11 research outputs found


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    The paper discusses the importance of information resources requiring reliable methods of unauthorized access protection in the modern information-oriented society. The article describes the structure and basic principles of the quantum cryptography technology based on properties of quantum systems. Quantum information is a physical quantity characterizing changes occurring in the system during interaction between the information flow and the external environment. It offers a method for improving data security and confidential information protection using quantum teleportation within infrared laser communication channels. The theoretical development was implemented experimentally by the authors using the unit for laser communications

    Degradation of higher education in Kazakhstan as an example of post-transitional crisis

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    It is shown, that objectives of degradation of Higher Education in most part of post-soviet countries are connected with the specific factors appeared at the economical situation appeared at the end of transitional period (transition from planned economy to market one). Decreasing of quality of higher education in such countries as Kazakhstan may be interpreted in frameworks of Baudrillard’s concept of evolution of connection between "The Sign" and "The Reality"; such interpretation directly shows that overcoming of negative trends in post-soviet countries education cannot be realized by traditional administrative instruments. The problem may be solved by taking into account concepts of institutional economy

    Date Science: Post Quantum Safe Cryptography

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    New cryptographic techniques have emerged in recent decades that do provide protection against quantum threats. These techniques are termed “postquantum cryptography” and consist of techniques based on quantum properties of light that prevent interception of messages, as well as classic computational techniques, all of which were designed to resist quantum attacks emerging from the rapidly accelerating research field of quantum computation. This paper provides background information on post-quantum security. It explores the security threats against communication security and particularly against key exchange that are enabled by the development of quantum computers. The applied and theoretical aspects of quantum-cryptographic technologies are considered, which is designed to be a reference for those operating in the ICT space in fields other than information security and postquantum cryptography. The interrelated elements that make up the concept and content determined by the application of quantum cryptography are analyzed. The systematic analysis of quantum algorithms, quantum cryptography and quantum hashing are presented. The proper concept vehicle over is brought, in particular the concepts of singularity and supersingularity are determined for elliptic curves and theoretical positions, lyings in their basis, are examined. Terms which must be taken into account at the selection of elliptic curves for cryptographic applications are determined

    Flaxseed oil as a component for producing spreads of functional direction

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    The article presents the physicochemical characteristics and fatty acid composition of unrefined flaxseed oil produced in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The possibility of using this oil as a basis for obtaining a vegetable-creamy spread for functional purposes is considered. Flaxseed oil as a valuable source of linolenic acid is widely used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. From the research results was revealed that the ratio of ω-6 and ω-3 in unrefined flaxseed oil is 1: 3. However, for the use of flaxseed oil rich in ω-3 as a basis for the production of spreads of a functional orientation, it becomes possible only in a composition with another vegetable oil rich in ω-6, in order to achieve a balance of fatty acid balance

    Determination of Optimal Conditions for Processing Oil Bottom Sediments Using Electrohydraulic Effect

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    Currently, there is an interest in effective technologies that cause minimal environmental harm, have low financial costs and allow you to obtain products with high added value. One of the ways to increase the yield of light and medium fractions from oil bottom sediments is to use the electrohydraulic effect. The electrohydraulic phenomenon is a new industrial method of converting electrical energy into mechanical energy, which occurs without the influence of intermediate mechanical links, with high efficiency. Statistical processing of experimental data was carried out with the identification of the optimal mode of the electrohydraulic effect on the destruction of the oil bottom sediment. The influence of various factors is shown (duration of contact, distance between electrodes, amount of added catalyst, capacitance of capacitor and value of applied voltage). The use of the generalized equation made it possible to determine the following optimal conditions for the destruction of the oil bottom sediment using electrohydraulic treatment: duration 7 min, distance 8 mm, amount of added catalyst 1.5 %, capacitance 0.3 μF, applied voltage 14 kV. In terms of the significance of the coefficient (tr), it should be noted that the dominant factors are the distance between the electrodes and the amount of added catalyst. The individual chemical composition of the light and medium fractions of the original oil residue and the processed oil residue was determined. Comparison of the individual chemical composition of fractions up to 200 °С and 200–300 °С, obtained from the oil bottom sediment and from the hydrogenated product, allows to conclude that the electrohydraulic effect has an effective effect on the destruction of the organic mass of the oil bottom sediment. The optimal conditions for electrohydraulic treatment of the oil residue aere established and it is shown that it is possible to utilize the oil bottom sediment