121 research outputs found

    Bacteriogenic Origin of Secondary Minerals in Ohio Based on Carbon and Sulfur Isotope Compositions

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    The origin of secondary minerals in northwestern Ohio has been attributed to a variety of causes including magmatic and bacterial activity. This research was conducted to determine whether secondary calcite, pyrite, sphalerite, galena, and celestite in Ohio result from bacterial processes. This combination of minerals is similar to those of Mississippi Valley type deposits, which have yielded economic wealth in other areas. The carbon isotope composition in secondary calcite establishes a link with petroleum by exhibiting S13C values of -21.5o/oo to -27.6o/oo. The δ34S values of sulfide minerals (-24.2o/oo to +7.0o/oo) demonstrate consistent depletion in the heavy sulfur isotope compared to coexisting sulfate minerals whose δ34S values range from +28.4%o/oo to +66.4o/oo. The isotope fractionation of carbon and sulfur minerals confirms that sulfurreducing bacteria metabolized hydrocarbons by means of oxygen derived by reduction of sulfate to sulfide. The CO2 and H2S released by bacteria resulted in the deposition of secondary carbonate and sulfide minerals in the rocks of northwestern Ohio.No embarg


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    Sustained Effects of Developmental Exposure to Ethanol on Zebrafish Anxiety-Like Behaviour

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    <p>Stress-related behaviour assessed by thigmotaxis in zebrafish larvae A,B) 9dpf, C,D) 10dpf, E,F) 23dpf juveniles. G,H) Effect of diazepam on larval stress-reactivity assessed by thigmotaxis. Time course of average time spent each minute at the edge of the apparatus (A, C, E), overall average time spent per minute at the edge of the apparatus (B, D, F). (A-D) Developmental ethanol exposure decreased thigmotaxis at both 9dpf (A,B: <i>F</i> 2,105 = 4.76, <i>P</i><0.05) and 10dpf (C,D: <i>F</i> 2, 285 = 6.69, <i>P</i><0.05), with the greatest difference between 20mM ethanol treatment and the control. Siblings of the same animals were raised for another 2 weeks and tested as 23 dpf juveniles (E,F). These juveniles exhibited a similar thigmotaxis response as at 9dpf, with decreased thigmotaxis in ethanol treated animals compared to controls (<i>F</i> 2,146 = 2.93, <i>P</i><0.05). (G-H) Larvae acutely treated with diazepam for 6 minutes exhibited significantly reduced time spent at the edges of the wells compared to controls (<i>F</i> 1, 259 = 5.47, <i>P</i><0.01). There were no significant differences in distance travelled. Post-hoc t-test: *** <i>P</i><0.001, ** <i>P</i><0.01.</p

    Polar Wax as Adhesion Promoter in Polymeric Blend Films for Durable Photovoltaic Encapsulants

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    Technological developments in the solar photovoltaic field must guarantee the high performance and low deterioration of solar cells in order for solar power plants to be more efficient and competitive. The solar cell needs comprehensive protection offered by a polymeric encapsulant, which improves UV stability, reduces water and moisture absorption, reduces oxygen and vapor permeability and enhances mechanical resistance. Moreover, high transparency and adhesion yields improved the solar panel performance. The current work analyzes polymeric films based on poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA) and polyolefin (PO) for photovoltaic encapsulant use (the high temperature resistance is improved by adding PO to EVA, as investigated and documented before). To enhance the mechanical resistance and optical properties of the investigated matrices, a crosslinking agent, an adhesion promoter and stabilizing agents have been incorporated in both EVA and EVA/PO systems. The adhesion promoter is a polar wax–silane-free agent; the absence of the silane function allows the integrity of the module to be maintained over time. All samples were characterized through mechanical and rheological analysis, and their long-term UV stability was investigated by accelerated ageing and by FTIR and UV–vis spectroscopy. The obtained results suggest that the presence of a crosslinking agent, an adhesion promoter and stabilizers in EVA/PO-based films allows for the achievement of the required features for the encapsulants, showing mechanical and rheological behavior similar to those of EVA containing the same additives

    Efficiency Optimization in Medium Power Wind Turbines: an Innovative Mechanical Pitch Control System

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    The paper illustrates the design of a new mechanical system for propeller blades pitch calibration in medium power wind turbines. The peculiarity of this system is its capacity of adjusting through a feedback control system, which allows the wind turbine to capture the maximum amount of energy from the wind. In this work an axial drive system was studied by means of racks capable of linearly adjusting the pitch of all wind turbine propeller blades in an intrinsically synchronous way, with an advantage over the traditional methods of propeller blades pitch calibration. For different wind speeds the system adjusts the blades angle of incidence in order to reduce the rotation speed and keep the system as close as possible to the pre-established design conditions generating maximum energy with a high efficiency. The manuscript examines the main analyses and simulations conducted during the design phase. These show that the proposed method allows to reach higher efficiencies with a greater intrinsic stability compared to the traditional pitch control mechanisms in medium power wind turbines. The experimental results on the first prototypes confirm the efficiency increase

    Comparison of the Recycling Behavior of a Polypropylene Sample Aged in Air and in Marine Water

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    During the processing and during their lifetime, polymers are subjected to several environmental stresses—thermomechanical, photo-oxidative, etc.—that can strongly modify their chemical and molecular structure and, consequently, their morphology. Reduction of the molecular weight and formation of double bonds and oxygenated groups are the main changes observed as a consequence of the degradation. As a result of these changes, the macroscopic properties are dramatically modified. These changes can have a relevant effect if the post-consumer plastic manufacts are recycled. In this work, a sample of polypropylene subjected to two different degradation histories—photo-oxidation in air and in marine water—is reprocessed two times in a mini twin-screw extruder in the same processing conditions. The effect of the thermomechanical degradation during the reprocessing is different. Indeed, the less severe degraded sample shows a higher degradation level during reprocessing because the shear stress is larger. This means that the thermomechanical degradation kinetics is larger in the less degraded samples. Nevertheless, the final properties of the recycled polymers are different because the properties of the photo-oxidized samples before reprocessing were very different

    Analysis on Isotropic and Anisotropic Samples of Polypropylene/Polyethyleneterephthalate Blend/Graphene Nanoplatelets Nanocomposites: Effects of a Rubbery Compatibilizer

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    Over the past few years, polymer nanocomposites have garnered a significant amount of interest from both the scientific community and industry due to their remarkable versatility and wide range of potential uses in various fields, including automotive, electronics, medicine, textiles and environmental applications. In this regard, this study focuses on the influence of a compatibilizer rubber on a nanocomposite incorporating graphene nanoparticles (GNPs), with a polymer matrix based on a blend of polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). This effect has been investigated on both isotropic samples and on anisotropic/spun fiber samples. The influence of the compatibilizer rubber on morphological, rheological and mechanical properties was analysed and discussed. Mechanical and morphological properties were evaluated on both isotropic samples obtained by compression moulding and melt-spun fibers. The addition of the rubbery compatibilizer increased the viscosity, improving interfacial adhesion, and the same effect was observed for the melt strength and breaking stretching ratios. Mechanical properties, including the elastic modulus, tensile strength and elongation at break, improved in both types of samples but more significantly in the fibers. These improvements were attributed to the orientation of the matrix, the formation of PET microfibrils, and the reduction in the size of graphene nanoparticles due to the action of the elongational flow. This reduction, facilitated by the elongation flow and the action of the compatibilizer, improved matrix-nanofiller adhesion due to the increased contact area between the two polymeric phases and between the filler and matrix. Finally, a transition from brittle to ductile behaviour was observed, particularly in the system with the compatibilizer, attributed to defect reduction and improved stress transmission

    Influence of Different Environments and Temperatures on the Photo-Oxidation Behaviour of the Polypropylene

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    The photo-oxidation of polypropylene at two different temperatures and in three different environments—air, distilled water and sea water—has been followed as a function of the irradiation time. The photo-oxidation kinetic is dramatically dependent on the amount of oxygen available for the oxidation reactions and on the temperature. While the photo-oxidation is very fast in air, the degradation is much slower in the two aqueous media. The degradation in sea water is slightly slower than in distilled water. In all cases, the degradation kinetic increases remarkably with the temperature. This behavior has been attributed to the lower oxygen availability for the oxidation reactions of the polymers. The light difference of the degradation kinetic between the two aqueous media depends on the small difference of the oxygen concentration at the test temperatures of 40 and 70 °C. At the latter temperature, the difference between the degradation kinetic in distilled water and sea water is still less important because increasing the temperature decreases the solubility of the oxygen, and it tends to became very similar in both samples of water

    An optimized procedure for preparation of conditioned medium from Wharton’s jelly mesenchymal stromal cells isolated from umbilical cord

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    Cell-free therapy based on conditioned medium derived from mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) has gained attention in the field of protective and regenerative medicine. However, the exact composition and properties of MSC-derived conditioned media can vary greatly depending on multiple parameters, which hamper standardization. In this study, we have optimized a procedure for preparation of conditioned medium starting from efficient isolation, propagation and characterization of MSCs from human umbilical cord, using a culture medium supplemented with human platelet lysate as an alternative source to fetal bovine serum. Our procedure successfully maximizes the yield of viable MSCs that maintain canonical key features. Importantly, under these conditions, the compositional profile and biological effects elicited by the conditioned medium preparations derived from these MSC populations do not depend on donor individuality. Moreover, approximately 120 L of conditioned medium could be obtained from a single umbilical cord, which provides a suitable framework to produce industrial amounts of toxic-free conditioned medium with predictable composition

    Healthy Aging and Dietary Patterns

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    A number of factors contribute to the complex process of aging, which finally define whether someone will or not develop age-associated chronic diseases in late life. These determinants comprise genetic susceptibility as well as various behavioral, environmental, and dietary factors, all of which have been shown to influence specific pathways regulating the aging process and the extension of life, which makes longevity a multidimensional phenomenon. Although a “miraculous elixir” or a “nutrition pill” are not plausible, researchers agree on the notion that nutritional factors have major impact on the risk of age-associated chronic non-communicable diseases and mortality. In recent years nutrition research in relation to health outcomes has considerably changed from focusing exclusively on single nutrients to considering combinations of foods rather than nutrients in isolation. Although research on specific nutrients is scientifically valid providing crucial evidence on the mechanisms by which nutrition impacts health, the recent switch targeting the multifaceted synergistic interplay among nutrients, other dietary constituents, and whole foods, has promoted emerging interest on the actions of total dietary patterns. This narrative review aims to describe some specific dietary patterns with evidence of associations with reduction in the incidence of chronic diseases allowing older adults to live a long-lasting and healthier life, and confirming the powerful impact nutrition can exert on healthy aging. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
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