49 research outputs found

    Phototherapy Radiometer with AS7262 Sensor

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    The phototherapy is a device used in hyperbilirubinemia therapy by using blue light radiation with ranges between 425nm-475nm. The effectiveness of hyperbilirubinemia therapy depends on the amount of energy emitted by light which expressed in μW/cm2. The purpose of this study is to develop a low-cost and high accuracy Phototherapy radiometer. Measurement of blue light irradiance using the AS7262 sensor which can measure the irradiance of visible light with a wavelength of 450nm, 500nm, 550nm, 570nm, 600nm, 650nm with relative responsiveness of 1 time at each wavelength. SD card memory is used to save measurement data of irradiance so that it can be processed later. Based on the blue light irradiance data collected the smallest error value is 0,40% at a distance of 10cm while the biggest error value is 9,01%  at a distance of 30cm. After testing the entire system, the device can be used according to its function and purpose

    Family Nutrition Improvement Efforts Through Nutrition Management of Pokea Clam Based on Environmental Health

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    The coastal communities of the Pohara river, Sampara Subdistrict, where the habitat for endemic pokea clam growth, has a habit of consuming pokea clam meat which can affect the nutritional status of the family. Pokea clam meat (Batissa violacea celebensis von Marten 1897) contains fatty acids, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this community service, to identify patterns of consumption of pokea clam and  nutritional status. The method used through interviews, counseling and examination of nutritional status. The number of respondents identified was 72 respondents. Data were collected by questionnaire regarding the consumption pattern of pokea clam, measurement of height, weight and waist circumference. The results of the identification of consumption patterns of pokea clam meat showed 58% of respondents, consuming average pokea clam 1-3 times a day. As many as 78%, processing directly the pokea clam meat. The types of preparations consumed are pokea satay (39%) and boiled pokea (8%). The results of examination of Body Mass Index (BMI) obtained 50.0% normal nutritional status, 16.7% excess and 30.6% obesity. Waist circumference measurement results, 47.2% are normal, and 52.8% are not normal. Integrated and sustainable health promotion, need to improve the nutritional status of coastal communities

    Kajian Aspek Pertumbuhan Populasi Pokea (Batissa Violacea Celebensis Martens, 1897) Di Sungai Pohara Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Pokea merupakan bivalvia endemik Sulawesi dan bernilai ekonomis penting bagi masyarakat Kota Kendari. Penambangan pasir dan penangkapan pokea di duga sebagai salah satu faktor penyebab menurunnya kualitas dan kuantitas pokea. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan populasi pokea di lokasi penambangan pasir, lokasi penangkapan pokea dan habitat alamiahnya. Penarikan contoh pokea dilakukan di lapangan dan analisis pokea (panjang) dilaksanakan di laboratorium. Penarikan contoh dilakukan selama 3 bulan dengan ulangan setiap minggu (12 kali). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif dan dengan menggunakan program FiSAT 2002. Panjang cangkang pokea yang ditemukan berkisar antara 0.9-6.3 cm dengan rata-rata 3.31 ± 0.99 cm yang tersebar dalam 1-3 kelompok ukuran. Pertumbuhan populasi pokea tercepat ditemukan di habitat alamiah (stasiun I) dengan nilai koefisien 0.87 dan terendah ditemukan pada lokasi penambangan pasir (stasiun II) dengan nilai koefisien 0.44. Panjang takhingga (L∞) tertinggi ditemukan pada daerah dekat muara (stasiun IV) dengan nilai 6.59 cm dan terendah ditemukan di daerah penangkapan pokea. (stasiun III) dengan nilai 4.79 cm. Hasil ini menunjukan bahwa eksploitasi dan aktivitas penangkapan mempengaruhi kualitas pertumbuhan populasi pokea

    Kajian Respon Debit Mataair Ngeleng terhadap Curah Hujan untuk Karakterisasi Akuifer Karst

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    Sistem akuifer karst memiliki sifat heterogen-anisotropis. Keunikan akuifer karst memeberikan perbedaan dalam proses evaluasi dan pemahaman mengenai sifat akuifer karst. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Mengetahui pola korelasi antara recharge yang berupa curah hujan dengan discharge yang berupa debit pada Mataair Ngeleng secara temporal; (2) Menganalisis komponen aliran mataair yang berkaitan dengan respon debit terhadap curah hujan guna mengetahui karakteristik akuifer karst Mataair Ngeleng. Proses evaluasi dengan analisis resesi hidrograf dan korelasi discharge – recharge menjadi pendekatan untuk mengetahui karakter dari sistem akuifer daerah kajian. Penelitian ini menggunakan data time series. Korelasi discharge – recharge menunjukan respon cepat dengan waktu jeda kenaikan debit 2 jam setelah hujan. Kondisi tersebut mengindikasikan sudah berkembang sistem aliran cepat (aliran celah dan saluran) pada akuifer mataair. Hasil yang sama juga ditunjukan dari analisis resesi hidrograf yang menunjukan terdapat 3 komponen aliran yang menyuplai mataair, yaitu komponen aliran diffuse (rembesan), fissure (celah) dan conduit (saluran)

    Nonlinear Photonic Crystal for All-optical Switching Appli

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    An all-optical switching device is a crucial component for developing high speed data transmission and signal processing in telecommunication network. The device is based on nonlinear optical material, whose refractive index depends on light intensity. Recently, photonic crystals have been considerable interest both theoretically and experimentally for optical switching devices. Due to the practical reason, we studied one-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystal for all-optical switching devices. We use transfer matrix method and nonlinear coupled mode equation to determine photonic bandgap and optical switching process. We applied them to different structures: nonlinear Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) and nonlinear photonic crystals which has similar linear refractive index but has opposite sign of nonlinear refractive index. By using an appropriate combination of refractive indices, it was found that the first structure can be used for all-optical switching at telecommunication wavelength (1.55 m). The second structure can be used both for all-optical switching and optical limiter at the wavelength of 1 m

    Perbaikan Sistem Pelayanan Nasabah Dengan Menggunakan Metode Simulasi (Studi Kasus: Bank Bri Unit Selopuro Blitar)

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    Antrian merupakan sebuah garis tunggu untuk mendapatkan pelayan. Antrian timbul disebabkan oleh kebutuhan akan layanan melebihi kemampuan (kapasitas) pelayanan atau fasilitas layanan, sehingga pengguna fasilitas yang tiba tidak bisa segera mendapat layanan disebabkan kesibukan layanan. Penelitian ini menerapkan teori antrian dengan menggunakan metode simulasi untuk mengevaluasi sistem antrian yang ada dalam pelayanan nasabah. kedatangan nasabah dalam penelitian ini diasumsikan mengikuti proses poisson nonhomogen. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kejadian untuk membuat model simulasi.Dari hasil output sistem yang telah diperbaiki dimana jumlah teller ditambah menjadi 2 orang teller, dapat dilihat panjang antrian rata-rata turun dalam selang kepercayaan 5,899 ≤ μ ≤ 6,903 nasabah dan panjang antrian maksimal adalah 28 nasabah, sedangkan waktu menunggu rata-rata nasabah turun dalam selang kepercayaan 18,411 ≤ μ ≤ 18,413 menit dan utilitas teller turun dalam selang kepercayaan 64,704 ≤ μ ≤ 73,694 %. Dari hasil output program simulasi hasil perbaikan panjang antrian maksimal yang terjadi adalah 28 nasabah, sehingga rekomendasi perbaikan yang diusulkan adalah penambahan teller menjadi 2 orang dan penambahan jumlah tempat duduk menjadi 28 tempat dudu

    Alternative organic fuel determination with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

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    Fuel is a main staple consumption of the industry, especially in Indonesia which is an industrial zone. Availability of fosil fuel is become decline day by day, according to that fenomena finding new fuel come from non fossil resources become important. This research is studied about finding potential fuel resources come from organic resources, such as cassava, cocoa, corn, pineapple, & potato. Factors that observed in this research namely availability of resources, social responsiveness, capability production, economy, technology, education, and policy. Data come from stakeholders that involved in produce, manage, and using the resources observed in the form of subjective preference. To anticipate the complexity of taking a decision in this research, analytical hierarchy process model used to formulate and proceed multi variable impact come from the factors that affected the determination new fuel resources to develop. The final result showed that an organic fuel resources determine by the biggest weight is policy factor. It means that people live around organic fuel resources must be supported first, by the government policy to operate the activity of transforming pineapple peel to be gasoline in the small scale industry

    Pineapple peel industry determination with weighted location method

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    This study discusses alternative fuels to replace gasoline with bioethanol. Bioethanol can be produced including pineapple, where the peel can be used to be converted into bioethanol instead of gasoline. The use of pineapple peel for small-scale production in this study was the main focus, so that the community would get benefit from the economic value. The community to use pineapple peel is the main concern, to get information about the capacity of an area. Measurement of capacity is carried out by taking into account transportation, raw material, land, energy, labour, waste, and market factors. The assessment was carried out on five zones of pineapple farming using analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Each area is determined by its coordinates, then multiplied by the weight of each region produced. The calculation results show that the determination of area was chosen to be a smallscale bioethanol production area concerning with dependent on the policy, raw materials, and transportation factor, it show that policy factor must be exist to support the operation of bioethanol industry with pineapple peels material