12 research outputs found

    Psychiatric disorders among older prisoners: a systematic review and comparison study against older people in the community

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    Objectives: Despite emerging evidence that older prisoners experience poor mental health, literature in this area is still limited. In the present systematic review and meta-analysis, we report on the prevalence of psychiatric disorders among older prisoners and compare our findings against community studies on older people. Methods: We searched on Assia, PsycInfo, MedLine, Embase, Web of Science, Google and Gov.uk. We carried out bias assessments, rated studies for quality and ran a heterogeneity test. We meta-analysed prevalence rates of psychiatric disorders through an aggregate weighted mean and calculated Relative Risk and statistical significance against community studies. Sensitivity analyses were further performed. Results: We reviewed nine studies and obtained the following prevalence: “Any psychiatric disorder” 38.4%, depression 28.3%, schizophrenia/psychoses 5.5%, bipolar disorder 4.5%, dementia 3.3%, cognitive impairment 11.8%, personality disorder 22.9%, alcohol abuse 15.9%, anxiety disorders 14.2%, PTSD 6.2%. Older prisoners were found to have higher RR for every single psychiatric disorder against older people in the community, with the sole exception of alcohol abuse (RR=1) and dementia (RR=.75). The prevalence rates were statistically significantly higher (p<.05) among the prisoners for “Any psychiatric disorder”, depression and personality disorder. Overall, the sensitivity analyses confirmed our original results. Conclusion: Our findings point at a high prevalence of every single psychiatric disorder among older prisoners, who also experience rates of dementia and alcohol abuse comparable to those reported in the community. Our results have relevant implications for policy and practice in this area. Further research is crucial to confirm findings from this study

    Sistem Informasi Penjualan Perlengkapan Bayi pada Toko Dewa Kembar Baby Shop Jakarta

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    Pada saat ini,perkembangan teknologi dan informasi membawa dampak yang luar biasa dalam berbagai bidang. Internet adalah suatu jaringan komputer yang satu dengan yang lain saling berhubungan untuk keperluan komunikasi dan informasi. Toko Dewa Kembar Baby Shop adalah toko yang bergerak dibidang penjualan keperluan bayi. Seperti popok, dot, baby walker, baby stroller, kolam renang portable dan lain-lain. Artinya pelanggan harus mendatangi toko untuk dapat melakukan pembelian produk. Pembangunan Sistem informasi penjualan perlengkapan bayi berbasis web pada Toko Dewa Kembar Baby Shop merupakan langkah untuk meningkatkan penjualan dan promosi produk sehingga dapat memberikan keuntungan bagi toko. Tujuan pembangunan system informasi penjualan keperluan bayi pelanggan dapat melakukan pemesanan produk tanpa harus datang ke toko, pihak toko pun dapat mengatasi masalah pengolahan produk, pengolahan pemesanan. Sehingga memberikan kemudahan kepada konsumen untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang produk perlengkapan keperluan bayi. Sistem ini dibuat menggunakan program Php dan Database MySql serta menggunakan editor Dreamweaver. Dengan diimplementasikannya sistem informasi penjualan keperluan bayi berbasis web pada Toko Dewa Kembar Baby Shop ini dapat digunakan sebagai sarana promosi penjualan, proses pembelian dapat secara langsung tanpa harus datang ke toko, serta dapat mempermudah transaksi pembelian produk

    [In Press] Living with experience in the academy : pressures to disclose in routine research activities

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    Lived-experience perspectives have gained increasing traction in social work research, presenting valuable opportunities for novel insights to inform policy, practice, and research. Yet these developments have perhaps outpaced our capacity as producers and consumers of research to consider their broader ethical implications for social work researchers with lived experience (particularly those with undisclosed experiences). Through a series of critical incident analyses, this article highlights ethical dilemmas researchers may face concerning disclosure of their lived experience, and how application of trauma-informed and ethical principles may assist in responding to these dilemmas. IMPLICATIONS Social work researchers may face increased pressures to disclose their lived experience in the course of typical research activities. Trauma-informed and ethical research principles can be drawn upon to navigate these dilemmas. Academic and research institutions and bodies should consider the impact on researchers of processes which impel disclosure of lived experience

    COVID-19 and incarcerated older adults: a commentary on risk, care and early release in Australia

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    Purpose: The purpose of this commentary is to draw upon available literature and practices related to COVID-19 and management of older incarcerated adults in Australia to highlight key matters for better risk management and care of this population during this and future infectious disease pan/epidemics. Design/methodology/approach: The present commentary draws on current policies, practices and literature regarding the health, needs and management of older incarcerated adults in Australia to discuss risk, care and early release for this population during the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings: Incarcerated persons experience poorer health and accelerated age-related decline compared to those in the general community. The present situation offers the opportunity to fill knowledge and practice gaps, including policies for staff training, identification of dementia and cognitive decline, assessment of mobility issues, addressing barriers to health-seeking, possibilities of medical or compassionate release, risk assessment and release protocols and post-release needs. Practical implications: While Australian prisons have acknowledged the vulnerability of older persons, more focused adaptation of COVID-19-related policies to consider adults as young as 45 years are needed. Appropriate ethical identification and management of cases in this population is needed, as is discussion on issues of decarceration and medical release. Re-conceptualisation of incarcerated adults as “citizens in need of care”, rather than as “offenders to be secured”, will be beneficial. Robust, local evidence is needed to assist decision-making. Originality/value: This is a comprehensive, focused review of relevant evidence, policies and practices for a growing subpopulation of prisoners worldwide with complex needs and particular vulnerability to the COVID-19

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Sistem Cod Dalam Mendistribusikan Produk UMKM Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Covid 19 adalah salah satu virus yang menyebabkan banyak penyakit mulai dari yang ringan sampai yang berat, pandemi Covid 19 telah menyebar di seluruh dunia, mulai dari negara-negara besar sampai desa bahkan dusun-dusun terpencil sekalipun, termasuk di desa Sokobanah laok, kec. Sokobanah, Kab. Sampang. Dimana dari dampak pandemi covid 19 ini banyak usaha-usaha masyarakat yang terkena imbasnya karena, seperti UMKM yang tidak mendapatkan konsumen dikarenakan ada kebijakan pemerintah yang melarang masyarakatnya untuk keluar dari rumah dan harus menjaga jarak antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Maka tujuan dari hasil penulisan artikel ini untuk membantu masyarakat dalam pemberdayaan sistem distribusi produk UMKM dalam bentuk COD supaya masyarakat bisa mengembalikan bahkan meningkatkan daya konsumen dalam kebutuhan mereka sehari-hari