6 research outputs found

    Pekerjaan, Nonpekerjaan, dan Psikologi Sosial sebagai Penyebab Kelelahan Operator Alat Berat di Industi Pertambangan Batu Bara

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    Kelelahan merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab kecelakaan transportasi, ditandai dengan menurunnya kinerja fisik dan mental yang mengakibatkan kurangnya kewaspadaan karena rasa kantuk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko dan faktor pendukung kelelahan pada operator alat berat. Penelitian dilakukan pada operator alat berat di 3 tambang batubara di Kalimantan (2 area di Kalimantan Timur dan 1 area di Kalimantan Selatan), melibatkan 353 operator alat berat yang bekerja dengan 3 sif. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa keluhan kelelahan semakin tinggi dengan meningkatnya usia, lama kerja, dan kerja pada sif 3 (malam hari). Kelelahan paling banyak dirasakan oleh operator dump truck (bagian hauling) yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor pekerjaan (postur saat bekerja, faktor variasi pekerjaan, beban kerja dan vigilance) dan faktor-faktor bukan pekerjaan (kondisi medan atau area tambang yang berisiko, penerangan yang kurang pada malam hari, dan rute yang selalu berubah). Faktor lainnya berkaitan dengan masalah sosial-psikologis, baik yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan maupun lingkungan kerja, seperti waktu istirahat, standar gaji yang belum memadai, pengaturan jadwal cuti yang sering tidak jelas, dan masalah karier. Disimpulkan, secara umum kelelahan meningkat dengan bertambahnya usia dan lama kerja, dengan kelelahan yang lebih besar pada pekerja sif 3. Umumnya, penurunan waktu reaksi pekerja sif malam lebih besar daripada waktu reaksi pekerja sif siang.Fatigue is one of the causes of transportation accidents, characterized by reduced physical and mental performance resulting in reduced alertness due to drowsiness. The present study was to determine the risk factors and contributing factors of fatigue suffered by heavy equipment operators. The study was conducted at three coal mining sites in Kalimantan (2 areas in East Kalimantan and 1 area in South Kalimantan) involving 353 heavy equipment operators who work in shifts. It was found that fatigue complaint is higher by older age, longer work, and work at shift 3 (night time). The fatigue is mostly complained by dump truck (hauling part) operators which was influenced by work-related factors (work posture, job variety, workload, vigilance) and non-work related factors (terrain or mine risk area, lack of lighting at night, and route track which is always changed). Another factors related with socio-psychological factors, either related with job or working environment, such as adequacy of rest time, remuneration system, leave system, and insecure career. It is concluded that in general the fatigues were increased as the worker ages were older and longer duration of work, with higher fatigues were suffered at shift 3. Generally, reduced reaction time among shift 3 workers is higher than that those of daytime shift

    The 21st Century Paradigm in Supporting Sustainable Development

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    This book chapter was prepared with the theme "21st century paradigm in supporting sustainable development", with the aim of describing the efforts that have been made to support sustainable development from various fields, not only in the field of education. The material contained in this book chapter illustrates that literacy is very important to apply, so that students are able to face the challenges of a rapidly changing world that requires students to be able to solve every existing problem. In fact, it's not just literacy, but numeracy literacy is also one of the things that must be considered in the learning process. Considering the low level of scientific literacy, if not immediately addressed, it will have an impact on the low quality of human resources and will hinder the progress of science and technology in Indonesia. Literacy in schools is implemented through various learning components that must be designed or prepared by teachers. The application of scientific literacy in science learning should be carried out using scientific inquiry to foster the ability to think, work and behave scientifically and communicate it as an important aspect of life skills

    Analysis of Individual, Physical, and Psychosocial Risk Factors on Work-Related Skeletal Muscle Disorders in Workers in Tourism Sector: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Based on observations and interviews conducted with workers in the tourism sector, there were subjective complaints of work-related skeletal muscle disorders experienced by workers. But it was still an inadequate explanation of the cause of work-related skeletal muscle disorders in workers. This study aimed to investigate the analysis of individual, physical, and psychosocial risk factors on work-related skeletal muscle disorders in workers at the tourism sector. Subjects and Method: A systematic review was conducted by searching from PubMed, Science Direct, and Scopus databases. The inclusion criteria were the studies identifying the association of individual, physical, and psychosocial risk factors with work-related skeletal muscle disorders in workers of the tourism sector. The articles must be published full texts in English-language between 2005 and 2020. The quality, measure of association, and level of evidence of the selected studies were critically appraised. The data were reported according to PRISMA flow chart. Results: Twelve articles, consisting of ten cross-sectional, one exploratory, and one cohort study designs, were obtained. The study subjects worked at hotels and restaurants. Nine articles showed high quality, and the other three articles showed low-quality. These articles reported an association between risk factors and work-related skeletal muscle disorders. The individual, physical, and psychosocial risk factors included gender, BMI, repetitive motion, excessive reaching, and the number of room cleaning per day. Conclusion: Twelve articles with different quality show the association between risk factors and work-related skeletal muscle disorders. The risk factors include gender, BMI, repetitive motion, excessive reaching, and the number of room cleaning 4per day in workers of the tourism sector. Keywords: work-related skeletal muscle disorders, risk factors, ergonomy, touris


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    Background: Based on observations and interviews conducted with workers in the tourism sector, there were subjective complaints of work-related skeletal muscle disorders experienced by workers. But it was still an inadequate explanation of the cause of work-related skeletal muscle disorders in workers. This study aimed to investigate the analysis of individual, physical, and psychosocial risk factors on work-related skeletal muscle disorders in workers at the tourism sector. Subjects and Method: A systematic review was conducted by searching from PubMed, Science Direct, and Scopus databases. The inclusion criteria were the studies identifying the association of individual, physical, and psychosocial risk factors with work-related skeletal muscle disorders in workers of the tourism sector. The articles must be published full texts in English-language between 2005 and 2020. The quality, measure of association, and level of evidence of the selected studies were critically appraised. The data were reported according to PRISMA flow chart. Results: Twelve articles, consisting of ten cross-sectional, one exploratory, and one cohort study designs, were obtained. The study subjects worked at hotels and restaurants. Nine articles showed high quality, and the other three articles showed low-quality. These articles reported an association between risk factors and work-related skeletal muscle disorders. The individual, physical, and psychosocial risk factors included gender, BMI, repetitive motion, excessive reaching, and the number of room cleaning per day. Conclusion: Twelve articles with different quality show the association between risk factors and work-related skeletal muscle disorders. The risk factors include gender, BMI, repetitive motion, excessive reaching, and the number of room cleaning 4per day in workers of the tourism sector. Keywords: work-related skeletal muscle disorders, risk factors, ergonomy, tourism Correspondence: Muhammad Luthfi. Occupational Safety and Health Program, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: 082220279794