At the time, Stephen was at Harvard and because of his work there he was asked to contribute an article to the Harvard Educational Review about racializing the discourse of adult education. As a White male Stephen felt strongly that minority voices should included and proposed inviting several African American academics as well—the topic was important enough to warrant a special issue

    Baboon-to-human liver transplantation

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    Our ability to control both the cellular and humoral components of xenograft rejection in laboratory experiments, together with an organ shortage that has placed limits on clinical transplantation services, prompted us to undertake a liver transplantation from a baboon to a 35-year-old man with B virus-associated chronic active hepatitis and human immunodeficiency virus infection. Liver replacement was performed according to conventional surgical techniques. Immunosuppression was with the FK 506-prednisone-prostaglandin regimen used routinely for hepatic allotransplantation, to which a daily non-myelotoxic dose of cyclophosphamide was added. During 70 days of survival, there was little evidence of hepatic rejection by biochemical monitoring or histopathological examination. Products of hepatic synthesis, including clotting factors, became those of the baboon liver with no obvious adverse effects. Death followed a cerebral and subarachnoid haemorrhage that was caused by an angioinvasive aspergillus infection. However, the underlying cause of death was widespread biliary sludge that formed in the biliary tree despite a seemingly satisfactory choledochojejunostomy. During life and in necropsy samples, there was evidence of the chimerism that we believe is integral to the acceptance of both xenografts and allografts. Our experience has shown the feasibility of controlling the rejection of the baboon liver xenograft in a human recipient. The biliary stasis that was the beginning of lethal infectious complications may be correctable by modifications of surgical technique. In further trials, the error of over-immunosuppression should be avoidable. © 1993

    Scaling analysis of a divergent prefactor in the metastable lifetime of a square-lattice Ising ferromagnet at low temperatures

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    We examine a square-lattice nearest-neighbor Ising quantum ferromagnet coupled to dd-dimensional phonon baths. Using the density-matrix equation, we calculate the transition rates between configurations, which determines the specific dynamic. Applying the calculated stochastic dynamic in Monte Carlo simulations, we measure the lifetimes of the metastable state. As the magnetic field approaches ∣H∣/J=2|H|/J=2 at low temperatures, the lifetime prefactor diverges because the transition rates between certain configurations approaches zero under these conditions. Near ∣H∣/J=2|H|/J=2 and zero temperature, the divergent prefactor shows scaling behavior as a function of the field, temperature, and the dimension of the phonon baths. With proper scaling, the simulation data at different temperatures and for different dimensions of the baths collapse well onto two master curves, one for ∣H∣/J>2|H|/J>2 and one for ∣H∣/J<2|H|/J<2.Comment: published versio

    Synthesis, characterisation and corrosion behaviour of simulant Chernobyl nuclear meltdown materials

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    Understanding the physical and chemical properties of materials arising from nuclear meltdowns, such as the Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents, is critical to supporting decommissioning operations and reducing the hazard to personnel and the environment surrounding the stricken reactors. Relatively few samples of meltdown materials are available for study, and their analysis is made challenging due to the radiation hazard associated with handling them. In this study, small-scale batches of low radioactivity (i.e., containing depleted uranium only) simulants for Chernobyl lava-like fuel-containing materials (LFCMs) have been prepared, and were found to closely approximate the microstructure and mineralogy of real LFCM. The addition of excess of ZrO2 to the composition resulted in the first successful synthesis of high uranium–zircon (chernobylite) by crystallisation from a glass melt. Use of these simulant materials allowed further analysis of the thermal characteristics of LFCM and the corrosion kinetics, giving results that are in good agreement with the limited available literature on real samples. It should, therefore, be possible to use these new simulant materials to support decommissioning operations of nuclear reactors post-accident

    Estimations of changes of the Sun's mass and the gravitation constant from the modern observations of planets and spacecraft

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    More than 635 000 positional observations (mostly radiotechnical) of planets and spacecraft (1961-2010), have been used for estimating possible changes of the gravitation constant, the solar mass, and semi-major axes of planets, as well as the value of the astronomical unit, related to them. The analysis of the observations has been performed on the basis of the EPM2010 ephemerides of IAA RAS in post-newtonian approximation. The obtained results indicate on decrease in the heliocentric gravitation constant per year at the level GMSun˙/GMSun=(−5.0±4.1)10−14(3σ). \dot {GM_{Sun}}/GM_{Sun} = (-5.0 \pm 4.1) 10^{-14} (3\sigma). The positive secular changes of semi-major axes a˙i/ai \dot a_i/a_i have been obtained simultaneously for the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, as expected if the geliocentric gravitation constant is decreasing in century wise. The change of the mass of the Sun MSunM_{Sun} due to the solar radiation and the solar wind and the matter dropping on the Sun (comets, meteors, asteroids and dust) was estimated. Taking into account the maximal limits of the possible MSunM_{Sun} change, the value G˙/G\dot G/G falls within the interval −4.2⋅10−14<G˙/G<+7.5⋅10−14 -4.2\cdot10^{-14} < \dot G/G < +7.5\cdot10^{-14} in year with the 95% probability. The astronomical unit (au) is only connected with the geliocentric gravitation constant by its definition. In the future, the connection between GMSunGM_{Sun} and au should be fixed at the certain time moment, as it is inconvenient highly to have the changing value of the astronomical unit.Comment: 20 pages, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Solar System Research, 2011 (Astronomicheskii vestnik
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