462 research outputs found

    Advance thermodynamic analysis of a CO2 compression system using heat-pump for CCS

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    CO2 pressurization represents a significant portion of energy penalty resulting from CO2 capture in carbon capture and storage process (CCS). Effective measures to improve the pressurization scheme directly translates into an improvement of plant economics. In this paper we aim to reduce the energy expenditure of CO2 pressurization step in the CCS process by assisting the CO2 multi-stage compressors with a heat-pump system. The CO2 compressors raised CO2 pressure to an intermediate liquefaction pressure. Afterwards, the CO2 is liquefied in the heat-pump and subsequently pumped to the high pressure instead of being compressed. In addition to the conventional energetic analysis, the advance exergy analysis of the heat-pump assisted pressurization scheme is also presented. The advance exergy analysis of the proposed strategy reveals the optimum operating parameters and design of the heat pump system. Through the implementation of results obtained by the advance exergetic analysis, it was found out the proposed system can achieve 6.21% saving in electric power

    Heat Shock Protein: Hard Worker or Bad Offender for Gastric Diseases

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    Heat shock proteins (HSPs) have core housekeeping functions in the cells where they are built-in components of folding, signal transduction pathways, and quality control functions for which they proofread the structure of proteins and repair misfolded conformers. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection leads to significant inflammations in the gastric mucosa, which is closely associated with development of either precancerous lesion including chronic atrophic gastritis or gastric cancer in addition to, peptic ulcer disease, and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma. Therefore, the association between H. pylori infection and role of HSP has been focused as an important issue because there had been rather conflicting publications showing that HSPs as a good worker for defense against H. pylori infection, whereas HSPs as a bad offender contributing to the progression of H. pylori-associated gastric carcinogenesis in addition to aggravation of gastric inflammation. In this paper regarding proteomic discovery of HSPs related to H. pylori-associated gastric diseases, we introduce several evidences obtained from proteomic analysis dealing with friend or foe role of HSP in H. pylori infection from a cellular level to human diseases. The implication of HSPs in alcoholic or NSAIDs-induced gastritis and the intervening of HSPs in biological changes exemplified with TGF-β signaling, key tumor suppressor growth factors regulating inflammation, immune function, and carcinogenesis were further introduced

    Helicobacter pylori Infection and Halitosis – Evidence, Hypothesis, and Korean Red Ginseng to Mitigate Its Effect

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    Halitosis is a common and ignored condition, but in some, it is a disease-associated health problem, suggestive of overt disease conditions and hasaffected about 25–30% of world’s population, bothering nonmedical social disturbance in many people. Although two kinds, pseudohalitosis and halitophobia, are also concerned, genuine halitosis originated from the oral cavity, such as gingivitis, caries, and poor oral hygiene, in 80% and the remaining 20% are extraoral sources of halitosis, which should not be ignored because of stigmata suggestive of overt tissue dysfunctions, for instance, poor nutrition and hygiene, alcohol abuse, smoking, and systemic illness such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, and chronic renal diseases. In this chapter, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)–associated halitosis as one of the extragastric manifestations is introduced. Since diagnostics of halitosis includes subjective methods (examiner’s sense of smell) and objective methods (instrumental analysis), under the hypothesis of a possible relationship between H. pylori infection and objective halitosis, the real levels of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) in the breath showed significant correlation between VSC levels and the degree of H. pylori–associated erosive gastritis as well as gastric cancer. These findings are further validated through either measuring H2S level in gastric juices of H. pylori–infected gastritis or checking the expressions of cystathionine-γ-lyase (CSE) and cystathionine-β-synthase (CBS) responsible for H2S generation in biopsied stomach. The eradication of H. pylori significantly ameliorated halitosis, accompanied with significant reductions in gastric H2S levels (p<0.01). Korean red ginseng was very effective in either reducing H. pylori–associated H2S or alleviating halitosis in patients with H. pylori–associated chronic atrophic gastritis. Conclusively, H. pylori infection demonstrates to have an important relationship with the development of halitosis, and its eradication could possibly promote the improvement of this condition

    A randomized, open-label study comparing low-dose clevudine plus adefovir combination therapy with clevudine monotherapy in naïve chronic hepatitis B patients

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    PURPOSE: Clevudine 30 mg showed potent antiviral activity with a marked post-treatment antiviral effect. However, long-term treatment with clevudine monotherapy induced resistance and myopathy in some cases. The objective of this study is to evaluate the preliminary efficacy and safety of the combination of clevudine 20 mg and adefovir compared to clevudine monotherapy. METHODS: Seventy-four patients were randomized to either a combination of clevudine 20 mg and adefovir or clevudine 20 or 30 mg and were treated for 2 years. The viral kinetics for 24 weeks, virological response [VR; hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA less than 300 copies/ml], and the biochemical response [BR; normal alanine aminotransferase (ALT)] were assessed. RESULTS: There was no difference in baseline characteristics among the three groups. Viral kinetics study showed no statistically significant difference among them during 24 weeks. The combination group showed 95 % virological response with a statistically significant difference compared to the clevudine 30 mg (67 %) and 20 mg (71 %) groups (p = 0.0376). Biochemical response rates were similar in all groups (78–94 %). No resistance was reported in the combination group, while 20 % of patients treated with clevudine 30 mg or 20 mg reported resistance during 2 years. Muscle-related symptoms such as myalgia (1 in clevudine 30 mg, 1 in the combination group) and muscle weakness (1 in clevudine 30 mg, 2 in clevudine 20 mg) were reported in five patients (7 %); of these, three patients discontinued the study. CONCLUSION: We concluded that the combination of clevudine 20 mg and adefovir produced a potent antiviral response together with a good resistance profile compared to clevudine monotherapy at 96 weeks in this pilot study

    Design and simulation of novel laparoscopic renal denervation system: a feasibility study

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    Purpose: In this study, we propose a novel laparoscopy-based renal denervation (RDN) system for treating patients with resistant hypertension. In this feasibility study, we investigated whether our proposed surgical instrument can ablate renal nerves from outside of the renal artery safely and effectively and can overcome the depth-related limitations of the previous catheter-based system with less damage to the arterial walls. Method: We designed a looped bipolar electrosurgical instrument to be used with laparoscopy-based RDN system. The tip of instrument wraps around the renal artery and delivers the radio-frequency (RF) energy. We evaluated the thermal distribution via simulation study on a numerical model designed using histological data and validated the results by the in vitro study. Finally, to show the effectiveness of this system, we compared the performance of our system with that of catheter-based RDN system through simulations. Results: Simulation results were within the 95% confidence intervals of the in vitro experimental results. The validated results demonstrated that the proposed laparoscopy-based RDN system produces an effective thermal distribution for the removal of renal sympathetic nerves without damaging the arterial wall and addresses the depth limitation of catheter-based RDN system. Conclusions: We developed a novel laparoscope-based electrosurgical RDN method for hypertension treatment. The feasibility of our system was confirmed through a simulation study as well as in vitro experiments. Our proposed method could be an effective treatment for resistant hypertension as well as central nervous system diseases.11Ysciescopu

    An immunoassay using biotinylated single-walled carbon nanotubes as Raman biomarkers

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    A new immunoassay with biotinylated single-walled carbon nanotubes as persistent, non-photobleaching Raman biomarkers demonstrated excellent sensitivity and specificity.Shvedova AA, 2009, PHARMACOL THERAPEUT, V121, P192, DOI 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2008.10.009Choi JH, 2007, APPL PHYS LETT, V90, DOI 10.1063/1.2745228True LD, 2007, J MOL DIAGN, V9, P7, DOI 10.2353/jmoldx.2007.060186Tian FR, 2006, TOXICOL IN VITRO, V20, P1202, DOI 10.1016/j.tiv.2006.03.008Hwang ES, 2006, NANOTECHNOLOGY, V17, P3442, DOI 10.1088/0957-4484/17/14/016Jeng ES, 2006, NANO LETT, V6, P371, DOI 10.1021/nl051829kHeller DA, 2006, SCIENCE, V311, P508, DOI 10.1126/science.1120792REDDEHASE MJ, 2006, CYTOMEGALOVIRUSES MOHeller DA, 2005, ADV MATER, V17, P2793Varnum SM, 2004, J VIROL, V78, P10960, DOI 10.1128/JVI.78.20.10960-10966.2004Zheng M, 2003, SCIENCE, V302, P1545Saxena V, 2003, J PHARM SCI, V92, P2090, DOI 10.1002/jps.10470Zheng M, 2003, NAT MATER, V2, P338, DOI 10.1038/nmat877Jaiswal JK, 2003, NAT BIOTECHNOL, V21, P47, DOI 10.1038/nbt.767Dresselhaus MS, 2002, ACCOUNTS CHEM RES, V35, P1070, DOI 10.1021/ar0101537O`Connell MJ, 2002, SCIENCE, V297, P593MCCREERY RL, 2002, HDB VIBRATIONAL SPEC, V1, P71Hwang ES, 2000, MICROBIOL IMMUNOL, V44, P827DRESSELHAUS MS, 2000, CARBON, V44, P2000

    Genomic alterations of primary tumor and blood in invasive ductal carcinoma of breast

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genomic alterations are important events in the origin and progression of various cancers, with DNA copy number changes associated with progression and treatment response in cancer. Array CGH is potentially useful in the identification of genomic alterations from primary tumor and blood in breast cancer patients. The aim of our study was to compare differences of DNA copy number changes in blood and tumor tissue in breast cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>DNA copy number changes in blood were compared to those in tumor tissue using array-comparative genomic hybridization in samples obtained from 30 breast cancer patients. The relative degree of chromosomal changes was analyzed using log2 ratios and data was validated by real-time polymerase chain reaction.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Forty-six regions of gains present in more than 30% of the tissues and 70 regions of gains present in more than 30% of blood were identified. The most frequently gained region was chromosome 8q24. In total, agreement of DNA copy numbers between primary tumor and blood was minimal (Kappa = 0.138, p < 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although there was only a slight agreement of DNA copy number alterations between the primary tumor and the blood samples, the blood cell copy number variation may have some clinical significance as compared to the primary tumor in IDC breast cancer patients.</p

    Proximal Subungual Onychomycosis in a Patient with Classic Kaposi Sarcoma Caused by Trichophyton rubrum

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    A 58-year-old man presented with whitish patches on both great toenails for four weeks prior to visiting our hospital; the patches spread rapidly to other finger- and toe-nails. Prior to presentation, the patient had been diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura two months ago and Kaposi's sarcoma three weeks ago. The patient was treated with human immunoglobulin for five days, and then received prednisolone 40 mg bid. Serology showed that the patient was negative for HIV and results of other laboratory tests were normal. The KOH slide preparation of the nail scraping showed long septated hyphae and numerous arthrospores. The fungus culture revealed whitish downy colonies on the front side and wine-red reverse pigmentation on Sabouraud's dextrose agar. Trichophyton rubrum was isolated on fungus culture and slide culture. The internal transcribed space (ITS) regions of ribosomal DNA of the cultured fungus were identical to Trichophyton rubrum. Proximal subungual onychomycosis (PSO) is the rarest form of onychomycosis. PSO initially presents as whitish patch(es) on the proximal side of the nail plate(s). Because PSO shows whitish to yellowish patches on the nail plate, the result of KOH examination of nail scrapings from the nail plate is almost always negative. Herein, we report on a case of multiple PSO in a patient with classic Kaposi sarcoma and suggest a method for easy KOH scraping on PSO