638 research outputs found

    The Scheme of 10th Order Implicit Runge-Kutta Method to Solve the First Order of Initial Value Problems

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    Abstract—To construct a scheme of implicit Runge-Kutta methods, there are a number of coefficients that must be determined and satisfying consistency properties and Butcher’s simplifying assumptions. In this paper we provide the numerical simulation technique to obtain a scheme of 10th order Implicit Runge-Kutta (IRK10) method. For simulation process, we construct an algorithm to compute all the coefficients involved in the IRK10 scheme. The algorithm is implemented in a language programming (Turbo Pascal) to obtain all the required coefficients in the scheme. To show that our scheme works correctly, we use the scheme to solve Hénon-Heiles system.Keywords—ODEs, 10th order IRK method, numerical technique, Hénon-Heiles syste

    Motivasi Wisatawan Berkunjung ke Daerah Tujuan Wisata Danau Toba Sumatera Utara

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    This research done in the district of Samosir, exactly in Tomok Simanindo Sub-district. The goals in this research is: (a) analyzing the characteristics of the tourists visiting the tourist destination of Toba Lake, (b) analyzing the most dominant motivation attract tourists to visit tourist destination Toba Lake and tourist attraction is most preferred by tourists. The approach used in this research is quantitative, with quantitative analysis dekskriptif. From the research results obtained the conclusion that motivation to tourists visiting the tourist destination of Toba Lake that most dominant culture motivation namely, a) cultural performances, b) needs such as tourism attraction of art, indigenous peoples, dance, painting and religion. While from tourism attraction more dominant is the power pull the history tour, Eat Old King Sidabutar, Rock Wheelchair Trial Siallangan Museum and Tomok

    Gaya Kepemimpinan Lembaga Pendidikan Kota Metropolitan dan Non Metropolitan di Sulawesi Selatan

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    This study aimed to describe, analyze, and interpret how different leadership styles between educational institutions functional and non-functional, and how different leadership styles on educational institutions in metropolitan and non-metropolitan cities. The location of this research in South Sulawesi with sample locations in the metropolitan city in Makassar and Non-Metropolitan Cities in Sidrap, Sinjai, and Takalar. Type of this research can be categorized as research organizations (institutes), the research to locus of educational institutions, and the focus of analysis is variable institutions, with the leadership style variable at the institution. The final results of this study illustrate that the style of leadership in educational institutions is more likely to democratic. It is supported by the spread of information that are in the current category, and the level of authority of leadership in providing the needs are in the focus category. While the style of leadership on school education institutions are more likely autocratic. Leadership style seen on the kind of city then Sidrap, Sinjai and Takalar as non-metropolitan cities belonging to the democratic leadership style. It was built by the pattern of interaction between leaders and subordinates communicative. While Makassar as metropolitan cities tend autocratic.Keywords: leadership style, metropolitan city, and educational institution Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan, menganalisis, dan menginterpretasikan bagaimana perbedaan gaya kepemimpinan antara lembaga pendidikan fungsional dan non fungsional, dan bagaimana perbedaan gaya kepemimpinan pada lembaga pendidikan di kota metropolitan dan kota non metropolitan. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah Sulawesi Selatan dengan lokasi sampel untuk Kota Metropolitan adalah Kota Makassar dan Kota Non Metropolitan adalah Kabupaten Sidrap, Kabupaten Sinjai, dan Kabupaten Takalar. Jenis penelitian ini dapat dikategorikan sebagai penelitian organisasi (lembaga), yaitu penelitian dengan lokus pada lembaga pendidikan, dan fokus analisisnya adalah variabel lembaga, dengan variabel gaya kepemimpinan pada lembaga. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini memberikan gambaran bahwa gaya kepemimpinan pada lembaga pendidikan yaitu dinas pendidikan lebih cenderung demokratis. Hal ini didukung oleh tingkat penyebaran informasi yang berada pada kategori lancar, dan tingkat kewenangan pimpinan dalam memberikan kebutuhan yang berada pada kategori terarah. Sedangkan gaya kepemimpinan pada lembaga pendidikan sekolah lebih cenderung pada otokratis. Gaya kepemimpinan dilihat dari jenis kota maka Sidrap, Sinjai dan Takalar sebagai kota non-metropolitan tergolong pada gaya kepemimpinan yang demokratis. Hal ini dibangun oleh pola interaksi antara pimpinan dengan bawahan yang komunikatif. Sedangkan Makassar sebagai kota metropolitan cenderung otokratis.Kata kunci: gaya kepemimpinan, kota metropolitan, dan lembaga pendidikanAbstractThis study aimed to describe, analyze, and interpret how different leadership styles betweeneducational institutions functional and non-functional, and how different leadership styles oneducational institutions in metropolitan and non-metropolitan cities. The location of thisresearch in South Sulawesi with sample locations in the metropolitan city in Makassar and Non-Metropolitan Cities in Sidrap, Sinjai, and Takalar. Type of this research can be categorized asresearch organizations (institutes), the research to locus of educational institutions, and thefocus of analysis is variable institutions, with the leadership style variable at the institution. Thefinal results of this study illustrate that the style of leadership in educational institutions is morelikely to democratic. It is supported by the spread of information that are in the currentcategory, and the level of authority of leadership in providing the needs are in the focuscategory. While the style of leadership on school education institutions are more likelyautocratic. Leadership style seen on the kind of city then Sidrap, Sinjai and Takalar as non-metropolitan cities belonging to the democratic leadership style. It was built by the pattern ofinteraction between leaders and subordinates communicative. While Makassar as metropolitancities tend autocratic

    The KO*-rings of BT^m, the Davis-Januszkiewicz Spaces and certain toric manifolds

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    This paper contains an explicit computation of the KO*-ring structure of an m-fold product of CP^{\infty}, the Davis-Januszkiewicz spaces and toric manifolds which have trivial Sq^2-homology.Comment: 34 page

    Pirolisis Kulit Kayu Pinus (Pinus Mercusil) Menjadi Bio-Oil Menggunakan Katalis Ni/Lempung

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    Requirement for the source of energy which increasing and petroleum reserve as source of primary energy which continuing attenuate to become the main reason for the importance ofsearching for alternative energy sources instead of petroleum. Biomass specially pine bark only considered as waste that pollutes the environment, whereas the pine bark is biomass that can be processed to become alternative energy that is bio-oil. Bio-oil can be produced through pyrolisis process using catalyst Ni/clay. This research aim to study the effect of the ratio of amount of catalyst to biomass which variation to 3%, 5% and 7% b/b and also the effect of Ni metal consentrate on clay equal to 0%, 1%, 2% and 3% w /w of the yield bio-oil produced. In thisresearch, pine bark biomass as much 50 grams with size of --60+80 mesh, silinap 500 ml, and catalyst Ni/clay entered into pyrolisis reactor. Process of pyrolisis is conducted at temperature320 oC and stirring speed of 300 rpm during 120 minute with stream of nitrogen gas (N2) as inert gas. The result obtained indicate that optimum yield obtained at 2% catalyst Ni/clay asmuch as 7% of biomass that is equal to 61,03%. Physical properties test result obtained that is density (0,856 gr/ml), viscosity (9,306 cSt), acidity number (24,986 mg of NaOH/gr of sample) and flash point (54 oC). Result of chemical analysis with GC-MS, obtained the dominant chemical components in bio-oil are 2-Pentene 22,31%, Pentane 13,46%, 1-propene 7,55%, 2- Hexene 7,35 and 1-Pentene 5,95%

    Metering Characteristics Accompanying Rate Changes Necessary for Precision Farming

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    Agricultural machines used in precision fanning must adjust application rates according to the needs of each cell within a field. Changing from an initial application rate to a new rate while the machine travels from one cell to another in the field is accompanied with some misapplication. The severity of this misapplication depends on the down-the-row delivery characteristics of the metering system and the magnitude of the rate change from cell to cell. On-the-go rate change tests evaluated the down-the-row performance of an operator controlled metering system when increasing and decreasing wheat seeding rates by 10 and 20 kg/ha steps. The transition time from one cell to another ranged from 3 to 9 s depending upon the magnitude of the application rate change. The difference between the initial and final seeding rate was based on a simple index. This separation index was based upon the initial and final down-the-row seeding rate distributions. When the separation index was greater than or equal to zero, the difference between the initial and final application rate was considered to be suitable for precision fanning. The separation criterion was always satisfied with 20 kg/ha rate changes. For 10 kg/ha rate changes, the separation index was negative in most cases. This indicated that rate changes of 10 kg/ha or less were unlikely to provide detectable rate differences as the metering rate variability exceeded the magnitude of the 10 kg/ha rate change

    Metering Characteristics Accompanying Rate Changes Necessary for Precision Farming

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    Agricultural machines used in precision fanning must adjust application rates according to the needs of each cell within a field. Changing from an initial application rate to a new rate while the machine travels from one cell to another in the field is accompanied with some misapplication. The severity of this misapplication depends on the down-the-row delivery characteristics of the metering system and the magnitude of the rate change from cell to cell. On-the-go rate change tests evaluated the down-the-row performance of an operator controlled metering system when increasing and decreasing wheat seeding rates by 10 and 20 kg/ha steps. The transition time from one cell to another ranged from 3 to 9 s depending upon the magnitude of the application rate change. The difference between the initial and final seeding rate was based on a simple index. This separation index was based upon the initial and final down-the-row seeding rate distributions. When the separation index was greater than or equal to zero, the difference between the initial and final application rate was considered to be suitable for precision fanning. The separation criterion was always satisfied with 20 kg/ha rate changes. For 10 kg/ha rate changes, the separation index was negative in most cases. This indicated that rate changes of 10 kg/ha or less were unlikely to provide detectable rate differences as the metering rate variability exceeded the magnitude of the 10 kg/ha rate change

    Otolith biometry analysis of betong fish, Selar crumenophthalmus (Bloch, 1793) (Teleostei: Carangidae) in Manado Bay, North Sulawesi

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    This study aims to examine whether there are differences in the size and shape of otolith both between sexes and between the sampling times of bigeye scad Selar crumenophthalmus in  Manado Bay, North Sulawesi. Most of the otolith sizes and the otolith shape indices do not show any significant differences between left and right, some of which show statistically significant differences such as the otolith length and the indices of the roundness, ellipticity and aspect ratio of female fish at August 2017 and otolith length, otolith width and otolith perimeter of male fish at November 2017. The otolith sizes and shape indices do not differ between sexes but differ between sampling times ie August 2017 and November 2017. Otolith sizes such as length, width, area and perimeter and shape indices such as circularity and rectangularity can be used as indicators of stock determination. Other shape indices of otolith such as form factor, roundness, ellipticity and aspect ratio are not well used as stock determination. Most of the samples showed a negative allometric growth pattern, except in the sample of female fish sampled in November 2017 which showed an isometric growth pattern for all otolith size variables. There is no statistically significant difference in the regression line of the otolith sizes - total length between sexes, but there is a statistically very significant difference in the regression line between sampling times (months) where the otolith size is greater in November 2017 or in other words at the same length of fish, otolith sizes bigger in November 2017 than in August 2017. The otolith sizes and their relationship with the total length of the fish can be used for determining (separating) the stock of bigeye scad Selar crumenophthalmus. There is a possibility that the sample for August 2017 is a different stock with samples from November 2017.Key words: Selar crumenophthalmus, otolith, morphometry, stock identification, Manado Bay ABSTRACTPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah terdapat perbedaan ukuran dan bentuk otolit  baik antar seks maupun antar waktu pengambilan sampel ikan selar betong Selar crumenophthalmus di Teluk Manado Sulawesi Utara. Sebagian besar ukuran serta indeks bentuk otolit tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata antara kiri dan kanan, beberapa di antaranya menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata secara statistik misalnya ukuran panjang otolit serta indeks bentuk otolit ‘roundness’, ‘ellipticity’ dan ‘aspect ratio’ pada ikan betina Agustus 2017 dan ukuran panjang otolit, luas otolit dan keliling otolit pada ikan jantan November 2017. Ukuran dan indeks bentuk otolit tidak berbeda antar jenis kelamin tetapi berbeda antar waktu sampling yakni Agustus 2017 dan November 2017. Ukuran otolit seperti panjang, lebar, luas dan keliling otolit serta indeks bentuk seperti ‘circularity’ dan ‘rectangularity’ dapat digunakan sebagai indikator penentu stok. Indeks bentuk otolit lainnya seperti ‘form factor’, ‘roundness’, ‘ellipticity’ dan ‘aspect rasio’ kurang baik digunakan sebagai variable penentu stok. Sebagian besar sampel menunjukkan pola pertumbuhan alometri negatif, kecuali pada sampel ikan betina yang disampling pada November 2017 yang memperlihatkan pola pertumbuhan isometrik untuk semua variabel ukuran otolit. Tidak terdapat perbedaan garis regresi ukuran otolit - panjang total antar seks, tetapi terdapat perbedaan yang sangat nyata garis regresi tersebut antar waktu sampling (bulan) di mana ukuran otolit lebih besar pada bulan November 2017 atau dengan kata lain pada panjang ikan yang sama, ukuran otolit lebih besar pada bulan November 2017 dibandingkan dengan pada bulan Agustus 2017.           Ukuran otolit serta hubungan regresi dengan panjang total ikannya dapat digunakan untuk penentuan (pemisahan) stok ikan selar betong Selar crumenophthalmus. Ada kemungkinan sampel bulan Agustus 2017 merupakan stok yang berbeda dengan sampel bulan November 2017.Kata kunci: Selar crumenophthalmus, otolit, morfometri, identifikasi stok, Teluk Manad

    Biodiesel dari Minyak Buta-Buta (Hura Crepitans Linn) dengan Menggunakan Katalis Ni/Lempung

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    Biodiesel is one of the alternative fuels as a substitute for fossil fuels synthesised from the transesterification reaction. The process of making biodiesel which using a homogeneous catalyst is costly for product separation process. Thus use of heterogeneous catalysts such as Ni/Clay catalyst was developed. This study aims to produce biodiesel from Hura crepitans Linn oil to determine best conditions of making biodiesel, determine the physical andchemical properties of biodiesel produced and studied the effect of the amount of Ni metal that has been impregnated on clay. In this process, the amount of oil use is 50 grams, 90 minute reaction time and concentration of catalyst 0.5%-b. Variations in reactants mole ratio oil : methanol 1 : 6, 1 : 9, 1 : 12, varying the amount of Ni metal 0%-b, 1%-b, 2%-b, 3%-b impregnated into the clay. The highest result biodiesel produced from Hura crepitans Linn oilwas 93.70% having mole ratio of oil : methanol 1 : 9 with Ni catalyst (3%). Physical properties obtained at biodiesl result density 884 kg / m3, kinematic viscosity 4.46 mm2/s,acid number 0.49 mg KOH/g sample and flash point is 185°C

    Otolith Biometry Analysis of Betong Fish, Selar Crumenophthalmus (Bloch, 1793) (Teleostei: Carangidae) in Manado Bay, North Sulawesi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah terdapat perbedaan ukuran dan bentuk otolit baik antar seks maupun antar waktu pengambilan sampel ikan selar betong Selar crumenophthalmus di Teluk Manado Sulawesi Utara. Sebagian besar ukuran serta indeks bentuk otolit tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata antara kiri dan kanan, beberapa di antaranya menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata secara statistik misalnya ukuran panjang otolit serta indeks bentuk otolit ‘roundness', ‘ellipticity' dan ‘aspect ratio' pada ikan betina Agustus 2017 dan ukuran panjang otolit, luas otolit dan keliling otolit pada ikan jantan November 2017. Ukuran dan indeks bentuk otolit tidak berbeda antar jenis kelamin tetapi berbeda antar waktu sampling yakni Agustus 2017 dan November 2017. Ukuran otolit seperti panjang, lebar, luas dan keliling otolit serta indeks bentuk seperti ‘circularity' dan ‘rectangularity' dapat digunakan sebagai indikator penentu stok. Indeks bentuk otolit lainnya seperti ‘form factor', ‘roundness', ‘ellipticity' dan ‘aspect rasio' kurang baik digunakan sebagai variable penentu stok. Sebagian besar sampel menunjukkan pola pertumbuhan alometri negatif, kecuali pada sampel ikan betina yang disampling pada November 2017 yang memperlihatkan pola pertumbuhan isometrik untuk semua variabel ukuran otolit. Tidak terdapat perbedaan garis regresi ukuran otolit - panjang total antar seks, tetapi terdapat perbedaan yang sangat nyata garis regresi tersebut antar waktu sampling (bulan) di mana ukuran otolit lebih besar pada bulan November 2017 atau dengan kata lain pada panjang ikan yang sama, ukuran otolit lebih besar pada bulan November 2017 dibandingkan dengan pada bulan Agustus 2017. Ukuran otolit serta hubungan regresi dengan panjang total ikannya dapat digunakan untuk penentuan (pemisahan) stok ikan selar betong Selar crumenophthalmus. Ada kemungkinan sampel bulan Agustus 2017 merupakan stok yang berbeda dengan sampel bulan November 2017
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