62 research outputs found

    On the Location of the Secret Silver Melting Plant A. N. Demidov

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    Legends and assumptions about the secret receipt of precious metals “in the Nevyansk dungeons” and even the minting of a silver coin are just legends and fantasies. Likewise, the conclusion does not correspond to the truth: “There was no secret melting of Altai silver by Akinfiy Demidov.” The report, on the basis of published and archival written sources, literature on the history of metallurgical production technology, records of folklore, conducted field and archaeological research, discovered material material, its physical and chemical analyzes, establishes the existence of the Demidov industrial complex for the smelting of silver. The approximate time and stages of its functioning are determined, the device and the technologies used here are reconstructed.Предания и предположения о тайном получении «в невьянских подземельях» драгоценных металлов и даже чеканке серебряной монеты являются лишь легендами и фантазиями. Точно так же не соответствует истине заключение: «Никакой тайной плавки алтайского серебра Акинфием Демидовым не было». В докладе на основании изданных и архивных письменных источников, литературы по истории техники металлургического производства, записей фольклора, проведенных натурных и археологических исследований, обнаруженного вещевого материала, его физических и химических анализов устанавливается существование на острове Сосновый Черноисточинского пруда (Свердловская область) демидовского производственного комплекса по выплавке серебра. Определяется примерное время и стадии его функционирования, реконструируется устройство и используемые здесь технологии

    Sosiaalisen median hyödyntäminen markkinointivälineenä huoltoasemayrityksessä

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    Opinnäytetyö aiheena oli selvittää sosiaalisen median hyödyntämistä markkinointivä-lineenä sekä selvittää markkinoinnin perustermejä. Toimeksiantaja on heikosti kytköksissä sosiaaliseen mediaan. Toimeksiantaja toivoi lisää näkyvyyttä sosiaaliseen mediaan ja lisää vierailijoita kotisivuilleen. Tavoitteena oli saada toimeksiantaja tietoisuuteen sosiaalisen median mahdollisuuk-sista sekä sisällöstä, jota sosiaaliseen mediaan kannattaa tuottaa. Tavoitteena oli myös markkinoinnin perustermien selvittäminen. Lisäksi toimeksiantaja halusi, että tehdään ohjeistus parin sosiaalisen median tilin luomiseen. Työn tarkoituksena oli antaa vinkkejä sosiaaliseen median hyödyntämiseen sekä markkinoinnin perustermien käsitteleminen, jotta kohdeyrityksen henkilökunta pystyisi oppimaan lisää markkinoinnista työtä lukemalla. Työn menetelmänä käytettiin tiedonhakua. Opinnäytetyön sisältö on otettu aiheeseen liittyvästä kirjallisuudesta sekä tutkimalla aiheeseen liittyviä Internet-sivustoja. Toimeksiantaja ilmaisi myös tiettyjä näkökulmia hänen kanssaan käytyjen keskustelujen kanssa. Keskustelut käytiin niin kasvotusten kuin myös puhelimitse. Opinnäytetyön tuloksen on mitattavissa vasta sosiaalisen median tilien luomisen jälkeen, koska sitten toimeksiantaja pystyy seuraa-man tilien kävijämääriä.The subject of this thesis was to examine the use of social media as a marketing tool and to identify the basic marketing terms from the point of view of a petrol station Veljekset Pekkonen Oy. The client company has not been involved in any way with social media. The client wanted more visibility of their company in social media and more visitors on their websites. The aim of the thesis was to introduce social media tools to the client. The thesis works also as a manual on how to produce content to social media. Another aim of the work was that every employee will know the basic terms of marketing after reading this thesis. Additionally two manuals would be created with instructions on how to create an account for two different social media. The most important method used to find the contents to this thesis was information retrieval. I read literature, which concern the subject and applied the read in my own text. I also tried to think of my own development tips for the client company. Also in-terviews with the manager of the company were held by phone and face to face. T The learning of the thesis was to understand the importance of social media in busi-ness life today. It is more than just an account. The most important thing for com-panies is the quality of the contents produced in social media. You can say that if a company is not in a social media, the company does not exist

    Player mediation in professional football

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    Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit hat sich mit der Thematik der Spielervermittlung und dessen Einfluss auf den Transfermarkt beschäftigt. Ausschlaggebend für diese Entscheidung waren die exorbitanten Transfersummen die in der letzten Wechselperiode der Saison 2017/2018 für Aufmersamkeit gesorgt haben, an denen Spielervermittler eine vielversprechende Provison erhielten als es üblich ist. Daraus stellte sich die Frage, inwieweit werden die Summen für Transfers steigen bzw. gibt es eine Grenze die durch die FIFA anhand von Richtlinien festgeschrieben sind und welche Rolle spielen die Spielervermittler tatsächlich bei einem Transfer? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, wurde auf die zur Verfügung gestellte Fachliteratur zurückgegriffen. Auch Internetrecherche war sehr hilfreich. Um zu verstehen wie es zu solchen Summen gekommen ist, wurde zunächst die Fußballbranche im Allgemeinen näher betrachtet. Anschließend folgte die genauere Analyse des Transfermarktes und die des Spielervermittlers. Anhand eines Praxisbeispieles wurden dann die gewonnen Erkenntnisse überprüft. Angesichts des Resultates, aufgrund der Überprüfung wurde ein Konzept entwickelt um Anreize zu vermitteln die den Transfermarkt regulieren könnten. Für die FIFA könnte diese Bacheloarbeit eine vielversprechende Erkenntnis sein um den Stellenwert denn der Fußball auf der ganzen Welt besitzt nicht zu zerstören

    Ivan Lavrentievich Poborsky: Reconstruction of an Unknown Biography

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    A variety of materials, including folklore, help to reconstruct the verified and alleged life circumstances of Ivan Lavrentievich Poborsky, the teacher of the boyar A. S. Matveev’s son, Andrey, during the period of disgrace and their exile to Pustozersk and Mezen. Poborsky was most likely author/drafter of a valuable late 17th century source on Russian history, Stories about the Innocent Imprisonment of a Fellowboyar. It is possible that he had studied together with the famous Symeon of Polotsk. Being a part of the Polotsk szlachta, Ivan served on the Zakamsk’s zasechnaya cherta and was captured and, ultimately, imprisoned by P. Doroshenko, the hetman of the Right-Bank Ukraine; then he was released with a letter to A. S. Matveev. Following Matveev’s death, Poborsky returned from his exile during the 1682 Uprising in Moscow and took uppriesthood. During his service in the house church of Tsar Ivan Alekseevich, he closely communicated with H. W. Ludolf, the author of the first foreign Russian Grammar, which was published in Oxford in 1696. Then Poborsky was appointed a priest of the Great Embassy in 1697–1698 and travelled with Peter the Great to England.На разнообразных материалах, включая фольклорные, реконструируются реальные и предполагаемые обстоятельства примерно полувека жизни Ивана Лаврентьевича Поборского – учителя сына боярина А. С. Матвеева Андрея в период опалы и их ссылки в Пустозерск и на Мезень и наиболее вероятного автора-составителя ценного источника по истории России конца XVII в. «Истории о невинном заточении ближнего боярина…». Учился он, не исключено, у знаменитого Симеона Полоцкого. Находясь в составе полоцкой шляхты, на Закамской засечной черте Иван попадает в плен и, в конце концов, оказывается в заключении у гетмана Правобережной Украины П. Дорошенко; отпущен с письмом к А. С. Матвееву. После его гибели по возвращению из ссылки в ходе восстания в Москве 1682 г. Поборский принимает духовный сан. Служил в домовой церкви царя Ивана Алексеевича, близко общался с автором вышедшей в Оксфорде первой зарубежной «Русской грамматики» Г. В. Лудольфом. Затем назначен священником Великого посольства 1697–1698 гг., ездил с Петром I в Англию

    How self-rated is self-rated health? Exploring the role of individual and institutional factors in reporting heterogeneity in Russia

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    In recent years the literature exploring the state dependent nature of individual self-rated health has grown rapidly. We contribute to this ‘reporting heterogeneity’ research field in two main ways. First, we are among the few studies to examine the determinants of reporting heterogeneity in self-rated health in the Russian context. Second, echoing the social determinants of health literature, we augment the standard battery of individual level socioeconomic and demographic characteristics with aggregated macro level variables serving as proxies for local environmental and social conditions. We are not aware of other heterogeneity studies that have incorporated this approach. Estimating a generalized ordered probit model we resolve the identification problem through the inclusion of an objective disease index. In terms of reporting heterogeneity, we find that response behaviour is systematically influenced by individual characteristics but also by aggregate regional socioeconomic characteristics. In particular, the finding that an individual’s relative standing in their local economy can condition their response to subjective health questionnaires is important and merits further examination. We argue that both a relative income mechanism and a mechanism that links the cognitive process of choice with the sense of optimism that individuals have for their institutional environment are plausible explanations for the observed aggregate level effects

    The effect of chronic conditions and multi-morbidity on self-assessed health in Russia

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    Aims: Chronic disorders, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory diseases and diabetes, are the leading cause of mortality globally, representing 68% of all recorded deaths. The incidence of chronic disease and multiple chronic disease is rising across the world, but relatively little is known about the impact of multi-morbidities on the life experiences of those individuals who encounter them. In this paper, we examine and quantify the relationship between chronic illness, multi-morbidity and the individual self-assessed health of the Russian population using individual-level Russian data and a novel quantitative technique. Methods: We apply a partial proportional odds framework to a rich data set incorporating demographic, socio-economic and health indicators in Russia. Results: We find that individuals with chronic conditions report significantly lower levels of health than those without chronic conditions, but that the strength of the effect is much more pronounced for males than for females (e.g. neurological disease: odds ratio [OR]=4.81 for men; OR=1.86 for women)). As the number of co-morbidities increases, there is a dramatic decrease in the likelihood of reporting good health for both males and females, but for males there is a greater increase in the likelihood of reporting bad health (OR=49.31 for males with ≥5 diseases; OR=28.05 for females). Conclusions: More than 40% of Russians currently live with multi-morbidity, and this group is at the highest risk of reporting poor self-rated health. This research adds to the body of evidence demonstrating the challenges facing health-care systems as new patterns of disease take hold in contemporary society